Pelosi’s White Supremacy Fairy-Tale By Chris Knight (Florida)

Not only are the Democrats on a rampage maintaining that the January 6 peaceful protests were an insurrection, but the shrillest of Democrats, Nancy Pelosi, is linking the January 6 events to supposed wide spread white supremacism, which all ties up with the Beijing Biden war upon white conservatives. It is the equivalent vilification of enemies used in wars to dehumanise them, and to justify the torture and human rights abuse of the January 6 prisoners, let alone the cold blooded murder of Ashli Babbitt.

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Mainstream media Now Saying Covid Vaccines Riskier than Promoted by Advocates By Mrs Vera West

In another  blog piece I discussed the Canadian sacking case, where a doctor who said, much of what is now being said in the mainstream media, has sacked. Here is one mainstream media article which puts the case that Covid vaccines are riskier than advertised. So, what possible justification is there for sacking individuals?


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Covid Coincidences? By Brian Simpson

The “it came from the animals in the wet market” hypothesis has taken another beating, with research by scientists at the University of Kent that concludes it is most likely the Covid-19 virus was circulating in Wuhan in November 2019, or even earlier in October, before any cases linked to the wet market were reported in December 2019.

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Speak Out About the Safety of the Covid Vax; Get Sacked! By Mrs Vera West

At present there have been some articles in the mainstream media raising questions about the safety of the Covid vaccines. I think Brian Simpson has covered these at this blog. Thus, it is somewhat odd to see the establishment still sacking doctors who raise these questions, which are now open in the public domain. But, that is social control for you, it moves slowly.  


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Pathetic Pence By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Pence is pushing the line that he would have chosen the US president by refusal to certify due to on-going state concerns about electoral fraud. It is not about choosing the US president, but allowing fair scrutiny when issues have been raised. Pence is a disgrace, almost as bad as Trump. How Trump could trust him, shows Trump’s limited intellect, as Pence oozes Democrat Leftism from every one of his slimy pseudo-Republican pores. The talk of something being “American,” is sickening at best now with the country entering cesspool status in record time. And, a while back Trump said he would consider running with Pence again. Talk about plants playing the game given by the elites.

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I am Hoping that They Do Take Trump Down! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I have been a critic of Donald Trump since 2017, and have certainly intensified my critique after the disaster of January 6, which has yet to be explained. It looks like the Manhattan prosecutors are getting ready to charge him, and it is a sure bet he gets nailed. Didn’t he see this one coming, or did he think, in his deluded narcissistic mind, that the deal he probably did would save him? Anyway, the deplorables can have their martyr, and maybe DeSantis will be better. But by 2024, there will never be a chance of a fair election. They better get ready for secession or even that will be too far gone.

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The Radical Left Would Want to Torture and Execute Derek Chauvin! By Charles Taylor

Chauvin, who following police policy kneeled on the neck of offender George Floyd, who had consumed massive quantities of drugs, now a saint, has been sentenced to 22 ½ years in prison. Reading the comments from the Left, they would clearly want him tortured for weeks, if not years, then have his bleeding near-corpse dispatched by being drawn and quartered.  Then he will need to be re-animated, and the whole thing done again, for eternity. Even that would not satisfy some of the Left. So the question remains, what would make them satisfied? Surely, doing all of the above to everyone who is white and non-Leftist. This crazy episode is more than enough reason to split up America along red and blue lines.

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Things Fall Apart, the Condo Cannot Hold (Apologies to Yeats) By Chris Knight (Florida)

Surfside Florida Building collapsed just north of Miami Beach. I was in the area for work near Miami beach, so I decided to have a look at the scene, as close as one is permitted. What a mess, it reminded me of 9/11. But there was no aircraft bringing these buildings down, only the decline of America.

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An Argument for Teaching Critical Race Theory in Schools? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Please to hear that you Australians (I was once one of you) have, with the aid of One Nation, delivered a blow to the serpent’s head of Critical Race Theory, at least in its present form. It is all the rage here under the insane Beijing Biden regime; a religion of the regime. I noticed this piece from American, which actually saw a rainbow through the dark clouds. I am not so sure.

