The Hypocrisy of Amazon By James Reed

Amazon, like all of Big Tech, is censoring whoever it wants, all in the name of freedom from discrimination, violence gasp, racism. Blah, blah. But when it comes to merchandise celebrating murdering cops, it is given a pass. Maybe there could be a legal remedy here if the rule of law still has some existence.

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The Dangers of the Covid Social Engineers By James Reed

Another great article at, the libertarian site, discussing how dangerous social engineering has become, as seen in the Covid lockdowns, which were based upon fear, as a number of authorities in the UK have disclosed, and also the brute power of the state, as seen in the Covid police, at their worst in the UK and New York.


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China’s Incredible Covid Scrubbing By Brian Simpson

While the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis of the origin of Covid-19 is back on the menu, the delay caused by the Western politically correct establishment not wanting to agree with Trump, but most of all, not critically examining their darling communist China, will lead to a cold case. The CCP has had oozles of time to scrub Covid data. Nothing to see here.

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One Nation Stops Critical Race Theory By James Reed

It is great news that One Nation has stopped Critical Race Theory from formal entry into the national education curriculum. This is a horrible US import that has been stomped, but it is only one small part of cultural Marxism, which with the black arm band theory of Australian history, and many other Leftist ideologies, fills the schools and universities. But, it was a victory, so good work Pauline, I had forgotten about you, being so quiet, or ignored by the mainstream media.

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Oh No! They have Killed John McAfee! By Brian Simpson

John McAfee did IT work in anti-viral software protection, then got out, took the money and ran, so to speak. There is a classic video where he discusses how to uninstall his software, surrounded by beautiful women, cocaine (?) and guns. He was ultra-politically incorrect for a rich guy, and hated paying tax, like them all. So, they nabbed him on tax evasion and he ended up in a Spanish prison. He proclaimed that he would never commit suicide, but he has been found dead, from suicide they say, just as he was to be extradited to the US. What is the bet that the US arranged for him to be wacked, as John would create a terrible stink in court back in the US? It does not fit his character to suicide. It is funny how anyone in prison the System does not like always ends up committing suicide.

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American Whites the Real Terrorists By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Beijing Biden regime has now openly targeted its political enemies, Trump supporters, which it has defined as terrorists. Will conservatives ever wake up, before they are totally annihilated? Why is it that conservatives just can’t see the herd of elephants in the room, even as they crush them?

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The US Armed Forces Needs Gender Surgery to Fight China! By Chris Knight (Florida)


Clearly, if every person in the fighting force of the US military had a gender change, this would create massive diversity, and a great strength, enabling the US to easily defeat the technology of China. Hyper-sonic missiles are vastly over-rated compared to diversity.

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Sweden Cancels Classic Art By Richard Miller (London)

It is all so predictable in a society lusting for its self-annihilation. Sweden, to keep up with wokeness, warnings are being added to cultural artefacts, like classical art, to depict it as racist. Hell, just close down the art galleries, it would be an improvement. The sooner this society crashes, the better it will be for the survival of something of their Nordic gene pool. Hopefully, at least 500 people can survive, the minimum needed for the preservation of genetic diversity.

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Here Comes the Global Digital Currency By James Reed

The movement to do away with cash is in full swing. Digital currencies are embraced by the system, because, touching notes spreads Covid, apparently, even though bus seats and many other things are touched, more intimately. Then there is the argument that the cash economy needs to be controlled, for more tax revenue to spend on things like multiculturalism and immigration. Who could possibly argue with that? Game and set.

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Over-Dosing on the Opium of False Optimism By John Steele

Apart from Uncle Len, who we never hear from any more, and may have died in the shed he lives in, and I can smell something rotten all the way from Adelaide to Victoria, I am probably the most pessimistic one here, being a full-on survivalist who sees the end of modern civilisation. So, I am in the minority  as most of us happy bloggers and sloggers see the good guys winning and building, if not a utopia, then something in that ball park. The following take by Kratos, nice classical Greek name, at the Organic, fits with my temperament. I am very much not a Plan B man, but a Plan Z man. Free speech advocates should be open to these sorts of ideas, because, well, Murphy was an optimist.

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The CDC, Covid Vaccines and Heart Inflammation: Updated By Brian Simpson

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Technical (VaST) Work Group, has said that said that  there is a “likely association” of “mild” heart inflammation in adolescents and young adults after vaccination with  mRNA COVID vaccine, with the risk of myocarditis or pericarditis after vaccination with the mRNA-based shots in adolescents and young adults being higher after the second shot and in males. A long sentence, but perfect grammar.

