Reparations for Black Billionaires Too? Homeless Whites Can Just Die! By Chris Knight

I almost passed over this one, that the first Black billionaire was advocating reparations for slavery. Then I read the fine print, which said, and I will quote it in anticipation: “Johnson also insisted that cash payments to recipients should not be limited to only certain income levels. The super-rich, including Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, and LeBron James, should also get paid. They know what to do with great wealth, he says, so their use of it would be considerably more advantageous to black Americans.

The billionaire went on to slam those who say that wealthy blacks or successful black owned businesses don’t deserve reparations.

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Billy has been a Naughty Boy! By Mrs Vera West

With an IQ of supposedly 160, although I have not seen anything official, Bill Gates may not be so street smart. It seems that he is being exposed as a bully, pursuing sex, sex, and more sex. Sex, as he chased it, almost always ruins a man. Really, if his mother is still alive, she needs to have a stern talk with him, before it is too late, and he comes unstuck. Bill, focus on the vaccines!

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What Else is Going to Leak? By Brian Simpson

Former Secretary of State, under Trump, Mike Pompeo has spoken of the “very real” risk for another virus to leak from the Wuhan lab after allowing COVID-19 to leak. The Chinese Communist Party engaged in a “cover-up” and having got clean away with it the first time, may do it again, and again. And, why not, for if the West cannot kick back, does it deserve anything else but a viral kick in the teeth? This is a terrible pathetic way to go down, not with a bang, or a whimper, but cold stone, dumbness.

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Camp of the Saints, USA By Chris Knight (Florida)

The so-called “border crisis,” is simply the Democrat’s promised open borders policy. Everyone was warned about this in 2020, and now it is happening, with one million migrants crossing the border since October 2020. At that rate the whole of the Third World will be in the US before the next election!


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The Next False Flag By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Following on from the narrative that the January 6 peaceful protesters were the greatest threat that America has ever experienced, the authorities are now in fear of the next assaults, as July 4 approaches, as all sorts of horrible white racists go on their usual rampage. Just like they did in 2020, putting on disguises to look like minorities. Truly shocking stuff that can only be dealt with by getting rid of all guns, and all white conservatives, then becoming part of communist China. There, that will solve it!

“Federal authorities are deeply concerned about the possibility of domestic terror and violence, including mass shootings, as the July Fourth holiday approaches and the summer season gets fully underway.

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Vlad Can Sink Whatever Ships He Wants! By James Reed

Vlad the Impaler has said that even if his men had sunk the British warship HMS Defender, there would not be World War III. NATO’s Article V collective defense pact would not be adhered to, as everyone is scared of Russia, as they should be. Ok, looks like the next warship will be going to visit Davey Jones’s locker. So, best not to mess with Russia, with leaders like Boris and senile Uncle Joe.

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Whoa! Climate Change Attacks! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I am not an engineer but have worked around them all of my life, and have got a feel for what goes. The Biden regime is blaming the Florida condo collapse on climate change. I have seen many local papers listing structural problems, and engineering methodology suggests starting at that point. There has been no evidence publicly available yet, of sea water entering the foundations/footings of the building, which did not seem to collapse anyway there. If sea water was coming up from below, eroding the footings, they would have collapsed, but the building seems to have imploded, like the 9/11 specials. Although the building is 40 years old, it was constructed to deal with storms and the like, so it should have had a fair bit of structural strength.


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EMP War By Brian Simpson

Will World War III, widely thought to be coming fast, the war which polishes off the West for good, and the world as you know it, maybe all humans if we are unlucky, involve biological warfare, or EMP and cyber-attacks? Clearly, all of the above. The EMP aspect is less covered, but here is some great material on this “lights out” scenario to think about since nobody in Australia is even writing about this one, obviously too hard to contemplate for all the lovers of digitalism, IT, social media fanaticism and related techno bs. The problem is going to be what happens to all the nuclear reactors in power stations after the backup fuel is all gone. Remember, trucks, based upon blessed computer technology, will not be moving fuel or food. Things will get interesting in a Mad Max kind of way.

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Send in the Covid Army, Boys! By Bruce Bennett

The Australian government is getting down to business, calling in the aid of the cream of the “armed forces,” in the sense of putting a senior army officer to the head of Australia’s COVID-19 vaccination program, with a “military command and control structure” – their terminology, based upon Operation Sovereign Borders methodology, to “cut through” all that red tape nonsense (“circumvents the normal bureaucratic paths”) that liberal democracies have, to get results, fast. Look, here is a great article with all the info you need to know that we are secure, Covid safe, warm and peachy creamy in our cosy beds, in the green leafy suburbs.

