Covid as a Globalist Weapon By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is some interesting information from Canada, where newly uncovered documents show that the totalitarian globalist Trudeau government used the Covid plandemic to move the country along the policy lines wanted by the latest visible evil globalist organisation, the World Economic Forum (WEF). The documents were obtained by Canadian independent media outlet Rebel News through an Access to Information Act filings, and consist of high-level briefing notes made to the then-Minister of Foreign Affairs and head of Global Affairs Canada Chrystia Freeland. Freeland accepted the UN Sustainable Development plans, of the 2030 Agenda: “Canada views the 2030 Agenda as a comprehensive framework for responding to and recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, and building more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable societies that can help to prevent and better withstand future crises and shocks.” In other words, becoming a slave to the globalist dictates of the New World Order.

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150 Percent More Adverse Vaccine Events since Covid Vax Rollout, than in the Entire History of the US VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) By Chris Knight (Florida)

We cover the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) US Covid vaccine deaths and adverse effects each week, which while vastly under-reporting cases by a factor from 41 to 100, does show that there  have been 150 percent more adverse vaccine events since the covid Vax roll out,  than there have been in the entire 32-year history of VAERS. The number of reports is at historically high levels and more deaths and adverse events have been reported than for any other vaccine in history. Surely that would cause alarm bells to ring, and our protectors of health would have been expected to have proclaimed this and raged against the vax. In fact, exactly the opposite from shrills of Big PHARMa.

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Dangers of the Covid PCR Test By Brian Simpson

This is not much discussed now with RAT tests available, but the PCR test for Covid has its dangers. As detailed below, the way it is generally used with a large number of cycles, generates false positives.  The CDC said that the PCR test cannot distinguish between SARS-CoV-2 and the influenza virus.

Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, also denounced its use as an unreliable diagnostic tool. “If you can amplify one single molecule up to something that you can really measure, which PCR can do, then there’s just very few molecules that you don’t have. That could be thought of as a misuse of it, just to claim that it’s meaningful,” said Mullis. “It doesn’t tell you that you’re sick. It doesn’t tell you that the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you or anything like that.”

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mRNA Vaccines and the Biodistribution of Lipid Nanoparticles By Brian Simpson

In the beginning Pfizer and Moderna created the mRNA vaccine, but, all was not good. It was said by the health authorities that there was no problem about injecting mRNA into the body, as it would not spread throughout the body, let alone combine with the DNA. But the Japanese to their eternal credit were highly sceptical and requested a pre-clinical biodistribution study, done on an animal model. It was found that the vaccine did not stay at the injection site, but spread throughout the body, to the heart, ovaries and brain. Herein was the potential for the adverse effects that we are seeing reported. Dr. Byram W. Bridle, Associate Professor of Viral Immunology in the Department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph, was at ground zero on this and has been a strong Covid vax critic. Here is an update on the biodistribution issue. The short of the long is that it was known from the beginning that the mRNA vaccines were problematic in this respect, and should have been never pushed upon a gagged and bound public.


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The Broken Vaccine Injury Compensation System By Chris Knight (Florida)

According to Dr Robert Malone, the Vaccine Injury Compensation System for Covid has failed, as yet has not paid out a single claim! So, this raises the very good issue of why people should take an experimental vaccine, actually for the mRNA vaccines, a gene therapy, when thee is no safety net?

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The Vax Strikes Again? American Pilot Bob Snow's Cardiac Arrest after Landing By Chris Knight (Florida)

Steve Kirsch covers the story of American pilot Bob Snow's cardiac arrest after landing. Some are thinking that at least 30 percent of US pilots will need to be disqualified due to vaccine injuries. That will also apply to air force pilots, further increasing vulnerabilities relative to commo China.

