The Voice and the Dispossessed Majority of Anglos By James Reed

Here is some great material by Dr Frank Salter, arguing that the Voice referendum continues the racial dispossession  assault upon Anglo-Australia that has been going on since the end of World War II. I have said the same many times here, but Dr Salter has said it better. There is much material in the booklet that I will deal with at a latter date, but here is the relevant material on the Voice to ponder.

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Escape TO New York: The Cost of Mass Immigration By Chris Knight (Florida)

New York is a Democrat woke liberal paradise of political correctness. It is a sanctuary city, meaning that any illegal getting here will be treated with tender loving care, because that is what woke liberals do. So, to test this, Republican states have been bussing thousands of migrants to New York. And it is bursting at the seams, with schools and other institutions feeling the strain. The Black woke mayor Eric Adams, who has been as pro-immigration as they come, has now admitted that immigration is a problem. He sees immigration as having the potential to destroy New York.


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The Threat of Moral Biocontrol By Brian Simpson

Here is some information on a disturbing technocratic development known as “moral bioenhancement.” It seems that there is a substantial academic debate in the field of bioethics, so called, about the ethics of using technology, such as gene therapies and drugs, to alter the thought patterns of people so that they do not believe certain things. Oh, let’s cut to the chase; it is about culling out conservatives and producing mindless Leftist, using biomedicine! The black magic is not yet perfected, and various claims that things like beta blockers make on more Left, are clearly false: I took one last night to control heart palpations and today I am as Right-wing as ever, maybe more so. Still, as detailed below, academics are already supporting the idea of using covert, deceptive means to achieve this.

Clearly, this is one more threat we need to be aware of and confront in the near future.

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News Corp CEO: AI, Rubbish in, Rubbish Out By Brian Simpson

This is an interesting one, as we see a high-ranting media elite unload on AI in the media. News Corp CEO Robert Thomson, was recently critical of the Left-wing bias of AI generated content. And the systems were highly biased as well, producing “garbage in, garbage out.” As well, the technology was set to displace thousands of jobs in the media industry.

Now, while I am no fan of News Corp, Thomson has put his finger on the issue here. It was though not so long ago that AI would have a tough time moving into the language areas, but general AI seems to be easting this up. No-one is safe, and maybe even the elites might be replaced at some point; sweet irony of ironies!

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Black Christian Minister Says Abortion is “Holy”! By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

A “Christian” minister, Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis, made a recent tweet saying that “abortion access is holy and life-honoring.” Lewis, the senior minister at Middle Collegiate Church, claimed that abortion is a good thing to stop “forced births.” “Forcing people to give birth reveals such little respect for life and the wellbeing of everyone involved.”

The claims are profoundly unsound, as argued in detail below in a reply by Lifesite But, rather than go through the points, the most obvious objection comes from the Bible, that thou shall not kill. The unborn is not like an enemy soldier, home invader or anyone threating one; the foetus is most times, apart from rape, conceived by consenting sexual acts. In doing so, the actors should have the IQ to realise that a new life can be created. In doing so, they therefore assume moral responsibility for their actions, just as if ne was getting into a car and driving on the road. Apart from the special case of rape, here is simply no “forced birth” at all, so the basic points are unfounded.  

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The Left Stalked a Female Politician By Mrs Vera West

I almost passed over this item received via email, but something caught my eye. It was about Nicolle Flint, former Liberal from South Australia, returning to politics. She left the Liberal Party after being subject to harassment, that apparently went unpunished. It was by Leftist politicians and Left activists. Men on the Left told her that she should be raped or killed; terrible stuff. I do not know from the story if the police were involved, but they should have been.

For our purposes this shows the utter ruthlessness of the Left, who do not by any means play fair, and will do what it takes to destroy an opponent. Nasty pasties, indeed. But, we knew that.

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Global Internet Censorship Now In: “Digital Services Act” By James Reed

We have been covering the European Union issue of internet censorship via the recently passed legislation of the Digital Services Act. Michael Snyder has a piece where he discusses the significance of this Act for Americans, and by implication, this applies to Australians as well. It means that woke bureaucrats in the EU will decide what goes and what does not, on the internet. It will be done by forcing Big Tech to self-censor under fear of penalties of up to 6 percent of their annual incomes. Naturally, this will panic them into massive censorship. And, as is noted, the law applies to material coming from overseas, so this is an indirect way of censoring the world.

The target is anything the EU regards as “false and misleading,” which is not defined in the Act, and is decided by the bureaucrats and policed by woke fact checkers. It will mean that almost all Dissent Right content will be eventually pulled from the web.

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Boosted More Likely to Get Covid Infected than Unvaxxed By Brian Simpson

This has been speculated about for some time, but now the studies are being done. It has been shown that people receiving a Covid vaccine booster are more likely to contract the Covid infection than those who received no vaccine at all. This is based upon a study of prisoners in California, with subjects from 33 prisons. Yes, that is a lot of prisons in that most liberal of states. The data comprised 96,201 prisons, a healthy sample, with 2,835 cases, and 1,187 of the cases were among people who had received a bivalent vaccine, versus just 568 cases were the unvaccinated. The rest received old monovalent vaccines. Infection rates in the group receiving bivalent shots was 3.2 percent, compared to the 2.7 percent in the unvaccinated.

