Conspiracy Today; Fact Tomorrow By James Reed

Ramesh  Thakur has written at, about in recent times, past conspiracy theories have turned out to be true, and thus, factual. It is one of the best arguments against internet censorship and the so-called drive by the globalist to control “misinformation.” The Covid plandemic well illustrates this, with almost all components of the mainstream covid narrative falling. But despite this, aspects of the mandates, such as a drive for a fifth vax, and mask wearing in selected areas, such as medical centres, continues. The vaccines were said by President Biden to prevent transmission, and this was immediately refuted by nature, with the new Omicron variant, escaping the arguable protection of the first round of shots. The over-vaccinated suddenly were infected.

Dr Thakur has given a list of the dogmas that have been refuted by the passage of time, although still clinged to by some medical technocrats, who cannot let go of the power that the plandemic gave them:

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The Globalist Health Regime of the World Health Organization By Brian Simpson

The World Health Organization (WHO), established the  International Health Regulations (IHR) in 2005, a compliance tool to allegedly efficiently handle public health emergencies. This gave WHO enormous power, being for Western health agencies the fountain of all wisdom regarding health matters. The Covid mandates originated from WHO, and these in turn were highly influenced by policies adopted in communist China, who, as detailed in previous articles, largely dominate WHO. Amendments to the International Health Regulations, made near the end of 2022, will vastly increase WHO’s power, including the pandemic treaty, and the proposed Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB). These changes, if successful will transform WHO from a once advisory role, to becoming a power above the nation state on health-related matters.


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The New Form of Toxic Masculinity: Petro-Masculinity! By James Reed

Academics, having plenty of time on their hands are stitching together a new woke narrative, that sees fossil fuels as, well, fuelling the white male patriarchal racist, misogynist, sexist blah, blah, system. The image I have is of a red neck cruising in a gas guzzler, shotgun in a rack, arm out the window, making a nuisance himself.

Yet, the problem these woke academics have, is that the vast majority of Africans, Chinese, other East Asians, and in fact, most of South East Asian and South America, support fossil fuel use. Non-whites support fossil fuels. In fact, these societies embrace, with no shame, petro-masculinity. So, there is a problem here for the while liberal woke academics, since, the Left-blessed races, those who are non-white, fit the same depiction, made of the dreaded white males. So, what is an academic to do? Probably ignore it. Or say, no, it is the white racist West which has turned these golden people from the true path. Yes, that might be it.

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Wind Turbines: Killers of Nature, and Polluters By James Reed

The Greens worship wind turbines, which along with solar energy, they see as replacing conventional fossil fuels, so that the so-called climate doomsday can be averted. Yet, in terms of energy, wind turbine energy is still fossil fuel dependent. Every turbine requires oil to operate, with the average 5MW turbine containing several hundred litres of oil, such as at the base of the turbine. The oil needs to be changed every nine to 16 months. But that is just the start, since the blades are made from balsa wood, which typically comes from the amazon, and its harvest leaves behind massive environmental pollution, and deforestation as has been seen in Ecuador. Apparently, this deforestation does not worry the Greens who may reflect that one cannot make omelettes without breaking a few eggs. As detailed below, wind turbines tend to shred birds and other wildlife, something fossil fuels do not do.


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China Gears Up to Lockdown for the Flu By Brian Simpson

Chinese officials in the city of Xi’an, in Shaanxi Province in central China, are planning a lockdown if the seasonal flu poses a severe threat. This would, in effect, make a return to the style of lockdown experienced during Covid, and which led to the otherwise passive Chinese people pouring out onto the streets in protest. Presumably the Chinese health authorities must think that people have short memories. And, as cited below, some journalists in the West, the same that supported the Covid lockdowns, are renewing the call for new lockdowns if the flu gets severe, and especially if there is a species jump of bird flu, H5N1.

If so, we will be set to go through Covid 2.0, with a likely new round of inadequately tested mRNA vaxxes. The big question is, whether the people of the West and going to take it this time, or will they again, be forced to take it?

