Private Jets, Private Yachts; The Rich Elites are the Real Carbon Emitters By Chris Knight (Florida)

We see the open contempt that the Davos elites have for we, the ordinary people, where at their talkfests they always have an anti-meat, let the people eat insects, grubs and bugs speech by some mousey academic type, while the tribe feasts on meat, and gets special services from prostitutes shipped in for the event.


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Climate Activists Wreak Havoc but Walk Free By Richard Miller (London)

This could be the beginnings of a disturbing development in the erosion of the rule of law in the West. We have seen in the US that the antifa Leftist rioters of 2020, were generally set free by Soros-funded District Attorneys, while the January 6 MAGA Trump protesters were treated harsher than any prisoners have been treated since the Civil War, with many being tortured in prison, and denied due process of the law. Yet beyond even the race issues, we now are seeing the rule of law being rode over in the name of climate change extremism.


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Fighting the State Treaties By James Reed

After the No side won the Voice referendum there has been a push by the defeated Yes side to still press on with the agenda of a treaty and an extremely disturbing truth telling commission. There has been more discussion of the treaty than the truth telling commission, but both are clear threats to liberty and property.

The treaty will roll into place the disaster that has been seen in New Zealand, with a highly racialized politics, as well as some sort of reparations. How this loot will be divided from the money of the long-suffering tax payer, has not been detailed, let alone telling us who actually is an indigenous person to receive reparations. And the South African-style truth commission will simply be an institutionalised version of what is done at the universities to denigrate British settlement and the entire foundation of Australia. All paid for out of our taxes!

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Carbon Dioxide Really Shown to be Plant Food! By Brian Simpson

A recent paper in Science Advances throws a spanner in the climate change alarmist works, something we are keen to do at the blog, since this is the core agenda promoting the shutting down of farms (as in the Netherlands and Ireland) and the movement away from the secure energy source of fossil fuels. One of the planks of the climate change alarmist position has been that plants will cease to be what is called carbon sinks, absorbers of carbon, and become carbon emitters. Yet the research has shown now that plants will absorb 20 percent more carbon dioxide by the end of the century than previous predicted! This means that the climate change models being used by the UN and others like the World Economic Forum are off, since they have failed to account for a huge photosynthesis factor. And the conclusion to be made is that the UN models have over-estimated the extent of climate change.

Within the climate change alarmist paradigm, this is a huge blow. Of course, all the parties at the debate here accept the assumption that human-caused climate change is occurring, but the evidence that even from this paradigm that it is an exaggeration, is still useful to us critics seeking to save Western industry, jobs and out life style from a dark fate of returning to cold, barren caves.     

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Climate Change and the Problem of the Uncooperative Ice By James Reed

According to the mainstream climate change alarmist position, carbon dioxide increases since the industrial age, are causing untold dangerous events, such as the melting of the poles, especially Antarctica, which is mostly ice on a land mass, rather than free-floating ice, so that if the land-based ice melts, catastrophic sea level rises will occur. Or, so the story now drummed into every school child goes.

However, there is a major problem here. A paper just published in Science Advances, “Early Sea Ice Decline Off East Antarctica at the Last Glacial–Interglacial Climate Transition,” has shown that ice core and other geophysical data indicates that in the past a rise in carbon dioxide levels occurred a substantial time after, not before warming periods. Worse, for the mainstream climate change position, a vast amount of melting occurred in Antarctica from 21,000 to 19,500 years ago, which around 2,000 years before the local Antarctica climate started warming by up to 8°C. This in turn led to a rise of COof 80 parts per million (ppm). In other words, increases in carbon dioxide are effects, not causes of climate change.

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The Tale of the Autopsies By Brian Simpson

Dr Peter McCullough has published a paper discussing the evidence related to autopsy findings in death after Covid vaccination. They examined every published autopsy report in a leading medical journal reference data base, and then independently adjudicated each death from the data. On this basis they concluded that 73.9 percent of deaths after vaccination are either direct due or significantly contributed to by mechanisms resulting from Covid vaccines.

While that is an important result in itself, what is also of interest, is that the paper was then labelled by so-called fact checkers as false news, even though the paper had been peer reviewed. This shows as Dr McCullough says, “that our paper is devastating to the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex pulling the strings of an army of fact checkers, social media bots, editors, and publishers. They are hell-bent on blocking or discrediting the truth on vaccine side effects in order to push the global lockstep “safe and effective” false narrative.”

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Senator Malcolm Roberts: The Failure of Wind By James Reed

After doing a great job on the Covid scamdemic, defending our basic liberties and civil and human rights, Senator Malcolm Roberts is going full power on attacking the climate change alarmist scam, with its cultist agendas such as wind power, or lack of power. He delivered a superb speech to the Senate, “Wind Scam Unravels as Projects Fail.” As he notes, wind projects across the West are failing. Ignoring the environmental costs, as the environmentalists tend to do, the economic costs are becoming crushing: “there are not enough mines to mine the materials, not enough steel mills to make the steel nor enough special-purpose ships to bring them across the world.”

