The UN Global Health Power Grab By Brian Simpson

We have covered his topic many times, but it is important enough for another take, by Dr Mercola, who has a ripper of an article on the World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty, the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHRs) and the global One Health agenda. This is a power grab to set up one of the main planks of the New World order, “global dominion by the few and total control of the masses,” a technocratic dystopia. The great concern here as far as personal health goes is the given the tight relationship between Big Pharma and WHO, the mRNA vaxxes for many diseases will become mandatory. The WHO will have a hair trigger about declaring pandemics, and thus the evil dialectic will be set up, where a pandemic, probably caused by a lab release, will be met by a largely untested mRNA vax. Given what we have seen with Covid the prospects are frightening indeed.


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Does Apple Want the Complete Destruction of All Life? By Chris Knight

This story appeared at Mike Adam’s Natural last week. It was a response to an ad that Apple did on the companies’ carbon reduction. In that ad a woke Black woman say: “Our Aim is to permanently remove carbon from the atmosphere.” Adams adds the word “all” to the quote made by a Black woman representative. He rightly says that this means the end of all life on Earth, as all living things, die.


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Facing the Deathbed By James Reed

Death is the great leveller, so let’s talk about it. According to researchers at the New York University Grossman School of Medicine, who research deathbed experiences, people’s lives do flash before their eyes. What is a fascinating find is that it was assumed that there was little or no brain activity after around 10 minutes of a cardiac arrest, as the brain was deprived of oxygen. However, it was found that there were signs of near-normal brain activity for up to an hour, even with oxygen deprivation. According to one researcher: “Our brain is very robust” and “is more resilient to oxygen deprivation” than expected, and the brain “can restore itself and have markers of normal brain activity.” Yet, some brains do not restore, and die.

The materialist will see this as a surprising result in neuro-anatomy, but a case could be made, that those patients who do have this amazing survival experience are those whose time is not yet up, and God had decided that He wants them to live on.

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The Juice on Fruit Juice By Mrs Vera West

I used to think that drinking fruit juice was super-healthy, but then I read Dr Mercola on the dangers of fruit sugar, fructose, that comes from the concentrated juice rather than eating the whole fruit, and this is just like drinking pure sugar. The material below is a great, easy-to-read summary of what is wrong with fruit juice. In short, it is a production line product, and the process of making the juice involves numerous artificial processes to produce a homogeneous flavour. It is far better to consume the whole fruit, which will be much higher in fibre and other nutrients. This is important for people who are diabetic, like me, or pre-diabetic, where excess sugars could be a big problem.


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Cutting Down the Humanities … it’s Only Humane! By James Reed

So, the Australian Catholic University (ACU) is chopping down the Humanities, axing jobs by the forest load, and all I can say, is good on them! The jobs may at first blush might seem to be in the conversation of mankind, but reading all the material I see that woke weaves through things, including even medievalism. Thus, better to close them down. Real work on the preservation of Western civilisation will be done outside the university system. People interested in say philosophy can have a day job and do their work at night, perhaps by candle light to get into the spirit of things.

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A Liberal Atheist Opposes Abortion By Mrs Vera West

Pat Greenhouse outlines the case that can be made even from the perspective of liberal atheism, of opposing abortion. This may seem surprising since we normally see religious arguments against abortion, mainly from Christians. However, the point to be made is that the atheist can still see the human foetus as being a genetically independent and distinct new person, coming into existence at conception. The atheist tries to explain this moral worth in various ways, perhaps even having the worth of persons as an axiom, an unproven, but intuitively true assumption. The Christian, in the alternative, sees this unique being as made by God, as part of His divine plan.

In both cases there is a convergence of opinion between two opposite view points on this issue, and that is a very good reason to see the opposition to abortion as fundamentally correct.

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Dr Peter McCullough before the European Parliament By Richard Miller (London)

Leading Covid vax critic, Dr Peter McCullough appeared before the European parliament, and discussed the array of illnesses associated with the Covid vaxxes, and adverse effects. He said that the entire vax scheme was a crime against humanity, and one of the worst aspects of this was governments and corporates conspiring to prevent early treatment protocols, to keep the ball game in Big Pharma’s park, for big  profits. As noted below: “… the largest autopsy study in the world revealed the shocking statistic that 73.9% of deaths of those that were ‘vaccinated’ are due to the vaccine. When vaccinated people die due to myocarditis it is due to the C19 injections 100% of the time.” That alone should put any non-corrupt government on red alert, but most governments in the world have become little more than promotional agents for Big Pharma.

