Not Robin Hood: The War Now is on the Rich By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It seems that a Robin Hood-style socialist criminal mentality is embracing America, the foundations of which were laid during the heady, smoking days of 2020, where BLM types and antifa, burnt down all that seemed susceptible to matches. But, today, the middle class and rich are increasingly being targeted. Los Angeles is one city where this is happening. It follows the pattern of decline seen in South Africa, where first the low hanging fruit, the poor, are objects of crime, but gangs soon move to the more lucrative targets. South America has made crime against the rich, such as kidnappings, and art form. It is part of social breakdown, leading to the lower elites living in walled citadels, as society continues the great spiral down.


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Australian Church Leaders Discover Climate Change Hysteria By James Reed

These sort of woke adventures occur often at Easter and Christmas. The Australian special was a letter by church leaders endorsing the climate change catastrophe rhetoric. Of course, the solution was not to accept the Bible and prepare for Armageddon, which makes sense to me, but to go full speed to so-called renewable energies. Presumably these toys, such as wind generators, will allow the present materialist life style to proceed and all will go on swimmingly well.. But, as detailed below, so-called renewable energy cannot fuel our present life style, which is non-negotiable.

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Pregnant Female Prisoners and Transgender Inmates By Charles Taylor (Florida)

See, as this wonderful prison story shows, women can get other women pregnant! It is one of the modern wonders of social construction of gender, you know, that gender is a figment of the sociological imagination, to use the title of a classic text by c. Wright Mills (1916-1962).


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The Covid World of Fear By Brian Simpson

United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to Mass Delusional Psychosis‎ (Bombardier Books, November 8, 2021) by Dr Mark McDonald, gives an outline of the Covid mandate horrors that people have endured over the past two years. The book goes into fine detail about how fear, not rationally-base science, was used to control populations, especially though lockdowns, which were a form of operative behaviour control right out of the rat experiments by the behavioural psychologist, Skinner. We are seeing a very explicit example of this social control at present in the China lockdowns, which whatever its ultimate goal, such as harming Western economies, is an assertion of control by violence of the totalitarian state.


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Pfizer Trial Data Reveal Natural Immunity was as Effective as the Jab, and that Shot Side Effects were More Severe in Those Under 55 Years By Chris Knight (Florida)

On 1 April 2022, Pfizer unloaded a batch of 11,000 documents, as part of the forest of material that a court had ordered to be released. Various Covid vax critics are busy at work, God bless them, going through this dry-as-dust material. Already it has been found from the Pfizer trial data that natural immunity was as effective as the jab, and that vaccine side effects were more severe in those under 55. Thus, natural immunity is highly effective, contrary to the propaganda of the vaccine mad establishment.

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Why You Absolutely Need to Pay Close Attention to Almost Everything Google does, Including the Activity of Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola, in a now deleted post, has given a fine, but alarming, account of the power that is being wielded by former google CEO Eric Schmidt, who has exercised great power over US science policy, in particular by paying salaries and provided other financial benefits for staff in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). This has created conflicts of interest, as the OSTP is responsible for setting strategic priorities for the U.S.’s $1.4 trillion annual health and science spending. The focus of Schmidt is upon AI, chairing the National Security Commission on AI. Schmidt himself supports the development of “Terminator’ style AI-powered autonomous weapons.” No doubt things will go as in the movie script that these elites seem to play by.

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Wesley Yang on Ideological Coups in the Decedent Universities By James Reed

Here is yet another story of intellectual suppression arising in the modern university, in Canada, but it could be anywhere. Wesley Yang, a Canadian professor of law, was subject to disciplinary proceedings merely for raising questions in class about native title and Canadian property law. The same thing could easily happen in Australia, which also has allowed traditional property law to be overthrown by Mabo and the following Native Title Act, which has given away the bulk of the country. The real issue is who is behind all of this, benefitting from it.


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Port Adelaide Enfield Mayor Speaks Out on Vax Side Effects By Mrs Vera West

Port Adelaide Enfield Mayor Claire Boan has spoken to an anti-vax podcast to say that she will not have any more jabs and neither will her children, after her experience of side effects. Good for her. I am pleased that a person of some influence has taken a stand on this and detailed what they have gone through. It is surprising to for the media to give her a hearing, but of course the article does conclude with the usual counter, that this is all exceedingly rare, and so on. However, articles summarised at this blog, even today on Easter Monday, many based upon overseas studies run contrary to this, and we see the blog as performing the function of being an information clearing house for Australians, with material that will certainly not be found in the mainstream press.


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Biden Shakes Hands with the Invisible Man … But it was Real in His Mind! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

For your viewing pleasure, you can watch at the link below, Joe Biden finish a speech, then hold out his hand for a few moments to … empty space, there was no-one there to shake it, if that is what one does in these Covid days. Confused, Biden walked around the stage, before eventually finding his way off. At least he did not fall over and break his hip as many frail senile presidents across the world, do. Really, for someone suffering from dementia you would think he would have better minders, maybe even a body double for the public appearances?

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An Orgy of Atheism; Typically, at Holy Easter By James Reed

If it is not the Pope, which it always is, then the liberal press will have something upsetting for Christians, and orthodox Jews, at Easter.


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The Weekly US Covid Vax Deaths and Injuries Report By Chris Knight (Florida)

As Brian has Covid or one of its buddies, and is taking it easy this Easter weekend, relaxing with plenty of gin and tonic to burn up the bug, or so his email detailed, I will do this one. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS),  is the principal government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. New data showed a total of 1,226,314 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines between December 14, 2020, and April 8, 2022. There was a total of 26,976 reports of deaths, an increase of 277 over last week, and 219,865 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period. This was up 2,564 compared with the last week. And, VAERs under-reports by a factor estimated to be from 41 to 100.

