Moving Beyond the Universities By James Reed

As readers know, I am a critic of the universities and a radical one at that, seeing them as irreparably flawed and suitable only for closing down, to be replaced by alternative decentralised training and education schools. Now it seems, students, at least in the US, are voting with their feet, and turning to technical education over useless university degrees. I fully support this trend, and in fact years ago predicted that the wokeness, which was called political correctness back in the day, would lead to the implosion of the universities. As these institutions are the nest of communists and anti-nation propaganda, we should welcome their withering away. I would prefer a collapse and a more sudden demise though.

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The West: Committing Civilisational Suicide: Heather MacDonald By James Reed

A new book by Heather MacDonald, When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives, has caught my attention in a review, not that I have money to buy books and review them. The thesis is not a new one, that the cult of diversity, as embodied in the position of Critical Race theory, will destroy civilisation. Seeing everything through the prism of whites being evil, and that Western civilisation is intrinsically flawed is highly dangerous when this position becomes a major cultural force in the education system, pushed by Left wing academics and teachers, which it has. Our Voice referendum is showing this, as the true colours of the radical Yes side, red, is being shown. We are told tht there is no alternative to a Yes, and that Australia will fall as the international community stones us. No, after letting off a bit of wind, all of them will get back to their own oppressions.


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AI Set to Make Social Media Even More Toxic! By Brian Simpson

Jonathan Haidt and Eric Schmidt have set out another case for extreme caution about the rapid advances in general intelligence AI. They advance four reasons of concern, which can be summarised under one: that general AI will make social media even more toxic, especially for children:

1) AI-enhanced social media will wash ever-larger torrents of garbage into our public conversation.

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The Case Against the Human Brain/Machine Interface By Brian Simpson

N. Alexander, writing at the, far superior material in my opinion to the Leftist, The Guardian, has given a thoughtful discussion of the philosophy and ethics of AI-based mind-reading. He makes the case that there is no real socially advantageous reason for this technology, even for paralysed people as there is already surgery-free interfaces, as was used by Professor Stephen Hawking. Alexander gives a long and detailed argument along those lines, that these technological developments are not in the interests of the ordinary people, that there are few crumbs tht will fall from the table of the elite technocrats. What is being done is to push these developments, usually funded by the long-suffering taxpayers, which will deliver social control that will be of sci fi dystopian levels.


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It’s Official Medicine Now: Women Can Get Prostate Cancer Too! By Mrs Vera West

Now we know; trans women can get prostate cancer, just like men. There you go. And, it makes sense too, as  people, born as males, were born with prostates, and if not removed, cancer is always possible. And if trans men can have babies, we should not be surprised. We should not be surprised about anything anymore.


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The Incredible, Shrinking Safe and Effective Vaccine! By Brian Simpson

I have assembled material here from mainstream health sources, indicating that the Covid vax’s effectiveness, assuming it is effective at all, after 30 days was a mere 53 percent. It then dropped to 9 percent after 9 months. The mainstream medical technocrats are not phased and see this as a good reason for endless jabs. But, really, it contradicts the original narrative, given by the likes of Dr Fauci and Joe Biden, of the effectiveness of the vaccines in the first place. No other disease requires endless booster shots, so something must be wrong, especially given natural immunity gives a more robust and comprehensive response to the various strains of the great Covid family.

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Henry Reynolds Predicts Bad Stuff if No Campaign Succeeds. Whatever. By James Reed

Historian Henry Reynolds has written a piece in The Australian detailing the dire consequences of a No vote. Yep, no matter how flawed the question in the referendum is, and whatever technical objections one has to changing the constitution, a No vote is unconscionable. The Yes people will be forced to “return to the streets with campaigns of direct action.” What exactly does that mean – would it be like the Saint George Floyd business? Don’t know. And, as well the globalists in New York will not be supportive of such colonialism.  “Australia will find itself in the situation it experienced in the middle years of the 20th century when our diplomats had to struggle continually to rebut attacks about the White Australia policy and the treatment of Indigenous people.” Oh no, communist China will take time out from organ harvesting on an industrial scale to criticise us:,known%20as%20forced%20organ%20harvesting.


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Robert F. Kennedy Jr Takes a Stand on Open Borders By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I am certain the Australian media is not following the presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy, as the US media is not. Kennedy, is as we have covered, the leading vaccine critic world-wide I would estimate, and an old school Leftist, but one who is not anti-capitalism, but open to free market solutions. That, one may think, would make him open borders. However, this is not so. He has begun campaigning against the open southern border of his fellow Democrats, which he sees is creating enormous social and security problems. “Right now we have chaos at the border,” according to Kennedy. “Human trafficking, criminality, intolerable stress on border states like Texas. It is a humanitarian nightmare.” Thus, he has the interesting position of being a liberal, but seeking to seal the open southern border. It is going to be interesting to see the Democrat candidates debates.