It would be far more rational to devote all of this funding and finance to clean coal and making coal-fired power stations more carbon friendly. One could be forgiven for thinking that environmentalists are eagerly hoping for the collapse of Western civilisation, which would definitely fit in with the Leftist cultural critique of whiteness. Yes, destroy whiteness by bringing in a new Dark Age. The Left like colours.

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Professor Augusto Zimmermann: “ The Climate-Change Religion: How Long before Human Sacrifices?” By James Reed

It has been argued by many that climate change alarmism is a death cult. I have put this case at the blog myself. But Professor Zimmermann takes the critique to its logical conclusion, by asking, at least rhetorically, how long will it be before human sacrifices are made to the dark demon of climate change? After all, the Aztecs engaged in human sacrifice to honour their gods, and many cultures sacrifice children and virgin females, in an attempt to influence the weather. His point is that climate change alarmism has become a primitive religion, as illustrated by the environmentalist philosophy that is a version of sin and ecological repentance. And, they certainly believe that humans can control the weather, which is the key premises of climate change alarmism, that human activity is producing the eco-doomsday.


It is of course not necessary for modern environmentalists to go the full way as the ancient Aztecs did with actual physical human sacrifices. Instead, there are human sacrifices being made by the climate change agenda, involving the destruction of people’s lives by the policies of closing down farms and abandoning fossil fuels in favour of so-called renewable energy. And while actual people are not “sacrificed” yet, whales and bird life are dying from wind turbines, so here is a real death count. As depopulation is part of the climate change agenda, along with abortion on demand right up to birth in most cases, there is no doubt that more humans will die, or fail to be born, from climate change than from any other primitive practice.

“History teaches us that some ancient civilisations killed their children to change the weather. They used to practice child sacrifice to appease their gods in an attempt to court their good graces. Those primitive peoples believed that through human sacrifice, the forces of nature could be coerced in their favour. For example, one of the ways the Aztecs honoured their gods was by killing people in a field with arrows so that their blood might fertilise the land.

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Communist China is Behind Cyber-Attacks on Australia By James Reed

Brian Simpson and myself have been covering the issue of cyber-attacks in Australia, which have increased by 23 percent from last year to number 94,000 reports in the 2022-2023. The most notable recent cyber-attack was the hack of Australia's second-largest port operator, DP World Australia, on November. 10.


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Dr. Javier Milei and Anarcho-Capitalism By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The big news in the freedom movement at the moment is the victory of Javier Milei in becoming president of Argentina. Milei is like Donald Trump on steroids, highly manic and energetic. He did electoral promotions with a working chainsaw, indicting his plans to slash government spending. Milei is the first libertarian president the world has seen, and his program is to wind back government to the basic “night watchman” level, only doing basic things that free market fails to deliver in. He was featured in one advertisement, standing by a big white board and tearing off labels like “diversity and women” and tossing them away. In short, all the woke programs will get the chop if he has his way.


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The Global Depopulation Agenda, Up Real Close By Mrs Vera West

Igor Chudov has documented the chilling facts behind the World Economic Forum and UN proposal to reduce the number of births over the next 70 year from 130 million to 24 million per year. As he shows, the organisation Earth4All, a think tank that sprang from the Club of Rome, is also championing this agenda, one which the Club of Rome had.  Earth4All wants a reduction of childbirths by 81 percent by the year 2100 compared to the present level. They have a comprehensive agenda which involves first a massive transfer of resources from the West to the Third World, as increasing wealth levels will supposedly reduce the birth rate. And as well as part of this, the program requires replicating the strategy which has been done in the West of “empowering” women, so that they are working in the workforce and to busy to worry about having children.

This succeeded in the West, but I doubt it will do much in African nations like Nigeria, as the population momentum is now too great.

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Unleashing a New Potential Vax Threat By Chris Knight (Florida)

There is now a whole new class of “vaccines,” or more precisely gene therapy, called “Immunization DNA,” iDNA. The mRNA gene therapies, called vaccines, used against Covid, are based upon only the spike protein components. But now with iDNA, there is encoding for the entire virus. What this means is that now the cells produce the whole virus, not a part of it, but it is supposedly attenuated, rendered harmless. Or so Big Pharma says.

However, as Dr Mercola points out, all of these alleged safety proclamations were made with the mRNA vaxxes as well, but it is now known that the mRNA does not stay at the injection site and has affected millions with adverse effects. As Dr Mercola notes, if here could be these problems with a mere part of the virus being made by the human cells, then there is likely to be even more issues with the whole kitchen, or lab, sink.  