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Censored for Saying Women have Periods! By Mrs Vera West, Women’s Writer

It certainly is right to call this woke madness. While men probably don’t think much about it, periods are an important part of life to women between puberty and menopause, normally over 35 years. Women’s health writers frequently deal with this issue for young women having their first period. It is an important part of life, as we need both sexes to reproduce. The Bible and science say so. But, things have changed.

The ladies’ sanitary pad manufacturer Always has told writer Milli Hill that the “women,” “girls” and “females” should be removed from online articles about periods to avoid offending transgender people. It would seem that such people also have “periods,” or believe so, in this socially constructed world. Helen Joyce, of the women's rights organisation Sex Matters, said: 'It's bad enough that Always has taken the ideological decision to erase women and girls – its entire customer base – from its communications and advertising. It's downright sinister that the same ideological choice appears to have been foisted on Milli Hill, who's done such important work demystifying and destigmatising periods.'”

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Talk about Irony! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This tweet just came up on the corner of my over-worked computer from a leading US psychologist, obviously critical of president Trump:

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The Voice: Warren Mundine Goes for a Treaty …Why am I Not Surprised! By James Reed

Warren Mundine was acting as reinforcement for Senator Jacinta Price UNTIL the last few days when he has negatively impacted the “Fair Australia” efforts to achieve a NO vote.  He wants to change Australia Day and is calling for Treaties.  A Treaty is part of the Voice plan and the YES case.  Where is his true loyalty? Well, it must be to the agenda behind the voice, the treaty. Best that we see it all come out in the wash now. The great organisation, the Australian Monarchist League, has comments of some home truthscabut him ia a recent email;

“A year ago we had an online meeting with Warren Mundine following which he was invited to address the AML National Conference in November 2022.  He initially accepted but then withdrew his acceptance.  We then noted that he was serving on one of the Australian Republican Movement's sub-committees.

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The Voice and Native Title: The Surrender of Australia By James Reed

A new map, released by the National Native Title Tribunal, shows that native title now covers around 50 percent of Australia! There is another 12 percent of the land mass of the country yet to be considered, but one can bet a bottom dollar that these will be successful claims.

It is said that following Mabo, and Keating’s Native Title Act that native title cannot threaten private property, since here is an exclusive interest in the land that extinguishes native title. Thus, these figures relate to unallocated or vacant Crown land and certain areas already held by, or for, Indigenous Australians. That has not stopped claims being made to metropolitan areas as detailed by this report in 2006: “MORE native title claims over metropolitan areas could be made after Tuesday's Federal Court decision to recognise native land rights over the city of Perth, the federal Attorney-General, Philip Ruddock, said yesterday.

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The UN Political Declaration on Pandemics By Brian Simpson

Brownstone has given us an update on all the evils the UN is up to regarding the declaration, “Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.” The declaration fits in with the World Health Organization proclamation that a future viral variant can be a “public health emergency of international concern.”

What is occurring here, as detailed below, is that major health decisions will be taken away from nations states. They use the Covid plandemic, which is defined as a health disaster, as showing that nation sates cannot effectively control pandemics, and that a top down centralised approach by the UN and WHO is needed for future pandemics. The clear point is that there will be worse pandemic that Covid, with a higher death rate, such as Nipah, which has an outbreak at present in India, and this virus kills up to 70 percent of those infected.

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Javier Milei: Out Trumping Trump! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Tucker Carlson has done another video that has gone viral, featuring Javier Milei, who if the coming Argentine election is not too corrupt, could become president. He is an old school libertarian, meaning freedom is the foremost value and the state needs to be pruned back. He is a strong opponent of abortion, something to be covered in another post. He intends to start cutting down the government beginning with the Central Bank and work from there. Here are some of his thoughts on the fundamental values: “Because as a liberal – well, libertarian liberal because in English liberal is different – I’ll say ‘libertarian,’ we believe that liberalism is the unrestricted respect for the project of life [pursuit of happiness] of others, based on the non-aggression principle, and in defense of the right to life, liberty, and property,” Milei said. “Therefore, clinging to these ideas of liberty, basically, one of the fundamental ideas is to defend the right to life. So philosophically I am in defense of the right to life. Then there is a justification from the point of view of science, of natural science, which is the fact that life begins in the moment of fertilization, and in that moment a new being, in evolution, is generated, with a different DNA.”

He will certainly be an added virtue to the opposition to globalism, as he will, on these principles oppose the Worldly Health Organization pandemic treaty, although there is nothing on this in English I could find, but there are likely speeches in Spanish.

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Simmering Racial Tensions in Non-White London By Richard Miller (London)

There is a video going vial of a “Asian” shop owner dealing with a Black woman who he believed shop lifted. The woman struck him, and the video shows him grabbing her by the throat. This led to mass protests outside the shop, and the closure of the shop. Some Black protesters did the predictable thing and blamed white supremacy, but there are not many whites around in that area of London which is mostly non-white. The incident shows just how the multicultural society will go when the stabilising force of majority whites are gone. So much for diversity being a strength! It is tribalism, all the way down.