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Biden Administration Hands Space War Superiority to China and Russia … Easier to Just Surrender Now By James Reed

Thomas Lifton, is right, this is insane, but insanity is the defining characteristic of the Biden administration. Dropping out of the testing of anti-satellite missiles in simply a form of surrender, perhaps a death wish, certainly it indicates the the US elites are on the side of the CCP as their minds have been eroded by leftism.

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The Solomons-China Security Pact … but Not Secure for Us! By James Reed

Australians should be extremely worried about the communist China-Solomon Islands security pact, which will see the CCP establishing naval vessels on the island. How about nuclear weapons pointed at every Australian city? And, with this existential threat, we have the Greens  saying that such concerns are “racist,” as if that abused word kills the debate. These useful idiots also want Australia defence spending slashed. They effectively surrender to the CCP now. Anything here taken as electoral comment: written and authorised by K. W. Grundy 13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.


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Bad “Social Credit” in Italy By James Reed

Italy is moving to catch up with communist China in bad “social credit,” to be completely distinguished from Douglas social credit, which is exactly the opposite, and is in fact the antidote to it, like an anti-venom is to snake poison. And, poison it is, as a new app, “Smart Citizen Wallet,” is already active in Rome. At present citizens are rewarded for doing largely “green” woke activities such as recycling, using public transports, and managing energy well.  Privacy Network, an Italian tech company that specializes in digital privacy, stated on  their website that there are serious legal, ethical, and social implications of such apps. “These practices, if poorly developed or used, can lead to serious limitations on, and violations of, citizens’ rights and freedoms, as well as discriminatory practices, which are also achieved through technological means, such as ‘social credit’ systems (or social scoring).” It is the thin edge of a mighty thick wedge, that will bring in a full-scale CCP style “social credit” system of control. And, once it is in one test case, it will be transplanted to other countries, moving like a plandemic.

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Siccing the CIA on Trump: Corruption Unlimited By Charles Taylor (Florida)

By Charles Taylor (Florida) the corruption and evil are slowly coming out, but, what can be done? A recently released CIA memoranda has revealed that technicians behind the Alfa Bank hoax also tracked Donald Trump’s movements to devise another collusion conspiracy theory. It involved both the mining of proprietary information and sensitive data from the Executive Office of the President (EOP) and the apparent surveillance of Trump’s physical movements; yes, cyber-stalking. If this was done to Obama when he was in office heads would have already have rolled, but, hey it is Trump and conservatives, so the ruling Left can ignore it. No crime done by the Left deserves punishment in the weird inverted world of Leftist politics.

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Woke Maternity By Mrs Vera West

It is happening in the UK, and will be seen here in Australia soon. Midwives are being discouraged from using common traditional terms like “vagina,” because it may trigger transgender patients. Instead, they will have list of preferred terms. I am too embarrassed to mention any more, but the details are below for the strong at heart.

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Jabbed, Then Falling from the Sky, Like Icarus By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is the next problem with the jabs. It is one thing for our favourite sports stars to collapse on the field, clutching their hearts, and their legs convulsing in the air, if they are lucky. But what if the pilot of the plane you are in at 30,000 feet, and co-pilot have heart attacks? Time to grow wings and learnt to fly, or take a parachute with you. And, it is already starting to happen.

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Whoa! at Least it Will be Over Quickly … Russia has Satan II Missile Ready to Roll Boys! By James Reed

It is just as well that I have nothing left to live for, have sought forgiveness for my sins, and am happy to die. I mean to say, if I was in Europe right now, and had things like a family, friends and the trimmings, I would be worried.  Then so should Australians given an On the Beach (1958) scenario from fallout. After all, the insane US establishment wants war with Putin, but he has weapons that they could only dream of, since all US energies have been put in woke causes like the Great Replacement and white genocide. Weapons like the Satan II hyper-nuclear missile, capable of destroying a place as big as say New South Wales, or Victoria.

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Time to Vote for Change By Viv Forbes

All electoral comment, written and authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.


