The Tyranny of the New Class By James Reed

US Scholar Tom Harrington has called out the completely unjustified power that the New Class of intellectuals, experts and idea workers, and technocrats have in modernity. Their power comes in part from the power of words and ideas for social control, and this has been a particularly strong influence over whites, especially Nordics (Northern Europeans), as I see it, as they seem to be genetically programmed to seek justifications for beliefs, and supplying bs “justifications” is exactly what the sophists of the New Class exceed in, for talk is cheap. This is well demonstrated by the conceptual swill flowing from the modern universities, such as Critical Race Theory. But, it is all contrary to the fundamental core of the Enlightenment, where critical reason should lead to humility, not a culture of control by knowledge: “The existence of misinformation presumes the existence of pure information that is unambiguously understood. No information is ever unambiguously understood, simply because of the incapacity of people to see it in exactly the same way. We’re all different. The idea of misinformation depends on a very primitive idea of information.”

“All inquiry is torturous. All inquiry takes a path … What may seem self-evident at one stage of the process of inquiry might turn out to be completely false later on. And yet, you have someone intervening and saying, ‘No, that’s definitely nonsense.’”

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Climate Change Agenda 30 UN Guru, IPCC, Got it Wrong (Again)! By James Reed

The United Nations IPCC, the body issuing the apocalyptic climate change predictions that have in turn influenced government policy makers has been shown by recent research to have 42 percent of its dire climate change predictions based upon improbable rises in the global average temperature. This has been shown through a critical analysis of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Reports (AR6), where the improbabilities are in fact mentioned in fine print in the main text, but are not explicit in the summaries for policy makers. The IPCC reports are reported to the media to establish a political narrative that there is a coming climate apocalypse unless radical changes are made to Western living standards, including fossil fuel use and agriculture. Yet, according to the research summarised below, this is unjustified since the most radical conclusions depended upon scenarios which are low probability. By definition, being low probability, while it is possible  that these scenarios  occur, they most likely will not. It should therefore be a policy principle to act upon the more probable scenarios, rather than the least probable ones.

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Debunking a Climate Change Dogma: The Industrial Revolution did Little by Way of Carbon Emissions By James Reed

One of the key propositions of received climate change “science” is that there has been a rise in  carbon dioxide levels since the dawn of the industrial age, and this rise is responsible for an alleged increase in the global average temperature. This increase is supposed to be resulting in catastrophic climate change effects. Now, while some may not like to think about science, the consequences of this policy-wise are dire, with the globalist elites moving to de-industrial the West, but not communist China; guess where that leads? This scenario threatens us with annihilation, so anyone having a survival instinct should be concerned.

However, a paper published in the journal Health Physics in February 2022, examined the issue of the rise in carbon dioxide levels since the industrial revolution. While a small increase was found, that increase itself could not have caused the supposed global warming that the mainstream proposes. This leaves two possibilities, not discussed. First, that the mainstream is simply wrong about the temperature rise. The second is that a temperature rise has occurred, but this is due to natural variation, as has occurred throughout the Earth’s history. Either way, the present drive by globalists such as the World Economic Forum to de-industrialise the West, eliminate most agriculture, close down coal and fossil fuel energy and force us to eat insects, or starve, is completely unjustified. As we knew all along.

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Challenging the Allegations of AI Intelligence from Microsoft By Brian Simpson

Microsoft is claiming that a new AI system is showing signs of human intelligence, as it can solve a stacking problem requiring an intuitive understanding of the construction and geometry of the real world. The question asked was; “Here we have a book, nine eggs, a laptop, a bottle and a nail,” they asked. “Please tell me how to stack them onto each other in a stable manner.” The answer given was: “Put the eggs on the book, it said. Arrange the eggs in three rows with space between them. Make sure you don’t crack them. “Place the laptop on top of the eggs, with the screen facing down and the keyboard facing up,” it wrote. “The laptop will fit snugly within the boundaries of the book and the eggs, and its flat and rigid surface will provide a stable platform for the next layer.”