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Merit Versus Woke in Science By James Reed

It is a measure of how far down the drain science has gone,  that a paper defending the quality of merit, that scientific theses should be judged based upon the quality of argument and evidence, gets rejected by all the mainstream journals it was submitted  to. It was eventually accepted in a journal set up to combat this, Journal of Controversial Ideas. The authors contrasted traditional scientific methodology with the postmodern response, which they argue is making rapid advances through universities and research: “In contrast, identity­-based ideologies seek to replace these core liberal principles, essential for scientific and technological advances, with principles derived from postmodernism and Critical Social Justice…which assert that modern science is ‘racist,’ ‘patriarchal,’ and ‘colonial,’ and a tool of oppression rather than a tool to promote human flourishing and global common good.”


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A Deadly Virus of Woke, Unleashed Against the West By Richard Miller (London)

On the subject of viruses, in the news of late once more, there is also perhaps the most deadly virus of all, the mind virus of Leftism and  woke. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has warned that this virus, a creation of the globalist Left, is nation-destroying, as surely as a nuclear strike, attacking the core life blood of societies. “I report to you that we are all under attack, in Europe as well as in America. I must also report to you that the attack is not economic. We are dealing with a biological weapon,” said Orbán. “The nation is the great invention of the West. It is the heart of the free world, but it is also the Achilles heel of the Western world. If the nations evaporate, disintegrate, rust away, the possibility of free life will be lost and the West will fall. People without a homeland can never be free, they can only be landless pawns of the global elite.”

But there is hope, Orbán argued in his speech, as the country of Hungary has fought against the Left mind-virus, and defeated it, even though the likes of George Soros have lined up to sink him. And, the grab bag of Leftist’s agendas has been defeated, all that we lament about here. So, there is hope, it has been shown that the globalists can be beaten, but it will require strong resistance.  

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr on the Ukraine War Disaster By Chris Knight (Florida)

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. continues to impress, taking on issues that Trump will not tackle, such as Big Pharma and its role in the Covid plandemic, the need for justice for the vaccine injured, and open borders, which as a Democrat, he opposes. It is old school stuff indeed. And he is a sharp critic of the Ukraine War, and the US involvement, seeing it as being a potentially bigger disaster than other US disasters from the Vietnam War, to Afghanistan. Only, the previous wars involving blasting civilian populations to smithereens; now with a nuclear armed Russia as the adversary, the neo cons may have bitten off much more than they can chew, and could well choke the planet on it, in a nuclear mushroom cloud.


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The Mental Illness of Liberalism By Charles Taylor (Florida)

An increasing number of conservatives have come to see modern progressivism, liberalism, or as we call it, globalism, as pathological, or psychotic. That is a philosophical conclusion, based upon the ultimately socially destructive nature of such policies, as the road to hell is paved with “good” intentions. But, the mental illness metaphor goes deeper, for surveys have indicated that conservatives, compared to liberals, are happier, and find greater meaning in their lives, and this holds across countries. It also holds historically, as far back as such surveys were conducted.


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The Backtracking of Tyrants By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is interesting, and requires an interpretation. It seems that Covid plandemic tyrants are making a retreat from what they are on record as saying, including Dr Fauci, Justin Trudeau, but not Bill Gates, who is holding the line. Thus, Dr Fauci has recently said that he never pushed lockdowns, even though he issued the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines that imposed the lockdowns. It is like a mob boss saying that he was not responsible for what some underling did. What is happening is that the likes of these technocrats are putting in place a plan to deal with a possible, but unlikely Republican president such as DeSantis, who may well go after them. Certainly Robert Kennedy Jr. would, as president be well equipped to tackle the likes of Dr Fauci, having written the main critique of him, The Real Anthony Fauci (Skyhorse, 2021).

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Will Marburg be the Next Global Pandemic? By Brian Simpson

At the blog I have been speculating, trying to second-guess the globalists, about what bug will be used in the next plandemic. Be sure that Covid was just a test run, and the global elites would have been delighted beyond demonic understanding about what they achieved with a campaign of fear about a virus that was only deadly to a small minority of the population, as for example, the flu is. I was not vaccinated, got Covid, was ill for a few days, then had natural immunity, and I was in an age group that should freak-out, and shake, rattle and roll, in virus-fear.

However, bird flu, if it mutates further, or a variant is released from a bioweapons lab, is deadly, with a mortality of 30 to 50 percent, let alone a gain-of-function genetically engineered version. Likewise, the other possibility is Marburg,  a highly virulent disease that causes haemorrhagic fever, with a fatality rate of up to 88 percent. At present at least 16 cases of Marburg virus have been detected in Equatorial Guinea, with nine deaths, and the World Health Organization (WHO) would declare a global emergency if the virus spreads globally. If the World Health Organization pandemic treaty was in place, it would dictate to nations what to do, and be sure that lockdowns as severe as those we saw in communist China would come to Australia, as well as compulsory vaccinations, no doubt with a new experimental mRNA vax.

