How Long before Artificial Intelligence Puts Doctors on the Dole Queues? By Mrs Vera West

As detailed in the mainstream report below, AI is making rapid advances into medicine, with the potential to replace doctors to some degree. Now as a fierce critic of the medical profession, in many ways I do not mind this, if the AI is not totally biased towards Big Pharma, which no doubt it would be. But if there are diagnostic systems that are freer in “thought” maybe this is not all bad.


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The Crimes of Melbourne By James Reed

This one is for viewing; a concerned person has assembled a series of videos of horrid crimes occurring throughout Melbourne, captured on film. It is not for the faint-hearted. And, while the Covid state was big on pepper spraying little old grandmothers trying to get some exercise during the Covid lockdown tyranny, we are not seeing much action dealing with this epidemic of crime and home invasions. Now, why is that if law and order is their big thing?

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International Pandemic Fascism By James Reed

All this has been said by Covid mandate critics online, but it is interesting to observe that the same points are now appearing in scholarly journals. David Bell in a recent edition of the American Journal of Economics and Sociology, puts the case that Covid pandemic preparedness laid the road to the creation of international fascism! As he says in a key paragraph: “The COVID-19 response, intended for a virus that overwhelmingly targeted the elderly, ignored norms of epidemic management and human rights to institute a regime of suppression, censorship, and coercion reminiscent of the power systems and governance that were previously condemned. Without pausing to examine the costs, the public health industry is developing international instruments and processes that will entrench these destructive practices in international law. Public health, presented as a series of health emergencies, is being used once again to facilitate a fascist approach to societal management.” This drive to technocratic control will be pushed to the final level if the World Health Organization pandemic treaty becomes international law, next year. Health decisions will be taken away from the nation state and power given to this globalist New World Order entity. It is one of he most important globalist strategies to defeat, for otherwise we may all be vaccinated at gun point with the latest genetic toxins of Big Pharma.

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Even if There are Rising Temperatures, No Existential Threat: Climate Change Insider Blows the Whistle! By James Reed

This is useful; we have seen in recent times that the UN has moved from the idea of global warming to “global boiling,” capitalising on the fear produced by heatwaves in the northern hemisphere, such heatwaves not being new by any means.

However, Professor Jim Skea, the newly elected head of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the key organisation pushing this climate doomsday stuff has said, that a 1.5 C rise in global temperatures relative to the pre-industrialised era did not pose an existential threat to humanity: “Climate change activists consistently warning of a doomsday in the near future are harming efforts to tackle the current situation … If you constantly communicate the message that we are all doomed to extinction, then that paralyses people and prevents them from taking the necessary steps to get a grip on climate change.” This flies in the face of present ideologies. One wonders if he was given the memos before taking up the post, and if he will be put back into line quick smart? Still, a quote we can use to great effect.

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The Great Covid Coup By Brian Simpson

Michael P Senger, attorney and author of Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World, has written a piece where he makes the thought-provoking proposal that all the agendas of the Covid plandemic, “the masks, the slogans, the symbols, the lies, the sudden inversion of long-cherished norms and values, the mindless acceptance of information from nefarious sources like the World Health Organization and China,” fit a common theme. Why didn’t security organisations across the West step in and stop these violations of fundamental human rights? The reason is that much of the Covid tyranny came from the security organisations themselves in the first place. 

Thus, the US security organisations took the idea of social lockdowns from communist China’s response to SARS during 2003, and as detailed below, all aspects of Covid mandate policies can be traced to the intelligence organisations, rather than health authorities, who came second in command. The evidence is detailed below, but the significance can be stated. Why would these agencies push this agenda? The answer is that being part of the Deep State, they have their own agenda, one that is not necessarily at variance with communist China, so they were free to pick and choose policies to push. None of these policies involved preserving traditional liberal values, such as medical autonomy and liberty. And, while not discussed below, the transhuman agenda dovetails perfectly well with the technocratic militarism pursued by these organisations: “there’s a degree of truth to the critical notion that, by virtue of their secrecy and their longstanding ethos of realpolitik, the western intelligence community may have a somewhat totalitarian culture all on their own, notwithstanding the influence of the CCP. This longstanding culture of justifying the use of force and propaganda abroad may have blinded western intelligence leaders to the illiberalism of the policies their agencies were deploying in response to COVID; thus, what we witnessed during COVID may have been the result of the CIA and its counterparts turning their awesome powers of manipulation against their own people, however unwittingly.

