World ID: Worldcoin By Brian Simpson

Here comes yet another globalist New World Order scheme; so many are coming so fast that it is hard to keep up with them. Perhaps we need an Excel chart to document it all. And, the latest is Worldcoin, being promoted by two globalist technocrats, Sam Altman and Alex Blania. They support a Universal Basic Income, and see their form of global money bringing this to the suffering masses who are going to be displaced by artificial intelligence.


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The Looming War with Communist China By James Reed

Writer Michael Hudson has given his take on the coming war with communist China. His point is that the present Ukrainian War is part of the process of carving off and defeating China’s allies, Russia being the core one. Then apparently China will be isolated and the grand battle will occur. But this is not going to the US plan, as Hudson explains: “What makes it so difficult in trying to evaluate where NATO, Europe and the United States are going is that the traditional assumption that nations and classes will act in their economic self-interest is not of help. The traditional logic of geopolitical analysis is to assume that business and financial interests steer almost every nation’s politics. The ancillary assumption is that governing officials have a fairly realistic understanding of the economic and political dynamics at work. Forecasting the future is thus usually an exercise in spelling out these dynamics.

The US/NATO West has led this global fracture, yet it will be the big loser. NATO members already have seen Ukraine deplete their inventory of guns and bullets, artillery and ammunition, tanks, helicopters weapons and other arms accumulated over five decades. But Europe’s loss has become America’s sales opportunity, creating a vast new market for America’s military-industrial complex to re-supply Europe. To gain support, the United States has sponsored a new way of thinking about international trade and investment. The focus has shifted to “national security,” meaning to secure a U.S.-centered unipolar order.

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Ethno-Racial Bioweapons By Brian Simpson

While the white bleeding-heart liberals have condemned Robert Kennedy for comments that some ethnic groups did better at surviving Covid than others, the real issue he raised was that ethnically specific bioweapons are now possible. Kennedy opposes such developments and wants to revive the 1972 international bioweapons ban against it. As Dr Mercola details, there is evidence that ethno-bioweapons already exist, and the Covid virus is arguably one of the first major ones. Communist China is apparently hard at work on such bioweapons. In an April 3, 2023, Wall Street Journal opinion piece,23 Paul Dabbar, undersecretary of energy for science during the Trump administration, wrote in an article on April 3, 2023 in the Wall Street Journal:

“Around 2017, the Energy Department’s national laboratories started having significant concerns about biosecurity with regard to China. A Chinese general who was head of the National Defense University in Beijing publicly declared an interest in using gene sequencing and editing to develop pathogenic bioweapons that would target specific ethnic groups ...

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Rice was Nice: India’s Rice Ban By James Reed

Here are comparative takes from the mainstream media, and an alternative blog on the significance of India banning export of non-basmati rice (basmati rice is long-grain; non-basmati comes in all sizes), the sort that is mainly eaten in Asia, and the world. India normally supplies 40 percent of this rice for the world, and claims that poor weather is behind the decision. That could be true in part, but I suspect that there is much more to this story that just another climate/weather freak-out. Could it be that India sees the writing on the wall, of approaching World War III, and is moving to stockpile local food supplies? Whatever the cause, food prices will go up even faster now.

Even I intend to buy a big bag of rice this Friday night shopping. Just checked prices on-line; will run to the supermarket now. Well, not run, but walk less slowly than usual. Maybe just settle for good old Aussie rice, and feel national pride in eating it.

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The Voice and the Heavy Burden of Culture By James Reed

John Anderson has given a tremendous review of a book by Gary Johns, The Burden of Culture: How to Dismantle the Aboriginal Industry and Give Hope to its Victims, Quadrant Books, 2022. This one goes to the core of the Voice issue, since Johns is critical of the existing Aboriginal industry itself, which wastes billions funding elites, while a small but vitally important sector of Aborigines, mainly in the outback, outside of the concerns of the inner-city New Class elites, suffer deprivation. If the present Aboriginal industry has not helped the Aboriginal people who need it most now, and billions were given for them to do so, the even more extravagant Voice will fail spectacularly. It is a compelling argument that people need to be making now. The prime minister has not shown how changing the constitution for the Voice will do what should be done now, and could be quickly done by legislation. So, there is a hidden agenda.