To my mind, that does not even make sense. First, what about the nail and the bottle? What happened to them? Why would one put a laptop on top of fragile eggs? Why make two layers when surely one could be made safely? No doubt, the idea here is “stacking” involves things just put on top of each other. But, even if one took that line, the aim is to stop the eggs rolling. So, my human solution: open the laptop, the screen at a right angle, and the screen will make the first wall. Put the nail under the right or left side of the laptop so there is a slope. Put the open book on the side of the laptop which is sloping to make a wall, to stop eggs rolling; with the bottle put behind the book for extra support. Or, if you want, stack the bottle with the eggs on the laptop keyboard.  Carefully put all the eggs on the keyboard, so that they touch. There, everything technically stacked, and no rolling eggs.

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Those Who Live by the Mask, Die by the Mask By Mrs Vera West

I have been pursuing the mask-wearing fetish throughout the Covid plandemic, and thankfully this madness has gone in most jurisdictions, except for possibly medical centres and hospitals, but there is no fixed rule on that one now. We are in the aftermath of Covid, and some of the truth is now coming out. It was well known that long-term mask wearing led to a rise in carbon dioxide levels; even the local GP could measure this, by a device that they put on the thumb, or at least blood oxygen levels.

And now a new German study German study reveals that “a significant rise in carbon dioxide occurring while wearing a mask is scientifically proven in many studies.” They said: “Fresh air has around 0.04% CO2,” but “masks bear a possible chronic exposure to low level carbon dioxide of 1.41–3.2% CO2 of the inhaled air in reliable human experiments.”  This is 35-80 times the normal level of carbon dioxide, and a mere 8 times normal levels can be toxic. Yet school children had to put up this this state-ordered poisoning all day at school. The health consequences of this have yet to be seen.

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Not in Their Back Yard: The Diverse Confront Migrant Invasion By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This one is oh so predictable, and represents the NIMBY (Not In MY Back Yard) syndrome, among the diverse. Take Chicago, a majority non-white city. But there is still angst about a flood of immigrants who are displacing longer-term residents from housing waiting lists. “All of these resources that have not come to us now you want to overly compensate for people that have never lived here before. We need to be taken care of first and foremost before anything else happens!”  according to one woman. “Many of these migrants have been dumped without a plan in place to monitor and house them long term,” said another. These are all valid objections to a people, in this case longer-term Blacks, being displaced, and replaced. Yet, you can bet that most of these people voted for the Democrat party, who have adopted an open borders policy, to racially transform the country, and give themselves the power of dictators. Until, naturally, Hispanics rise to put their own tribe into power.

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Thanks to Mass Immigration, White British School Children a Minority within 40 Years By Richard Miller (London)

The bad news is that, according to Oxford University academic Dr Paul Morland, white British children could be a minority in British schools within 40 years. According to Morland, 50-60 percent of the British population will characterise themselves as white by 2060. However, back in 2016 immigration expert David Coleman predicted given the current immigration rate of non-whites, that Britain will be majority non-white by 2060, or even sooner. As immigration has only increased in rate since that 2016 prediction, the population is likely to become majority non-white much sooner. The same can be said about Australia as well, but from what I can see, that issue does not get discussed there.

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The Curse of the Not-So-Smart Phone By James Reed

Professor Jon Haidt and Zach Rausch have been examining the rise of mental illness in the West, especially America, and in the young. One of the fears surveys show that parents have relate to social media and its influence, for once a child has a smart phone, he/she is open to the entire internet, and all the darkness that lies there. Haidt and Rausch cite recent research by Sapien Labs, which runs a  global survey of mental health, having  almost  a million participants.


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The Religion of Woke By James Reed

The idea of woke has been defined in various ways, but it is essentially political correctness, which was progressive Leftist ideology, on steroids.  That assumes that what we are considering is a purely political movement, and as Michael Snyder has argued, that is not exactly so, with woke now going beyond political correctness to take on the dimensions of a new religious movement, I think more along the lines of a fanatical doomsday cult, as in Jonestown. The doctrines are held by the progressives with a fanaticism that is only matched by the followers of cults, and as the riots following the death of druggie George Floyd showed, they are prepared to commit violence, burnings, assaults, even murder in their quest of “diversity and inclusion,” and to end white racism, the universal bogey man, or is it bogey person? And there is a new symbolism, where whiteness itself has become evil. Since most of these degenerates are white, this creates a dynamic of guilt and self-destruction, making them all the more dangerous.


