The Absurdity of Musk’s Giant Solar Panel Array By James Reed

Elon Musk’s latest idea, to deal with the climate crisis, supposedly, is to power the United States by a 10,000 square mile solar array. Clearly this would be good for Tesla, if it could be constructed. But, as John Klar details, even Musk grants that batteries will be a problem, which Musk believes can be overcome. But, apart from that, there is the outstanding problem of intermittency of power, when the clouds block the sky. And to get the ball rolling the solar panels would need to be constructed, miles of them. Such panels rapidly deteriorate at a rate of .5 percent per annum, and have a life of only two decades or so before being needed to be replaced.

The panels pose the problem of disposal, for after 20 years, one will have 10,000 square miles of junk to get rid of, no mean feat.  And having a centralised power source would make it super easy for enemy missiles to take out the whole thing in one swift attack. But this sort of stuff never worries the environmentalist mind too much, and certainly not the minds of those like Musk.

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Cognitive Health Decline from the Covid Lockdowns By Mrs Vera West

The adverse effects of the Covid lockdowns are beginning to get into mainstream discussions, at least within the science and medicine journals. Thus, a study has recently appeared in the journal The Lancet Healthy Longevity, titled "Cognitive Decline in Older Adults in the UK During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic." The study showed that there was significant cognitive decline in the older UK population, over the years of the lockdowns. The social isolation from the lockdowns had a substantial impact, with psychological factors limiting cognitive engagement, which is needed to maintain a healthy brain. Social isolation led to unhealthy activities being the norm, such as lack of exercise and increased drug and alcohol consumption. These all impacted upon mental health. And, the impacts are long lasting, and did not disappear after the lockdowns. The possibility of an epidemic of dementia now looms.

Yet, despite evidence like this, with there being severe impacts as well upon children, such as with mask wearing inhibiting language learning, the health authorities and technocrats are holding fast and not admitting that the lockdowns were a failure, even though the lockdowns failed to stop transmission of the Covid virus. The medical technocrats are prepared to roll the lockdowns back in at the first opportunity, being drunk on the power that plandemics give them.

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The Great Green Scam: How Electric Vehicles Harm the Environment By James Reed

With a focus upon India, an article at the pro-Russian site,, puts the case that electric vehicles, which the Indian government is now pursuing to deal with its problem of highly polluted cities, are far from environmentally friendly. Leaving aside all of the environmental problems in producing the vehicles in the first place, the electricity used for the electric vehicles needs to be emission-free. But, India is highly dependent upon coal for its electric generation, which does not make electric vehicles the environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels, given the increased energy demands from such vehicles. Coal-fired power stations will still be running well into the 2030s, with coal-based capacity being 28.83 percent for the year 2031-32. Generation of electricity from fossil fuels will peak at that time, and after that there will be a move to the use of renewables. But, that is too bad for the climate change alarmist position, which predicts ecological doomsday by then.

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The Carbon Hypocrisy of the Elites By James Reed

The globalist climate change talkfest COP28 is now on, and it is business as usual, with the usual thing, that the West is producing too much carbon, with no mention of communist China. One difference though seems to be that the lush meals served will have a more plant focus rather than being so heavily meat-based as in the last conference. And being in Dubai, it may be a bit of problem for the elites to get the usual, what shall we say, female company, afterhours.


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Fear of a French Civil War? By Richard Miller (London)

There have been many predictions of an ethnic-based civil war in France. There was a book written explicitly abut this by the late Guillaume Faye, Ethnic Apocalypse: The Coming European civil War (2019). Earlier in the year 25 retired generals issued an open letter warning of a French civil war due to mass immigration and migrant crime: The latest concerns come from an attack upon a village-ball by migrants, which led to white protesters trying to “invade” the migrant no-go enclave of La Monnaie, which is ruled by drug gangs, and where police fear to creep. Clearly this was a tactical mistake, leading to police arresting 20 of them, since policing La Monnaie would be racist. And, impossible now without army tanks.


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Slovakia Rejects Signing the WHO Pandemic Treaty By Richard Miller (London)

Newly elected prime minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico has rejected signing the World Health organization pandemic treaty. He does not mince words in his justification for his country opting out: the treaty is “nonsense invented by greedy pharma companies.” There is not a lot of information about his policies in English, but he is right on the money, so to speak, here.

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The Coming of Aviation Disasters By Chris Knight (Florida)

So far aviation disasters, caused by pilots collapsing from heart attacks, have not occurred in Australia, but there have been some close shaves and near misses here in the United states, with the pilot of American Airlines flight 755 from Paris to Philadelphia on November 29th having a seizure. The co-pilot was able to remove the paralysed pilot and take over. But the question remains, that if both pilots went down at the same time, improbable but not impossible in the post-Covid vax world, the aircraft is in deep trouble. And single pilots in light planes would end up crashing, and if this was into populated areas, it would be a disaster.

