Viktor Orban on the Coming of World War III By Richard Miller (London)

Prime minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, has delivered a number of speeches on what he sees is the growing crisis of the time with the Ukraine war, and the likely evolution of this into World War III. But, whatever happens there America and China are on a collision course, as few great powers have simply collapsed outside of a wartime situation. As he details, China is not merely intending to take over the world economically, which it is now doing in an imperialist fashion,  but militarily as well. Nothing new here but it is worthwhile reading a pollical leader say this first hand.

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Lessons Forgotten from the Small Pox Vaccine Saga By Mrs Vera West

A Midwestern Doctor, has written on the smallpox vax, which contrary to the mainstream vax propaganda was highly controversial at the time. The received view is that the vax was a miracle drug that saved the day and led to the elimination of smallpox, so if the vax could do tht for one disease, it could do it for all of them. That generalisation would make an objective scientist suspicious, since it hardly follows. As shown below, the historical data shows that the smallpox vaccination did not work as promoted and tended to increase rather than decrease the occurrence of smallpox. In anticipation of Covid, harsh mandates were implemented to get even more people vaccinated, and riots broke out.

It was improvements in public health that led to smallpox disappearing, not the vaccines, although Big Pharma of the time claimed this as a victory. An even bigger killer than smallpox was scarlet fever, where there was never a vaccine developed, but which also disappeared with improvements in sanitation and living conditions. Just like smallpox.

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China to Wage War on America from the Arctic By James Reed

Here is something new: China is set to not only wage war on America from land space and sea, but from the Arctic as well! The South China Morning Post reported that the Shanghai-based Polar Research Institute of China revealed that "China has completed the field testing and evaluation of an underwater listening device that will be deployed on a large scale in the Arctic Ocean." The idea here is to militarise the area to listen for American subs, and destroy them in the coming war. There is also surveillance of the area by air, often using balloons of the type Joe Biden allowed to track over US military bases, because, well why not if you are basically a CCP asset?

The West is facing its strongest foe for a final battle, and never has been weaker, or more stupid in a culture of decline.

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Tales the Doctors Told By Brian Simpson

Steve Kirsch has broadened his vax critique program, from the Covid issues to autism. This is important as if there is a causal relationship between vaccines and autism, this affects the next generation profoundly, and for us, that could be our grandchildren. He has thus reported that from a sample of doctors, there are some deeply disturbing revelations. “Several doctors noted that all or nearly all of their autism cases were linked to the MMR vaccine. In another case, one doctor told the story of a police investigator that he knew personally who was assigned SIDS cases over 7 years; she noted that 75% of SIDS deaths happened within 48 hours of a vaccine (approximately 300 cases total). That’s impossible if the vaccines aren’t causing the deaths.”


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The Wuhan Lab Leak Plot Thickens By Chris Knight (Florida)

The wheels of the truth are turning slowly on the Wuhan lab leak scenario, and the role of US agencies in funding the research in the first place. One issue that came before the US House subcommittee investigating the matter was the influence of Drs. Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci, on the scientists who published the major paper at the time in 2020 in Nature Medicine, “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2.” The scientists had for a time supported the lab leak hypothesis, but then did a 180 degree turn. The issue was whether a bribe was made to exonerate the Wuhan lab, or whether influence was made. The core thing here is what was the motive for taking the heat away from the Wuhan lab, and as Robert Kennedy has proposed, the reason is that there was a cover-up because of US funding for the research.

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Denying the Rule of Law By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Left are concerned about the US Supreme Court, and have made various suggestions of how to neutralise its mildly conservative decisions. One was to stack the court with more Biden-appointed judges, who were crazed Leftists.  That did not fly. Now, two law professors have said, well, who cares, we just ignore the court and Democrat regime just does what it wants. They don’t exactly say that, but that, “the President should act when MAGA justices issue high-stakes rulings that are based on gravely mistaken constitutional interpretations, and when presidential action predicated on his administration’s constitutional interpretations would substantially mitigate the damage posed by the ruling in question.” Yes, and on every issue there will be such a difference.


