Blaming the Boys for “Toxic Masculinity” (Read, “Masculinity”) By Mrs Vera West

The King’s School headmaster Tony George has responded to media and academic attacks upon single sex schools for boys. The claim made is that such schools are the foundations of “toxic masculinity,” which feminists define as basically masculinity itself, since anything, any qualities they do not like, such as strength and courage, gets deconstructed and discounted. Blaming boys, and the schools though, the headmaster said was “neo-sexism.” “Boys can’t be physical and ­adventurous and outdoorsy and do manly stuff because it’s politically incorrect.”  “At the moment anything that’s physical gets labelled as toxic. Don’t blame boys for being boys.’’

This is how far the gender agenda mania has gone, so that boys and men even getting into physical culture is classified as toxic masculinity. Clearly this is just an attack upon males as beings, with the intention of destroying Western civilisation. It is not surprising to see white Western feminists becoming Muslims, as covered in a blog post last week, from the safety of Western society, as it still exists. They will get a surprise if they do succeed in bringing down the pillars of the temple of the West. Their feminism will be gone in an instant.

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Come Together, Right Now! Trump to Meet Milei By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a good sign, as nationalists against globalism and socialism begin the networking procedure. Donald Trump, who hopefully is going to be energised at long last, is going to meet with the new president of Argentina, Javier Milei. I think Trump needs this peer competition to get back to what he promised in 2016, but did not deliver. Yet now after Trump has been put through the meat grinder of the Deep State, he may have learnt a thing or two, and makes an effort to fight back.

Some former Trump supporters like Mike Adams at Natural are arguing that Trump will get elected as president, but will be neutralised once more. That could well be so, but it will apply to all the other candidates opposing the socialist regime as well. Trump is worth another try, even just to give the Left indigestion! 

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Jeff Bezos, One Percenter Carbon Hyper-Polluter By James Reed

Wherever possible I like to supply information and arguments that activists from our side against the climate change tyranny can use in public debates with the opposition, whatever forum that takes place in. We are well aware that the climate change agenda of zero net is targeting our lifestyle, with things like 15-minute cities (really woke prisons), the elimination of fossil fuels and meat eating to be replaced by bug eating, for us, but seemingly not the elites like Bill Gates who likes his burgers, it is said. Then we have a whole new level of carbon affluence of one percenters like Jeff Bezos, who has a $ 500 million superyacht. Recall that this Amazon CEO is also super woke on climate change alarmism, so much so that his foundation will push millions, if not billions, to the climate change agenda:

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The Push is on for Another Round of Covid Shots By Brian Simpson

There is a supposed new round of Covid, I am not sure now what variety this one is (HV.1, EG.5, FL1.5.1?), there are more now variants than flavours of ice cream, or types of tin soup. But, Big Pharma’s vax sales for the Covid jabs are way down across the world, as it seems people have finally had enough, getting locked up in home detention, then getting the jab that was to allow them to go to pubs, then getting Covid anyway. Despite vaccinated people getting Covid, as the vaccines do not stop transmission (clearly refuted by multiple vaxxed people getting Covid, many times), as detailed below, the health care authorities are still pushing the line that vaccinations ae still the most important defence against Covid. If that was true, then it would mean that Covid vaxxed people who got Covid multiple times, shows the impotence of the vax, which I believe is so.

To the counter-argument that the virus is mutating quickly and new vaccines are need all the time, well, why bother, as the virus will outpace the vax in this bio-arms race. I go for natural immunity. But, that does not make money for Big Pharma, or give medical technocrats power.