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The Return of the King: The Oath of Coronation of King Charles III; Long Live the days of the King! By James Reed

King Charles III made his Coronation oath on the Holy Bible before being anointed with sacred oil blessed in Jerusalem at the service at the Westminster Abbey in London. The King said: “God of compassion and mercy whose Son was sent not to be served but to serve, give grace that I may find in thy service perfect freedom and in that freedom knowledge of thy truth.” Moments before, he had sworn his Coronation oath on the Holy Bible.

King Charles was then anointed with Holy oil, blessed in Jerusalem. Then he was presented with ceremonial items, each one representing a kingly virtue and responsibilities of the monarch. Significantly, the sword had with it these words: “With this sword do justice, stop the growth of iniquity, protect the holy Church of God and all people of goodwill, help and defend widows and orphans, restore the things that are gone to decay, maintain the things that are restored, punish and reform what is amiss, and confirm what is in good order: that doing these things you may be glorious in all virtue; and so faithfully serve our Lord Jesus Christ in this life, that you may reign for ever with him in the life which is to come. Amen.”

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A Likely Nuclear Disaster By Richard Miller (London)

Nuclear authorities believe that a Chernobyl-style nuclear fallout disaster could occur at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, in the Ukraine. The surrounding residential districts have been evacuated by the controlling Russian authorities. The Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi has warned that a “severe nuclear accident” could occur. Intense fighting, including shelling by the Ukrainian forces is occurring. While the reactors are shut down that would not prevent a nuclear accident if a stray shell lobs on the plant. The fallout could be worse than Chernobyl. Unless the policy is suicide, that does not make any sense to me.

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Germany: Migrants Bring More Problems than Benefits By Richard Miller (London)

It has taken a long time for the ethno-masochistic, guilt-ridden Germans to awake, but there are the first glimmers of this occurring, maybe, maybe not. A poll, conducted for Infratest Dimap on behalf of ARD Tagesthemen and Die Welt, found that 52 percent of Germans believe that Germany should take in fewer refugees. 54 percent, said the disadvantages of immigration outweigh the advantages, while only a third said that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. But, so far as skilled migrants go, the Great Replacement is fine, as 41 percent said they would like to recruit more migrant workers, while 28 percent said the number should be kept at the current level, but only 23 percent wanted to recruit fewer migrant workers. No matter; whether it is refugees of migrant workers, the demographic toll will be the same, as the Great Replacement rolls ever-on. Germans disappear from the face of the Earth.

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Elon Musk on Inter-Racial Crime By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Elon Musk has tweeted, asking why the media has misrepresented the reality of inter-racial crime in America (and as well, across the West). He linked a graph which showed that for 2018, based upon Bureau of Justice Statistics, that Black on White crime numbers, 547,948; White on Black, 59,778; Hispanic on White, 365,299; White on Hispanic, 207,104. Throughout the south, about half of murder offenders against non-Hispanic Whites in 2021 were Black or Hispanic. However, the Leftist, globalist media turns this reality around, making whites the principal offenders. This is done as a propaganda ploy, as part of the Great Replacement ideology, as is the cultural attack of Critical Race Theory. Consider it war time propaganda, where whites have both hands tied behind their backs, and are gagged.

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Hollywood Icon on the Destructiveness of Diversity Cult By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Oscar winning actor Richard Dreyfuss has attacked Hollywood’s diversity standards, and by implication, these sort of diversity standards in general, that require a certain percentage of say, disabled lesbians, for a movie.  "This is an art form ... no one should be telling me as an artist that I have to give in to the latest, most current idea of what morality is ... I don’t think that there is a minority or a majority in the country that has to be catered to like that." He also said that use of blackface, and things like that were once tolerated, and should be again, because people should not be so fragile. If he was still looking for work, well, he won’t find it in Hollywood, but most likely he does not, and would not take it anyway. Good choice.


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Hacking the Operating System of Human Civilisation By Brian Simpson

I have been waiting to see what World Economic Forum philosopher of transhumanism, Yuval Noah Harari, would say about the present runaway AI debate. And, true to form, he says that AI has hacked the operating system of human civilisation. While I expected him to welcome the runaway advances, he advanced an argument that AI through commanding control over language, as the chat bots are beginning to do, could result in the undermining of democracy, which would have possible chaotic effects. He hopes to see a blissful merger of man and machine, but has not detailed how the billions of the world population are going to make the transition, especially if democracy is undermined. Perhaps, as he has suggested in other talks, that most people do not transition, and simply fall through the cracks in the floor of postmodernity.


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