According to the standard Covid narrative, still pushed by health authorities in Australia of safe and effective, results such as this must be ignored as they are contrary to the Covid religion.

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Communist Chinese Dr Frankenstein Rides Again By James Reed

He Jiankui, a communist Chinese scientist, was jailed for engaging in human experimentation, attempting to gene edit babies, so that is saying something. He is a firm adherent of transhumanism, that genetic modification of humans is necessity to improve the human species, if not replace it by the next evolutionary thing. Anyway, he was jailed for over-the-top experiments, but now he is out, and doing much the same again. And in fact, he is starting to get a celebrity status with a big fancy write up in The New Yorker, linked below.

It goes to show that in out technocracy, mad science is pretty much becoming normal science, and carrying humanity with it in its flood … if we remain oblivious to it, and hence become passive recipients of its evils.

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It is Back! Covid Isolation and Quarantine Camps in New York By Chris Knight (Florida)

We have been reporting on the somewhat rapid moves to roll back in the Covid mandates, beginning with masks for many US federal government departments, then masks in schools and universities. Lockdowns have not yet occurred but New York, a testing ground for the Covid plandemic, is proposing isolation and quarantine camps, just like was constructed in Australia, during the mania.

The State of New York, with New York Governor Kathy Hochul and the Department of Health, are appealing a ruling last year, Borrello v. Hochul, that struck down the New York State “totalitarian and unconstitutional isolation and quarantine state regulation.” These camps were even more oppressive than ones in communist China: “It allowed the Department of Health to pick and choose which New Yorkers they could lock up or lock down, with no proof that you were ever even exposed to, let alone actually sick with, a communicable disease. They could have locked you down in your home, or they could have removed you from your home and forced you to quarantine in a facility of their choosing.

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The Climate Cult of the World Economic Forum and an Engineered Global Recession By James Reed

An article at American, comments on how the globalist elite World Economic Forum, has taken the climate change catastrophe narrative over from the Left for its own purposes, which is, global control by its kind of people. For the first time, a globalist organisation seeks to limit prosperity, at least for the great majority of people, not of course, for themselves or their kind. Thus, both international socialism and the World Economic Forum are united in levelling the West by a vast redistribution of resources to the Third World, so everyone is equal at the bottom of the wheelie bin of history.

 And as argued by our favourite Russian, Igor Chudov, there is an indication that the World Economic Forum, through central bank control by its members, will seek to engineer a global recession to radically reduce carbon dioxide emissions:

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Trump + Robert Kennedy Jr = A Chance for the West By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is clear that with the West facing imminent destruction, that some sort of deus ex machina, a saving hero, or heroes are needed. The case has been put that both Robert Kennedy and Vivek Ramaswamy, could serve in a Trump administration to keep Trump honest and brave in dismantling the Deep state. The argument is that Robert Kennedy could serve as Secretary of Health and Human Services, and there is no doubt that given his track record, he will tear them up, and reverse the World Health organization pandemic treaty.


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AI-Engineered Plandemics By Brian Simpson

Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder of Google DeepMind AI technology, is the latest AI technocrat to warn that AI and genetic engineering now presents nations, and terrorists, with new power to create super-pandemics. AI will allow the design of viruses not present in nature, that humans have no natural defence against.

 Suleyman thinks that limiting access to basic biological material will be the answer. But, like most things, committed terrorist will get around that, and presumably the day is not too far off when the viruses will be simply printed off. If a human embryo can be created from stem cells, with no sperm or egg, as has recently been done, it is not far fetched or fanciful to suppose that designer viruses, not yet seen, will roll off the production line of some bioweapon’s lab. No doubt, this is already happening. 

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Fear is the Foundation of Most Governments By James Reed

Bob Livingston Alerts, via email, are always good and thought provoking. He has recently sent out an email which is essentially an extended mediation upon a famous John Adams quote made in 1776: "Fear is the foundation of most governments." As he argues, with the Covid plandemic as a telling example, along with fear, the governments use deceit as well, lying to the population, often with a bare face, and laughing at their audacity.

We are seeing this at present in major aspects of the Australian Labor government policies, such as mass immigration, which is the highest it has been in the post-World War II world. This is generating a vast housing crisis, putting Aussies on the streets, but the government denies that immigration is a problem, and pushes the line that migrants bring wealth and hence create housing, in the longer term, and skills, eternally short, are always needed. Yes, but as John Maynard Keynes said: “But this long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task, if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us, that when the storm is long past, the ocean is flat again.” 

