Rumbling the Ruble! By James Reed

Talk about committing economic suicide. With the measures of financially cancelling Russia, all that has happened is that Russia moves outside the drag net of US dollars, and trades in rubles, especially for natural gas. It marks the end of US dollar dominance, as other dissent countries will soon follow the lead, already encouraged by China. But, dismantling the West was always the plan of the New World Order with its oriental focus.

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US Secession Report: The Great Divorce Plans Continue By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here are the latest developments in the US secession movement, the plan to breakup America into a smaller, more decentralised unit, mainly along red and blue state lines. The core idea is that the corruption of the US has now gone so far that the Great Divorce is the only answer, next to civil war, and perhaps with civil war. And I expect that when the November mid-terms are stolen as well by the Democrat election fraud machine, secession will really take off. At long last.

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The Vaccine Mandates and the Destruction of Liberty By James Reed

I stumbled over this log from the internet, giving us an example of where the Great Reset elites intend to take us with the vaccine passports and associated totalitarian social controls. As was seen with the cancellation of banking for the Canadian truckers, the elites are aiming for the same sort of control over all aspects of life. An advanced case of this, which has used Covid as the trigger mechanism, is Sacramento, the United States. There are also advanced plans to regulate what is said on the internet to especially control what the elites define as false news, being anything critical of the Big pHARMa vaxxes. The hate speech laws were a test run for this, and now the globalists move on from that victory to the next agenda, while the sheeple blink mindlessly and graze on, while there is still pasture left.

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Now the Greens Say Three Years to Climate Disaster … Well, Better do Something about CCP Emissions! By James Reed

With all the crises going on now, from Covid and bird flu, to war and starvation, I thought it was odd that the climate change gurus were not throwing climate catastrophes into the ring as well. But now they have, proclaiming that there are only three years to save the planet. Now, I keep records, and most of these fanatics, with eyes on stalks, have been saying that there are only ten years to save the planet, for at least the last 20 years! So, the three-year figure is not bad, it shows that they can count, but not get computer modelling of clouds right. As well, the largest greenhouse gas emitting nation, communist China, is given a free run, being non-white and beyond climate change sin, since all nations must be given the same chance to develop even if it destroys the Earth (according to their assumptions)! Anyway, with only three years left, I suggest that one light up a good Cuban cigar, and enjoy what time we supposedly have left. Actually, in  three years’ time, we will still be here, nothing much would have changed, and we will be dealing with the same mess and problems, as it was meant to be. You know, original sin, something not spoken about much in this age of materialism and gas emissions. And bugs.

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Is Apocalyptic Bird Flu, the Next, and Last Pandemic? By Brian Simpson

Ice Age Farmer has an instructive, informed and alarming video presentation about gain-of function research in bird flu viruses, making them extremely lethal to humans.

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Food Shortages Begin By Chris Knight (Florida)

The issue of looming food shortages has not received as much mainstream attention as it deserves, and as usual the Australian press is quiet. Here in the US, Tucker Carlson has waded into the issue, saying that it is no longer a matter of food shortages in places like the Sudan, but now Main Street, Your Town, USA. Make that Australia too, soon. I guess on a positive note, we will see an end to the obesity epidemic; be grateful for small mercies my mother used to say!

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Nukes Do Work By James Reed

Pat Buchanan, in examining the Ukraine/Russia war, and the care that NATO has taken not to prod the bear with too sharp a steel rod, observed that nuclear missiles are the key ingredient here. And, Australia had British nuclear tests on its soil without even a thought about getting nuclear missiles of its own. Instead, to gain on short term profits for the local elites, it was “populate or perish,” a mindless migration project that ignored the realities of the technological age, and remained still in the 19th century, as well as beginning the Great Replacement of Anglo Saxon Australia, now complete. The mantra in fact should have been “populate and perish.” Just see how long we last against communist China, when the invasion is already half complete.