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Fighting Technocratic Tyranny By Brian Simpson

Having covered extensively the burning issue of growing technocratic tyranny, which came into focus during Covid, and is accelerating now with the climate change agenda, transgenderism, transhumanism, and the general AI push, the question naturally arises about what is to be done. Dr Mercola has written about all of these issues in great detail, and has set out his thoughts about resistance. His general approach is to recognise that the technocratic elites aim to win in a divide and conquer fashion, so it is important that dissents do not engage in in-fighting against each other. This is apparently now going on between some leading Covid critics, and it is counter-productive. There is a need to sort out differences outside of courts and try to unify.

Then there is the need to get the message out, which is becoming increasingly difficult wit Big Tech censorship, but people will need to be creative here.

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Biden’s Latest Rave about Whitey Supremacy By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Following on from Biden’s red fascist speech, condemning Trump supporters as basically evil fascists, he has doubled down and at a recent speech at the Black Howard University pushed the line that white supremacy, never defined, is the greatest threat to America. It is absurd of course, with the open border allowing the flooding of the country with criminals who have been emptied out from South America, and of course, the coming war with China, and the tens of thousands of death from CCP-backed fentanyl, that the Biden administration turns a blind eye to.  But, symbolically, this is an outline of what the regime plans to do next with its opponents, Trump supporters, and that is destroy them. The age of liberal democratic debate, and free elections has long ended.

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Rotting the Eyeballs By Mrs Vera West

Perhaps it is only when one has declining sight, that one realises just how precious the God-given gift of vision actually is. Thus, the news published in the leading scientific journal Nature, is truly shocking: the Covid mRNA vaxxes have been linked to untreatable eyeball clots called retinal vascular occlusion, and people who have been vaccinated are at “significantly” greater risk of developing blood clots than those who are unvaccinated. The population sample looked at 7.3 million people, and after excluding other factors that could be an influence, they had 745,041 vaccinated and 3.8 million unvaccinated subjects to compare. So, it is quite significant. The disease is essentially a stroke in the eyes, which can cause blindness. This is an adverse effect that has only recently been given discussion, as it has been showed by cardio-vascular Covid vax injuries, but is yet another vax horror. What is interesting is that this issue has now been discussed in a mainstream science journal.

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Brits Still Dying Like Flies By Richard Miller (London)

Excess deaths are literally that; deaths for a period over the statistical average or mean value. For the period of May to December, 2022, there were 32,441 excess deaths in England and Wales. That does not count deaths from Covid. That is significant as by comparison, only 179 British troops died in the Iraq War, and deaths from influenza for both England and Wales in 2018 and 2019, were under 3,000. So, how do the health authorities account for this astonishing excess death toll? Short answer: they do not. It is a mystery, and there are only token cynical attempts to suggest hypotheses. The Covid vax is the one significant factor that occurred in this period, but for the British authorities, this is still a sacred brew, not to be in any way criticised. But, at some point the silence must be broken.


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The Even Darker Side of Woke Capitalism By Chris Knight (Florida)

Unlike in the past, where capitalism was concerned with making money solely and did not hesitate to dabble in a bit of slavery, and child workers, the latter of which still goes on in mining operations in Africa, today there is the added dimension of woke. As discussed at the great libertarian site,, corporations are embracing woke ideologies, such as transgenderism, and funding civilisation-destroying things like Critical Race Theory. This came to a head with the Bud Light beer transgender controversy, and now the Miller Lite feminist brewers debacle:

However, beyond that there is the dark underbelly of paedophilia among the globalist elites, with the Epstein affair being the leading example of this. The supposed suicide of Epstein, really a murder, led to the lid being sealed upon the clients who visited his island. As it stands it looks like the bad guys have got away with their crimes, which should not surprise us. What we see with these elites is that they have set themselves up as the masters of the universe, beyond morality and law. It is a situation far worse than anything that past decadent kings, and even emperors have done. They would teach Genghis Khan a thing or two.  

