Global Skyrocketing Excess Mortality By Brian Simpson

One key argument for the dangers of the Covid vaxxes is the skyrocketing excess mortality across the world. Igor Chudov has calculated that the relative risk of vaccinated people is 40 percent higher than for unvaccinated. Statistically, this alone means a substantial reduction in the average life span. But, the data used by Igor is still preliminary, as we are only in the early days of the Great Die Off yet. It is highly likely, given what is known now about the toxic impacts of the mRNA vaxxes, that humanity will face an existential crisis of survival, given that problems such as the decline in sperm counts, will now be compounded by the Covid issue.

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Global Financial Surveillance By James Reed

Daily is yet another great site that has done fine work in exposing the Covid scam over the last two years. They have detailed how one of the Covid strategies has been to move towards a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), creating a cashless society. The beginnings of this cashless drive were the Covid cults claim that germs were on money; never mind that in principle, germs are everywhere, including computer keyboards. But, that was just the first round in softening the population up. This digital currency will give the elites even more power, and specifically, the ability to put in a tight Chinese style social credit system for population control. The early stages of this in the West was seen in the financial cancellation of the Canadian truckers’ protests, which had its impact. Dangerous times, indeed, are ahead.

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COP27 and Reparations for Climate Damage By James Reed

We have reported on the main big thing pushed by the climate change COP27 conference of globalist elites, that of climate change reparations. Here is a neat mainstream summary to bring everyone interested up to speed. The impacts upon our standard of living will be profound, but we should not be surprised in the context of the Great Reset, and Great Replacement, all working together for our destruction.

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The Death of Sperm By Mrs Vera West

I reported on this briefly before, but have some more comprehensive material stating the dire consequences of the decline in sperm quality and quantity. Here is one of the clear problems people face through not having an interest in scientific issues, since some of these things can kill you, or at least the human race! The sperm decline issue was, as I reported last year, mainly concerned with the West, but a recent study, described below now looks at a worldwide decline, even Africa! Sperm counts have halved in the last fifty years, and here is no end to this. Logically at the same rate, humans will cease to be able to reproduce long before 2070; one prediction is 2045 as doomsday. It will truly be a birth apocalypse. And the problem is going to be difficult to solve given the sheer quantity of hormone-altering chemicals now in the environment.

If the environmentalists want to get scared about something, this is it, but most are so crazy that they welcome human extinction so furry creatures can roam free.

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Liquid Computing and Self-Assembling Nanotechnology: Is There a Covid Vax Connection? By Brian Simpson

Why should we, ever interested in economics, but not science, be concerned with liquid computing and self-assembling nanotechnology? Nano particles are very small particles, used as building blocks for various micro-constructions. Nanoparticles are able to self-assemble into a computer when exposed to liquid. As Natural News notes: “The technology was developed by none other than Charles Lieber, who in early 2020 at the start of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) scamdemic was charged alongside two Chinese nationals for aiding the People’s Republic of China in developing bioweapons in Wuhan.

Lieber was convicted in December 2021 on six felony charges related to his receipt of millions of dollars in research funding from China. In early February 2022, he filed a motion for an acquittal or a new trial that was denied. His sentencing date is scheduled for Jan. 1, 2023.”

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The Attacks Continue on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station By Richard Miller (London)

Zelensky, the man loved by the establishment at the moment, is saying that the Russians are shelling the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. I suppose this is just like the previous big thing, where the missile that killed two people in Poland was claimed by Zelensky to be fired by the Russians, when in fact the missile was Ukrainian. And, nothing more about that now, even though it could have started World War III, which Zelensky seems quite open about having. So, it is not beyond the bounds of possibility, that the shelling of the power plant is being done by the Ukraine. Who knows why, because causing a melt down will result in a catastrophe far beyond Chernobyl, and maybe even a limited nuclear exchange. Shelling the power station is thus an act of international terrorism, whoever is doing it.


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Why is Sam Bankman-Fried Not in Jail? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is one that shows what the system is like. Sam Bankman-Fried, the jolly figure behind the FTX collapse, is set to speak at a NYT summit with Zelensky on November 30! Democrat heroes, altogether. Numerous internet sites are asking why Bankman-Fried is not in jail. The answer is, that he is a Democrat funder, with some token amounts to Republicans, but mainly Democrats got the cream of the loot. So, he will probably be given the Hunter Biden pass, as the rule of law does not exist anymore.

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Two Arms, Not to Hold You, But to be Vaxxed! By Chris Knight (Florida)

According to Joe Biden’s Covid guru, Dr Ashish Jha, as people have two arms, they can be injected with any number of vaccines! “Get one in each arm if you want,” Jha said, in an unhinged response. In fact, that would mean that one-armed people escape the net of endless jabs, but of course the system can always find a place to jab them!


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An Election Defying the Laws of Arithmetic! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Just as YouTube now has short bite clips on an endless roll … so do we. How about this one for election fraud in Arizona: more ballots thn voters! But, so long as the phantoms are Democrats, that is ok with the system. Corruption reigns from the top to the bottom.

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Dr Mike Yeadon: I Did Not Do My Homework By Brian Simpson

Former vaccine insider, Dr Mike Yeadon has recently said that until Covid was in full swing he did not question vaccine culture. He trusted the supposed science, and did not do his own research. But, he has now done his homework and this is his conclusion: “So, reject digital vaccines, and, in fact, all. I am now not trusting of any product from this industry that has recently been approved. And that's because, I'm afraid, the medicines regulators everywhere are corrupt and no longer doing their job.”