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Committee on the Present Danger: China By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Committee on the Present Danger: China, has been investigating the threat that the close alliance between communist China and the World Health Organization will have on the national determination of health policies. The speakers at a recent presentation were alarmed about the World Health Organization pandemic treaty, which President Biden is set to sign, seeing that this will lead to the policies of the World Health Organization overriding national policies in pandemics.

There are two problems here. The first, dealt with below, is that the World Health Organization, with its strong CCP influence will be following the policies of communist China to the detriment of the West. One need only reflect upon the social disaster that China’s lockdown was; view the graphic videos of people locked in high-rise flats, jumping to their deaths. Second, the World Health Organization is quick to declare health emergencies and pandemics, as the now forgotten monkey pox fizzer showed.

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David E. Scheim, PhD, and Jerome Dancis, PhD: Letter for Covid Vax Exemption By Chris Knight (Florida)

David E. Scheim, PhD, and Jerome Dancis, PhD, have delivered the letter, reproduced below to the chancellor and Board of Trustees of their California college, which like most of California still had Covid vax mandates. It seems that the letter was successful, as the next day after the letter was emailed, the college granted exemptions to a number of staff whose employment was threatened. Perhaps the key point made was that a study published on MedRxiv on February 23, 2023, by researchers from the Cleveland Clinic, found that “the higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19.” “The study, which tracked 51,000 subjects, found: “The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19,” …. That figure shows that for every number of vaccine doses—none, one, two, three, and greater than three, the cumulative incidence of COVID-19 was greater with more vaccine doses at every day throughout the study’s 98 days of follow-up. The bivalent booster, however, offered an insignificant 4% reduction in incidence of COVID-19 infection for the Omicron strain that became dominant in 2023.”

Thus, the Covid mandates, which still exist, are ineffective, and counter-productive.

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Mainstream Media Tackles Australian Excess Death Issue By Brian Simpson

The mainstream Australian media have tackled, in heir own way the issue of Australia having the highest excess mortality in over 80 years, with a 12 percent increase of excess deaths in 2022. That amounts to 20,000 deaths, with 10,300 allegedly due to Covid, and with 2,900 deaths were the virus contributed. The other 6,600 deaths were not related to Covid, and are explained as being due to cancer and heart disease. Naturally, the Covid vaxxes had no role to play in this, they allege.

This claim flies in the face of evidence that has been posted from numerous sources at the blog from other jurisdictions. But, keeping to Australia, excess dementia deaths constitute contrary evidence. As noted by Steve Kirsch, the explosion of dementia deaths in June to July precisely coincides with the Covid vax rollout, while back in 2021, there were only 15 deaths from dementia in 2021.

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There is No Climate Change Emergency By James Reed

Mark Keenan, a former scientist at the Department of Energy and Climate Change, UK, and at the United Nations Environment Division, and author of the book Transcending the Climate Change Deception – Toward Real Sustainability, brings us up to speed on why the alleged climate change emergency is pure deception, and simply is not supported by all scientists. In fact, 1500 climate scientists and professionals in over 30 countries have signed a declaration that there is no climate emergency. The Irish Climate Science Forum (ICSF) website, also supplies refutations of much of the UN IPCC reports. It is therefore simply not true that the UN IPCC represents any sort of “consensus” on climate change, as if those disagreeing are immediately to be classed as heretics for not falling in line with the UN. “The reality is that the climate changes naturally and slowly in its own cycle, and solar activity is the dominant factor in climate and not Co2. We can conclude that carbon emissions or methane from livestock, such as cows, are not the dominant factors in climate change. In essence, therefore, the incessant UN, government, and corporate-media-produced climate hysteria in relation to carbon emissions and methane from cows has no scientific basis.”