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White Feminists Convert to Islam as the “Ultimate Rebellion Against the West” By Mrs Vera West

Talk about not being aware of internal contradictions. As a protest and rejection of the West, young Leftist feminists are converting to Islam as the cool thing. They are putting this all on TikTok, another cool kid thing to do. They say that it is the ultimate rebellion against the West. Never mind that most of the Islamic world rejects their feminism. Those who are LGBT + face the same fate. What these ladies need to do is to go and live in Pakistan or Iran just to see what they have bought into. Here is what Wikipedia says abut Pakistan’s laws, for example:

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The Universities as Indoctrination Mills: Ex-Professor Peter Boghossian By James Reed

I have been saying this for years, that the universities are evil institutions that need to be shut down, and higher education completely rethought and reformed. I am pleased to see that former philosophy professor, Peter Boghossian, agrees with the thesis that universities are completely flawed, being brainwashing centres. He should know, having come into direct conflict with forces of woke through his many trolling papers attempting to show the absurdity of much of the contemporary Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, so called. Our institutions are so corrupt right now,” says Boghossian. “College campuses are echo chambers; students not only don't hear the other side of the issue, but they think they're better people because they don't, so it's an indoctrination mill — a social justice factory.”

After his academic position ended, he now travels to campuses putting his case, and he has made the point that people should stop donating to universities, as well as to come to the campuses for a challenge. He seems to think reform is possible, but I do not. State funded universities will get by with government funding and international student fees. And visiting the campuses for a direct confrontation will lead to security getting the police, or young socialist thugs attacking.

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Time for Covid Plandemic Accountability By Brian Simpson

Sanjeev Sabhlok, an economist, has done tremendous work criticising Australis’s public health system, in the light of Covid: . Recently he spoke at the Australians for Science and Freedom Conference at the University of NSW, and he delivered the basis of his paper, “The Ugliness, Evil and Impossibility of Public Health.” His position is that “Australia’s Covid response wasted more than a trillion dollars on lunatic policies based on panic - and nobody has been held to account.”

The disease had an infection fatality rate of  0.03 percent for those under 60, and for this reason alone, there should not have been lockdowns. But there was, with enormous social and economic costs that are still being felt by many, whose lives and businesses were destroyed. The useless economic models that were used to justify the lockdowns were all flawed, not adequately considering costs. “The pandemic policies being pursued in Australia – particularly in Victoria – are the most heavy-handed possible, a sledgehammer to kill a swarm of flies. These policies are having hugely adverse economic, social and health effects, with the poorer sections of the community that don’t have the ability to work from home suffering the most.”  “Governments should have also realised at the outset that they are hostage to chronic groupthink and actively sought alternative advice. I attempted repeatedly to raise my voice within my public sector role, but my attempts were rebuffed. The bureaucracy has clamped down on frank and fearless, impartial advice, in a misplaced determination to support whatever the government decides.”

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The Roundup on Monsanto By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

On my farmer, I keep it pure and organic, with no use of insecticides or weedicides. Certainly, no Roundup. I remember well meeting a professional sprayer who told me that sprays like Roundup were fine, and he once drank some to show some doubter how safe it was. Well, I never believed him, but it does show the mind set of someone brainwashed by Big Agri.

Just ask the three plaintiffs in Missouri, who have won over US $ 1.5 billion, yes, billion, over the issue of Monsanto Roundup causing their cancer. This is not the only case of this nature that Monsanto has lost -  it has lost four cases this year, but this is the largest. The case will be appealed and if it goes to the US Supreme Court, damages are likely to be reduced, if the plaintiffs win.

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Anarchy, French Style By Richard Miller (London)

It is very much a toss up as to which country, Sweden or France, will plunge to full-on social collapse first. Another article by me at the blog today discusses Sweden’s crime and gang explosion, usually literally, given the sheer number of bombs and hand grenade attacks. But for France, as Marine Le Pen has said, lawlessness, which is powered by mass immigration, threatens to tear the country apart.

Commenting upon the recent stabbing murder of a 16-year old white male, Thomas, Le Pen said that the French people feel that no-one is safe. Gangs stab people at will, even if they have had nothing to do with them. “A new threshold has been crossed. We are witnessing an organized attack, emanating from a certain number of criminogenic suburbs in which there are armed “militias” carrying out raids,” she said.

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The Israeli-Palestine War: Some Projections By Charles Taylor (Florida)

At the moment there is a bit of a lull in the Israel-Palestine War, as a prisoner/hostage exchange begins. But after that time out, no doubt it will be back to kinetics. This conflict is unlikely to just fizzle out, and escalation seems inevitable. If that is true, what follows for the West?

