Australia’s First Covid Deaths were Fully Vaccinated! By Brian Simpson

A group of doctors in Queensland is suing the government for the effects of the Covid-19 vaccine mandates. During the process of discovery it was found that the first Covid deaths in Queensland, 183 people, were from the fully vaccinated! These poor folks had followed the government recommendations to get the jab to be protected from the virus, yet, sadly, they ended up dead. And, the government knew about the lack of protection given by the vax, but still pushed for people to get vaccinated.

The law suit aims to revoke the September of 2021 directive for Queensland that requires all employees who work in the public health and aged-care facility sectors to get vaccinated for Covid-19. If successful it will allow large numbers of nurses and doctors who refused the jab, to return to work. So, the effects of the Covid mandates continues, even though not much critical material is appearing in the normie press.

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Retweet a Video: Get Arrested for a “Hate Crime” By Richard Miller (London)

Here is a chilling injustice that is hard to believe even in these crazy woke times. A conservative councillor in Wellinborough, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom, Anthony Stevens, was arrested for a “hate crime.” He merely retweeting a video criticising law enforcement in the United Kingdom who mistreated a Christian street preacher. The street preacher was wrongfully arrested. So, what we have is someone reporting on a court case where the police were  at fault. Stevens also fell a foul of the British thought police for supporting another councillor who was critical of the trans agenda. Stevens said he was a free speech absolutist, and defended the right to criticise LGBT+.


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Trump: Resist the Covid Mandates 2.0! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Trump for a long time was happy with his assigned role as father of the Covid vax, through the authorisation of the disastrous Operation Warp Speed, which put experimental mRNA gene therapies into the human genome of most people on the planet; some achievement. But, being booed many times at his revivalist rallies might just have got through to him that there is a problem. He at least has come to realise that the lockdowns allowed massive postal voting the most elaborate voting fraud operation in history. That much seems to have sunk in. Thus, Trump sees the present drive to bring back the Covid lockdowns and mandates as an attempt to engage in election fraud on the same mass scale: “They want to restart the COVID hysteria so they can justify more lockdowns, more censorship, more illegal drop boxes, more mail-in ballots, and trillions of dollars in payoffs to their political allies heading into the 2024 election. Does that sound familiar?” Trump asked.

And Trump this time round advises people to resist: “But to every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our freedom, hear these words: we will not comply. So don’t even think about it,” he said. “We will not shut down our schools. We will not except your lockdowns. We will not abide by your mask mandates, and we will not tolerate your vaccine mandates.”

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Save the Whales from the Environmentalists! By James Reed

The example is from America, but it shows the real nature of the environmentalist movement today, which is a long way from its earlier foundations in saving wild life and forests.  There has been great concern among people not normally considered in any environmental movement about the destruction of whales, and other marine life off the coast of Massachusetts, and elsewhere, which has been thought to be linked to offshore wind farms. The construction of these farms has involved enormous sonic pollution, from explosions to drilling, and whales are creatures that use sound to navigate. Large numbers have been washed up on the shore dead since the wind farm constructions have begun, and this can hardly be a coincidence. Yet all major environmental organisations deny that wind farms, something of a new sacred entity, are harming, and killing off the whales. It makes a mockery of hard battles in the past by people in little boats trying to sop whalers. It was all for nothing.

The main reason for this? “The environmentalist movement has been hijacked by financial special interests. In the office towers of Boston, attorneys, developers, and politicians today are slavering with lust over the billions in fees, subsidies, and donations their firms, their companies, and their campaigns will collect as they deploy offshore wind energy atop the carcasses of humpback whales. “Offshore wind is for the greater good, because it’s going to save the planet from extreme weather,” is their unassailable public argument, as the cynics among them laugh at all the gullible suckers.”

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The Great Barrier Reef: Climate “Science” Betrayal in Australia By James Reed

Remember all the stories about the “death” of the Great Barrier Reef due to climate change? Well, the doomsday narrative continues with the latest report from the Australian Academy of Science (AAS): Reef Futures: Roundtables Report August 2023. The conclusion of the Report is that the Reef is “irreversibly damaged,” even though coral on the reef, which is what it is all about, is at a record high. Reef expert Dr Peter Ridd, has written a critique of the Report for the Spector Australia, entitled, “Science Betrayal.”

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Tell Us the Story Simply: Covid Vax Injuries By Brian Simpson

Alex Berenson, a leading Covid vax critic has done us the service of neatly summarising in ten key points, why the mRNA vax is problematic. For a start, the official definition of a “vaccine” was changed to accommodate the new mechanism, which was an experimental gene therapy, causing the bodies own cells to produce the mRNA spike protein, rather than rely upon antibodies to attack and engulf the virus. Before the rollout of the vax, the mRNA platform had numerous problems, including risks arising from repeat doses. Nor did the Pfizer and Moderna trials actually show that the vaxxes reduced Covid deaths, or were more effective than a conventional vax. In fact, the clinical trial data, which Big Pharma did not want released, showed that there were some severe side effects from the vaxxes.

Despite the highly experimental nature of the mRNA vax, the world has been recruited into the largest medical experiment of all time. And, with all of these things, disaster usually occurs.

