South Africa: One of the Most Violent Places on Earth By Eric Ruger

The statistic put down on paper are grim reading, showing that South Africa is one of the most violent places on Earth. Over 2022,  27,066 murders were recorded in the calendar year, averaging 74 people every day, and almost all of these murders were ghoulish, not only involving guns, but melee weapons such as knives, machetes, clubs and even rocks. The murders arise from home invasions, and even arguments on the street. Women are especially targeted, being three times more likely to be murdered than men, and murder often follows rape. “It is estimated that over 40% of South African women will be raped in their lifetime and that only 1 in 9 rapes are reported. It is also estimated that 14% of perpetrators of rape are convicted in South Africa.” There are around 115 rapes a day.

This is a land where social collapse has occurred, but there is still a shell of an economy to keep things ticking over; it resembles the land depicted in zombie fiction, only more dangerous for people of all races. No-one, or no woman, is safe.

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The Man with (As I See it) No Jaw, Bites Back! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Mitch McConnell, a typical RINO Republican, who I cannot but call “the man with no jaw,” was jumping up and down about Tucker Carlson’s deconstruction of the January 6 riot narrative, using footage from the Capitol Building. McConnell gave the characteristic RINO response, no different from the Democrats that the protests were violent. Did they see what antifa and the left did in burning down America in the 2020 Saint George Floyd protests?

 However, footage shows that police were not arresting these so-called violent protesters, but instead, escorting them through the building; the significance of this, showing that it was all a set-up is not spoken about by the RINO. The big point made was that the death by stroke of officer Brian Sicknick was caused by being at the protests. However, a medical examiner ruled that Sicknick died of natural causes but the events of January 6 "played a role in his condition." This is no doubt true, but it is possible that if the officer was at an antifa protest, it would have had the same tragic effects; these political protests are stressful to unfortunate people with such heart conditions. For a time, the media claimed that the officer had sustained injuries due to being struck by a fire extinguisher, but that was shown not to be so. This does not minimise the tragedy, and the protests should not have occurred, and nor should this death. I keep asking, why did Trump arrange this, when even proverbial blind Freddy could see that Pence was going to rubber stamp the Democrat rule; it was in the instruction book no doubt?

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Dead White Body for Indigenous Art! By James Reed

Here is today’s bizarre, if not disturbing story. A Tasmanian Aboriginal artist put out an ad to get an Australian of British descent to donate their body for some art adventure. The artwork will "speak to sacrifice for past sins perpetrated against the palawa [Aboriginal inhabitants of Tasmania]. " What I found interesting in this story was “whether the chosen person would need to die before or after the exhibit in November.” So, what does this imply if the person in principle may need to die “after the exhibit”? Wasn’t this all about a prior dead body? Would art be reverting back to ritualistic sacrifice?

I have no doubt that some guilt-ridden Leftist will happily give up their body, as "potential applicants should see this opportunity as an honour." Somehow the enormous health issues, in a society that is just getting over wearing masks, seem to have been discounted. As well, there are legal issues too:

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S.A.T.A.N: Stratospheric Aerosol Transport and Nucleation: Demonic Geoengineering! By Brian Simpson

Now don’t tell me that whoever thought up this acronym did not know what they were doing! S.A.T.A.N - Stratospheric Aerosol Transport and Nucleation:  Demonic Geoengineering – is a project by University College London researchers and   European Astrotech, to launch a high-altitude weather balloon that released a few hundred grams of sulphur dioxide into the stratosphere, to test the role of low-cost, controllable, recoverable balloon system in solar engineering. The results of the research are to be published, so the details are not available, but it is but one more step on the road to manipulation of the climate.

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“Crime of Opinion:” Criminal Charges for Criticising Sacred Mass Immigration! By Richard Miller (London)

Here is another shocker, but we have come to expect them. Far-Right Senator Stéphane Ravier, Marseille, France, is back in court, over his “crime of opinion.” He made a tweet dated January 11, 2022, about the murder of an 18-year-old young man in the Paris region by a 62-year-old Senegalese national, with the comment: “Théo, 18, murdered yesterday by a Senegalese” #ClayeSouilly. Immigration is killing the youth of France.” While that seems reasonable enough as an opinion, and can be backed up with statistics, the watch dogs went after him, and now he has to face the race hate charge, from a law with the effect of silencing dissent.