I came across one substack, and based upon a X post, that detailed the worst-case scenario if both the US and Iran become directly involved. Iran would certainly close the straits of Hormuz, disrupting oil passage. The OPEC countries may put on an oil embargo. Consequently, the price of oil, and hence petrol skyrockets, which in turn turbo changes inflation, as everything goes up in price.

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The Victory of Geert Wilder By Richard Miller (London)

Good news! Good news! First it was Javier Milei, the libertarian anti-globalist becoming president of Argentina. Now in Holland, Geert Wilders has won the Dutch elections. Wilders has been a strong critic of mass migration of the diverse, and of globalism. He has got into hot water with the EU race police, and is banned from travelling to Britain, which is now an absurdity, since a Western country now has a ban on an elected prime minister entering the country, if the 2009 order is still holding:

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The Gangs and War Lords Who Rule Sweden By Richard Miller (London)

To see the joys of multicultural diversity at work, one need go no further than Sweden, once a white Nordic country, now fast working itself towards extinction. At the 11th hour Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson is worried about things like, “execution-style shootings carried out by “child soldiers,” apartment buildings rocked by bombings, innocent relatives targeted in vendettas,” and unending war between rival gangs, shooting it out with AK 47 assault rifles. And the gangs are getting children to carry out executions, as this allows the adults to escape penalties.


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Black Women Most Likely to have Died in the Black Death? Woke Gone Off the Rails! By Richard Miller (London)

The BBC have recently published a piece where they quoted, unnamed and unsourced research, allegedly showing that from an examination of skeletons, Black women were more likely than Whites to have died from the medieval plague, all due to, wait for it, “structural racism”! The analysis apparently looked at bone and dental fragments. But, that would be inadequate to determine the race, of the samples, but determination of the sex could be done by forensic dentistry depending on the quality of the samples. And furthermore, there were very few Blacks in 14th century Britain anyway, not enough, if any, for such a comparison, so the analysis does not get off the ground.

It may have been a trolling of the BBC, but organisations like this are so woke now that things like this just get through.

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From the Covid Plandemic to the New World Order: Dr Robert Malone By Brian Simpson

Many of us have said that the Covid plandemic mandates were a softening up process for what is to come, as the globalists push ever onwards to their one world government New World Order. Dr Robert Malone at his substack develops this case.

The United Nations and World Health Organization have become globalised administrative entities from powers given to them by sovereign states from regulations and multilateral agreements. And there is even more to come in this globalisation of public health, with the pandemic treaty to be finalised in May 2024, if not defeated. Not only with health, but in matters relating to world’s economy, migration, monetary and financial systems, digital IDs, environment, agriculture, wages, and climate change policies, we find the UN and associated organisations, aiming for centralised control, to produce what Dr Malone calls a globalised command economy.

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Climate Change Hysteria Gets it Wrong By Chris Knight (Florida)

A nice article had appeared a little while back at the American addressing just one mainstream media publication promoting climate change alarmism. The article that is criticised was in The Hill, a pretty much Democrat sympathetic publication, that in the past has even taken climate change alarmist pieces from Australian authors. Glenn C. Altschuler, “Climate Deniers Are Entitled to Their Own Opinions but Not Their Own Facts,” has given a concise outline of what the contemporary climate change believer takes as their faith, and a refutation is then offered.

The claims made by the climate change faithful are extraordinary when given sober rational consideration. Such as, the year 2023 is likely the hottest year in 100,000 years. How is this known, when no-one was around with thermometers to measure temperatures then? And as noted below, even for contemporary times when thermometers were being used, the claim is just wrong. Still, it gets the attention for dramatic effect.

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The Coming of Carbon Passports By James Reed

Coming right up fast, across the world, unless there is mass public pushback, are carbon passports for international travellers, and perhaps after that, carbon passports to even travel between states. Various climate change alarmist advocates have championed the idea that "personal carbon allowances" in the form of carbon passports would vastly reduce the number of international flights that people could make, thus reducing their carbon footprint from air travel.