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Feminist Firefighters Burn Down Forest! By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

This human-interest story in the wild, wide world of woke comes from Canada. A prescribed burn, to be conducted by women firefighters, as part of “diversity and inclusion” in the dreaded male-dominated field of firefighting, went wrong. Banff National Park was set alight, and raged out of control. In the normal course of things, in prescribed burns done by experienced firemen, things go well, and no such out-of-control fires occur. But, it is a male-dominated field, and you can’t make diversity and inclusion omelettes, without breaking a few eggs, eh … forests.

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George Soros: Like Magneto, Marvel’s Evil Mutant, Says Elon Musk By Chris Knight (Florida)

Elon Musk has compared George Soros to Marvel Comics evil mutant, Magneto. This produced a fire storm of criticism from the woke who see Soros as basically above criticism because of … whatever. Musk replied that Soros wants to erode the very fabric of civilization. Soros hates humanity." Normally that would be good enough reason to be somewhat cautious about this guy, but apparently Soros gets a free pass, civilisation-destroyer or not. The world may go up in flames, but what matters today is being ideologically pure. It is woke however broke things get.

If Musk is really serious he needs to start funding opposition to Soros. How can it be that Soros funds all the Leftist activity, with no opposition being supported?

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Behind the Covid Deaths By Brian Simpson

An article in the Journal of Clinical Investigation (April 27, 2023), has concluded, after applying machine learning to analyse the medical record data, that deaths in hospitals from   secondary bacterial infection of the lung (pneumonia), may be so high as to exceed the actual deaths from the Covid-19 infection itself. The research also challenged the mainstream notion that the Covid-19 infection caused a “cytokine storm,” thought to be responsible for deaths. The secondary bacterial infection affected almost half of patients who were put on ventilators. According to the senior author, Professor Benjamin Singer, “Those who were cured of their secondary pneumonia were likely to live, while those whose pneumonia did not resolve were more likely to die,” Singer said. “Our data suggested that the mortality related to the virus itself is relatively low, but other things that happen during the ICU stay, like secondary bacterial pneumonia, offset that.”

Thus, Mike Adams was right in saying that during the plandemic, hospitals were, to an extent, killing people.

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Let a Thousand Covid Vax Law Suits Bloom! By James Reed

At long last, Covid vaxxed injured Australians, at least 500 of them, are taking the legal option and have joined in a class action lawsuit filed by Brisbane lawyer Natalie Strijland. The litigants have al suffered serious vax injuries themselves, or have relatives who got vaxxed and died. The respondents are the Australian government, the Department of Health and Aged Care Secretary Dr Brendan Murphy, and the former head of the TGA Adjunct Professor John Skerritt. It is to be argued that the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) did not fulfil its duty to properly regulate the vaccines which resulted in considerable harm to Australians.

Strijland said to “[The class] action arises upon the basis that the government did not truly establish that the vaccines were indeed safe or effective for use by the Australian public, and the claim now proceeds upon the basis that the government in fact acted negligently in approving the vaccines and also by failing to withdraw them after approval based upon the known evidence.”

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Ann Coulter Explores the Jungles of New York By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Ann Coulter has waded in, as only she can, on the cultural implosion of new York, with the failure of the rule of law. This was first seen with te New York DA indicting President Trump on a cooked-up law, specially revised to nab him. Now, in the case of the new George Floyd, Jordan Neely, a Black of course, who was subdued by twenty-four-year-old Daniel Penny, a Marine veteran. Neely has going crazy and threatening violence on the subway, and Penny restrained him in police custody, the Black died, and now the same DA who went out to nail Trump has been charged with second degree manslaughter. It is clearly a race-based charge, directed against whites; a Black who helped restrain Neely was not even interviewed or sought after.


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Rejecting Monopoly Power Over Global Public Health By Richard Miller (London)

The World Council for Health have penned a document entitled: “Rejecting monopoly power over global public health - on the proposed IHR (2005) amendments and WHO pandemic treaty.” The 45 page document attacks the WHO drive to control the health sovereignty of nations. “The World Council for Health officially puts British MPs on notice that it is not acceptable to transfer any decision-making powers reserved for democratic institutions to an unelected, unaccountable supranational body like the WHO.” Al British MPs wil receive a copy of the document.


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