The Albo Government’s Total Failure on the Cost of Living Crisis By James Reed

It has not been just me saying this for the entire duration of the Albo Labor government regime; the Freshwater Strategy poll, conducted for The Sunday Telegraph, has revealed that 80 percent of those sampled believe that the Labor government has failed to deal with the Australian cost of living crisis, and 74 percent believed that the cost of livi...

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Elon Musk on Population Collapse

4Today at the blog I am addressing the problem that few conservatives talk about, demographic decline, in three articles. Much energies are devoted by Freedom Movement fighters to dealing with mass immigration, and this creates a mental image of surging populations, which in the very short term is true. But migrants once they come to the West, afte...

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China’s Birth Crisis By Mrs Vera West

This item goes with my article at the blog today, "The Infertility Crisis," as a case study of the problems an advanced Eat Asian country faces with a declining birth rate. China is facing the same dual problems confronting all Western countries, of declining population due to a crash in the birth rate, as well as an ageing population. Indeed, the ...

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The Infertility Crisis By Mrs Vera West

The Great Replacement assumes that there will be a surplus unending population of non-White people, to replace the local Whites through mass migration. After all, with declining births, migrants seem a simple solution. Yet there may be a big problem for the globalists. Apart from Africa, birth rates are crashing not only in the West, but even more ...

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Boy Beats Tetris! By Brian Simpson

In general, we are thinkers here, every one of us, and playing computer games is eschewed. However, I note that a 13-year-old boy has managed to beat the "machine," by crashing the Nintendo game Tetris. The ability to reach the end of Tetris was once thought possible only by special AI programs, and even run-of-the-mill programs failed. Thus, a hum...

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Could Something I have Never Heard of Help My Declining Old Brain? By Mrs Vera West

 No medical and health advice is offered here. But that said, I was intrigued to read that there is research that allegedly shows that Lion's mane mushroom promotes the biosynthesis of nerve growth factor. The biochemical details are beyond most of us, certainly me, but that does not matter much. However, the upshot is that taking this mushroo...

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World Economic Forum Thinks Disinformation Greater Threat than Total Thermo-Nuclear Extinction of Humanity! By Richard Miller (London)

The globalist, World Economic Forum, has just released its Global Risks Report. With Russian threats of unleashing a nuclear holocaust upon the West, one would think that such a threat would be of number one concern. But, no, the World Economic Forum sees disinformation to be the greatest threat. Yes, they have in mind websites like this one, which...

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More Russian Threats of Nuclear War By James Reed

Russian officials have during the Ukraine war made various claims of where the line in the sand is for Russia to unleash its nuclear weapons. The UK has been threatened with the Poseidon nuclear torpedo, which would lie on the coast, and when exploded create a radioactive tsunami, destroying the country. The arsenal of Russian nuclear weapons is va...

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Why the Earth is Not Boiling, Contrary to the UN By James Reed

At the 2023 COP climate talkfest, the UN chief gave an emotional speech claiming that global warming has become "global boiling." This was made even as the northern hemisphere was moving into its present super-cold spell, and while places like Australia were emerging from a bitterly cold wet winter. We have seen this all before if we have lived lon...

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The Open Conspiracy Against Cash is Global By James Reed

We at the blog, along with others in the Australian Freedom Movement, such as Nation First, have been outlining the dangers of a cashless society, not only in terms of the tyranny that such a centralisation of financial power can give, as seen by the cancellation of the Canadian truckers' protestors and dissents such as Dr Mercola, but fr...

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Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo Calls for a Complete Halt to the Covid Vax By Chris Knight (Florida)

For the first time, a US state has had its surgeon general call for a complete ban of the mRNA Covid vaccines, which occurred in Florida late last year by Dr Ladapo. The motivating issue was that the vaccines have been found to be contaminated by plasmid DNA, which should not have been in the vaccine. A study by Kevin McKernan and colleagues found ...

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The Cult of Scientism By Brian Simpson

Scientism is the position that the ultimate criterion of truth is science, not religion, culture or intuition, even common-sense experience. Scientism was seen most clearly in the public domain with both the climate change scam and the Covid mandates. In both cases "science" was said to justify the policies. But, here is the first big problem. Thos...

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Out with African Eve By Brian Simpson

The African Eve hypothesis is widely accepted in anthropology, holding that humans arose in mother Africa, then migrated to the rest of the globe. The evolution of human races was relatively recent, so race differences are regarded as not significant. This fits very well with the diverse multicultural societies produced by mass immigration today. B...

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They Dare to Blame the Vax By Chris Knight (Florida)

This relates to US data, which is all we have since the same concern is not found in polling companies in Australia. However, a recent Rasmussen Reports has found that 53 percent of Americans believe that the Covid vaxxes are the cause of the unexplained excess mortality. As well, 24 percent of those polled believe that they know someone who died f...

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Shot Dead …by the Vax! By Brian Simpson

There is a new movie out now, Shot Dead: The Movie, which tells the tragic story of children who died after receiving the Covid vax. The ages of the children range from newborns to 18 years, usually from myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart. Common to all the stories are parents believing the safe and effective narrative of the government, get...

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Maternal Death Rate Rises By Mrs Vera West

According to UK data, from Maternal Mortality Data Brief, released by Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries, examining maternal deaths in the UK during 2020-2022, there is a statistically significant increase in deaths relative to the pre-pandemic 2017-2019 data, and this significance holds even when deaths due...

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Big Tech Election Censorship By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is yet another example of Big Tech engaging in electoral interference. GOP Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, has said that YouTube has been involved in electoral censorship by banning an interview that he did with video creator shaneyyricch. This channel had 150,000 followers, over 185 million views in merely three months, but was termin...

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Canada May See the Light on International Students, but will Australia? By James Reed

We have been covering the immigration-fuelled housing and accommodation crisis in Australia, with one of the key factors being the massive influx of hundreds of thousands of overseas students. Few of these students go back, mainly to China, and it has been long recognised the international student scam is part of the present mass immigration and As...

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Will There be a Military Coup if Trump Wins? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is an interesting hypothesis about the aftermath of the 2024 election if Donald Trump wins. I do not think he will win, even if he is standing, since the electoral fraud system now is almost total. Why, they can close down polling booths, kick out all Republican scrutineers, who like mice meekly go, and just bring in sacks of rigged votes! How...

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A Perverted Justice System By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Some US state courts have held that Trump is not eligible for standing in the 2024 election, because he was involved in an insurrection on January 6 2021. This is said even though Trump has not been tried for this in a court of law and found guilty; it is lawfare of the basest kind, in total violation of all aspects of he rule of law. Yet, now we h...

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