Some People Cannot Let Go of Their Masks … Even for $ 100,000! By Mrs Vera West

Covid vax critic, and businessman Steve Kirsch was on a plane trip. The woman sitting next to him, who worked for Big Pharma, was wearing a mask. Kirsch put the case to her against masks, including that she would take it off to eat and drink, where she could be infected by the dreaded Covid, and her eyes were vulnerable anyway. Then he offered her $ 100,000 to take off the mask, which she refused to do. So, this does indicate her faith in the cult of Covid. But what is interesting is that the story got media coverage, and almost all was critical saying that this was “creepy.” Now why would so many media outlets use basically the same words to deconstruct Kirsch’s experiment? It seems that there must be some centralised coordination going on here, which is not a surprise with all things, Covid. Either that or the media bots are programmed the same way!

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Christians Being Terrorised by the FBI! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is an issue which conservative Christians need to think a bit more about. Tucker Carlson recently criticised US Attorney General Merrick Garland for presiding over the Democrats attack upon civil liberties, especially the rights of Christians. Garland recently testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee. where GOP senators Mike Lee and Josh Hawley raised the issue about the Biden regime’s disproportionate attacks on American Christians, especially noting the attacks against Christians who protest abortion centres. An example was the FBI’s raid of Mark Houck’s home, where 20 to 30 agents with “full SWAT gear, heavily armoured vests, ballistic shields, helmets, and battering ram” terrorized Mr. Houck, his wife, and their seven children simply because Houck shoved a pro-abortion extremist who was harassing his 12-year-old son. That is clearly self-defence, but the civil liberties of Houck and his family were squashed under the FBI jackboot. Paul Vaughn and 10 others who were peacefully praying at an abortion clinic in Tennessee, were also arrested by the FBI, and face up to ten years in jail. The FBI has become a woke version of the KGB, fully weaponised against all opposing the Democrat’s woke, communist agenda.


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Dress Sense and Womanhood By Mrs Vera West

There is a video going viral, of an extremely attractive white woman dressed formally, with a very modest black dress, a hat and scarf, walking down a street. All the men look, which is obviously due to her beauty. But most women look as well, with expressions of hostility. It is not just her beauty, but it is her formal dress which does it. On the street most people are informally dressed, with jeans and t-shirts a la Zuckerman, or track suits, being the uniform of the day. That contrasts with how even the poorer people dressed pre-World War II, usually wearing suits to go to town. Women dressed well, and modestly, even with much less money than they have today. Also, we can see young women dressed in outfits that my mother, and grandmother would have been embarrassed to wear as underwear! Let’s not even talk about beach wear. Modesty, a product of the Christian way of life, has been sadly abandoned by too many.


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Crashing the Calculus: Dumbing Down to Incredible Levels By Brian Simpson

The calculus, an invention, or development of ideas about the mathematics of change, was the fruit of the genius of Newton and Leibniz. It is taught across the West to upper high school students, and is vital for going on to do science at university. In the US, many of the best universities want to see that high school students have tackled calculus, as a sign that they have the intelligence to do the university course, even if not geared to science in their degrees. But, as this American example shows, some students from a diverse background have trouble with calculus, and maths in general.  Hence, the woke response is to dump the calculus requirement. And, where this leads, is that maths itself will be seen to be “too hard,” so that even more students, lacking strong mathematical skills go through the education system. No wonder communist China, with rigorous educational discipline, charges ahead.


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Robert Kennedy Jr Tells Where the US Fits into the Great Covid Plandemic By Chris Knight (Florida)

Robert Kennedy Jr, the leading vax critic, is thinking of running as a Democrat candidate for president, and compared to Biden and Trump, he would be far preferred. He certainly has courage.