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The Bribed President: Joe Biden By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Former President Donald Trump is facing an indictment with a penalty of up to 400 years for having classified documents that he had the power to declassify. But while that circus goes on, it has been revealed by a document released on July 20, 2023, information by an FBI informant, that Joe Biden, who was a presidential candidate, was allegedly bribed to influence Ukraine to remove a prosecutor who was investigating Burisma. This was the Ukrainian company where Hunter Biden was employed. The fine details are given below by a report by the Epoch, but the crunch line is that it took $ 5 million to bribe one Biden, Hunter, and another $ 5 million to bribe the other, Joe Biden. This should have received coverage around the world, as it indicates tht there is a president on the take. But, nothing much beyond the report below in the US, and from my internet search, no coverage in Australia either. Such is the lame stream media, and the cover-up for the Biden regime.

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TikTok as a CCP Weapon Against the West By James Reed

I have not paid much attention to the Chinese internet phenomenon of TikTok, but I should have. There are allegations made at the government level that the social media platform is little more than a spying mechanism for the CCP. A friend has a son in the defence sector, and viewing TikTok on any computer associated with work is strictly banned. All sorts of spyware could be unloaded upon one. Indeed, I do not want to go here at all. But, other commentaries have compared TikTok in China, with the toxic waste that the CCP dumps upon the West for our young to consume, and the difference is astonishing. It is not just with the transgender agenda, but every woke thing is pushed, with virtually no conservative content at all. There is a dumbing down effect of content as well; a great moron factor. That must be by design, not default or accident. It is but another CCP cultural weapon to attack the West.

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World ID: Worldcoin By Brian Simpson

Here comes yet another globalist New World Order scheme; so many are coming so fast that it is hard to keep up with them. Perhaps we need an Excel chart to document it all. And, the latest is Worldcoin, being promoted by two globalist technocrats, Sam Altman and Alex Blania. They support a Universal Basic Income, and see their form of global money bringing this to the suffering masses who are going to be displaced by artificial intelligence.


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The Looming War with Communist China By James Reed

Writer Michael Hudson has given his take on the coming war with communist China. His point is that the present Ukrainian War is part of the process of carving off and defeating China’s allies, Russia being the core one. Then apparently China will be isolated and the grand battle will occur. But this is not going to the US plan, as Hudson explains: “What makes it so difficult in trying to evaluate where NATO, Europe and the United States are going is that the traditional assumption that nations and classes will act in their economic self-interest is not of help. The traditional logic of geopolitical analysis is to assume that business and financial interests steer almost every nation’s politics. The ancillary assumption is that governing officials have a fairly realistic understanding of the economic and political dynamics at work. Forecasting the future is thus usually an exercise in spelling out these dynamics.

The US/NATO West has led this global fracture, yet it will be the big loser. NATO members already have seen Ukraine deplete their inventory of guns and bullets, artillery and ammunition, tanks, helicopters weapons and other arms accumulated over five decades. But Europe’s loss has become America’s sales opportunity, creating a vast new market for America’s military-industrial complex to re-supply Europe. To gain support, the United States has sponsored a new way of thinking about international trade and investment. The focus has shifted to “national security,” meaning to secure a U.S.-centered unipolar order.

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Ethno-Racial Bioweapons By Brian Simpson

While the white bleeding-heart liberals have condemned Robert Kennedy for comments that some ethnic groups did better at surviving Covid than others, the real issue he raised was that ethnically specific bioweapons are now possible. Kennedy opposes such developments and wants to revive the 1972 international bioweapons ban against it. As Dr Mercola details, there is evidence that ethno-bioweapons already exist, and the Covid virus is arguably one of the first major ones. Communist China is apparently hard at work on such bioweapons. In an April 3, 2023, Wall Street Journal opinion piece,23 Paul Dabbar, undersecretary of energy for science during the Trump administration, wrote in an article on April 3, 2023 in the Wall Street Journal:

“Around 2017, the Energy Department’s national laboratories started having significant concerns about biosecurity with regard to China. A Chinese general who was head of the National Defense University in Beijing publicly declared an interest in using gene sequencing and editing to develop pathogenic bioweapons that would target specific ethnic groups ...