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Conservative Speech to Become Domestic Violence Extremism! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The US under the Biden regime, and Democrats, seems to be leading the world in tyrannical anti-freedom legislative proposals. For example, Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson, wants to set up a panel to determine what counts as “domestic violence extremism,” which is defined as any thought contrary to their position, in essence. “This commission is specifically designed to target conservatives and quash any government opposition, which is why the legislation purposefully ignores Antifa and Black Lives Matter extremists. Indeed, it expressly supports those tactics,” according to Seattle talk-show host Jason Rantz. He called it “the most dangerous bill in legislative history.” If successful, which is likely, it will set a precedence for similar thought control bodies in other states, and finally for the country as a whole. Then, the idea will be exported to places like Australia, who unfortunately follow every one of our woke adventures.

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DNA Contamination of the Covid Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

Dr Jessica Rose has a post detailing research indicating, as she puts it, “Take Home Message: The left-over expression vectors used to manufacture the mRNAs are at contamination levels 100-fold higher than originally proposed and imply trillions of DNA molecules per dose. This has implications for integration into our genome.” I must admit, that the technical details of how this was discovered is beyond me, so I won’t post any extract, the interested can go to the site. But, if this is right, there is the potential for integration into the DNA, which was not supposed to happen.

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The Fraud of the Pfizer Trials By Brian Simpson

The German mainstream media giant, Die Welt has detailed that there were many subjects in the Pfizer Covid vax trials, who had adverse effects including deaths. For example, A person known as “Pfizer subject C4591001 1162 11621327” died three days after receiving the second dose of Pfizer’s COVID shot, reportedly due to stroke and arteriosclerosis. However, it was deemed unrelated to the vaccines. As well, Die Welt documented that there was an unblinding od study subjects, invalidating the study. Worse while Pfizer claimed that its vax was 95 percent effective against Covid, but in part, the study had excluded people who had got Covid within 14 days after being vaccinated.

These points and more showed that the study suffered from major methodological flaws, yet the vax was pushed upon an unsuspecting population.

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Transhumanism has Been with Us Since the Pill By Mrs Vera West

Mary Harrington, UK columnist recently debated Elise Bohan on whether transhumanism will create a nightmare world, or a brighter future. She was along our line as seeing the transhumanism program of radically changing human nature at the genetic level, as full of dangers. But, an important point was made, that transhumanism has been advanced for many decades. The Pill, for example, and the revolutions in reproductive technology such as IVF, radically changed what it meant to be human. The contraceptive technologies made all women using them transhumanists. But the Pill did not delivered emancipation that 1960s feminists said it would: “In the case of sex, the transhumanist Pill revolution didn’t deliver (as the feminist Shulamith Firestone imagined) a polymorphous liberation of human sexuality. Or it did, but under the sign of commerce. We got the so-called “sexual marketplace” in which normative asymmetries in male and female mating preferences reappear in cartoon form, as market opportunities or as strategic weaknesses to be weaponised in a contest for personal gain. Or, straightforwardly, as commodities to buy, sell, or exploit.”

The same case can be made for many other transformative technologies, with the major example today being the mRNA Covid vaxxes, which have made the vaxxed into genetically modified organisms. There is a blog entry today citing Dr Jessica Rose who viewed evidence of DNA impurities in the vax that might get integrated into the cell, if I understand it correctly, which I may not, it is technical, but frightening.

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Impending UK Demographic Collapse? By Richard Miller (London)

The tale told by the recently released data from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) who updated the “Vaccination in pregnancy” dataset in its “COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report,” is that the birth rate in England crashed by 11.9 percent in 2022. There is thus a high drop-off in births since the Covid vax rollout. “The beginning of the drop coinciding with the peak in first vaccinations is worrying, as is the chart showing that the more wealthy and more vaccinated women are having fewer babies,” The Daily Sceptic has observed. If this trend continues, combined with the on-going drop in sperm quality and quantity, human fertility is going to be in big trouble.