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Go Woke, Go Broke … But is That the Plan? By James Reed

Many commentators have remarked upon the trend, perhaps with the only exception being the latest woke anti-male Barbie movie, that Hollywood has been for around a decade been following a Leftist woke agenda, pushing feminism and transgenderism in films, such as Captain Marvel, the various versions of Star Wars, through to the final Indiana Jones movie, Harrison Ford’s Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, likely to be one of the biggest flops in Hollywood history. Outside of film, we have the example of Bud Light jumping on the trans bandwagon with influencer, Dylan Mulvaney promoting what was once a popular beer. As with the films, sales crashed.

Most conservative commentators are rejoicing that this shows the failure of he woke agenda, and that business sense and profits will ultimately prevail. But I wonder if there is something deeper here; that the globalists are backing this push and are as the major shareholders, no longer concerned too much about losing billions, as they already have the world; what they want is to bring down Western civilisation. It is thus a movement of spite and nihilism. If so, expect much more of this stuff.

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So, Fossil Fuels Go … Then What? By James Reed

The drive is on by the globalist elite to ban fossil fuels in the West; a movement against the use of gas stoves and heaters in both Australia and the US being the latest example. But there are intellectuals pushing back against this and the unsubstantiated climate change hysterics paradigm.

For example, Alex Epstein in his book, Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas—Not Less (2022), puts the case that the so-called climate crisis is vastly exaggerated, but it is still an ideology accepted by the elites, as it serves political purposes. However, as detailed in his book, the movement to so-called renewable energy will not lift people in the Third World out of poverty, as fossil fuels have already aided, but will lock them into deeper poverty: “Fossil fuels are a uniquely cost-effective source of energy. Cost-effective energy is essential to human flourishing. Billions of people are suffering and dying for lack of cost-effective energy.” At present the Green energy initiatives have created spiralling inflation in energy prices, which in turn is impacting upon all aspects of the global economy, at least as far as the West and Third World are concerned.

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John Howard: The Voice as a Dangerous Constitutional Experiment By James Reed

I do not think much of former prime minister John Howard, banning the interesting guns, and advancing like no other PM, the Asianisation of Australia. But at least he is saying a few useful things now on the Voice, as Australia faces possible dissolution and ultimate breakup – I am not the only one to say this, and Keith Windschuttle put the case in his book, The Break-Up of Australia.

Howard can be quoted by No activists as saying that this is nothing more than constitutional experimentation: “The question that the [Labor] government has to answer is why are they putting the millions of Australians who care about the future of Aboriginal people through the misery of an election campaign where they’re being asked to endorse something that hasn’t been explained?”

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The Wuhan Cover-Up: Robert Kennedy Jr By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Robert Malone has received an advanced pre-print of presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr’s forthcoming book, The Wuhan Cover-up: How US Health Officials Conspired with the Chinese Military to Hide the Origins of COVID-19, which will be released by Skyhorse on September 12, 2023. For some odd reason I was not considered important enough to be given an advanced copy for review at blog. Or, perhaps my copy is still in the post, just delayed because of, well, the Covid plandemic 2.0 is said to be starting over? In any case Dr Robert Malone has a copy of the book, has read it and offers the review, extracted below. The plot is simply that the US off-loaded its gain-of-function coronavirus bioweapons research to the CCP Wuhan Institute of virology, and by either accident, or the CCP could not resist, the bug got released, and the rest is history. Actually, it is still on-going, in terms of vax injuries, and the possibility of Covid plandemic 2.0, with rising Covid infections in the US, despite the vax, or because of it:


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Ending Big Pharma’s Vaccine Indemnity By Brian Simpson

Senator Ralph Babet of the United Australian Party has introduced a Bill to parliament, the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Amendment (Vaccine Indemnity) Bill 2023, with the aim of ending the vaccine indemnity schemes that exist in Australia, which gives a legal outer to liabilities for vaccine injuries. According to the Senator: “The potential liability doesn’t end with Covid-19 vaccines. According to the 2023-24 budget, indemnity has also been granted in advance to a manufacturer of a smallpox/monkeypox vaccine and a particular manufacturer of Covid-19 pandemic and pre-pandemic influenza vaccines.” So, here are big interests and money at stake here.

In the US, the story goes that President Reagan had met with leaders of Big Pharma when this issue was raised in the US and Reagan asked why such an indemnity was needed. The vaxxers said because the amount of vaccine injuries would cripple their profits and they could not produce the vaccines. I think we will find the same forces coming into play here as Big Pharma will oppose most strongly the new Bill, and it has a stranglehold upon parliament; see if I am right on this one. But, it is worth trying, for the record.