The important thing is to deal with misinformation, you know those types who keep reporting on adverse effects and quoting overseas, so-called experts, who may have invented the mRNA technology, but still sow the seeds of doubt. ScoMo is certainly moving along, and before long, 700 percent of the population should be vaccinated, and all will return to normal, mass replacement level immigration can get back on line to keep Big Australia rich, the universities will be over-flowing with Asian students, you know, that sort of thing, business as usual, the great Australian dream in the flunky country. Keep up the good work ScoMo Bozo! You know that I am doing my best for the war effort. We all do what we can to help. Your job is not an easy one.

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Whoa! So Election Fraud/Mistakes Do Occur, Eh! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The New York City mayoral primary elections has 135,000 test ballots “accidentally” included in the primary tally of votes, so the vote countis voided. That is unlike the presidential elections where any form of cheating that benefits the Democrats seems to be permitted, and the courts will not even look at evidence assembled by states such as Texas. That is what a totally corrupt society looks like, rotten from the top down, with it seems, only a small root not yet decayed.

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AI and the Orwellian Future By Brian Simpson

I have been covering Digitalism and transhumanism, the replacement of the human species by thinking machines. Here is an item from the mainstream, not going into that, but still warning of an Orwellian future unless laws are enacted now for protection. What is interesting is that the warning comes from Microsoft President Brad Smith, and his opinion is worth considering.


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Covid Shots, Not Diamonds, are Forever By Brian Simpson

It seems that people are going to need to have Covid vaccines forever, like the annual flu shot. That will be profitable, won’t it! Anyway, this and other vein-watering, Coviddy news:

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Honest Doctors Giving an Honest Talk on Covid By Brian Simpson

Here are some US medical professionals, who I do not know from a bar of soap, or Covid vax syringe, talking their hearts out about Covid.


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Confusing Syria and Libya …We All Do It! By James Reed

Sure, I confuse Syria and Libya all the time, so it is a bit hard to expect the senile president of the United States to get it right. Maybe the meds need to be increased?

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Chinese Defector, Speaks Truth to Power on Covid By Brian Simpson

We do not know if this alleged Chinese defector has really defected, since it is denied by the CCP and apparently they have shown some evidence of his presence in China now. So, who knows. But, here is the story.

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The Great Reset, Transhumanism, Biodigital Convergence and the End of the Human Species By Brian Simpson

Many sites are now discussing the endgame of the Covid New World Order, because the elites will never rest until the entire multiverse is destroyed. Transhumanism has emerged as a way of bringing it all together, moving far beyond the Great Replacement of White genocide. That one is essentially in the bag, with the seeds of white racial destruction already sown, and most are full grown by now. Thus, the quest is to replace the human species itself by the Digitals. Does that sound over the top? Well it is, but back in 1921, would those folks have anticipated what the next 100 years would bring? Even thinking back to the 1960s, what we have now is simply unbelievable. You now have to project things on. My hope is that God will send a hyper-Carrington Event and wipe the slate clean.

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The Great Treason Non-Debate By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A One American News Network (OAN) reporter raised the possibility of treason trials, if it was shown, to the required legal standard, and that’s the kicker, that thousands of people committed electoral fraud. He then threw the cat among the pigeons by saying that the death penalty was traditionally the punishment. True, but today the usual punishment is imprisonment, and then the politically correct courts will need to first decide what treason actually is. Thus, basically doing anything to get the Democrats to win the election would be accepted as the normal state of affairs., since all the courts ignored the electoral fraud cases, to allow the Beijing Biden regime to get their claws in, even SCOTUS, who will face replacement and could not act even to save themselves. Hence, dead people voting is not a problem, nor would be more votes than electors in an area. provided the phantom voters all voted communist Democrat.


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The Heart is Not a Pump! By Mrs Vera West

I was sent this fascinating article, probably obtained from Facebook, the old folks don’t care much about referencing and things like that, so I did not get the reference about the heart. But, the articles I have linked refutes the standard idea that the heart is a mere pump, nothing more than a mechanical system. Instead, the heart is a complex ecological system, with its own neurotransmitters. The movement to a holistic non-mechanistic view of the heart and blood may have profound influence upon treatment of conditions like high blood pressure, I assume. Exactly what, I don’t know.


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Will Julian be Suicided Too? By Richard Miller (London)

It has been alleged that the key witness in the case against WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange, who faces up to 175 years in prison if extradited to the US, Sigurdur Ingi Thordarson, an Icelandic citizen and former WikiLeaks volunteer who became an FBI informant, has admitted to Icelandic newspaper Stundin that he fabricated important parts of the accusations in the indictment. 

Free Julian now! Of course, even if all this proves true, what is the bet that Julian too will be found, suicided in prison? It is just the way it is done in the West now it has morphed into an even nastier version of 1917 USSR.

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Modern Life in Europe By Richard Miller (London)

What can I say? This is Europe today.

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