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The Fiction of Climate Change: Leading Physicist By James Reed

Leading physicist Steven Koonin, has rejected the claim made by the Left that climate change is an existential threat, and instead characterises it as a move to promote the Left wing agenda. Koonin was undersecretary for science in former President Barack Obama’s Department of Energy.

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The Babylon Bee, Buzzes Biden By James Reed

This relates to Biden’s senile remark that anyone thinking of taking on his tyrannical communist regime will need fighter jets, and nukes, just like in the Vietnam War, and every other war against the Third World that America has lost since world War II, I suppose.

'You'll Never Beat The Government With Just Guns,' Says Party That Also Believes Government Was Almost Toppled By Unarmed Mob On January 6.”

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Just Imagine if it was Trump, not Biden, Paying for His Sons’ Prostitutes! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Pam Geller sums up his story, as only she can: “Pervy Joe Biden Appears to Have Paid For Hunter’s $25k Russian Prostitute, Crack-Cocaine, Porn-Fueled, Penis Candy Games at Chateau Marmont.” Gasp!

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Will Brit Spear Hollywood? By James Reed

Music princess Britney spears has apparently been treated bad by Hollywood and is now set to expose the rot that is there. That will be interesting, following the Harvey Weinstein event. I bet some Hollywood creeps are nervous, and they should be.

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US Covid Vaccine Data on Injuries to Youth, Updated By Brian Simpson

Here is my weekly update on US, not Australian, Covid vaccination deaths and injuries. Between Dec. 14, 2020 and June 18, 2021, a total of 387,087 total adverse events were reported, including 6,113 deaths.

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I am Disappointed; No Little Green Men Revealed by the Pentagon! By Brian Simpson

The long-awaited UFO report by the Pentagon, not to be confused with Satanic symbolism being just the shape it had to be, has been released, and it says, in short, that we have seen these things, and don’t know what they are. That’s mighty helpful, I could have written that up for nothing!

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Lights Out in Dubai, a Vision of What is to Come By James Reed


A fantastic piece of literature, well written, and alarming, by Alistair Pope, “A Dark Day in Dubai,” describing what happens in a modem city without electricity.  Of course, for rural folk it is no problem, just get out the Hurricane lantern, running on batteries now rather than old school kerosene with less fire danger around the hay shed. I have fond memories of power failures as a kid on the farm, where it was time to get out the Hurricane lanterns, eat by cooking on the wood stove, and story-telling. Sometimes Dad would BBQ meat on the wood-powered outside grill. But for urban areas, when the power is off, it is no happy adventure, as this piece shows. Life under the Green renewable energy will ring in this world.

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The Aborigines and the Constitution By James Reed


There is an excellent paper that all should read, by Lindsay Hackett, “Aborigines, The constitution and the Voice.” The abstract is reproduced below, and it is a high quality argument, that people need to beef up on before the Aboriginal referendum gets going, because our opponents have been working away, not letting Covid slow them down. I think it is about time we won something; I for one am sick of losing.

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Breaking Through or Breaking Down: Post-Vax Covid Infections By Brian Simpson

The data is from Israel, which has high vaccination rates relative to the rest of the World. Yet, it has been found that 90 percent of new Covid-19 infections were caused by the Delta variant, B.1.617.2 strain, and approximately one half of those infected were fully vaccinated. The country may need to go into another lockdown.

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Leftist Professors Want to Blow Up Conservatives! By James Reed

Well, it certainly all comes out in the open in the US university scene, where Leftist academics have recently written of wanting to openly murder their political opponents! It is an incredible double standard, since any sort of reply in kind by conservatives is met by the full force of the State. That is what life is like in a totalitarian cesspool, and Australia is not far behind, so I watch the curves, and report, diligently.


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Beijing Biden Regime Pushing Facebook to Censor Posts on Election Integrity By Chris Knight (Florida)

If the 2020 election was the fairest of the fair, as the Biden regime proclaims, why, oh why would they want posts on electoral integrity to be censored? One would be led to think that they really did have something to hide!

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