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Courage Award Given to Biological Man! By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

The White House celebrated International Women’s Day by giving the Courage award to Alba Rueda, a transgender person from Argentina. “In Argentina, Alba Rueda, is a transgender woman who was kicked out of classrooms, barred from sitting for exams, refused job opportunities, subjected to violence and rejected by her family. But if the face of these challenges, she worked to end violence and discrimination against the LGBTQI+ community in Argentina,” as was saidat the ceremony.

At this late stage of the game it does not matter too much, but still, it shows that things woke are proceeding as usual.

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No Chook is Safe! By Richard Miller (London)

The tyrannical UK government is now proposing to have people who own chickens to have them registered. Now, why would that be? Just like gun registration it means the authorities know what people have and can come and take them away, as shows of power. The pretence is to control bird flu, but in reality, it is to control one food resource that would supply protein. The ruling elites never do anything unless it contributes to their big game to create a dystopic New World Order.

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An Absolutely Fatal Flaw with the Mask Culture By Brian Simpson

This just occurred to me. All the requirements about wearing masks still in entering medical centres are really besides the point. Note that people with the mask never have eye protection, but in principle viruses can be contracted through the eyes as well, with the eye fluids basically  drain into the nose, and hence the respiratory tract. So, the mandates should have required eye protection as well. I am sure that with the next plandemic they health authorities will get it right!

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The Treason of the President By Charles Taylor (Florida)

None once dare call it treason, but now, as detailed at, some are. Most countries have their specific drug crisis; Australia has an “ice”/ crystal meth crisis for example, with over 1.2 million Australians having used the drug. Here in the US, the situation, like almost everything else is bigger, and worse, with our demon drug, fentanyl, killing almost as many people who died in World War II, over the last four years, some 300, 000 people. The drug is made in China, and smuggled across the open southern border by Mexican drug cartels. This, along with the deaths from Covid-19, which most likely escaped, or was released by the Wuhan Institute of Virology, China, constitutes a war upon the American people which the president is just letting happen. And, as indicated by the revelation from the Hunter Biden laptop, the Biden family has become super rich by their shady business deals with communist China. I agree with the comments below that this is treason, and must in due course, be dealt with by the full measure of the law.

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The Failure of Renewable Energy By James Reed

I collect information for the blog to refute the current hysteria regarding climate change, and how renewable energy will save the day. As previous posts have shown, there is for a start, no climate change emergency, and hence no reason to be cancelling fossil fuel use, especially in Europe at this time of shortages anyway, due to the war. And, renewables are not answer as detailed at American Solar and wind, at present, deliver only a fraction of the electricity needed in cities across the United States, and the same goes for the rest of the West. That is only electricity, with other sectors of the economy still highly dependent upon fossil fuels, especially for transport. To move to the total electrification of the US would require wind and solar infrastructure to increase by 18 times. This, in turn will require an enormous infrastructure outlay, which will have a massive carbon footprint in itself, from building, if it can be done. The project will be more challenging than any energy project ever undertaken by humanity.

None of this can be achieved in the time frame given by the climate change hysterics, so their proposal is a failure. But, perhaps it was never sincerely meant to be any sort of “solution” to climate change, but rather to de-industrialise the West, and elevate China as ruler of the world, the Leftist idea of heaven.

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Why the Left Love Masks By Mrs Vera West

The scientific evidence against mask in the Covid pandemic is strong; they did, and do not do what the health authorities say the were supposed to do. This was confirmed by the release a few weeks back of the definitive study by the Cochrane Reviews. Yet, apart from authorities who had already moved away from mask use, it did nothing to disturb the standard narrative of the Left. As detailed at the great American, this is to be expected. For the Left, masks, like the lockdowns were not about public health, but social control.

Bret Stephens, at the New York Times, said of the Cochrane study: “Mask mandates were a bust. Those skeptics who were furiously mocked as cranks and occasionally censored as ‘misinformers’ for opposing mandates were right. The mainstream experts and pundits who supported mandates were wrong. In a better world, it would behoove the latter group to acknowledge their error, along with its considerable physical, psychological, pedagogical and political costs.”

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