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The Relentless Advance of Central Bank Digital Currencies By James Reed

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) are being relentlessly assembled by the globalist financial elite, seemingly with the total agreement of the Labor and Liberal parties of Australia. These currencies are supposed to deal with existing problems in the present system, and no doubt we can be sure the globalists are planning some further difficulties down the track, as part of their Marxist dialectics, to create a problem, then via a synthesis supply the “solution” that they want. Across the world the same agenda is being played out, as in the UK for example: “The de facto head of His Majesty’s Treasury announced this week that the Bank of England has begun consultations on implementing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that could usher in the globalist vision of a cashless society in which all transactions are traceable by the government.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt revealed that, as a part of his ‘Edinburgh Reforms’ of Britain’s financial services, the Bank of England will begin consultations on the design of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) which would act as a digital version of the pound sterling.”

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Green Energy is Not Green By James Reed

At a time when the climate change agenda is being pushed by the globalists for de-industrialisation of the West, with Green energy somehow supposedly supplying enough energy to keep people alive, it is timely to see the notion of Green energy being allegedly more environmentally friendly than fossil fuels, being taken apart. Take solar panels for example.

Climate critic Michael Shellenberger has critiqued the Green notion that solar panels do not produce carbon emissions. In fact, research by the group Environmental Progress, cited by Shellenberger, has found that solar panels produced in China produce three times the carbon emissions that the UN says they do. The environmental costs are hidden by China’s production methods: “But the majority of experts consulted by Environmental Progress agree that China’s competitive advantage did not lie in an innovative new technological process, but rather in the very same factors the country has always used to outcompete the West: cheap coal-fired energy, mass government subsidies for strategic industries, and human labor operating in poor working conditions.

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Voice Reparations Could Bankrupt Australia: The California Example By Chris Knight (Florida)

James Reed today covers the issue of your PM Albo dodging the issue of a treaty arising from the Voice if successful as the next big thing. If the rest of the world is any judge, this is inevitable, as why go for a purely symbolic gesture, as Albo says it is, when the big dollars can be roped in?

Take California as an example. Reparation plans for Blacks, most of whom do not had ancestors who were slaves, would bankrupt the state. San Francisco’s African American Reparations Advisory Committee wants 5 million lump sum payment to each eligible person and additional $97,000—adjusted to median income—each per year for the next 250 years; home, renters, and commercial insurance paid by the city; selling condominiums for $1 to eligible residents; and tax abatement on sales tax for the next 250 years”! The idea is that the mythical legacy of slavery will continue for 250 years, which is beyond absurd, but it shows the level of greed involved here.

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Covering Up the Vax Crimes of the Century! By Brian Simpson

Former Wall Street money guru, Ed Dowd, has devoted his teams research energies into examining the issue of Covid vax deaths and injuries, looking at disability data. He estimated that from the Covid vax rollout in 2022 alone, 30 percent of the US workforce had either been killed, disabled or is working while chronically ill. He sees apocalyptic consequences from this: ““Everything is slowly breaking down.  You won’t see this on the news, but you will see this when you need something done, and you will experience this.  You are going to be gaslit and told everything is fine.  There is no problem here.  Don’t look over here.  We are going to see glacial Mad Max.  Things are going to get harder to do.  Businesses and services you take for granted are going to become scarce.  I think we are going to see a deflation in financial assets that will start soon enough.  We will have inflation in things you need like food, medical care and much other stuff.”

If this dire prediction is true, and Dowd made billions as a money manager getting predictions true, the West is in even deeper trouble.

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Russia Posed to Use Nukes By Richard Miller (London)

Things have not been quiet on the Russian nuclear war threat front, even while the present media cycle has been feeding on climate change hysteria. Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, said to be Putin’s mouth piece, said that if the Ukraine in its counter-offensive does capture Russian land, Russia will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons. Things have escalated with the Ukraine launching drone attacks within Russia with a Moscow skyscraper being attacked by drones for the second time in two days. While the damage was not great, it hurt the pride of the Russian military. Vladimir Putin in June of 2020  laid out the Kremlin’s position on “nuclear deterrence’”:

“The Russian Federation reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies, as well as in the event of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is in jeopardy.” The Ukraine is presently attempting to recapture land illegally annexed by Russia in the Donetsk region and the Crimean Peninsula, and arguably, that could be grounds for a nuclear strike. Then, it’s on.

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Water Vapour the Cause of the Heat, Not Man-Made By James Reed

At present various globalist organisations with a stated One World government, New World Order agenda, such as the UN, are proclaiming that the new climate crisis, as seen through the alleged heatwaves across the northern hemisphere, has put global warming into a new category of doom, “global boiling.” No-one is denying that many places are intensely hot, but heatwaves are not new. And even if new record temperatures were set, logically that does not prove that manmade climate change is the cause. By definition, in a series of data points, there will be maximums and minimums, if variation exists, and nothing varies as much as the weather on the planet. Maximum tempersature are going to happen at some point, but so what? Indeed, weather is defined as a day to day variation in meteorological conditions, so how could it not?