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Here are the Companies Based in Australia but Foreign-Owned, Usually by Vanguard and/or Blackrock Pouring Millions into the Yes Voice Campaign By Paul Walker

Let us add Pfizer to the list as well. It would be nice to stop doing business with htm, but that will be hard. Next best thing is to defeat the Voice and waste their money, hopefully giving them a lesson on the wages of woke.

  • ANZ (Major shareholders are Black Rock and Vanguard Group)
  • BHP (73% owned by American investors)
  • Coles (Top shareholder group = Vanguard Group)
  • Commonwealth Bank (Top shareholder group = Vanguard Group)
  • National Australia Bank (Top shareholder group = Vanguard Group)
  • Newcrest Mining (Top shareholder group = Vanguard Group and BlackRock)
  • Rio Tinto (Top shareholder group = BlackRock and China)
  • Telstra (Top shareholder group = BlackRock)
  • Transurban (Top shareholder group = Vanguard Group)
  • Wesfarmers (Top shareholder group = Vanguard Group and BlackRock)
  • Westpac (Top shareholder group = Vanguard Group)
  • Woodside Energy (Top shareholder group = Vanguard Group and BlackRock)
  • Woolworths (Top shareholder group = Vanguard Group and BlackRock)
  • Atlassian (Top shareholder group = Vanguard Group)
  • Qantas (Top shareholder group = Vanguard Group)

Now the Mainstream Discusses Immune Problem By Brian Simpson

Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), associated with the Covid vax jabs, has been dismissed as a conspiracy theory. But has been said many times, yesterday’s conspiracy may become today’s truth. ADE occurs when due to a previous infection or vaccination, the body becomes effectively “stuck in gear,” and when faced with a new virus, which is similar, does not attack the virus, but leaves it alone to do its foul viral deeds, or enhances its replication.

A paper in the journal Nature has found that antibodies to the Covid-19 virus, SARS-CoV-2, may lead to ADE. This may be from either infection or via the vaxxes. So, while the mainstream research is slow, the truth is seeping out.

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Good Work, Presbyterian Church! By Peter West

It is good to see that the Presbyterian church of Australia has banned welcome to country ceremonies from main services. As I see it, the welcome to country ceremony is based upon the Critical Race Theory idea, embodied in the Voice through the Uluru Statement, that Australia is a racist country colonised by terrible racist white British. This is an eternal sin, and no amount of “sorry” will wipe it away.


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Lockdowns, Just in Time for the US 2024 election By Brian Simpson

Will the medical technocrats, who gave us the mandates and lockdowns for the first Covid plandemic, and who have never admitted any fault at all, succeed this time round with the new Covid variants? One school of thought holds that people have wised up now. An article at puts the case against this: “Honestly, I never believed they would get away with it the first time. How in the world do you convince Catholic Bishops to demand the closure of Churches on Easter under the excuse of the widespread circulation of a virus with a 99-plus percent survival rate in which the verified deaths from Covid alone is centered on a population older than life expectancy itself? I never could have imagined such a thing would be possible. 

But the desire on the part of aspirational professionals – in academia, industry, and religion – to stay out of trouble and continue to ascend the ranks is so powerful as to cause multitudes to bury their best instincts for what they imagine will be a temporary but prudent compliance. I do not for a moment believe that bravery on the level of the Amish or the Hasidim is widespread enough in the population to create a mass resistance movement. 

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The Globalist Weapon of Debanking By James Reed

A great article at gives another good, informative take on the globalist weapon of debanking, banks targeting individual, and group dissents, and closing their accounts. The weaponization of the banks began with the Canadian government acting to have banks close down accounts of those involved, even supporters, a move which the courts upheld. Since that time individual dissents have been debanked, the notable example being alternative health and Covid vax critic Dr Joseph Mercola, who had his bank account closed down, his family, and also his associates as well.

Nigel Farage also had his bank account closed down, and documents Farage obtained showed that this decision was because of his support for Brexit and Donald Trump and his “transphobic” and “xenophobic” views.  The bank itself decided that these views were unacceptable.

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Expect the Voice to Lead to this as Well: Māori Party Wants Prisons Abolished by 2040 By Bruce Bennett

Various diverse groups across the West, who have a disproportional number of its people in prisons, have been championing policies such as defunding the police, and US Democrat DAs, usually put into office by Soros finance, have been going soft on the crimes that diverse people commit. This has led to a massive increase in shop lifting and the new phenomenon of flash mobs simply raiding stores  and taking what they want. The goods are not foodstuffs that poor people would be thought to go for, but expensive electronics and designer goods.

Along with this has been a critique of prisons, as a part of the Critical Race Theory attack upon the so-called white legal system. The idea, like defunding the police, is to get rid of prisons, which are seen as racially biased. Of course, this denies agency, and reality. An example is Shivanthi Sathanandan, a US Democrat Party leader, who once called for defunding of the police, but was, sadly, recently carjacked by four men with guns, and she was beaten up. Now she has modified her position, thanked the police who helped, but wants greater gun control. Not much of an improvement, but something.