Clearly the Voice is yet another New Class moral high ground posturing which in its racially discriminatory way, does nothing to help the people it claims to be helping, but everything to enrich those of the New Class who have fed off of vast public money for decades, and now look towards the Voice as the new gravy train.

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The Federal Government’s Misinformation Bill is Inconsistent with Human Rights By James Reed

A great post by one of our favourite journalists, Rebekah Barnett (if you have some spare money, subscribe to her blog to support young Aussie independent journalists). Human rights lawyer peter Fam cuts to the chase in criticism of the government’s new mis-and disinformation Bill. The Bill, proposes to allow the Australian Media and Communications Authority (ACMA) to create and enforce industry standards for the internet, forcing platforms under pains of massive fines, to censor content that the government does not like. Thus, all the debate about the Covid mandates, lockdowns and vax injuries would have been suppressed if the Bill was in as law. I would expect that all the other evils that the Labor Party has instore including the Voice referendum, and inevitable treaty, will also be dealt with in this way.

At the bottom of this article are some things you can do to oppose it, including a link to the government site where you can put in a letter of protest and opposition. Hopefully someone like Elon Musk will get moving and challenge this Bill in the High Court of Australia. From this point on, let us call the Labor Party, the Evil Party.

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The Climate Change Delusion: Nobel Prize Winning Physicist Talks about Pseudoscience (But One Destroying Western Civilisation!) By Brian Simpson

We need to be concerned about the science, when it is being used to destroy Western civilisation, as the mainstream climate crisis “science” or more accurately pseudo-science, is now doing. Professor John F. Clauser,  is an American theoretical and experimental physicist, who was  awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics. He made the remarks below critical of the leading climate change crisis organisation, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which he says is pseudoscientific.

This did not go well with the establishment at all, to have someone who decided a question that stumped Albert Einstein unload on the globalist organisation that is tirelessly working to end our lifestyle. Hence, the International Monetary Fund cancelled his appearance, and he is finding that he is getting quite a lot more cancellations from that tribe. Probably not as many dinner party invitations as well from that crowd.

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If I Was the Deep State … By Chris Knight (Florida)

A grassroots team, Dilley Meme Team’s Lauren3ve, have put together a political ad for Trump that covers everything that has happened since the stolen 2020 election. The work was not paid for by the Trump campaign, and shows what a dedicated team of individuals can do. I hope something like this can be put together in Australia for the Voice campaign. You need to show the Marxist agenda behind it. There should be footage available. The ordinary voters need to get a taste of what the globalist lap dogs in parliament have in store. 


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Lynching and the Song, “Try That in a Small Town” By Chris Knight (Florida)

Jason Aldean’s song, Try That in a Small Town, which was an attack upon the anarchy of the antifa riots of 2020, would probably have just remained at number 35, before falling, on the Country record charts. But, the white liberals could not tolerate it, and had the song banned from play. That threw a tiger amongst the liberal pigeons, and now the song has shot to number 2 on Billboard’s Hot 100 list. And, for music, that is big time, better than Taylor Swift! Naturally the white liberals proclaimed that the song as racist, portraying Blacks committing crimes. But numerous Black commentators on YouTube pointed out that this was absurd, as most of the footage was of crazed white antifa.

The best the woke could come up with was that the footage showed the courthouse of Maury County, and back in the day of 1927 a Black was lynched there. Well, it is most unlikely that the musicians knew about that, and lynchings of Whites by Blacks also occurred. Showing the court house, even if intentional, does not endorse lynching, since the point can be made that the 1927 act was a great injustice, just like the 2020 antifa acts. Both were along the same lines of vigilante “justice.” And, if the court house was so offensive, it should have been pulled down long ago, like the White House should have been!