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The Coming Resource Wars By James Reed

Michael Lind, a liberal nationalist, gives a quite reasonable account of the looming resource wars. There seems to be a perfect storm of events spiralling the West into planned chaos, beginning with the crisis of supply caused by the Covid lockdown mandates and restrictions, through to shortages of key productive elements such as fertiliser, and now the fallout from the Ukraine War, which lingers on, and has diminished grain production. And as detailed below, this is only the beginning, for the Taiwan invasion by communist China will crash the Western IT sphere producing chaos that we have not yet contemplated.


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The Financial Crisis of Ancient Rome before the Collapse; Much like Today By James Reed

It seems that ancient Rome, in its fall, had most of the problems we in the West face today. Its currency was being debased, with coins that had been pure silver before 90 BC cut with up to 10 percent copper five years later. People began to lose faith in the currency, as is happening today with the US dollar. In Rome, this decline was noted by Marcus Tullius Cicero in his essay on moral leadership, De Officiis, which could have been written about today.


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The Conversation of Western Civilisation By James Reed

Paul Krause has given a spirited defence of the Humanities arguing that they are important for defining the human condition. In particular he has in mind the traditional canon of Dante, Shakespeare Goethe and maybe a scattering of more modern writers, but I doubt it. Now, I agree, but Krause is also aware that the modern university is now going in the opposite direction, in opposing the teaching of the Western canon in favour of Leftist diverse whinging authors, whose work is entirely parasitic upon the culture of complaint, as I call it. Clearly the Western canon will not survive in the present universities, and must be defended by outside organisations. That requires putting up funding to keep traditionalist scholars afloat. I have always been amazed how Soros that the like can put up millions, but none of the tight wag conservatives part with their loot. It will not help them when Western civilisation collapses and the barbarians are literally at their gates.

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Jack Dorsey to Blame (In Part) for State of the Internet By Brian Simpson

Jack Dorsey of Twitter fame is jumping ship, and is common with these events has given a confession of guilt, that the internet is not living up to the expectations of the heady days of its birth, and he has had his part to play in its decline. Fine, but what is he doing about correcting this and paying for his sins? He has paid a large role in political censorship, especially of president Trump, utter unheard of until it was done. Nothing.

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The Happiness of Marriage; Real but Fewer Want It By Mrs Vera West

A survey from the US Pew Research Center has concluded that for U.S. adults, 56 percent, are not interested in romantic relationships or even going on casual dates. That is not even considering marriage and reproduction. Add this to the other problems such as the crash of sperm, and Houston, we have a big demographic problem. It is mainly whites who are impacted, of course, but the situation is even worse in japan. The affluent, atheistic materialist society is collapsing around our ears.   


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China has been Planning Military Bases on Our Backdoor, Surprise, Surprise By James Reed

A secret document, now not a secret, has revealed that communist China has been seeking a base of operations for its navy for some time, and it intends to do so, well, for eternity. Right in our backyard, knocking over the supply chain objection to the threat of Chinese invasion of Australia.  Why should we be surprised about this? Wasn’t anything learnt from World War II and the attack by imperial Japan? Apparently not.

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Entropy-Driven Order in a Structured System of Magnets at Equilibrium: Playing Hide-and-Seek with the Second Law of Thermodynamics By Brian Simpson

Somewhat technical, but it has recently been discovered that in a system of tetris spin ice, single domain nanomagnets, can produce order from disorder, all without violating the second law of thermodynamics, that the entropy of a closed system (that receiving no outside energy), increases. For those interested in how this trick is performed, see below. But the practical applications would be a wide-range of advances in materials science. I imagine that the CCP (China) has already stolen this technology.

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Reprogramming Skin Cells to Turn Back the Clock By Brian Simpson

Here is an interesting one for the biology of ageing and regenerative medicine file. Recent research has shown that skin cells can be rejuvenated by up to thirty years. The idea is to induce stem cells, which are capable of becoming, with development, cells of any part of the body. Then by various processes the cells are redirected along the pathway of skin cells, hence growing new skin tissue. It strikes me that this technology could revolutionise the treatment of severe burns patients who may be able to regrow new skin tissue. Fire fighters will be pleased.