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Newsweek Breaks the Covid Narrative By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Scott Atlas, writing at the mainstream media site, breaks the narrative on Covid, one of a number of articles that we have mentioned at the blog, indicating that the past censorship and cancellation of Covid critics is now loosening. In particular, criticism is being made of the lockdowns, which were contrary to past public health policy, and utterly failed to achieve their objectives of “stopping the spread.” As stated below “We have seen no public apology for promulgating false information, or for the vilification and delegitimization of policy experts and medical scientists like myself who spoke out correctly about data, standard knowledge about viral infections and pandemics, and fundamental biology.”


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Former CDC Director on the Covid Conspiracies By Chris Knight (Florida)

Former CDC director, Dr Robert Redfield, in testimony before the US Congress, detailed how he was punished for believing that Covid-19 came from the Wuhan Institute of virology. Amazingly, he received death threats from fellow scientists, which is probably not much to worry about given how weak and cowardly scientists are; it was most likely on-line threats send from some damp basement somewhere. However, Redfield had good reasons for believing in the lab leak hypothesis. The Chinese  has deleted from data bases early genetic sequences of the virus, which is extremely odd, and most likely would not have been done unless something had to be covered up. And, add to this the smoking gun: “In 2021, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) noted during a meeting of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, "New testimony now received by my committee reveals the Chinese military potentially took over this lab, not in January 2020 as was reported, but earlier in 2019. ... The Chinese military were actually in the facility at the time of 2017. That signals the CCP was worried about something at the lab before the world even knew what COVID-19 was. Why else would they put the Chinese military in charge?"

The State Department noted in early 2021 that "the [Wuhan Institute of Virology] has engaged in classified research, including laboratory animal experiments, on behalf of the Chinese military since at least 2017.”

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The Brook Jackson Legal Saga By Chris Knight (Florida)

One of the most important whistleblower cases involving former Pfizer employee, Brook Jackson, who claims that in September 2020, when she was hired to oversee the testing of Pfizer’s vax, criminal fraud occurred, allowing the vaccine to be FDA-approved. The story was broken in the, and the issue is now in court. The trial judge has yet to decide whether he will dismiss the case, or proceed to discovery, which could prove damaging to Pfizer if the allegations made by Jackson are true, and also, will indicate complicity of the Trump and Biden administrations. With such high stakes, my bet, contrary to Trial site, is that the case will be dismissed; the Covid plandemic court cases have shaken the once faith I had in the judicial system.

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Did Humanity Get the Traditional Nuclear Family Wrong for A Hundred Thousand Years? No! By James Reed

According to a study published in the journal BMJ Global Health volume 8, 2023, by a Chinese research team, in some areas, children are better off with same-sex parents! See, humanity got it wrong for a hundred thousand years! Actually, the article is a meta-analysis, or overview, of the findings of 34 articles, and does not discuss whether this conclusion holds true in communist China.

With all this, the conclusion is only as good as the starting data; garbage in, garbage out. We can assume that most, but not all,  academic journals would be loath to publish any research findings indicating anything negative about same-sex unions, this being one of the sacred cows of the present regime, so there is a research bias built in to the area. This is not to say that there is no contrary material, if we search really hard.  And, if we are keeping things academic, and not using media sources, with a relentless Google search I found in the Marriage and Family Review: “Children of Homosexuals More Apt to Become Homosexual and Experience Parental Molestation: Surveys Over Three Decades,”

Paul Cameron, Kirk M. Cameron

 & Kay Proctor

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Piers Morgan Comes Out, … As a Black Lesbian! By James “Jemma” Reed

Piers Morgan, UK TV shocker, to celebrate International Women’s Day with controversy, which is good for TV, has said that given the present gender construction ideology, there is no reason why he could not define his identity as a Black lesbian. This was his reply the Left who say that those who want to identify as women should be able. So, all he is doing is taking this to the logical conclusion. Certainly, if I had my time again, I might self-identify and compete in women’s sports, something where I could dominate!

No, just joking.