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The Voice as the Abolition of Australia By James Reed

Gregory Hood, writing at American, gives his take from America on the Australian voice referendum. There is nothing new as such tht we have not covered, but he piece is a nice one, as it cuts to the chance of the issue here, an gives an outsider’s view. Here it is: “It’s easy to predict what a Voice will do. It will be a permanent political base for Indigenous activists to complain about inequalities. These inequalities are biological and therefore permanent, so there will be ever more ambitious “solutions” proposed in defiance of reality, with symbolic gestures and “official advice” turning into accusations that white Australians have no right to be there. The Voice will have constitutional status, so the least damaging outcome will be a state-recognized ethnic lobby that can never be eliminated. The worst outcome would be that Parliament and the High Court gradually give it powers that naïve “Yes” voters never imagined, just as American civil rights law ultimately overwhelmed foundational constitutional protections.”

It really will be the abolition of the Australia that we know.

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AI to Write the News! By Brian Simpson

Only months ago, the mainstream dismissed the idea that general AI would be replacing journalism. But now the technocrats at Google have announced that they are working on AI to write news stories. It is being tested now. At first, I was concerned about this, but deeper thought led me to stop worrying on this one, as most of the mainstream media journalists are little more than robots anyway, and being replaced by real robots is probably neither here nor there in the scheme of things now.

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Henry Ergas: The Voice Embodies Racial Discrimination and a Violation of Australian Equity By James Reed

Henry Ergas has zeroed in on the fundamental problem with the Yes case for the Voice. The issue is, that while the details of how the Voice will operate in fine detail are being kept by the prime mister under wraps until the thing is in, he hopes, in which case we will find out why it is a bad idea to sign blank cheques, the Voice by definition will give a special racial status to one ethno-racial group, the indigenous. It will be discrimination by race. The Yes side may argue that this is necessary to right historical wrongs, but that has not been shown, and such programs elsewhere in the world, have created division, and have not generated equity; instead they have rewarded a New Class who reap the benefits of these racial schemes.

The No case is consistent with the liberal democratic ideal of equality of all citizens.

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Aboriginal Heritage Laws and the Voice By James Reed

Mark Powell, continues the excellent coverage the is giving to the Voice referendum issue, with the highest quality journalism bringing critical awareness of the issues that is not seen in the rest of the press. Powel says that we can see where the Voice will take Australia, if successful by the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Laws of Western Australia. He discusses in detail how there was a plan to plant 5,500 shrubs and trees, presumably for carbon reductions. B Whadjuk Aboriginal Corporation demanded $2.5 million in exchange for its approval!  The decision was reversed after the public jumped up and down. There have been other stories like this as well, but he message is clear that the more powerful voice will not be so easily controlled.


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Aussie Doctor Suspended for Saying that the covid Vax Dangerous Goes to High Court, Again By Brian Simpson

The Covid controversies may have fallen from the public eye, but they still continue. Thus, an Australian doctor, Dr. William Bay, spoke out about the side effects of the Covid vaxxes. He received a medical registration suspension notice from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) in 2022. He then filed a lawsuit against the AHPRA, the Medical Board of Australia and the state government to Queensland’s Supreme Court in November 2022, and then applied to have the case heard by he High court of Australia. This application was rejected on technicalities, but Dr Bray has appealed that and the case now awaits to see if the defendants contest the appeal.  As the unconstitutionality of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law is now being challenged, this case will be a significant one for the future if he wins.

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Why Lockdowns did Not Work By Brian Simpson

Here is, for reference purposes, a summary of a recent academic article from the Institute of Economic Affairs, assessing the effects of the Covid lockdowns upon Covid-19 mortality. It is a meta-analysis, meaning a lot of studies are examined and statistical methods used to formulate a type of overview. The short of the long is that “lockdowns in the spring of 2020 had a negligible effect on COVID-19 mortality. This result is consistent with the view that voluntary changes in behaviour, such as social distancing, did play an important role in mitigating the pandemic.”