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Klaus Schwab, James Bond Level Villain By Richard Miller (London)

Breitbart had an interesting story, based upon material from the new book, Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life (2023), detailing how World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab jointly formed this organisation (his partner soon resigned in disgust), starting with only $ 6,000 in seed money in 1971. The World Economic Forum has since grown in its globalist evil to get $ 390 million per annum. It does a lot of damage to freedom with that, to be sure. As they note: “The market capitalization of WEF’s top members—corporate behemoths like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta, Google, Comcast, and Pfizer—tops $10 trillion. Double that if you include $10 trillion-asset manager BlackRock, whose founder and CEO Larry Fink is a WEF board member. So, with more than $20 trillion—greater than the GDP of every nation in the world except that of the United States—sloshing around in its member coffers, it is easy to grasp why the WEF is able to exert extraordinary influence.”


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Australia: World Leader in Extinguishing Civil Liberties By Paul Walker

I came across this opinion piece, which while not being exactly new in its sentiments, is a very good summary of what has happened over the Covid years, and the likely shape of things to come without the public waking up to the fact that like the proverbial frogs in water over a heater, they are being slowly cooked. As noted, the authorities treated Covid as a new Black Death, even though its mortality rate was around 99 percent survivable for most people not aged over 80 years of age, or immune suppressed. On that flawed basis, under influence of the communist Chinese (who gave the West Covid in the first place from their Wuhan bioweapons lab) via the World Health Organization, the most draconian attack upon civil liberties ever seen in Australia’s history began.


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The Prime Minister has Not Learnt from the Voice Failure: Senator Price By James Reed reproduces some thoughtful comments by Senator Price, who did such great work opposing the Voice referendum, with her comments that the prime minister has not learnt anything from the failure of the Voice referendum. True indeed. But as I see it, it is not a matter of the prime minister attempting to act to serve the Australian people. That is not what the modern system is about, with a few exceptions such as Senator Price. It is all about serving the real masters, the globalists of organisations such as the United Nations.


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The Funding of Zero Net and Other Climate Change Monstrosities By Richard Miller (London)

The radical climate protest groups seem to be well funded, unlike our side of politics which struggles to get by. So where does the money come from? George Soros? Maybe. But an investigation by the Telegraph, who is good on these things, has uncovered a whole gang of British billionaires who have been bankrolling the zero net mania to the tune of multi-million-dollar donations.

British financier Sir Christopher Hohn has donated more than £670 million to climate issues from his philanthropic fund in less than a decade. He along with Michael Bloomberg, a former New York mayor, have funded the C40 cities network, which are cities who have mayors who agree with radical climate policies, such as seen with London mayor Sadiq Khan, who has called for people to eat less meat, give up their private cars, all in aid of dealing with a supposed climate crisis.

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The War on White South African Farmers By Keith Ruger

Not only are South African farmers subjected to farm invasions, but now, as part of the government plan to drive them off the land to be replaced by Blacks, white farmers are banned from exports unless having a Black partner. It is but one more example of the South African government’s racist policies which are far worse than anything seen back in the apartheid era. And, it will further cripple South African agriculture, which already has had racial impositions made upon it, such as regulations that came into force in in May this year giving racial quotas for the use of water. Enterprises which use or store water will not be granted water licences unless they have a Black shareholding of between 25 and 75 percent. It goes on and on.

As I have said, if white farmers could gain access to say Russia or South America to start all-over again, even walking away with nothing, it would be better than slowly being wiped out here. South Africa is a lesson in anti-white racism and the mania of diversity that should be a telling lesson to the West of what is in store down the track when whites in Western countries become minorities.

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The 5G + Threat to Health By Mrs Vera West

Along with governments being in hock to Big Pharma, Big Tech is probably even more controlling. Thus, when 5G tech was rolled out, the governments proclaimed that there were no health issues here, nothing to see. Wherever the global corporate elites have profits to be made, expect “our” governments to be compliant to their every whim.


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Sudden Deaths Blamed on … Climate Change! By Brian Simpson

It was inevitable that the two recent obsessions of the ruling elites, Covid and climate change would join up. These scams are both of importance for advancing a one world government, at least controlling the West in a New World Order. But there are other aspects to this as well, as the Covid plandemic ideology and climate change can be used to cover for each other. Thus, suppose that the mRNA vaxxes are flawed and really have led to the excess deaths seen since the vax rollout. How does the system explain this, when they themselves admit that the deaths are not from Covid, for to do so would be to admit that the vaccination program was a failure?


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One Health World Government By Brian Simpson

The vibe of the time, at least since the Covid plandemic, has been the dismantling of liberal democratic traditions, in favour of the model of governance offered by communist China, as progress to a one world, New World Order. This reworking of the Western philosophical ethos will not happen overnight, but it is being done at a rapid pace none the less.

Thus, today at the blog James Reed covers the totalitarian ramifications of the Albo Labor government’s Combating Misinformation and Disinformation Bill, which will effectively eliminate free speech on the internet. The government here is making no effort to hide its intentions, as it considers activities such as questioning the safety to the Covid vaxxes to be beyond the pale, and even opposes an investigation into Australia’s excess death rate. As well, it would certainly consider proposals that the Covid virus was not a natural evolutionary product, but came from a bioweapons lab, alarming disinformation too. In fact, this is a government which did not, and has not challenged communist China about its illegal sonic attack upon Australian navy divers, so expect the worst.

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