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With Mass Immigration it is Hard to Put One’s Finger on the Pulse of Inflation By James Reed

At least 10,000 foreigners a week, with work rights are entering Australia. So many migrants are coming that the  Reserve Bank is having trouble working out what is going on with the economy. Oh, that is not counting the housing and rental crisis, and inflation. ANZ boss Shayne Elliott said, “You have to stand back and forget next year – just think about over the next five years. Everything Western governments, including Australia, want to do is fundamentally inflationary.” Take student visas alone;  student visas have increased by 104,000, to reach an all-time high of 673,000. Commonwealth Bank head of Australian economics Gareth Aird said, “Incredibly strong population growth is having a big impact on the housing market, as home building has not kept pace.

“But the boost to labour supply is also helping to push down wages growth, which will ease as unemployment rises next year.”

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Oh, Sweet Irony of Ironies! By Richard Miller (London)

Collin Rugg, who I think is just an ordinary person like us, apologies if I am wrong about this, posted this item and film clip, about the latest globalists climate talkfest: “NEW: Private jets getting ready to leave for a ‘Climate Change’ conference in Dubai are frozen on the runway in Munich as 60% of Europe is covered in snow. Let me say that again: Rich people getting ready to board their gas guzzling jets to fly to a ‘Climate Change’ (formerly known as Global Warming) conference can’t leave because their planes are covered in freezing snow.”

I think that the powers that be, are trying to make an example here.

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All are Harmed By Charles Tylor (Florida)

Mike Adams has put the case that America may see medical martial law in 2024, which would be a convenient way of re-doing the election fraud that was done in the stolen election of 2024. But while he does not rule out the possibility of a new plandemic via White Lung Syndrome being the next global thing, there is still the issue of the harm done by the Covid vaxxes. He notes that over 50 percent of people who were Covid vaxxed are showing some signs of illness to various degrees. “Eight out of 10 jab recipients, especially including those who got at least one "booster" shot in addition to the primary series, are suffering complications that could end up disabling them.” Dr Peter McCollough says that anyone having had any number of Covid vaxxes, whether they know it or not has heart issues.

The prediction is that masses of people will fall ill to a disabling level, and they will be put into quarantine camps. Now, while this is possible what is more likely now is that that the cheaper approach will be taken, and people will be forced to lockdown at home under the home detention that was enforced during Covid.

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HomeKeeper: Giving One’s Castle to the Government By James Reed

Chris Wallace, Professor, School of Politics Economics & Society, Faculty of Business Government & Law, University of Canberra, has a paper at The, putting the position that given the economic crisis, the government needs to implement a policy to be known as “HomeKeeper.” This is based upon the JobKeeper program rolled out during the Covid plandemic. Here is how this will work:


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The Disease of Globalism By Chris Knight (Florida)

Another nice critical piece appeared at the American, deconstructing the ideology of globalism, as embodied in the UN climate conference which will soon be delivering its next round of demands to government to obey. As noted, “No form of national government could be properly described as “democratic” or “representative” of the people if it takes its marching orders from the WEF, WHO, EU, or UN.  Globalism seeks nothing less than to create a planetary system of vassalage in which cultural practices, historic customs, religious beliefs, and national sovereignties are all subsumed under the all-powerful dominion of an insular ruling elite.  Speaking the most parseltongued form of “political correctness,” its propagandists denounce “imperialism” while building the most sinister empire the world has ever seen.   

After a century of coercive internationalism in which corporate oligarchs, central bank money-printers, and clandestine security services have conquered the world under an artificial olive branch and deceptive promises of peace, where are we today?  The global population has never been more unhappy.  Apparently, serving as meaningless chits for unelected globalists to trade and control has starved humanity of its zest for living.”

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UK Mask Mandates Now Admitted to have Never Been Evidence Based By Richard Miller (London)

Professor Dame Jenny Harries, now the head of the UK Health Security Agency, who was England’s former deputy chief medical officer during the Covid plandemic, recently testified during the UK government’s Covid inquiry. She admitted that there was no proof that face masks were effective in slowing or preventing the spread of the virus, and may in fact have aided in the spread of the Covid infection. Not only did masks lead to a false sense of security, so that measures such as social distancing may have been relaxed by people, but the masks could also concentrate the virus, increasing infections.

With the health authorities still using, and some returning to mask use, as here in hospitals, and in South Australian and Western Australian hospitals, it is long overdue for a public debate about the mask ideology.