This is still important for us to be aware of, because the likes of Bill Gates, have expressed certainty that there will be another “pandemic,” perhaps sooner that most people would expect. My guess is that one will be planned to allow mail voting fraud for the 2024 US election. The elites, having succeed in putting the population in cages once, will do so again.

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Communist China to Starve the World! By James Reed

Before writing this story, I saw the news flash that a high tech communist Chinese spy ship was outside of Australian territorial waters, probably observing the military drills of the international Talisman Sabre military exercise. This is going to be standard stuff from now on.

But, there is much worse as far as communist Chinese vessels goes. China’s strategy of controlling the global seafood supply now seems to be to create giant floating cities, such as the one now of the coast of Argentina. The present vessel is larger than Washington DC. The floating city supplies Chinese fishing vessels which drain entire areas of fish, leading to extinction and ecological deserts. Then the city moves on. It has been predicted that the entire South Atlantic will be extinct of fish within the space of only a few years.

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Woke Goes for USSR-Style Mental Health Round-Ups By Chris Knight (Florida)

The West through the ideology of woke has embraced almost the entire package of goods that the USSR embodied at its worse; it has not taken the iron fist approach so much as the silk chains. While the Soviets used psychiatry as a political weapon, to enforce communist dogma and state obedience, the US is now moving to mental health round-ups and involuntary detentions.

At present in New York City, for example, one could be hospitalised for having a suspected mental illness for having “firmly held beliefs not congruent with cultural ideas,” exhibit a “willingness to engage in meaningful discussion,” have “excessive fears of specific stimuli,” or refuse “voluntary treatment recommendations.” This is little more than a thought crime, and  not only in New York but across the country, the police are now empowered to detain individuals they believe to be mentally ill, based solely on their own judgment. Be sure that refusing vaccination will be taken as a clear sign of mental illness.

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Australian Transhuman Research to Merge AI and Human Brain Cells! By Brian Simpson

We have been reporting on transhumanism, the idea that the human species will be merged with artificial intelligence to create homo sapiens 2.0, and then the replacement of human biology by cyborgs. That seems far-fetched, but one needs only reflect upon what the Dr Frankensteins have done over the last 50 years or so with biotechnology, to take this all very seriously.

So, for example, here is an Australian example. The Office of National Intelligence has given an Australian research team $ 600, 000 to research into how human brain cells could be merged with artificial intelligence, to integrate the fields of artificial intelligence and synthetic biology to create “programmable biological computing platforms.” The idea is to achieve a synthetic biological intelligence, so far only featured in science fiction, to surpass silicon-based hardware. The human brain excels at lifetime learning, an evolutionary development, while AI is not so good at this, so the merger will apparently transcend present limits. “The outcomes of such research would have significant implications across multiple fields such as – but not limited to – planning, robotics, advanced automation, brain-machine interfaces, and drug discovery, giving Australia a significant strategic advantage.” So, they say.

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The Illusion of Electric Vehicles (EV) By James Reed

When I see material on the limits of electric vehicles, I post it, since this is the spearhead of the globalist/Green push for the elimination of petrol and diesel cars. Do not under-estimate what they are set to do, with many jurisdictions planning bans of conventional cars by 2030, and there is one plan for a ban on new petrol cars for Australia by 2035:

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London’s “Maaate” Program to Stop Toxic Masculinity i.e White Males By Richard Miller (London)

London mayor, Sadiq Khan is always on the lookout from some new woke scheme to try out on the majority non-white population of London. The latest is the “Maaate” campaign against so-called toxic masculinity. It features advertisements where men are supposed to callout other men who use such phrases as “boys will be boys,” calling women “drama queens” and thinking men and women are different. These are all examples of hateful misogyny. It is ironic that this sort of nonsense is pushed, when the grooming gangs, and rape of British children continues to this day:

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