While the privacy and social control aspects of such proposals have been given a lively internet discuss, the first issue of concern here is that such measures will severely impact upon the world tourism industry. Tourism now is heavily committed to people being able to make use of air plane travel; while sea is possible with luxury cruises, most people simply want to visit a country like say Australia, see the sights, then go home back to work. There is no time for long transport ventures. Thus, along with the winding down of agriculture, the closing of farms, as seen with the Netherlands, the carbon passport will virtually guarantee the end of tourism, creating even more unemployment. But, that is the plan.

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The High Price Beijing Albo has Paid to Communist China By James Reed

It is not just me noticing it, that there is something fundamentally wrong with Beijing Albo’s China policy. As noted by Strategic Analysis Australia Director Michael Shoebridge, to get a handshake to Xi, “Albanese ended two winning World Trade Organisation cases, one on barley and the other on wine … which would have formally established that China uses trade as a weapon,” Mr Shoebridge told Sky News contributor Steve Price. “He has reversed his position on Darwin port, leaving it in the hands of a Chinese operator. “The biggest price he’s paid so far just to get to Beijing is silence on China’s increasingly dangerous military encounters with our Australian military and everybody else in the world.”


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Suing for the Contaminated Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

A brief note to draw people’s attention to a case that has been made in the Federal Court of Australia by Dr. Julian Fidge, a general practitioner and practice principal for Docker Street and South Wangaratta Medical Clinics, and argued by his lawyers, Katie Ashby-Koppens and Julian Gillespie. The case is based upon the allegation that Pfizer and Moderna’ mRNA vaccines contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and DNA contamination. The case originally revolved around issues of genetically modified material, both companies' alleged failure to obtain the necessary GMO licenses and their lack of transparency with respect to the nature of the vaccine’s contents. But now the case has incorporated evidence from across the world that synthetic DNA contaminants are in the mRNA vaccines. The issues now relate to the possible impact of these contaminants upon the human genome, cancer and genetically based diseases. If the case is decided for Dr Fidge, it will rock the health establishment, and they deserve to be rocked and rolled!

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The Coming of Martial Law? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The prediction has been made by geopolitical analyst Martin Armstrong, that with widespread global conflicts erupting across the world, with the Middle East being the latest, and intensifying each day, and with the open southern US border allowing terrorists to enter the US, which even the woke FBI predicts will lead to terrorist attacks across the US, martial law could be seen in the US. By implication, it is possible that martial law could be put into place in other Western countries including Australia, depending upon circumstances, such as if in the Chinese invasion of Taiwan, a nuclear bomb strike is made on the US military base of Pine Gap. The public panic will then be even greater than at the beginning of the Covid plandemic.

Regarding the US, I think Armstrong is spot on in saying that the Biden regime wants terrorist attacks upon the US so that under the guise of martial law, they will be able to pursue things in their agenda that are now more difficult to achieve, like the total banning of private firearms: ““You have Neocons pushing for war on all possible fronts. . . . Terrorism leads to lockdowns.  As soon as you start getting this, they will have to know what everybody is doing and where they are moving.  You are looking at ‘Papers, Please.’  . . . . Lockdowns are coming to America again, absolutely.  This is to prevent civil unrest.  So, they want the terrorists to blow up some stuff.  This gives them the excuse to effectively enforce martial law. . . . This helps the government to hold onto power.”

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Terrorists and Saboteurs Are Surging into the West by Gordon G. Chang

Leading China critic Gordon Chang has noted that Western countries with near open migration, non-discriminatory policies have, and still will, allow terrorists and saboteurs to enter their countries.  This was seen with the so-called refugee intakes into Europe from 2015, which led to terrorist attacks, and violent sexual assaults of white women, that still goes on relentlessly. But the present open US southern border is at yet another order of magnitude of a disaster.

The Biden administration, in its desire to beef up Democrat voters, but more keenly to produce the swift demographic replacement of the white population by non-whites, who they think may be more easily controlled in their socialist dictatorship, is allowing “strategic engineered migration” to occur by countries like Venezuela, who have been using migration as a weapon of attack against the United States.

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