China is Role Model for World Economic Forum By James Reed

We should not be surprised that World Economic Forum founder and Chair, Klaus Schwab, recently interviewed Chinese state media outlet and proclaimed that China was a "role model" for other nations. WEF has never criticised China, and in most aspects supports china, and its totalitarian models over the West. We have said so in many articles and the interview just confirms it. The New World Order that they want is a Chinese communist New World Order.

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Doing a Hatchet Job on Trump By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Biden regime means business about literally wiping out all opposition; such is their love of democracy! The special council appointed to nail Trump, Jack Smith is a “left wing hatchet man” in pursuit of a “witch hunt,” according to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Still, I have no love for Trump, seeing our governor Ron DeSantis as preferable to the man who gave us Operation Warp Speed, and the experimental Covid vaccines. Ironic justice will be for Trump to be falsely imprisoned, treated like the January 6 peaceful protesters, and becoming a martyr for the cause. A great way to cash in one’s chips!

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Australian Cardiologist Calls for End of Covid MRNA Booster Shots By Brian Simpson

A leading Sydney cardiologist, Dr Ross Walker has called for a ban on the mRNA jabs. He has observed in his practice a rise in heart conditions related to the Covid mRNA jabs. He is no vaccine sceptic, but holds that other Covid vaccines are preferable. While one could argue with that position, we note his objection to the mRNA shots.

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Ready Made Lesbians : The Pill By Mrs Vera West

I knew that the Pill had ill health effects upon women, that being well documented. Indeed, even mainstream doctors may recommend alternative forms of contraception to the allegedly few women who have problems. As they say, all medications can have side effects. But, I did not know that there was a claim that the Pill made women into lesbians, or I did not think about it. Could it be that the Pill also made women into feminists, and Leftists as well? That need not be strictly physiological but could be a social-psychological product.

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FTX and US Electoral Fraud By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Even the mainstream media are concerned about the collapse of cryptocurrency exchange FTX. But, as noted at the American, FTX had its part to play in the 2022 election steal: “Tens of billions of U.S. dollars have been funnelled to Ukraine, laundered through FTX, and the laundered money now in the form of FTX cryptocurrency was funnelled back to Democrats and the Bidens … FTX gave at least $40 million to Democrats in advance of the 2022 midterms and funded congressional campaigns for members overseeing the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC),” which was investigating FTX.

Bankman-Fried was the #2 donor to the Democrat party.

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Get Ready for Universal mRNA Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

On the agenda now is a universal flu vaccine, base upon the same mRNA biotechnology, used in the Covid-19 vaccines. We cover the issue of adverse effects from that type of vax everyday here. What is there to fear? Much, indeed, for the universal flu vax will be jabbed out along with continuous Covid shots. There will be a greater probability of the types of adverse effects that we have discussed. This is technology out of control; out of democratic control, and in the hands of technocrats.

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Free Trade Agreements Destroying Australia By James Reed

Malcolm Roberts has done a great job speaking out against the insane number of free trade agreements that Australia has signed. “Free Trade Agreements are a race to the bottom. A race to the lowest wages, the lowest taxation, the least corporate regulation and the most efficient enterprise. Efficiency is a code word for large corporations becoming larger and sending small businesses broke. They do not benefit Australia.” Australia and other Western countries need to shake of this globalist mania of free trade, the goods and services equivalent of open border migration and develop self-reliance as much as possible.

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Some Professors Fight Back! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Academics across the West have in general, with a few exceptions been complainant with the Covid mandates, and have embraced with a passion the Covid jabs. Those that had doubts were soon convinced otherwise, were threatened with sacking. However, at this late stage of the game, 10 University of California professors have criticised the university’s Covid booster shot mandates. Of course, their critique was ignored by the admin. The letter gives a concise, easy to understand summary of the case against the Covid boosters, one which universities are not considering. Climate change was bad enough, but the vaccines, where adverse effects can challenge health and life itself, are a completely different matter.

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Wheels Falling Off the Indigenous Voice Wagon By James Reed

Good work everyone who lobbied the Nationals. They are not going to support the Indigenous voice referendum, which will only put into place one more level of bureaucracy and not help Aboriginal people. Aboriginal senator Jacinta Price joined   Nationals leader David Littleproud at the press conference. This is going well to defeat the voice referendum. Pressure now needs to be put on the Liberals, who to date have been weak on this issue, like most issues. But, for once some good news to report.

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The Excess Deaths of Australia By Brian Simpson

The statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics indicates that there were more deaths in he first seven months of 2022, than in the whole of 2020, and 8.5 times more excess deaths in 2021, after the Covid vax rollout, than in 2020, before the Covid vax. So, given the statistic, how do the authorities explain it? In short, they do not, as they do not have to. A sane society would be asking for a common cause here, but not our vaccine-mad society. It truly has spike proteins on the brain.

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Inside China’s Hellscape: Our World Tomorrow By James Reed

In the article extracted below you will find shocking videos of what is going down in communist china’s present Covid lockdowns. Another article at the blog details how Dr Fauci modelled the US, and hence Australia’s lockdowns on communist China’s. the Chinese people put up with this for a time, being obedient, but now, faced with starvation, are fighting back. Do not be surprised for a repeat of Tiananmen Square, as this god of the Left, and our trading partner, guns every protester down, or runs then over with tanks. I have nothing against the Chinese people and hope that they can bring down this totalitarian regime, but is will be difficult, much harder than fighting our totalitarian regime that the West has become.