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The Threat of the EU Digital Services Act By Richard Miller

David Thunder has put together a good critique of the EU Digital Services Act, and how this is a quantum leap in censorship tyranny by the globalist elites.  This new law allows the European Commission to apply legal pressure upon Big Tech digital platforms to deal with “hate speech,” “disinformation,” and threats to “civic discourse,” ideas which are never precisely defined, because the European Commission wants the net to be as wide as possible, to capture all communications it does not approve of. That includes all nationalist, Christian and conservative thought. Trusted flaggers, as they are called, will be employed to search out problematic content, and one can be sure that they will find what they are paid to search for. And Big Tech will face fines of 6 percent of its global turnover, so the Act will make Big Tech even more censoring.

The EU Act will impact upon free speech on the net in countries outside of the EU, since Big Tech will still be liable if content from outside the EU, violates EU ideologies. Thus, what we now have is a global censorship mechanism. Expect that national governments will enact similar laws just because they feel the need, or are told by the globalist rulers, to fall in line with the EU.    

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Australia is Being Swamped by Mainly Non-White International Students, Most Will be Migrants By James Reed

Australia’s international student numbers are “off the charts,” according to the headline from, and they are not kidding. The figures cited below are mind-numbing: a net 502,000 visa holders (excluding tourists) arrived in Australia in the year to July, with student visas being 297,000 of these arrivals. There are 2,554,201 temporary visas  on issue in July 2023, making one in ten people in this country a temporary migrant! And it is now openly admitted that all of these temporary migrants will gain residency, that is the whole purpose of the international student supermarket.

There is no doubt that the present replacement level migration, which if it continues, will make Australia majority non-white even before all other countries facing the same non-white destiny, such as the US. Australia is the great racial experiment of the globalist elites. Probably the globo commo idea here, that the globo commo Labor Party seems to have as a subtext, is to complete the Asianisation policy that Keating and Howard et al. began, so that what was once Australia, falls into communist China due to demographic destiny. Why waste money on defence spending then?

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Vaccine Harms to Come By Brian Simpson

We should still be very interested in the Covid vax issue for two good reasons. First, the elites want to bring back the mandates, if the US situation, which we covered at the blog is any indication. Second, the Covid vax injuries are not over, and by some accounts are just beginning. Effects on fertility and women’s reproductive health, as lead critic here, Dr Naomi Wolf has argued, will span decades, and may even go into the next generation.

Then there is the issue of excess mortality, that across the West, the death rate is higher than average, yet this is not due to Covid or other causes. The smoking gun indicates the vax, but the establishment prefers to say that it is unknown, rather than panic people with the idea that they have a ticking time bomb inside them. Studies have shown that the mRNA spike protein remains in the body for at least six months, and perhaps indefinitely. As the push for new vaccine shots is now in motion, for many this process will continue, for in this society it is vaccine unto death.

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Cyber Clashes and All-Out War By Richard Miller (London)

The world continues a slow march to World War III, and it is utterly amazing tht it has not happened yet. Artur Lyukmanov, is director of the Russian Foreign Ministry's International Information Security Department and special representative to President Vladimir Putin on international cooperation on information security, has warned that the West continues cyber attacks against Russia, but Russia has the means and will to defend itself: “"We want to halt further deterioration," Lyukmanov said. "A mistake in the use of ICTs [information and communication technologies] may lead to a direct conflict, an all-out war, especially as that the White House is aware that Russia has all the necessary capabilities to defend itself. A devastative computer attack against our critical information infrastructure will not be left without response." By this he presumably means nuclear war, since the cyber attacks could well threaten the functioning of some of Russia’s nuclear defences, which Putin would see as an existential threat.

What is usually ignored in this discussion about cyber-warfare is that the most danger comes from EMP, electromagnetic pulse attacks, upon the grid and electronic infrastructure. It would only take one large nuclear bomb exploded in the stratosphere to achieve this, and to kill, according to Dr Peter Pry, and a US Congressional Report, 90 percent of the population in urban areas from the collapse of infrastructure support, as everything that uses electricity grinds to a halt:

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Come On Tasmania, Say “No!” You Know You Want To! By James Reed

The good news is that present all states except Tasmania look like going for the No side to knock over the highly divisive Voice referendum. I am surprised at Tasmania though; if anything, I thought some woke state like my own Victoria would go Yes. But, it is a survey, and it is only as good as the input data, that is, the numbers looked at, and such surveys are most often wrong. That cuts both ways too, and we should not rest up now, as we do not really know the state of play of the Voice until the fat lady sings. Ops, are we still allowed to use that old saying about the valkyrie Brünnhilde from  Wagner's opera cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen ? Probably not; Wagner was white you know.

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Japan with Nuclear Release into Oceans Set to Create Godzilla! By James Reed

Japanese popular culture has been fascinated by the movie conception of Godzilla, a giant monster created by radioactivity, that rises from the sea and sets out to destroy Tokyo. The post-World War II film was a metaphor for the destruction of the atomic bomb, and concern of the ill-effects of radioactivity, that Japan knew only too well from two American bombs being dropped upon them.


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