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A Sample of the Globalist Mindset in Ireland By Patrick O’Grady

Here is what we are up against in Ireland, in the battle against the globalised multicult. Abul Kalam Azad Talukder is a Bangladeshi immigrant, and the first Muslim to hold a council position in the Irish city of Limerick. He said: “It is very shameful and they should get public punishment. I’d like to see them shot in the head or bring the public in and beat them until they die.” He was not referring to criminals committing horrendous crimes like stabbing five-year-old children, but to the protesters! No doubt the rest of the government at all levels may hold to similar views. Elon Musk was right, but not only the prime minister, but the rest of the elites hate the Irish people.

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The Battle for Ireland By Patrick O’Grady

American has given a good outline of the present battle for the heart and soul of Ireland, which has been put into international focus with the protests against the immigrant who stabbed children, and the multicult government who ignores the significance of migrant crime, while persecuting white Irish who resist their tyranny.

As noted, Ireland has had many strong fighters for Irish freedom, and the idea of Ireland for the Irish, has been proclaimed. Ireland never had an empire, and did not engage in colonialism or imperialism, unlike the English, and our people are native to this land. We have the same right to exist as other peoples in say Africa, Asia and the Middle East. We therefore have a just cause, and the threats now against the Irish people are greater than ever. Mass immigration is part of our Great Replacement, and we must resist it or perish as a people.

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The Vax Harms that Biden Hid By Chris Knight (Florida)

Covid vax critic Dr Naomi Wolf has made the point that with respect to the deaths and adverse effects from the Covid vaxxes: “You can’t kill Americans … knowingly without the okay of the President because you’re literally burning up too much political capital. No one wants to be on the receiving end of having killed Americans when that crime comes to light without the imprimatur (approval) of the President.” The evidence that the Covid death march goes right to the top of the tree has been found by Attorney Edward Berkovic’ requests under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), for emails to and from Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, Sherri A. Berger, and Kevin Griffis (all CDC staff) between February 1, 2021, and May 31, 2021, that include the term “myocarditis.”

What was found was that 80 percent of the 46 pages relating to the White House and the executive office of the president were redacted, being blank pages. This was done for security reasons. So, what it says is that all along the White House and President Joe Biden knew about the harms the vaccines were causing, but instead of doing something about it, merely doubled down in pushing the toxins of Big Pharma. Note, that in the past, vaccines and other drugs were pulled from the market with far less injuries and deaths than from the Covid vaxxes.

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Cheap Migrant Labour Stifles Productivity By Richard Miller (London)

This item is relevant to both us here in the UK, and perhaps even more so to Australia, with its insane mass immigration program. Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves has said that the UK capitalists’ use of cheap migrant labour has lowered the productivity of the UK; it has meant that local capitalists have not made the needed investments in  productivity-enhancing technology, such as AI and robotics. She said: “productivity in Japan is pretty high. We went to this fascinating place when we were there, which was a factory making robots, but it was robots making robots. It was really quite something.

‘But that use of technology is quite exciting in countries like Japan, but I think we do have a lot to learn from it because our productivity growth has been very poor in Britain.

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Kunstler, on Where it Goes from Here By Charles Taylor (Florida)

James Howard Kunstler is from the Left, but his more recent writings provide insight to our side of politics. Kunstler was once a Democrat, but he seems appalled at Joe Biden, and who can blame him? He is also a critic of globalism, so while nothing new is said that we have not said, here are some confirming thoughts from what was once the other side of the lake, but in these strange times, some of the past divisions are disappearing.

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Covid Apocalyptics By Brian Simpson

The Covid years of moral darkness came into effect, not merely to aid in enriching Big Pharma, but to push anti-liberal democratic agendas, in the re-working of world order. As noted below at, the breakdown of traditional civil rights was a necessary step to prepare people for what is the next big thing, war, mass killing and mega-death. The pieces are already on the globalist chess board for this.

But the point which needs to be added to the analysis, is that war itself serves a political purpose, and is one of the globalists’ methods of the re-arrangement of power. It will sort out exactly how their New World Order will operate, be in via the standard US model, or the new oppression-improved communist Chinese model. In the end it does not matter which horse wins this race, since the globalists own both horses and the whole race course!

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The Toxins in Masks; The Toxins of Masks By Mrs Vera West

With mask mandates back in force in hospitals in South Australia and Western Australia, it is timely to review the harms that masks do; the case against masks in terms of their inefficiency in stopping the transmission of viruses was documented by numerous studies. However, this debate has focussed largely upon the surgical masks people tend to wear.

The higher grade N95 masks are a problem as well, as wearers are exposed to dangerous levels of chemicals. A South Korean study has found that the chemicals released by the N95 masks occurred at levels eight times the recommended safety limit for toxic volatile organic compounds (TVOCs). These chemicals have been linked to cancer. The disposable blue masks contain up to 14 times the level of TVOCs. And, these are the masks that our governments forced us, including children, to wear for months on end. We do not know how this will end as the cancers may take many years to develop.

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