Recently, speaking to fellow righteous old school Leftist, Jimmy Dore, he outlined the role the US had played in the creation of Covid-19. In short, Dr Fauci had been in charge of developing bioweapons for the Pentagon since 2002. As there had been three viruses that had escaped from these labs in 2014, he moved the gain-of-function program to the Wuhan lab. They then funnelled $ 2.2 billion through the NIH. The gain-of-function research continued, as the communist Chinese saw the research as useful. At that point the narrative by Kennedy runs off. But I speculate that the CCP saw the perfect opportunity to test the bioweapon, and allowed an outbreak. They thought they could contain it as a cover, and export it to the West to devastate the economies. And, in part, they were right.

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10,000 Dutch Farmers Hit the Streets to Protest! By Richard Miller (London)

There is little mainstream coverage of history unfolding in the Netherlands, as farmers fight back against the government’s Great Reset, Great Replacement plans to close down farms and confiscate land, as sacrifices to the great Dark Lords of the World Economic Forum, and other UN globalists. The war against farming comes from the death-wish ideology of climate change hysteria, which has dictated that the nitrogen produced from the farms is too high, and thus makes it difficult for the nation to meet carbon reduction levels. All this is going on while communist China speeds ahead with coal-fired power stations which dwarf any gas produced by farms. Never mind that these farms supply crucial food to the world.

This is all so insane, that it calls for a conspiratorial analysis, since it makes no sense even within the paradigm of climate change extremism. For a start, shortages of food will lead to inefficient farming being undertaken elsewhere, which will completely counter any supposed gains made by the tyrannical cancellation of Dutch farms. Thus, the actions can only be part of the depopulation agenda that the top-level elites have conceived, to reduce food production, and induce famine. Of course, mass immigration will destroy, Camp of the Saints style, what remains of the West. These elites hope to leave a world where only communist China, their utopia, stands.

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The False Religion of Climate Change Extremism By James Reed

In the US a Rasmussen poll, always interesting, found that a majority of voters agreed with the proposition, that the climate change ideology was not about climate change at all, but was a new religion. There is certainly a good conceptual case that can be made for this. There are, for the environmentalists, the Garden of Eden, the lovely world of non-white people who lived in total harmony with nature, never engaged in mass burnings, or in warfare with other tribes. They were spiritual folk; pure of heart. Then the evil white man came and created the modern world. Whites instigated slavery, racism, sexism, transphobia, that was totally unknow to the diverse folk, who loved each other, particularly foreign tribes; there were no “constant battles.” Then industrialism was created which is now destroying the planet; there are only a few years, if not months, or days, left for the West (but not communist China, who must become world ruler), to go back to eating insects, or better, just die off. Communist China will create a new Garden of Eden, because, they are not cursed with “whiteness.”  Hence whiteness must go, as Critical Race Theory argues. If that is not a nasty “religion,” or cult, racist to the core, it will do until a nasty cult comes along.

That is the story that I have seen from covering the climate change mania. It is expressed a bit more sophistication in papers and books by Leftists, the acts of publication involving industrial processes being inconsistent with their Romantic Primitivism, but they do it anyway, as via grants and academic jobs, we pay for this bs. It is a cosy, comfortable day job in the sheltered workshops of the modern university.

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Germany’s Federal Minister for Health Drops the Big One! By Richard Miller (London)

Here is an item that may be of use to Covid vax opponents in other jurisdictions, especial the still vaccine-crazed Australia, which has at present the highest excess mortality amongst the vaxxed nations. Karl Lauterbach, Germany’s Federal Minister of Health, first confirmed that Big Pharma was totally free of liability for all and every vaccine injury. That was part of the deal that was done with governments. He hoped that Big Pharma would make charity donations to those they have injured. Good luck with that one! So, that alone, while not news to the critics, is not generally known to doctors. Imagine buying a car where there was no product liability at all; would that inspire confidence? I don’t think so.