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A Polish Philosopher Attacks the Woke European Parliament By Richard Miller (London)

Professor Ryszard Antoni Legutko, a Polish philosopher has given a strong speech condemning the European parliament for its damage done to Europe, and its utter failure to represent the population. Instead, it is a mechanism of the Euro-elites to express dominance over the population who are regarded with contempt, fit only for migration replacement. The parliament has become a political vehicle of the left to impose their monopoly with their fierce intolerance towards any dissenting views. No matter how many times you repeat the word, diversity, diversity is becoming an extinct species in the European Union and particularly in this chamber.”

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Jo Nova: The UN Plan for Global Transformation By Mrs Vera West

Jo Nova has an awesome website exposing the dark deeds of the New World Order Masters of the Universe. The take away from the COP27 talkfest is that the West, but not China, needs to pay climate change reparations to the Third world, because, well, advanced civilisation which keeps most people alive in those countries, produces carbon dioxide. Never mind that the Third World, who benefit from this technology, are willing partners in this enterprise. And the costs are not just to repair damage, from say storms, which could be due to natural variation, but to put in place renewable energy infrastructure at the cost of trillions. This will bury Western civilisation, which, of course, is the Grand Plan. But, the collapse of the West will ring in mass starvation right across the world.

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The Harms to Children By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

A new peer-reviewed study published in the leading mainstream medical journal JAMA, Journal of the American Medical Association, that one in every500 children under 5-years of age, who received the Pfizer mRNA Covid jab were hospitalised for a vaccine injury. One in 200 had long term symptoms, lasting weeks or months. In the past, before the Covid plandemic, vaccines were pulled from the market for far less than these adverse effects, especially if there was harm to children. Instead, the Covid-mad establishment has doubled down, pushing for the vaccination of children, even pregnant women.

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The Hard Road for the Vaccine Injured By Mrs Vera West

I am in the local library and the old lady, a young thing by my standards needed help with an issue. We got chatting, as women do, and she told me that she had needed a gall bladder removed during the heart of the Covid freak-out, as the boys call it. She had one mRNA vax, and now has many adverse effects. Every woman she knows has some problem. But, she did not want to talk about it much, as it made her clinical depression worse. So, if one is vaccine injured, then what? Rebekah Barnett shows that there is not much on offer, and the people who did this to you, do not care. Still, as detailed below, there are some things you can do.


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Electoral Fraud in Brazil By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Former president Jair Bolsonaro is now blaming a software bug on his bid to win re-election, and he wants a new election. Much the same thing is happening in Arizona as we read. There is something very fishy about these voting machines. We need to follow the French system of paper votes, and ID checks for everyone; no ID, no vote, end of story. See how the Left goes then, with a level playing field.

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Joining the Plandemic Dots By Chris Knight (Florida)

Terry Paulding, at the American, does a good job concisely summarising all that is wrong with the Covid narrative. It was a political adventure of the elites from the beginning, with the Left and its antifa shock troops as willing helpers. It delivered a method of disposing of Trump, with mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting, ideally suited to creating as Joe Biden said, the greatest elector fraud in history: “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” But, apart from that, the movement to the New world order has progressed at light speed, or is it Warp Speed, as Trump’s fast track of the vaxxes depicted it? This was all put into place with Trump, the fool of the century, falling on his own political sword.


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Now a Majority of Americans Dying from the Vax By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is significant, as it is now coming from the mainstream Covid narrative. The majority of Americans now dying from Covid-19 have been vaccinated or boosted. Indeed, 58-percent of people fall into that category. It is argued that as the vast majority of people are now vaccinated and boosted, so statistically this is likely. But, that is the point for if the vaxxes really were effective, this would not be observed in the first place.


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The Dark Secrets of the City of London By Richard Miller (London)

The Naked has given a very good overview of what goes on in the City of London. It is not known to even the ordinary people here, that within London, the global financial elites have set up their own enclave, a separate location within the larger city, with its own flag, crest and Mayor, its own government, military and police force. One should be immediately suspicious about this, and rightly so, for this is where the Dark Lords work, and dwell during the day. At night, no doubt, they return to their crypts, as all monster do.

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However the Cookie Crumbles, Whites Lose in this Great Replacement By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Supreme Court of the United States is presently examining a case challenging university affirmative action programs, which openly discriminate against whites. As shown by Ann Coulter, below, the plaintiffs are arguing that the policies discriminate against Asians. Whites are not part of the consideration. It could be an argumentative strategy, but I doubt it; more likely it is simply a higher form of anti-white discrimination. Still, it will be mighty interesting how all this pans out when war against China occurs, and the system faces a problem of a magnitude it has never encountered before, of having assembled an infrastructure of people who may be of questionable loyalty. What then?

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China Given a Free Run in Climate Scam By James Reed

The real proof in the pudding of the climate change scam is that the West now has to pay climate change Danegeld/reparations to those countries who have benefitted from Western technology, including medicine, keeping their high population levels. China is given a free pass and does not have to pay such reparations, even though it is the number one greenhouse gas producing country on Earth. If that does not smack of conspiracy, I will walk to China. Walk, to save on greenhouse gas emissions, naturally!

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