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The Existential Crises of the West By James Reed

US conservative journalist Victor Davis Hanson, puts the grim story that the West is facing existential crises similar to that faced by the Roman Empire in its fall. He does not mention economic aspects, such as inflation and crippling taxes, but add those to the modern list. His core concern is cultural decadence and decay, seen in crumbling infrastructure (train wrecks et.), but also riots, homeless tent cities and spiralling crime. Cities like Baltimore because no-go zones, but this is also well advanced in Europe, especially France and Sweden. Open borders not only are leading to Camp of the Saints displacements of locals, but with the open borders come vast quantities of drugs such a fentanyl, which with the help of communist China, kills over 100,000 Americans a year. Australia has its own local drug problem with an “ice’ epidemic. That is not even mentioning the cultural wars waged by the Left.

Hanson does not mention any fast and easy solution, because there are none to such “wicked” problems, which are interrelated and compounding. Clearly, we need to be articulating fearlessly what we face, even if at best for the time, we can only hold back the flood waters. Hopefully at some point the great mass of inert humanity will awake in fright. It may be happening now with the Covid issue, a bit late, but better than never at all.   

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Dam of Silence Breaks on Lab Leak Hypothesis By Brian Simpson

We have covered in the last week or so the issue of the dam of silence that previously existed on the Covid-19 lab leak hypothesis, breaking in the mainstream media. The main strike was by the US Department of Energy coming out and supporting the lab leak hypothesis, which not so long ago, was damned as a conspiracy, and got one tossed off social media. There was a ban on discussing this issue for two years. However, as Dr Mercola summaries in a now deleted article, a study by epidemiologists Colin Butler and Delia Randolph, has also concluded that the lab leak hypothesis is the most likely explanation for the origin of Covid-19. Among other things, the natural evolution theorists have never been able to pinpoint the animal from which Covid species-jumped.

The nest step then must be to explore as far as possible how the lab leak occurred, was it an accident, or deliberate? That will be extremely difficult because now it is a cold case, with communist China having plenty of time, two years or more in fact, to mop up the scene of the crime. Still, black swan events happen, and some new evidence may fall out the back of a truck, or is it lab?

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Mask Madness Continues By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is one item which shows that the mask madness still continues, even though criticisms of the ineffectiveness of masks has been made in leading medical publications, such as the Cochrane Review. Susan Philip,  Health Officer of the City and County of San Francisco, issued an  order requiring people who work in healthcare and in jails to be vaccinated and wear a mask at all times when in a room with other people. If not, there will be a punishment of a fine, imprisonment, or both. It shows that the craziness does not end; the elites really have a mask fetish.

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World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty Advances By Brian Simpson

We have covered the threats posed by the World Health Organization pandemic treaty at the blog in many posts. The harms will involve surrendering health decisions related to pandemics, which means that an organisation which is highly influenced by communist China, and praised its lockdowns, will be telling nations what to do. And that is frightening. It will also mean vaccine passports, and while this is denied, I think as well, compulsory vaccination, with whatever goo Big Pharma comes up with, however under-tested, as the mRNA vaxxes were. Certainly lockdowns, CCP style will be on the menu.

The US, according to Biden is eager to sign, as is Australia. There seems to be a little time for opposition, with the treaty signed by May, 2024.

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The Record High Deaths of Young Adults By Brian Simpson

It is not easing up; there are record deaths of young adults, and the death data in not going down, with death spikes across many jurisdictions each month. For the US, December statistics indicate that for people under 45 years, there has been a large excess death rate, 43 percent above the expected, or normal value. The December figure is over double the number of excess deaths for November and almost four times higher than in October, in the US. According to Edward Dowd, former leading BlackRock portfolio manager, based upon data from monthly data for deaths from the Society of Actuaries (SOA), the death spikes for January and February 2023 are even larger. And 1.7 million US people have become disabled from the vax, according to Dowd.

This is all something which humanity has not experienced, since the damage is ongoing, and the vax is still promoted, to an increasingly sceptical population, and it is the beginning of a whole brave new world of genetic therapies covered as vaccines.