As for the extent of vaccine injuries, Lauterbach said: “I’ve always been aware of the numbers. They have remained relatively stable. …1:10,000: some may say that’s a lot, and some may say it’s not that much.” That figure is certainly far too low given the well-known issue of under-reporting; the US VAERS system has been argued to under-report by a figure of 41. But, regardless, many vaccines have been pulled from the market for a vastly lower kill rate. In Canada, a very woke multicult, the AstraZeneca COVID-19 “vaccine” program was suspended in Canada due to its risk of causing severe adverse events, such as blood clotting, in 1:55,000 inoculated adults. However, the band played on, as the mRNA shots continued.

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Why the Body Attacks Itself after COVID-19 Vaccination By Brian Simpson

Dr Peter McCullough puts his finger on the problem with the mRNA vaxxes, the elephant in the room when dealing with the issue of skyrocketing excess mortality across the vaccinated world, including Australia, which, as reported at this blog, has seen the highest levels of excess mortality in 80 years. Excess mortality is a death rate higher than the statistical norm, made over decades. It is evidence of something “unnatural” happening. And the problem of the mRNA vaxxes is that for the first time, a gene therapy has been used to cause the very cells of the body to produce the spike protein toxin. The hope, the guess, was that the body would then produce an immune response. But what has been discovered, is that: “1) each cell that takes up the vaccine expresses the protein in the cell surface initiating autoimmune attack, 2) the tissue distribution appears to be wide involving organs where this attack could be lethal (heart, brain, bone marrow, etc.), 3) both the genetic material and the Spike protein are long lasting (months to years) which is long enough to cause an autoimmune syndrome which may be permanent.”

This in turn has created a deadly cycle where a number of human organs are producing the spike protein, in turn resulting in an autoimmune response, which is amplified over time by each new mRNA jab. It is thus no wonder that peak fit, over-vaxxed athletes are “dying suddenly.” And, in Australia, the drive to jab, continues.

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The Horns of Injustice: QAnon Shaman By Charles Taylor (Florida)

With the release of the January 6 tapes, dealing with the peaceful protests at the Capitol Building, said by the Leftists to be the most violent protest in human history, new evidence has surfaced, destroying the Leftist narrative. The horned guy known as QAnon Shaman, received four years in jail for entering the Capitol Building, even though in the past, Leftists, including feminists, have done so without punishment. That is justice in a system where the legal profession has become dominant with woke Leftoids.

But assuming there are still a few grains of justice left in this decaying system, new evidence that the shaman, Jake Angeli Chansley, was escorted into the Capitol Building by police, raises strong legal issues, as Professor Turley details. It can, and should be, argued that Chansley was invited into the building, and hence was not trespassing at all. What is astonishing is that Chansley should have put this as his case, and legally secured the footage. This is one of the big problems with conservatives, that they have an idealistic view of the legal system, and see it as somehow the tribunal of God, where right will be magically decided, when in fact, it is trial by groups of Leftists, produced from university law schools. If one does not believe this, then they should take a cut lunch, and spend a day sitting in the public gallery in court. They will be amazed at what goes on.

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Australia: In the Gun Sights of China By James Reed

Unnamed China experts, quoted in The Australian, have said that Australia’s plan to build nuclear-powered submarines with the United States and UK, would put Australia on China’s military radar, literally. Rather than go into the specifics, let us focus on the defence ideology where these experts are coming from. One logical implication of the claim, if accepted (which means that the nuclear subs are not considered a deterrent in themselves), is that Australia at present is not in communist China’s gun sights. Yet, that claim is false. Cyber attacks from China occur daily, most of which are countered. Australia has Pine Gap, which puts us on the communist Chinese radar from the beginning. Other defence experts see Pine Gap getting a nuclear strike in the event of a US/China war. So, Australia is already on China’s radar.

Finally, China has world conquest ambitions, and if the US is disposed of, there is no reason to suppose that multicult Australia, rich in mineral resources, would not face inevitable invasion. Why, the Japanese are concerned about an invasion of their nation by China. The Australian chattering class do not consider such questions, as decades of multiculturalist Leftist propaganda and brainwashing, have blunted their critical faculties.  And, unnatural selection, the political culling of conservative intellectuals, has produced an academy with much lower IQs anyway.