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Artificial Intelligence Moving Faster than Expected By Brian Simpson

I have been watching the evolving debate on the threats of general artificial intelligence. There is the hard core philosophical stuff, beloved of movies of an AI takeover, as in the Terminator movies. But, before all that there is the realistic threat of vast job replacement. Extracted below are accounts of how AI is replacing people left, right and centre. For example, many thought that it would be a long time before AI replaced software workers, hence the mantra, learn coding, usually made by those who cannot code. But a recent experiment showed that OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which is still early days in general AI, can operate an entire software company with minimal human intervention! If AI can do this now, its capacities for job replacement in the future are frightening.


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G20: Digital Currencies and Digital ID By Richard Miller (London)

The global movement to digital currencies and the elimination of cash is proceeding at full speed, and the threat needs to be taken ultra-seriously, since once in, it will give the Dark Lords the power to control people by controlling their money. Debanking, as was seen with the case of Dr Mercola, families and associates, will be easier than it is now to control dissents. And now the leaders of the Group of 20 nations, G20, have agreed to their members moving to digital currencies and digital IDs. They are well aware of cryptocurrencies, and will seek to control them as well, as nothing will be permitted to escape their net of global control.

The digital IDs will be like the Covid passports, according to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

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Dr Berg on YouTube Censorship re WHO By Mrs Vera West

Dr Berg is a quiet speaking, intelligent speaker, with informative videos about alternative health. There are hundreds of great researched items. But now, YouTube will be following the dictates of the World Health Organization. Either entire alternative health sites will be banned, or, as is occurring now, the algorithms will do the censoring by not showing up well-visited sites. Really, this is the writing on the wall for YouTube, as increasing numbers of posters are getting either demonetised, or outright censored. Time to move to alternative sites like Rumble and many others no with a more open policy.

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The Great Legal Hypocrisy By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Conflicts and contradictions are common today, more so than agreements, as social capital in our diverse, multicult societies, disintegrates. The same basic fissures can be seen in law. As an example, several pro-life protesters staged a civil rights sit-in at a Washington DC abortion clinic. They were hit with the full force of the law, designed to further the abortion industry, needed for delivering foetal tissue to Big Pharma for its diabolical experiments, getting penalties of a decade in prison and $ 300,000 fines. But, the Left-wing fanatics who violated federal law by staging intimidating protests outside the homes of Supreme Court of the United States judges who were involved  in the decision to over-turn Roe v Wade, were not punished at all.

As pointed out in another article this week at the blog, this is anarcho-tyranny in action, government iron-fisted tyranny, allowing anarchy and violence at the micro-level.

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The Failure of Masks: Association of American Physicians and Surgeons By Chris Knight (Florida)

With the drive to get the panic and fear going for another Covid plandemic, moved by new Big Pharma vaxxes ready to be pumped into the willing veins of the faithful, the mask mania is also getting put in place. Schools, colleges and universities across America have moved back to masks. It is like them being old friends. Indeed, as argued in an extract from, head and face coverings have been common in all religions, and the religion of Covid, is not different, having its masks as its sacred symbol. Such masks serve the purpose of the identification of the obedient, as Mrs Vera West pointed out this week, and no other medical function.

It is significant that the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) has recently issued a statement that the masks, including the granddaddy of them, N95, do not prevent transmission of the Covid-19 virus. "Government recommendations and mandates regarding face coverings have been contradictory, provided to the public as authoritative without evidence, are in conflict with the available data, and neglect to mention any potential harm from use of coverings or masks."

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Macquarie Bank Puts Cash in the Scrap Heap By James Reed

The relentless movement in Australia to repeat the Nigeria disaster of going cashless, proceeds. The latest bank to say that they will be scrapping cash in all branches is the Macquarie Bank. It will be completely cashless by November 2024. “Between January 2024 and November 2024, we’ll be phasing out our cash and cheque services across all Macquarie banking and wealth management products, including pension and super accounts.” There is some outcry that this move will impact upon people in regional areas and the elderly, but how much influence do they have/ Before we know it, cashlessness will be in, with Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), and the potential to control all financial transactions of people, and debank them when necessary for social control purposes, instantly, as we have seen in the US case of Dr Mercola and associates and family.

Opposition against this must get strong now, so let’s make this the next big fight after we defeat the Voice referendum.  

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Stop the UN’s Pandemic Treaty Push! By James Reed

At last there is a global response to oppose the World Health Organization pandemic treaty, which is the health branch of the New World Order, coming up for signing in May 2024. The link below at has a petition that we all should sign, so circulate the good oil.

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The Death Spiral for Cars, If We Let It By James Reed

I have noticed that articles like the one extracted below are appearing, where in accordance with the Green climate change agenda, it is prophesied that private ownership of cars will end by 2030, at least for ordinary people, but not of course for the elites like Bill Gates who will always have an exception. So, how will people get to work to keep the insane system going? Why, there will be electric vehicles. The prediction below is that one will get a free trip in a fleet electric vehicle while drinking designer coffee.

It is delusional. Sure, if we let them, private cars will go, but don’t expect the elites to give any backup, since one needs to bracket into the equation the Great Replacement by AI, and global depopulation, things well discussed at this blog.

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