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“Educated” US Women Go for Biden (Maybe Book Smarts, Not Life Wisdom!) By Dr. Rebecca Knight (Florida)

Hubby Chris wanted me to write this one, as it might be taken to reflect badly on some women, so it is best for a fellow woman to bring the bad news. The short of the long is that while Joe Biden’s popularity is crashing, college/university educated women are doubling down on Biden and increasing, not decreasing their support. What does one make of this? Well, I think one needs to be frank here and note that a university education is generally a bad thing for women if they depart from STEM and take the usual path of worthless Arts and Humanities degrees. These degrees are little more than institutional brain washing that the basically lower IQ Arts women, by contest to the higher IQ STEM women, cannot overcome. Thus, I am not surprised with the survey. I teach plenty of bright girls, but they are mainly in the sciences. My limited contact with girls and women in the Arts and Humanities (one course) has not been an intellectually rewarding experience. Many are a bit like Biden, maybe more fanatically woke, so it is no wonder that they identify with him. Why, they would even vote for outright rapists, so long as they were Leftist rapists! Some say that they already have.


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Pet Care in the Friendly Covid CCP By James Reed

Not only Shanghai, but other communist Chinese cities are preparing for the lockdowns that have been so “warmly” embraced in Shanghai. Why, there people were welded inside their home prisons, without food, so that they could starve to death, screaming all the way down. Yes, it is all on video, all the screams of the dying. And CCP types going out and killing puppies, just to show that Covid is serious business. What this is all about is a show of force, that the CCP will do this and more to its next subjects. It simply cannot be about zero Covid, as the lockdown measures will not achieve that. It is another CCP show of force; we mean business and we are coming. Why, even  Barnaby Joyce is alarmed: “Barnaby Joyce has warned Australia needs to make its ties with the United States as 'strong as possible' to front up to growing threats from China. The Deputy Prime Minister said China's attempts to 'dig in' to the Solomon Islands was 'a threat to your children and your grandchildren'. 'We've got to try and make sure that your sons and daughters and grandsons and granddaughters are not put in a position where they're threatened or subjugated or intimidated,' Mr Joyce told Sky New.”


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Tucker Carlson: "Free speech is in fact a crime. It's an act of violence. Women, people of color, trans people... they're all victims of editorial choices that Barack Obama doesn't agree with." By Chris Knight (Florida)

Yep, it is all coming out in the wash now.  Hussein Obama says that free speech undermines democracy. Who would have thought that, with traditional liberal political and ethical theory maintaining that free speech was more fundamental than democracy,  being one of the building blocks of this? And people voted for him. Indeed, some say he is the voice in the head of senile Joe Biden, having his third term in office.

Genital Warts After the Covid Jab By Mrs Vera West

There has been considerable concern by Covid critics about the harmful effects of the Covid vaxxes on reproduction, especially of females. One lesser discussed issue is the appearance of genital ulcers, usually a product of sexual transmission, but not always, following the Covid vaxxes.  Doctors at the Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Department at Mercy Children’s Hospital in Kansas, Missouri, found that three girls, ages 12 to 15, presented with vaginal ulcers that developed two days after each of them received their second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot. How this arises is a question requiring scientific investigation, if researchers dare to question the unquestionable.

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Covid Snake Oil, or Universal Toxin? By Brian Simpson

Dr Brian Ardis, a Covid critic, has caused a “storm” of controversy with his claim that the Covid spike protein is related, if not derived from snake venom. And, to top it off, apparently this venom has been put in water supplies, much the way hippies in the 1960s threatened to put LSD in the water supply, until they actually went to a reservoir and saw how big these things were. Anyway, the needed material is sited below. Briefly, these is no strong evidence from a molecular biological perspective linking SASR-CoV-2 to snake venom, even though there are similar effects in some aspects. But all toxins have some effects in common, and this does not prove identity.

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