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Rice was Nice: India’s Rice Ban By James Reed

Here are comparative takes from the mainstream media, and an alternative blog on the significance of India banning export of non-basmati rice (basmati rice is long-grain; non-basmati comes in all sizes), the sort that is mainly eaten in Asia, and the world. India normally supplies 40 percent of this rice for the world, and claims that poor weather is behind the decision. That could be true in part, but I suspect that there is much more to this story that just another climate/weather freak-out. Could it be that India sees the writing on the wall, of approaching World War III, and is moving to stockpile local food supplies? Whatever the cause, food prices will go up even faster now.

Even I intend to buy a big bag of rice this Friday night shopping. Just checked prices on-line; will run to the supermarket now. Well, not run, but walk less slowly than usual. Maybe just settle for good old Aussie rice, and feel national pride in eating it.

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The Voice and the Heavy Burden of Culture By James Reed

John Anderson has given a tremendous review of a book by Gary Johns, The Burden of Culture: How to Dismantle the Aboriginal Industry and Give Hope to its Victims, Quadrant Books, 2022. This one goes to the core of the Voice issue, since Johns is critical of the existing Aboriginal industry itself, which wastes billions funding elites, while a small but vitally important sector of Aborigines, mainly in the outback, outside of the concerns of the inner-city New Class elites, suffer deprivation. If the present Aboriginal industry has not helped the Aboriginal people who need it most now, and billions were given for them to do so, the even more extravagant Voice will fail spectacularly. It is a compelling argument that people need to be making now. The prime minister has not shown how changing the constitution for the Voice will do what should be done now, and could be quickly done by legislation. So, there is a hidden agenda.

Clearly the Voice is yet another New Class moral high ground posturing which in its racially discriminatory way, does nothing to help the people it claims to be helping, but everything to enrich those of the New Class who have fed off of vast public money for decades, and now look towards the Voice as the new gravy train.

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The Federal Government’s Misinformation Bill is Inconsistent with Human Rights By James Reed

A great post by one of our favourite journalists, Rebekah Barnett (if you have some spare money, subscribe to her blog to support young Aussie independent journalists). Human rights lawyer peter Fam cuts to the chase in criticism of the government’s new mis-and disinformation Bill. The Bill, proposes to allow the Australian Media and Communications Authority (ACMA) to create and enforce industry standards for the internet, forcing platforms under pains of massive fines, to censor content that the government does not like. Thus, all the debate about the Covid mandates, lockdowns and vax injuries would have been suppressed if the Bill was in as law. I would expect that all the other evils that the Labor Party has instore including the Voice referendum, and inevitable treaty, will also be dealt with in this way.

At the bottom of this article are some things you can do to oppose it, including a link to the government site where you can put in a letter of protest and opposition. Hopefully someone like Elon Musk will get moving and challenge this Bill in the High Court of Australia. From this point on, let us call the Labor Party, the Evil Party.

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The Climate Change Delusion: Nobel Prize Winning Physicist Talks about Pseudoscience (But One Destroying Western Civilisation!) By Brian Simpson

We need to be concerned about the science, when it is being used to destroy Western civilisation, as the mainstream climate crisis “science” or more accurately pseudo-science, is now doing. Professor John F. Clauser,  is an American theoretical and experimental physicist, who was  awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics. He made the remarks below critical of the leading climate change crisis organisation, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which he says is pseudoscientific.

