There is No Athletic Master Race: James LaFond By John Steele

Here is a great article by US martial artist James LaFond, debunking the line taken by the likes of American Renaissance, that Blacks are an athletic master race. It is just not so.

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Reversing Aging? By Mrs Vera West


According to G. M. Fahy (et al.), “Reversal of Epigenetic Aging and Immunosenescent Trends in Humans,” Aging Cell, May 11, 2019, doi:10.1111/acel.13028, it is possible to reverse human aging at the cellular level by about 1.5 years less than baseline. And there was according to the GrimAge predictor of human morbidity and mortality, a 2-year decrease in epigenetic aging relative to chronological aging.

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European Cave Art By Brian Simpson

An article in Science:

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Letter from a Dark Lord? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This article from January 2016, outlining the New World Order agenda, is allegedly from someone who claims to be from a 1 percenter family. How Roosh got it is a mystery, but not to worry, there is a good overview given, and as fresh as, well, today’s garbage. For, example:

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America’s Frontline Doctors on Covid-19 Vaccination Concerns By Mrs Vera West


America’s Frontline Doctors have put to gather a readable paper on concerns about the Covid-19 vaccines. First the executive summary then some key extracts, for your consultation.

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Honest China? By Brian Simpson

Race realists, like the American Renaissance crew, apart from placing East Asians, second to top on the IQ greasy pole, whites third, like to praise the law-abiding nature of East Asians, base on deep analysis, like US crime statistics. How about a bit of deeper sociology, rather than superficial empiricism? Chew on this, race realists:

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ABC’s Invasion Day By Peter Bennett

Every year I look forward to being mortally outraged when Their ABC goes into the Invasion Day rhetoric. I like to say, well, you guys are getting blood money from the legacy of this invasion, through living in this invaded land and having good jobs, so just jump into the sea! You know the line. But, looks like the ABC has done a Donald, meaning, a cuck. We use that phrase in honour of the disgraceful traitor Trump the cuck.

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Soft Faced Cuck Trump Gets What is Coming to Him! By Charles Taylor

The Democrats are pressing ahead to impeach Trump, to destroy what pathetic legacy he had, now all dismantled by zombie Biden, and to prevent big daddy, for true believers, running again. But, whatever deal Trump did to save his disgusting family, it is for nothing, because the Democrats are no more trustworthy than Pence. Trump’s empire will be destroyed by litigation, and some corrupt judge will put him in prison, in a cell with South American gang bangers.

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The Voices in Senile Beijing Biden’s Head By Chris Knight

Now we know where the voices in Joe Biden’s head come from: it was his controllers beaming information about what to do and say. How useful is it to have a president who the elites can control like a meat robot?

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Karma Harris, the New Commo Vice President By Charles Taylor

The mainstream media are already all over themselves about America’s first coloured woman president, so Biden was just a stepping stone, and every fool who voted for him, voted for Harris. But who is she? Well, I got this via email, and it had no reference, but it is out there somewhere.

“Here is a timely editorial that exposes the hidden background of Kamala Harris from the Combat Veterans for Congress Political Action Committee that is posted here with permission of the author. CVFC PAC supports the election of US military combat veterans to the US Senate and House of Representatives. The editorial begins:

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Who Wants to Become a Genetically Modified Organism? By Brian Simpson

The new wave of RNA vaccines are set to make takers into, technically speaking genetically modified organisms, many on the net believe. How will the Greenies, who embrace vaccine culture, feel about that? Here is one opinion.

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Can Biden be Taken Down Still? By Chris Knight

There are legal strategies that could in principle defeat zombie president Beijing Biden even now, including following through the revelations on his son’s laptop, as well as the ideas below. But it requires the courts to have guts, and not to be corrupt. Good luck with that one, things are in the cultural collapse stage now.

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Washington DC an Open Military State By Charles Taylor

I thought that the Democrats and insane leftists, like the Hollywood scumbags, hated walls. Then how come there is still a razor wall around the parasites in the swamp?  

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Covid-1984 Outback Concentration Camps? By James Reed

I saw this at an American site, no doubt there was mention of it in the Australian press, but there you go. Is this concentration camps in the desert where people will be guarded behind razor wire? Let’s look closer and see how wrong I got it:

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Latest on the CCP Virus as a Leak By Brian Simpson

Here is the latest in the proposition that the Covid-19 virus was a lab construction, by our friends in the CCP. Not that it matters much, as China has got away with it. It was all necessary to take down Trump.

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Gate’s Latest Scheme By Chris Knight

No doubt about it, Billy Gates has his claws in every pie, even the one which your mom out in the country has, which he may soon buy up.

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Monster from the Lost Lagoon, Donald Trump, Slithers Back into the Swamp: The Trump Presidency as a Deep State Psyops By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This video by Tucker Carlson details what is happening post-Trump, with the great Soviet USA purge now beginning. Trump supporters have been defined as domestic terrorists with the implication that they need to be treated like ISIS, only worse. That is the madness that Donald Trump has unleashed. As detailed below, some universities are being petitioned to rescind degrees that Trump supporters have, just for being Trump supporters! People in the military who are pro-Trump have ben culled out, and the FBI has gone even madder, going after the January 6 protesters after letting antifa burn and murder Americia in 2020, which continues, so they are a form of KGB now.

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Chinese America By James Reed

This is post-Trump, and may be dated now that China has their boy in the White House, or is that now, mad House?

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False Optimism as Dangerous as Defeatist Pessimism By Chris Knight (Florida)

Are you sick of losing yet? Natural New had run a type of QAnon line that Trump would save us at the last moment, but prophecy failed didn’t it? Consider:

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Beijing Biden Sworn in as a Zombie President of Whatever the Place is Called By Peter Ewer


Well, Beijingo Biden is now president of what used to be the United States, he soon to be replaced by Karma Harris, because she is a coloured woman. If only she was transgender. But, soon, patience, it will come. Yep, the few things Trump did were undone in about two minutes by Biden’s quivering senile pen. The little bit of the famous Wall, about two feet, will be gone before the electrons on this page dry. Like our American correspondences here, Chris, and Charles, I too am convinced that Trump was a controlled opposition, just an actor, and thus traitorous, and I hope that this idea catches on; it is the next level for Ann Coulter to take on, to make up for her book mistake back in the day. In Trump we should never have trusted. I would like to see him imprisoned, it would be a fitting punishment for his betrayal, and deliver a real message to deplorables, how deplorable things now are. I have come to hate the guy more than I did when he did The Apprentice, an egomaniac show.  

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