President Javier Milei Attacking the Abortion Agenda, at Davos By Mrs Vera West

While there have been numerous reports of President Javier Milei of Argentina calling out the anti-capitalist agenda of the Davos elites, right in front of them, there have been less reporting on another crucial aspect of his speech. He told the World Economic Forum that the socialists who are promoting the idea of human-caused climate change, also...

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Debunking the Notion that 2023 had Record Temperatures! By James Reed

The media, including THEIR ABC, has been pushing the narrative that 2023 was special year for climate change, some sort of doomsday turning point. The supposedly record temperatures were causing a whole range of health issues, if not diseases, as well. University of Pennsylvania meteorologist Michael Mann, know for his debunked hockey stick graph o...

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Greens Candidate Now Turns Against Wind Turbines! By James Reed

Jo Nova has reported on yet another surprising event in the continuing saga of the climate change alarmist scam. The Greens, we know, worship wind turbines, even to the extent of turning a blind eye to the adverse impact of at-sea wind turbines have upon whales, one of their previous sacred animals of the Greens. There needs to be sacrifices made t...

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Calling Out the Climate Change Alarmist Elite By James Reed

We should be delighted to read that US Democrat climate change elite, John Kerry got mighty upset, and exposed, when Avi Yemini, an Australian reporter with independent outlet Rebel News, asked Kerry who was walking on a street in Davos, Switzerland. "What's the carbon footprint of these events every single year that you come here? Do you think it'...

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Covering Up Adverse Drug Reactions By Mrs Vera West

We are told by our doctors that the drugs of Big Pharma are modern miracles, so then, our general practitioners basically serve not as promoters of health and well-being by a holistic approach to medicine, but to quickly dispense a drug solution. For example, my athletic grandson reported to his doctor about tendonitis of his Achilles tendon. The s...

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Update Summary on Covid Vaccine Safety Claims and Adverse Effects By Brian Simpson

This reference is for vaccine activists who may not have seen the original material yet. The summary article refers to published papers by one of the cited authors, showing the exaggerated claims of effectiveness and safety of the Covid vaxxes by Big Pharma. The papers show that there were statistical, definitional and other biases in the original ...

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The Threat of Genetically Engineered Soil Microbes to Agriculture By Bob Farmer

Bayer and its partner, Ginkgo Bioworks, want to swap fossil-fuel-based agrochemicals for genetically engineered microbes, to supposedly produce a more ecologically sustainable alternative to pesticides and synthetic fertilisers. If something sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. As detailed below, there are caveats made by Ginkgo Bioworks ...

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Bioweapons: The Need to Control the Dr Frankensteins By Brian Simpson

Across the world, it seems that scientists working in virology and molecular biological research, continue to tamper with mRNA and DNA. The lab origin of Covid-19 is presently the leading hypothesis, where it was at the time of Trump written off as a racist conspiracy against pure and noble China. Yet, among the adverse effects coming from the Covi...

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The Case for Meat: A Pretty Problem for Vegans! By James Reed

As we have documented at this blog, there is a climate change alarmist war against meat and traditional farming. The argument of the likes of the UN Agenda 2030, and World Economic Forum, is that meat production produces too much greenhouse gases for the planet, so the world needs to move to insect eating, or better yet, vegetarianism, or veganism....

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AIDS and the Covid Vax By Brian Simpson

Early in the Covid debate in 2020, what small debate was permitted, French scientist Luc Montagnier, who received the Nobel Prize for HIV/AIDs research, said that he thought the Covid-19 virus had sections of HIV grafted upon it. Hence the virus was most likely a lab creation. Of course, this was howled down by the lamestream media. But, as reporte...

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China’s Coming Population Crash By James Reed

China is facing a further year of record low birth-rates dropping by 2.75 million – or 0.2% – to 1.409 billion in 2023, according to China's National Bureau of Statistics, last week. This decrease was greater than the 2022 fall of 850,000. Chinese women don't want to have babies, and all policies to get them to change their minds have failed. Accor...

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Electric Vehicles and Cold Weather Do Not Mix Well! By James Reed

We do not in Australia, in general, have the cold weather that the US and Europe has, so the following problem may not be as severe for us, as we work through the climate change manic cult of electric vehicles. But, one strong point against EVs is that the EVs do not like the really cold weather. Thus, recently in Chicago, undergoing a freezing nor...

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Argentinian President Addresses Davos, Says They are the Problem! By Richard Miller (London)

This is golden; the Argentinian leader Javier Milei appeared at the globalist World Economic Forum in Davos, and basically said that what is wrong with the world is … the World Economic Forum Davos elites! He was diplomatic and did not explicitly call them out, but instead attacked the socialist, collectivist ideology underlying their philosophy. H...

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A New Covid Vax Related Disease: VEXAS Syndrome By Chris Knight (Florida)

 VEXAS syndrome is an auto immune disorder that previously mainly infected males over 50 years. It results in inflammation, fever, and blood disorders that can severely damage organs. The disease has a high death rate, killing up to half of afflicted people within five year. The syndrome has a genetic basis, but is not inherited, with a mutati...

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NATO Warning of Imminent Threat of War with Russia By Richard Miller (London)

There have been warnings of nuclear war coming from Russia, but now there are warnings from high-ranking NATO officials that war with Russia is imminent. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, in his address to fellow globalists at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, and NATO official Rob Bauer, have both issued this warning. And, B...

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Digital ID as the Next Level of Social Control By Brian Simpson

Alison Bevege has a great piece that should be circulated by all activists on the fast-approaching threat of the Digital ID Bill. The Bill is presently on its second reading before the Australian Senate, and is thus a heartbeat away from becoming law. And, what a law this will be. Alison thinks at this late stage of the game the only way the Bill c...

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China had Mapped Covid-19 Virus Even before Telling the World! By James Reed

Here is more damming news regarding the origin of Covid-19, which while not in itself conclusively proving the lab origin of the virus, is still evidence that coheres with a growing body of evidence supporting it. Chinese virologists had mapped the Covid-19 virus in late December 2019, which was two weeks before the communists decided in their ampl...

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Globalists Stoking Up Pandemic Mania, Again By Brian Simpson

The World Economic Forum a few days ago at its annual talkfest, had a discussion of disease X, a hypothetical disease that is supposed to strike the world at some point, with a mortality 20 times of greater than Covid-19. This speculation is not new, as various globalists have said that a new pandemic is on the near horizon, Bill Gates being one ex...

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65.5 Million Babies Killed in Abortions By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

This is the US figure but it gives an idea of one of the reasons the Western birth rate is so low; there are so many abortions. The US National Right to Life Committee has calculated that there have been 65.5 million abortions since the Roe v Wade decision in 1973. There are, roughly 900,00 babies aborted every year. It is expected that the figure ...

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Not the End of the World: Rejecting Climate Change Doomsday Mongering By James Reed

Researcher Hannah Ritchie, is author of the just released book, Not the End of the World, and heads research at the organisation, Our World in Data. She was once convinced, as a student of the climate change catastrophe view, that humanity is, by industrial activity changing the world's climate for the worse.However, with more research she came to ...

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