This did not go well with the establishment at all, to have someone who decided a question that stumped Albert Einstein unload on the globalist organisation that is tirelessly working to end our lifestyle. Hence, the International Monetary Fund cancelled his appearance, and he is finding that he is getting quite a lot more cancellations from that tribe. Probably not as many dinner party invitations as well from that crowd.

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If I Was the Deep State … By Chris Knight (Florida)

A grassroots team, Dilley Meme Team’s Lauren3ve, have put together a political ad for Trump that covers everything that has happened since the stolen 2020 election. The work was not paid for by the Trump campaign, and shows what a dedicated team of individuals can do. I hope something like this can be put together in Australia for the Voice campaign. You need to show the Marxist agenda behind it. There should be footage available. The ordinary voters need to get a taste of what the globalist lap dogs in parliament have in store. 


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Lynching and the Song, “Try That in a Small Town” By Chris Knight (Florida)

Jason Aldean’s song, Try That in a Small Town, which was an attack upon the anarchy of the antifa riots of 2020, would probably have just remained at number 35, before falling, on the Country record charts. But, the white liberals could not tolerate it, and had the song banned from play. That threw a tiger amongst the liberal pigeons, and now the song has shot to number 2 on Billboard’s Hot 100 list. And, for music, that is big time, better than Taylor Swift! Naturally the white liberals proclaimed that the song as racist, portraying Blacks committing crimes. But numerous Black commentators on YouTube pointed out that this was absurd, as most of the footage was of crazed white antifa.

The best the woke could come up with was that the footage showed the courthouse of Maury County, and back in the day of 1927 a Black was lynched there. Well, it is most unlikely that the musicians knew about that, and lynchings of Whites by Blacks also occurred. Showing the court house, even if intentional, does not endorse lynching, since the point can be made that the 1927 act was a great injustice, just like the 2020 antifa acts. Both were along the same lines of vigilante “justice.” And, if the court house was so offensive, it should have been pulled down long ago, like the White House should have been!

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The Voice as the Abolition of Australia By James Reed

Gregory Hood, writing at American, gives his take from America on the Australian voice referendum. There is nothing new as such tht we have not covered, but he piece is a nice one, as it cuts to the chance of the issue here, an gives an outsider’s view. Here it is: “It’s easy to predict what a Voice will do. It will be a permanent political base for Indigenous activists to complain about inequalities. These inequalities are biological and therefore permanent, so there will be ever more ambitious “solutions” proposed in defiance of reality, with symbolic gestures and “official advice” turning into accusations that white Australians have no right to be there. The Voice will have constitutional status, so the least damaging outcome will be a state-recognized ethnic lobby that can never be eliminated. The worst outcome would be that Parliament and the High Court gradually give it powers that naïve “Yes” voters never imagined, just as American civil rights law ultimately overwhelmed foundational constitutional protections.”

It really will be the abolition of the Australia that we know.

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AI to Write the News! By Brian Simpson

Only months ago, the mainstream dismissed the idea that general AI would be replacing journalism. But now the technocrats at Google have announced that they are working on AI to write news stories. It is being tested now. At first, I was concerned about this, but deeper thought led me to stop worrying on this one, as most of the mainstream media journalists are little more than robots anyway, and being replaced by real robots is probably neither here nor there in the scheme of things now.

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Henry Ergas: The Voice Embodies Racial Discrimination and a Violation of Australian Equity By James Reed

Henry Ergas has zeroed in on the fundamental problem with the Yes case for the Voice. The issue is, that while the details of how the Voice will operate in fine detail are being kept by the prime mister under wraps until the thing is in, he hopes, in which case we will find out why it is a bad idea to sign blank cheques, the Voice by definition will give a special racial status to one ethno-racial group, the indigenous. It will be discrimination by race. The Yes side may argue that this is necessary to right historical wrongs, but that has not been shown, and such programs elsewhere in the world, have created division, and have not generated equity; instead they have rewarded a New Class who reap the benefits of these racial schemes.

The No case is consistent with the liberal democratic ideal of equality of all citizens.

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