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A Covid Jab Every Month … Next, Every Day! By Brian Simpson

It has now come down to this. A New Israeli study of two million people shows that the fourth dose vaccine wears off against Omicron after 3-4 weeks and is gone by eight weeks. Hence, one needs a new “booster” around every 30 days to be “safe.” With a multiplicative effect with the threat of adverse effects with each jab, why would one bother?

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The Miami Open Covid Controversy By Chris Knight (Florida)

According to Steve Kirsch, it is mighty suspicious that 15 players drop from the Miami Open, and he wonders if this could be the Covid vaxxes working their black magic.  Well, the standard fact checkers deny this, and here are comments from one which does a comprehensive jab, I mean job. Let them have their say, then I will respond, refuting them.

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What is Behind the Chinese Covid Lockdowns? By James Reed

Clearly at this late stage of the game, it has been shown that lockdowns do not produce zero Covid; evidence for this has been given in other blogs over the past months summarising research. Further, one reason is that the Covid virus spreads quickly and probably has already infected a large portion of the population before the lockdown commences. Then as people are allowed out to shop, it is all pointless anyway. Commo China realises these limits and has welded its worker bees into their hives, literally welding shut factory doors, locking down apartments. It will not produce zero Covid, only mass deaths from starvation.

So why do it? Some suppose that it is a way of harming the West by stopping essential exports. But this does seem a bit like cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face, if I got the old saying right. Probably it is a show of force to local populations that the CCP means business and that they will need to be prepared to suffer big time as China goes to war with America. Or, maybe, it is the brain child of some technocrat in the CCP cob web who thought it would be a cool idea, and was eager to flex his bureaucratic muscle. Whatever; it has naught to do with disease control.

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New Zealand High Court Upholds Challenge to Vax Mandates By Bruce Bennett

There have been only a few successes dealing with the Covid mandates in the courts, which should wake up the freedom movements to the limits of the common law to dealing with upholding basic freedoms. Still, it is not totally hopeless, and the few victories that have occurred should be rejoiced. One recent one was the upholding of a High Court challenge questioning the legality of Covid-19 vaccination mandates for Police and Defence Force employees. The High Court of New Zealand determined that the government mandate was an unjustified incursion on the Bill of Rights, something New Zealand has but Australia does not. Justice Cooke held that “The associated pressure to surrender employment involves a limit on the right to retain that employment, which the above principles suggest can be thought of as an important right or interest recognised not only in domestic law, but in the international instruments.” Thus, in this case, the Bill of Rights actually did something in preserving fundamental rights.

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USSR Psychiatric Abuse of Covid Questioning Doctors Now in the West By Chris Knight (Florida)

Covid tyranny has not gone away, just because some restrictions have been relaxed for a little while, now quite capable of being reimposed at the drop of a hat, or is it virus? For example, here is this story from Canada, of how a doctor who questioned the mainstream Covid narrative, while previously quite capable of practice, was subjected to USSR style psychiatric assault, then worked over by the medical technocratic system, literally. Frightening stuff, because it can be done anywhere in the West today, without protection from any of the institutions that the freedom movements of the past looked to for resistance, such as the common law, another great mythology. There have been some victories in the courts, but hardly enough, but it is always worth a try. You never know your luck in a big city, as the saying goes.

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WHO to Control Future Pandemics By Chris Knight (Florida)

We all should remember the disgraceful way the World Health Organization dealt with Covid. In the beginning it conducted a flawed investigation of the origins of Covid, seeing CCP China as being in no way at fault; first by dismissing the Wuhan lab origin hypothesis, and then by ignoring how CCP China then allowed the virus to spread from its borders. This globalist anti-West organisation then set about giving us all of the associated tyrannies that we faced with Covid, with the mandates and imprisonments. It never opposed the construction of Covid concentration camps, which by the way, are not discussed much now, but presumably are still in operation. Giving these globalists more power would be a total disaster for liberty. In fact, all of these organisations which undermine national sovereignty, such as the UN should be shut down. Here is Steve Kirsch, leading Covid critic wading in on this one:

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The Covid Snake Venom Hypothesis, Refuted! By Chris Knight (Florida)

In recent days there has been considerable debate amongst Covid critics about the claims made by Bryan Ardis that instead of a virus, the real Covid problem is that it is snake venom. Mike Adams at Natural, has given air to this idea. And, all such ideas should be debated. Here is material showing that the snake venom idea is flawed and cannot explain key facts about Covid, such as transmission, however this is viewed.

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Globalist Going Full-On Anti-Free Speech By James Reed

From the lockdowns to a war on free speech, that is now the agenda of the globalists, but was always part of the long-term plan. With the success of forcing people to be locked in their own self-funded prisons, something the elites must have laughed about over good wine, they now move for total censorship of the internet. Many are alarmed that Elon Musk might buck the plan and allow free speech on Twitter, such as restating president trump’s deleted account. Just imagine their power of censoring a sitting president, who does not do what the Democrats would have done, and declare martial law to sort it out. Pathetic man, this Trump fellow. And, I see the elites breaking Musk just like they have done to renegade members of their class in the past.

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One More Reason to Vote for Le Pen: Macron Opposes Self Defence! By Richard Miller (London)

This case has disturbed France while in election mode. A farmer in a rather isolated spot, somewhere where it would take some time for the police to reach, even if they could be rung in time, shoots dead one in four home invades. Loopy  Great Reset President Macron says that he is opposed to self-defence and that the farmer should have waited for the police. Yes, for the police to begin the process of removal of the farmer’s body, and the of his raped child. All this is said while France has no-go zones, festering with crime, and where leading military officers have warned of looming civil war. France, like most of Europe, thanks to mass migration, is already more dangerous than the mythical Wild West, a state of affairs created by the policies of macron’s kind.

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