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David Mamet: The New Occupation By James Reed

Some profound comments from David Mamet who says much better what I have said previously, that the last two years have seen the birth of a new monstrous religion. “Those currently in power insist on masking, but don’t wear masks. They claim the seas are rising and build mansions on the shore. They abhor the expenditure of fossil fuels and fly exclusively in private jets. And all the while half of the country will not name the disease. Why?” Because of the culture of fear these elites have created to rule their new dystopia.

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Falling Down into the Abyss of Dumbness By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Ten years ago, Professor Mark Bauerlein published, The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future. The blame was put upon an over-dependence upon IT, reducing natural cognitive processing capacity such as memory. The bad news is that all the objective statistical measures, such as SAT scores, confirm this downward trend. And, the controversial Flynn effect, of supposedly growing IQs, has now ended, and IQ, like almost everything else, is going down the proverbial drain. This factor alone is enough to crash civilisation, since unlike ancient Rome, our world depends upon having a large number of higher IQ technicians to keep it ticking over and to allow the woke bs in the cultural sphere to continue. Also to supply food sand he modern womb-like life support system, to a people who have long lost the capacity to survive in any new frontier.

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Wall Street Analyst Says Covid Vaccines the Greatest Fraud in History! By Chris Knight (Florida)

That is the opinion of Edward Dowd, a Wall Street insurance analyst and Wall Street executive being a former portfolio manager for the multinational investment firm BlackRock. Now, that is over-qualified for you. So, if he calls fraud, I believe him. And, to paraphrase a popular song, he is not the only one.

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The Fall of the Athletes By Brian Simpson

We have discussed the situation observed all over the world of athletes collapsing, usually clutching their hearts, often having heart attacks. Many have died.  The lame stream media has either ignored this, or said nothing to see here, peek fit athletes curl over during sporting matches all the time! Dr Mercola does not think so, and sees this phenomenon as yet another manifestation of the workings of the vax.

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The Mark of the Beast: The Internet of Bodies By James Reed

Today’s, shock, horror, the internet of bodies, which many, myself included, see as the Biblical Mark of the Beast, certainly metaphorically. Dr Mercola in a now deleted piece, details how implantable microchips are a key thing in the World Economic Forum’s Internet of Bodies (IoB), to create a system of “an unprecedented number of sensors,” including emotional sensors, “attached to, implanted within, or ingested into human bodies to monitor, analyze and even modify human bodies and behavior.” This is an extension of the Internet of things, only humans are now the “things’ hackable and controllable just as in any dystopic movie, only this one is real. To my mind these developments go even further than those described in the last book of the Bible, as your entire life and identity will be controlled by such implants. Step out of line to any degree and face what the Chinese live under in the CCP.

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Populism Against the Davos Man in the Time of Covid By Chris Knight

Dr Robert Malone has another great piece exposing the globalists, in this case what he calls Davos man, after the infamous cabal who meet and plot, and gloat about world control. His comments are in response to the article “Davos Man, How the Billionaires Devoured the World” by NY Times Global Economic Correspondent Peter S. Goodman, which he sees as having an anti-populist bias, which I suppose is part of the gig going for a globalist paper such as The New York Times. Still, even given this the article, behind a pay wall of course, says that the super-elites, the Davos man, have devastated the world. “Davos Man has managed to turn every crisis into a opportunity for his further enrichment, finding in dire public health emergencies and financial conflagrations a justification for public relief, and implanting in every bailout a mechanism that steers public money his way.” “Davos Man’s gluttony is threatening our entire ecosystem. His extreme overconsumption has undermined faith in governance, giving rise to rage among the other creatures in the biosphere…. Davos Man’s relentless plunder is the decisive force behind the risk of right-wing populist movements around the world.”

Biased, yes, but still on the money for the evils done by Davos man. And, let us hope populism is to the rescue, because they have only got away with it as the sheeple grazed unknowingly. Sheep must become wolves, politically.

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