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Insect Rights? Insects of the World Unite Against Insect Racism! By James Reed

With the elimination of meat and eating insects all on the go as proposals for us by the elites, who will continue to live high on all the best meaty food, it is ironic to see a counter-movement arise on the ethics of eating bugs. This is all amusing and it is a pity we little folk are the proverbial meat in the sandwich.


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The End of the World as We Knew It By James Reed

Here is more end of times material from the occidental, which tends not to usually go exactly in that direction, most of these racial realists thinking that something of the present civilisation will be preserved, the conservative faith. But, that faith is now being severely tested. This material explores that dark realm, and stiches together the Great Reset, Covid, and the transhuman agenda, naming all the key players and villains.


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What Does the Guy with the Highest IQ in the World Think of the Covid Plandemic? By James Reed

Christopher Langan has the world’s highest IQ. I am not sure how much mirage that gives, but he has the same line on Covid as we here at this blog, so we are happy. If he did not, it would not matter anyway, as I would just ignore him, and move on. In fact, he is probably ideologically and physically stronger than most of us, going for the full-on sterilisation by vaccines line. If this position is true, will the endgame be the elimination of much of the world except for China?

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Mark Steyn on Civilizational Breakdown By Paul Walker (former Canadian)

My fellow Canadian journalist, Mark Steyn, delivered a speech, “Our Increasingly Unrecognizable Civilization,” on April 26, 2021, at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar in Franklin, Tennessee. Western civilisation is being torn apart by numerous forces, all intensified by the Covid plandemic. It is now a serious academic question about whether the West survives, and for how long. This has all been said at this site, but for those who just don’t see it, perhaps the following will be enlightening.

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7,000 Affidavits Alleging Electoral Fraud! By Chris Knight (Florida)

There have been 7,000 affidavits delivered to the lawmakers, so called, of Michigan, claiming various aspects of electoral fraud. On the “where there is smoke, there is likely to be fire, at least of some sort,” principle, a forensic audit is sorely needed. In principle, one witness is enough to convict for a crime, let alone, 7,000!


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Lockdowns Crushed the Working Class, but Enriched the Elites By James Reed

When conducting an investigation in the conspiratorial state of mind, always ask, who benefits? What group profits from the object of misery? With Covid, we find that once more, the globalist elite, massively and disproportionately benefit. That should shift the grounds of investigation to the connections between them, and who did what. As I typed this, my Indian neighbour came to my door and said that some sort of Indian hit squad had assassinated leading globalists, the big names. I checked the internet for some time, and found no mention, so it must be false news. It is odd, as this Indian guy has a great IT job, and normally does not go in for conspiracy theories. But, if he does prove correct, can I claim to be the first to break the story?

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Denmark Places Racial Limits By Richard Miller (London)

As incredible as it seems, Denmark is making baby steps prima facie against the Great Replacement, or at least to spread out the replacement to regional areas, by limiting areas to a 30 percent non-Western population. In many respects, this is a much worse option than enclaves, since everywhere gets touched by the claw of diversity. Still, it might help stop white flight, since there will be nowhere left to run by the white mice. Where do they run when the entire planet is a “no-go” area?

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Stop Meat Eating, by Genetically Modifying Humans! By Brian Simpson

I thought this was something that came from a satirical site like The Babylon Bee, but no, reality is madder than satire. You see, to save the planet, we need to genetically modify humans to make them stop eating meat! It would also be good to make them smaller too, like insects, maybe, certainly hobbits. Perhaps it is best to just go to thinking machines and cut out the biological middle man? Presumably people get paid for producing this. Where can I get such a job? For a decent pay, I could come up with bs all day, and night too, if necessary.

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How to Make a Wooden Smart Phone! By James Reed

Bjorn Bull Hansen, who has been opposing the Covid New World Order from Norway, tells us how to make a smart phone out of wood, as part of his on-going satire of Covid modernity. It has the advantage that no-one can call you, but you can still have decent conversations with yourself. No tracking. And, in a survival situation, you could burn the thing to keep a fire going. The Viking spirit lives on! He says he is not getting the “jib jab”! “It’s all a big joke, isn’t it?” Well, no, if this was done here, even as a joke, I imagine one would be locked away, so don’t try it! No, it is not a joke any more. Just ask Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, who has threatened to personally inject anti-vaxxers in the butt, in jail. There you go, I will not be going to the Philippines any time soon.

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