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More on the Leftist Agenda Behind FTX By James Reed

The collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange platform FTX has left over 1 million customers in loss, while Sam Bankman-Fried remains free, getting ready to speak at a conference with Zelensky, which is probably appropriate. There is the issue of funnelling money to the Ukraine, and then to the Democrats, but FTX has been up to so much more woke stuff, as detailed at Trial Site, which usually covers vaccine issues, very fairly, but sometimes has great investigative reporting, old school on financial matters. The “effective altruism” of FTX, also led to funding  into the use of  ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, as Covid treatments. The trial found their benefit in preventing  Covid to be “statistically insignificant.”


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Please Explain! By Brian Simpson

I like mysteries and try to find a plausible scientific explanation. How about the UFO at the bottom of the Baltic Sea that cuts out electrical diving equipment when divers get near it? Well, it need not be aliens from outer space, but could be military. How about using purely mechanical systems, something not vulnerable to this cut off technology? Surely there is a tech answer to this. Anyway, sounds like some sort of military weapon, sitting, getting ready, perhaps a special nuclear bomb? Like the animals going round in circles, weird things are happening.

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Boosters, then Cancer for One’s Troubles By Brian Simpson

Oncology professor Angus Dalgleish at the University of London was an early proponent of the Covid lab leak hypothesis, and proposed that the virus contained artificially created sequences. He has now reported that in his practice he is seeing a substantial number of patients who are coming down with a wide variety of cancers after getting the Covid booster. He reports that fellow cancer experts across the world are seeing the same thing. He wrote to the British Medical  Journal saying: “The reports of innate immune suppression after mRNA for several weeks would fit, as all these patients to date have melanoma or B cell based cancers, which are very susceptible to immune control – and that is before the reports of suppressor gene suppression by mRNA in laboratory experiments.

This must be aired and debated immediately.” Professor Dalgleish believes then that the Covid vaccine program should be halted immediately.

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The Paedophiles Who Rule Us By Abigail Knight (Florida)

There was considerable interest among the Dissent Right about the leaked emails around Pizzagate. But, the mainstream media hosed it down, and soon the major critics went quiet. And there has been occasional outbursts about paedophilia in Hollywood, and the elites associated with Epstein’s paedophilia island, and those at the top that (statutory) raped children. Famous names, it is said. However, things then went quiet again. Fortunately, Fox News host Tucker Carlson has recently returned to the issue, who details that paedophilia is common among the elites. I imagine that doing horrendous things like this, offers a display of their power, and an offer to their CEO, Satan.

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Dr Fauci Lockdowns Inspired by Love for Communist China! By James Reed

So how are the Covid lockdowns going for communist China? Even on YouTube one can type in the right search words and see Chinese people protesting, battling the Covid police who are decked out like dudes from Star Wars, in their white bio-protection suits. And, that is in a totalitarian society. But, it has now been revealed, although it was obvious to most of us, that Covid gurus, like Dr Fauci were following the plat script from communist China. And, according to the Epoch, the architect of the lockdowns, Dr Fauci, which were replicated across the West, were inspired by communist china. But, the lockdowns there, no more than in the West, did nothing to stop the spread of Covid. Instead of accepting error, like some of our local councils who claim that rates have not been paid, when rate payers have Australia Post receipts, they just doubled down. We live in a world of infinite corruption, but we lovers of freedom, fight on.

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Birds of Fire By James Reed

I had this interesting item pop up on my screen, just as  I was lamenting about Dan Andrews becoming god emperor for life … no, sorry, that is Xi over in communist China … how could I mistake them? Anyway, there are some birds in Oz who use fire to toast their prey, when fire is around. I don’t think that  they are smart enough yet to carry cigarette lighters, but given enough lockdowns it may become Planet of the Birds, rather than Planet of the Apes.

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The Danslide Apocalypse By James Reed

Oh dear, despite prayers and angst, Dan Andrews romps back in! Yes, the guy who shutdown Victoria for the second longest period the world, modelled upon communist China’s mandates. Certainly, there were protests, but a minority of people, less intense than what we are seeing now in communist China, but that is one level up from what we had in Victoria. So, what happened? Well, let’s ask the Left:

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The Surge in China’s Covid Cases By Brian Simpson

China’s continuing lockdowns have been more about asserting Xi as a god emperor, rather than sound epidemiology. The lockdowns have been the most severe in human history, with people being literally imprisoned in factories, the doors welded, often with no food. There is no real idea how many people have died from the lockdowns alone. But at present, Covid cases are surging, as detailed below, so Xi’s measures have been an utter failure. Probaly these measures have put evolutionary pressure upon the virus, resulting in stronger versions, that are now surge  across China. The problem will be possible shortages of products in the West, given the insanity of globalism, of putting all the industrial eggs in the one basket.


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The One-World Ideology of Biosecurity By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Covid plandemic has advanced the biosecurity state, which has been assembled back under second Bush administration. Dick Cheney, the vice president, put all biodefense research under the auspices of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). There was no oversight on Fauci. According to Dr Mercola, “        COVID-19 is a war against the public, for the purpose of forcing us into a New World Order, a One World Government run by a globalist cabal, where “biosecurity” is the justification for the removal of Constitutional rights and freedoms.” The same thing has been expressed by Dr Naomi Wolf, who depicts the Covid New World Order as biofascism.          

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