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The 15-Minute City: A Technocratic Polis By James Reed

What is sinister about the 15-minute cities, is that they are promoted as a Green alternative to car congestion and pollution, but in reality these cities are covers for the technocrats to design cities, more resembling prisons, than organic living spaces. Perhaps few people remember the proposal in the 1990s of the multifunction polis, the idea of building a technological city, much like the 15-minute cities, that would be a multiracial Japanese utopia. Of course, after wasting $ 150 million, the project collapsed, being so unrealistic; dedicated activist attacking the idea also helped scare off invertors.

The 15-minute cities are at first glance more realistic, but at the end of the day we have yet to see how in any decent sized city, travel times without cars can be reduced to 15 minutes.

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Covid King Dr Fauci: Master of Lies and Deception By Chris Knight (Florida)

The latest regarding Covid king, Dr Fauci, is that it has been shown that while he dismissed the Covid lab leak hypothesis, he had also commissioned a “scientific” paper to discredit the hypothesis; heads he wins, tails you lose. This is according to evidence given by the US House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. And Fauci constantly maintained that the lab leak hypothesis was false, even though he was told by colleagues that the Covid-19 virus had “unusual features” that “(potentially) look engineered.” Fauci was the face of the Covid plandemic, and all that came such as mask wearing and lockdowns. Yet, he seems to have walked away from any responsibility for what he has done, despite noise being made by some Republicans that he will be prosecuted. Yeah, like Hillary Clinton’s emails.

This is not a mere US issue, but had impacted upon Australia, which copied what was done in the US, and unfortunately, communist China.

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Resisting the World of Cyberpunk By James Reed

The sci fi dystopian film, Blade Runner (1982), starring Harrison ford, was an early vision of the cyberpunk fiction.  The word "cyberpunk" was coined by writer Bruce Bethke, who in 1980 wrote a story with that title, combining "cybernetics," computer culture  and "punk," the  nihilistic punk music of  the 1970s and '80s. Dr Malone argues that the world view of the technocratic elites, embodied in those of the World Economic Forum, have the main elements of cyberpunk, with the use of AI to produce rigid social control in “smart cities,” as in Blade Runner, but where life for most people is no more than slum-dwelling, with the Metaverse giving some exit from the real world via virtual reality. As the real world is so miserable, there needs to be AI solutions, especially to loneliness and relationships, which too, are replaced by on-line virtual reality experiences.

As Dr Malone argues, this must all be resisted and defeated, since it means the end of the human essence, reducing human beings to empty shells of what they should be. And resistance involves staking out wholesome alternatives to what the technocratic elites are proposing, in parallel societies, where relationship live, and family values prevail, over the values of cyber-alienation.

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Unvaccinated Tennis Champ Novak Djokovic, Targeted By Chris Knight (Florida)

After his disgraceful treatment by the Covid mad Australian authorities, tennis great Novak Djokovic has been hit by the present US vaccine mandate. Yes, this still exists, the elites love their Covid, and cling to it like security blankets. Senators Rick Scott and Marco Rubio just wrote a  letter to President Biden, urging him to grant Novak Djokovic’s request to waive the current Covid-19 “vaccine” mandate, because, it makes no sense whatsoever, if as Biden said, the pandemic is over. “In light of these changing circumstances, and admissions by you and members of your own administration, the current restrictive vaccine mandate which you have maintained for international travelers entering the United States seems outdated and worthy of rescission.”

That is so, but the Covid Left are not giving up easy the thing which gave them so much totalitarian joy.

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Gun Control and the Medical Establishment By John Steel

One thing the health authorities across the West are strong on is gun control. Some people commit suicide by guns, therefore guns are a health issue. Most of these authorities want guns totally banned; not the police and security thugs who protect them, but guns for ordinary people. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is one example, and is now intending to focus on gun violence, which shows that it just has too much free time on its hands. However, this organisation, and most others ignores research indicating that in the United States alone, up to 2.5 million cases of self defence with a gun occur each year. The CDC has focussed upon gun-related crimes, violence and injuries, and naturally creates a bias by not considering positive aspects of gun ownership, as do all gun control advocates. As documented below, the CDC under pressure from the gun control lobby, buried evidence relating to self defence with a gun. And, when one thinks about it, what more basic health issue could there be, than resisting being raped, assaulted and/or killed, by a stronger opponent?

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