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What the Environmentalist Prophets of Doom Got Wrong (and Almost Right) By James Reed

Greta Thunberg, climate change guru of the school strike fame, said back in the heady days of 2018, that without radical deindustrialisation, the world would end by 2023, as result of climate change, killing us all off. Well, 2023 is racing ahead, and it does not look like climate change is going to do us in. These failed prophecies of eco-doomsday were also made throughout the career of Stanford University biologist, Paul Ehrlich, and he is still masking them, this time focussing on wider issues than the human population bomb, such as biodiversity decline. Now this is not to say that the destruction of biodiversity is not a concern, but it is clear that these environmental issues get distorted, and manipulated by those who see that a Leftist agenda can usefully be served by it.

While the environmentalists are likely wrong about a natural end to Western civilisation, it hardly follows that refuting them puts us in the clear. There are resource crises, including food shortages, but this is not due to natural limitations, but to political action by the elites, such as closing down 30 percent of farms in the Netherlands. If there is a population bomb, then food production needs to be increased not decreased. So, it is evident even from a cursory examination, that there is a larger agenda behind the environmentalist’s hysterics. And, it is communism, of the nastiest, woke, globalist sort, a social cancer that would destroy the human essence if let to spread. We must oppose it to the last breath, if need be, making this the hill we die upon, as the old saying goes.

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Survival Gardening By Mrs Vera West

Peter Goodchild has been writing on the theme of how communities can survive the coming collapse, whatever the cause, be it war, resource crises, economic collapse, or the planned World Economic Forum Great Reset. One of the key components of this survivalist strategy is getting off the grid, and the system as much as possible. Obtaining food self-sufficiency, or, again, as much as possible is highly desirable. That will be something that escapes the Central Bank Digital Currency system.

And that requires setting up a home garden. In the extract below, in clear terms, Goodchild tells you how to do this. Now, while most of the YouTube sites on this theme involve having a property in the scrub, armed to the teeth, that is not necessary. My grandfather who went through the Great Depression, had the standard quarter acre block. He did not bother with lawn or decorative trees. Everything had to bear fruit, so to speak, and he made an edible landscape. Table scraps, and few they were, went into making compost. He kept bees, that did their job well. The family had chickens whose poop went on the trees and plants, making them grow enthusiastically. And the family never went hungry. In the hard times to come, and Australians are simply not ready for the level of pain that the globalists are going to deliver, we all, to varying degrees, can do the same.

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Holistic Farming By James Reed

With all the threats of the urban environment, it is natural to idealise about retreating from the cesspools and getting a small farm to become self-sufficient, as much as possible. The TV show, The Good Life (1975-1978), satirised this notion, but the show had its moments. Still, as discussed by Dr Malone, who has a property of his own, with horses, family survivalist  family farm needs to be based upon more solid philosophical foundations than the principles of Big Agri. Organic farming is a big leapt forward, but is focused upon the end product of food production, even if just for local farmer’s markets. Biodynamic farming, a concept created by Rudolf Steiner in his lectures to farmers in 1924, goes further. While incorporating various spiritual concepts from his theosophy, the core ideas hold regardless of this. The farm is treated as a living organism, made of elements such as the animals, plants, soil, water resources, and Steiner says, the spirit of the place, which is not so strange for anyone who has lived close to the land. These elements are managed in a holistic way, to produce an overall healthy farm. The key is seeing all things on the farm as part of a web of life, with plants and animals interacting. Thus, control of pests is done naturally by not having monocultures, and by encouraging natural predators. An example is free ranging ducks, who love to eat snails and other grubs, and who produce natural manure.