That logical point aside, there is evidence that the present warming spell is caused by a greenhouse gas, but not one produced by human industrial activity; water vapour. This water vapour was the product of the eruption of an underwater volcano, according to NASA: “When the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano erupted on Jan. 15, it sent a tsunami racing around the world and set off a sonic boom that circled the globe twice. The underwater eruption in the South Pacific Ocean also blasted an enormous plume of water vapor into Earth's stratosphere — enough to fill more than 58,000 Olympic-size swimming pools. The sheer amount of water vapor could be enough to temporarily affect Earth's global average temperature. "We've never seen anything like it," said Luis Millán, an atmospheric scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.”

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Trump Indicted for January 6 By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Trump has now been indicted for the alleged January 6 insurrection, or so the Injustice Department conceives it.  As Trump said in a press release, why did the Injustices wait three and a half years to indict him, if this was a major crime? Of course, as he says, the idea here is to compound bogus charges to tie him up and destroy his election campaign. But, I was a great sceptic of Trump and highly suspicious of his January 6 rally. Still, all of this just cheeses me off, so I, and everyone I know, will vote for Trump, just to raise a rude finger to a totally corrupt system. That said, I am sure he will be imprisoned, and the election will be rigged like we have never seen, because now, corruption knows no limits.

Expect almost no votes to go Trump’s way; and with dead people voting, maybe 120 percent of the votes to Joe Biden! Even if that happened the system would still say, nothing out of the ordinary here, go back to sleep!

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Slippery Albo Dodges the Treaty Issue By James Reed

PM Albo was grilled this week on radio, as to whether his government supported a treaty if the Voice got through. He declined to give a straight answer, but his crooked answer gave the game away. He said that Australians are voting on the Voice not the treaty, so nothing to see here. But, he also said, well the states are going ahead with it, so why worry, be happy? Yes, that is the problem. The federal treaty is what the elites behind the Voice want, as a path to massive reparations, perhaps new taxes upon all aspects of modern Australian life, and the creation of a Black state separate from Australia, as Keith Windschuttle has argued, and perhaps closely tied with communist China, given the communist influence in this movement.

We have covered the reparations movement in California, which is moving to give Blacks, even those who did not have ancestors who were slaves, so much loot that it is likely the entire state will be bankrupt. If that could develop there, there is no reason why an equally weak and woke Australia would not go down the same path.

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Woke is Cultural Marxism By James Reed

Before the European parliament James Lindsay gave a speech, “Woke, A Cultural War Against Europe.” In it he said that woke is a form of socialism, with only differences at present being in the type of property and shares that are distributed. While conventional Marxism, as was known through the work of Marx and Lenin, was concerned primarily with the alleged oppressive economics of capitalism mainly by what Marx saw as the unjust extraction of surplus value in the labour process by the capitalist class, in the 20th century, the failure of communist revolutions to develop in the West led to various schools of cultural and neo-Marxism taking the cultural root, and  utilising the mass migration that was occurring, in the need to create a new revolutionary class.

Thus, the concepts of class and economic surplus value used by Karl Marx came to be replaced by cultural concepts, such as gender fluidity and the deconstruction of whiteness. Whiteness itself became the new evil, that previous generations of Marxists had not addressed.

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The Looming Mental Health Crisis By Mrs Vera West

All of us must have noticed, that since Covid, and indeed during the madness, people seemed to be unhinged, and that there has been a rapid decline in social capital; indeed, general politeness. That is not just a subjective evaluation, but is backed by research now with a study jointly done by researchers from Harvard medical School and the University of Queensland. Data involved face-to-face interviews with over 150,000 adults across 29 countries between 2001 and 2022. The results of the interviews indicated that around 50 percent of the population would develop at least one mental disorder, such as depression and/or anxiety by the age of 75 years. The three most common mental health disorders among women were depression,  specific phobia (a disabling anxiety that interferes with daily life) and post-traumatic stress (PTSD). The three most common mental health disorders among men were alcohol abuse, depression and specific phobias. If that was not concerning enough, the peak age of first onset of mental illness was at 15 years old, with a median age of onset of 19 for men and 20 for women.

This is yet another existential crisis issue, as it indicates that an undermining of the West at the most basic psychological level is occurring. I must admit, I am not sure how to deal with this problem beyond widespread social reform, to remove the stresses producing these evils. And, as we know, that is the grand battle we are presently in.

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