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The Voice: Our Elites Despise the West: Doug Stokes, “Against Decolonization” By Peter West

Professor Doug Stokes is author of the book, Against Decolonization: Campus Culture Wars and The Decline of the West, forthcoming in November 2023. The book takes a detailed look at the idea of decolonisation, that began with Critical Race Theory on universities, but has spread to now influence public policy. The idea is that the West in the past colonised land masses, and this displaced the native people, committed genocide, and said natives have since been subject to racism. The decolonisation movement is more than just opposing colonisation, but sees this process as intrinsic to the West, and to white European people, and thus sees the need for Western civilisation to be deconstructed.

To see the decolonisation dogma in a local case, look no further than the Voice, where the foundation document behind it, the Uluru Statement, runs the line that Australia was invaded by the British, genocide committed and that the Australian state that was established is illegitimate. Guess where the Voice, if successful, will take us?

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The Elimination of Cash in Australia: Another Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Experiment By James Reed

Here is an update on the drive to eliminate cash in Australia. We know that the federal government is wanting to establish a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), but most people do not realise just how quickly everything is coming together. The idea seems to be to use the attack upon cash to leave no option for people. We have documented at the blog the banks that have moved to ban cash, and a summary from Lifesite, is given below. The core argument of the government and banksters is that people are using less cash, so let’s ban it altogether. It is like arguing that people are using less water, so let’s ban water, the same illogic.

One alarming prediction is that cash will be functionally gone by 2025; it will be that organisations like supermarkets will cease to take cash and there will be nothing that one can do about it. Hence, it is vital that the next thing after the Voice referendum fight will be to address this issue; there has been some success in the UK against this, but here in Australia resistance has been slower, so we need to get to work.

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The Menace of Behavioural Scientists By Brian Simpson

The social scientists, so called, that most of the Dissent Right confront, are largely of a theoretical camp, such as feminists and gender theorists. However, lesser known are behavioural scientists, mainly in the fields of empirical psychology, who set out to not only empirically observe human behaviour, but to devise ways of manipulating it and changing it. has documented the impact these behavioural psychologists had during the Covid mandates and pandemics, carefully monitoring just how much “pain” the population could take. The use of the word “pain” is deliberate, since early experiments done by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram during the 1960s, involved exactly that. In these studies, an authority figure ordered participants to deliver what they were told, falsely, were dangerous electric shocks to another person, who they could not see. It was found that most people were willing to do this, even up to the point of killing the person. People would thus obey authority, and more so if backed up by threats.

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Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals … in Everybody! By Richard Miller (London)

The chemical Bisphenol A (BPA), is a chemical widely used in packaging, especially plastics, such as in water bottles. It has been found, based upon a European sample, that this chemical was in the urine of 92 percent of the sample of adults from 11 European countries. Given the homogeneity of consumer lifestyles now, we can predict that the same findings would occur if Australians were tested, and perhaps even more, with Australian high consumption patterns. BPA has numerous ill-effects attributed to it, including effects upon the brain, heart and reproductive system. BPA is one of many hormone-disrupting chemicals, and today, people are subjected to a massive onslaught of these chemicals.

It is hypothesised that these hormone-disrupting chemicals are behind the massive drop in male sperm quantity and quality, and may be one cause of the decline of manhood seen right across the West, as male testosterone levels crash, and men cease to be men:

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Children Choosing Gender: Cookies or $ 10,000? By Mrs Vera West

At the link below one can see an entertaining video where a young child is given a choice between some cookies and a pile of money. The child doesn’t understand what the money represents so he takes the cookies. It is a rational decision made under the limits of knowledge, and love of sweet things, and immediate gratification.

 The video asks, if the child makes such a choice under limited knowledge, which by definition the child has by virtue of his tender years, then how can children make even bigger, more complex decisions about choice of gender? They can’t and that is the basic aim of the neo-Marxist game. As detailed below, there are many stories appearing now of children who made the decision to have surgery, only to come, later, to deeply regret it.

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The Multiculturalism Argument from Food; Visually Refuted! By James Reed

Paul Joseph Watson has done a most amusing refutation of the argument that the multicult/ethnic/mass immigration lobby makes, that infinite diversity fuelled by open borders immigration is necessary to give us, the plebs, exotic food, or anything other than potatoes. It is the line pushed by numerous ethnic stand up comedians who are supposed to be funny, but are usually annoying. He gives images of the other side of this. Not to be viewed on a full stomach!

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