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A Day of Reckoning for Dr Fauci? By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is uncertain where all of this Dr Fauci tells big fat lies will go. The hearings by the House’s Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic basically called out Dr Fauci for his role in the Covid plandemic from the beginning. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) claimed that Fauci deceived the public. "He was trying to cover his backside, and everybody knows it,” Jordan said. “This is the highest paid guy in our govt. getting all kinds of money to tell us things that were not accurate. US tax dollars went to a lab in China, a lab that was not up to code, a lab that was doing gain of function research, and that's where this thing most definitely came from and Dr. Fauci could not have that news getting out."


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Did the Ukraine Blow the Nord Stream Pipeline? Unlikely By Richard Miller (London)

I was intending to post a comment on this sooner, but the article fell through cracks in my computer, but I have found it now, sweeping up. What to make of the claim made in the German Die Zeit newspaper that it was not the American who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, as alleged by Seymour Hersh, but the Ukrainians? Well, for a start, the story is based upon an anonymous source, and that is not a good start. And, under further analysis, it seems unlikely, given the depth of water that the pipeline was under, and the sophisticated demolition work that would have been involved. It is really just the sort of job America still does well, while it is not something on the Ukraine’s cv. Obviously the story is a smoke screen counter to the attention the Hersh article got.

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Queen Ann Pens DeSantis Presidential Announcement By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is an interesting one. Ann Coulter back in the day supported Trump, even doing a pro-Trump book. But, his presidency was a failure, because he trusted the advice of his son-in-law, which was not wise. He gave the rich tax cuts, when he promised wall to stop the immigration invasion, the results of which are now seen. He could have done this, and in a pinch made a human wall of soldiers. But, nothing was done. Coulter’s focus is upon immigration, but apart from Trump’s failure there, his other disaster was the Covid vaxxes being fast tracked in his Operation Warp Speed, which has led to the present crisis of excess mortality, many argue. DeSantis has taken a stand on all the issues Trump has failed on, and more, and I agree that a second term of Trump will be yet another disaster.

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Weaponising Central Bank Digital Currencies By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The point has been made against the Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)  by US Congressman Tom Emmer that they are easily weaponised to deprive people of financial privacy. They would be “easily weaponized” as a spying tool to “choke out politically unpopular activity.” "As the federal government seeks to maintain and expand financial control to which it has grown accustomed, the idea of the central bank digital currency has gained traction within the institutions of power in the United States as a government-controlled programmable money that can be easily weaponized into a surveillance tool.” That is all true, as was dramatically illustrated by the Canadian government cancelling the bank accounts of the trucker protesters. This social control is the key reason why the ruling elites want CBDCs, as they can never have enough power.

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Why I Have Lost Faith in my Doctor and the Health System By Brian Simpson

This is just a personal view and I am not offering health or medical advice. If you want that you know who to see. But for me, I have lost faith in my doctor. The pushing of the Covid vaxxes, and shrilling for Big Pharma, was the last straw, but it has been coming for some time. Mistakes, due to rushing to get as many patients through as possible, with little time to seriously address issues; that finalised it. One GP prescribed a power anti-depressant, when my condition was some sort of skin infection; I researched the drug and in astonishment threw the script in the bin.


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Australia’s Excess Deaths By Brian Simpson

We have reported on the issue of excess deaths in Australia, being the highest in 80 years. The mainstream media has said that the Covid vaxxes are not to blame, that the real causes, unknown, could be long Covid, or even deaths from people not having access to hospitals in the lockdowns. But, that explanation is implausible, since people could still go to hospitals during the lockdown: hospitals did not close. Some elective surgery was cancelled, but not the serious stuff. But the key issue here is that all of these explanations should apply to other jurisdictions in the West. Yet, the excess mortality in Australia is greater than most other Western countries. And, passive and compliant Australia is one of the most highly vaccinated countries on earth, although the initial enthusiasm has died with the fifth jab now being pushed. The most plausible explanation then, is that it is the workings of the vax.

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