Count the Lies of the Lamestream Media By Chris Knight (Florida)

Although this is from a US perspective dealing with our corrupt, morally bankrupt media, most of the stories were taken up by the mainstream Australian media as well, especially anything anti-Trump, such as the Russian collusion story, that somehow Russia threw the 2016 election for Trump. As with that story, all of the below stories, run by the ma...

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Western Australia to Give 8 Percent of Land to Indigenous: Next it Will be 100 Percent! By James Reed

Here is the kicker story for today. After the Voice referendum failure, and the defeat by farmer backlash of the Western Australian government's Aboriginal heritage laws, the Western Australian government now is set to give 8 percent of the entire state to Aborigines! Yes, even I had to read that headline a few times for it to sink in. This is 20 m...

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So-Called “Ecologically Sustainable” Electric Vehicles Love Catching on Fire! By Richard Miller (London)

The Greens promote with a passion, electric vehicle, and the debate has been about their resource use, with batteries producing most of the problems. One of these issues is that the vehicles catch on fire rather frequently, with spectacular results, since it is difficult to put out the battery fires. An example of this was recently seen in London, ...

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A World at War By James Reed

It is hard to keep up with the movement to World War III, with so many issues on the home front to soak up energies. But Michael Snyder, a collapse theorist is following the proceedings, daily. The latest has been the US bombing the Houthis, who have caused massive disruption to shipping. Then there is the Taiwan election, which if Lai Ching-te win...

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The Harms of 5G Tech By Brian Simpson

Let us count the ways that 5G technology, soon to be replaced by 6G and beyond, can harm people. Serious health issues associated with 5G include rapid ageing, with some studies seeing a reduction in life up to 15 years. This arises from damage to the heart and brain from free radical generation. Worse still, radiofrequency (RF) radiation and elect...

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Illegals, Transgender Surgery, You Name it, Californication has Everything Woke! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I know from reading the blog every day, that you Aussies are battling the same globalist tyranny as we in America. And there are degrees of this darkness, decay and decadence, and California, once the home of White beach folk, celebrated in the Beach Boys songs, now is in the post-White phase of its cultural collapse, where anything woke g...

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Saying Goodbye, Woollies By James Reed

I previously discussed the issue of how Woolworths is not having its once Australia Day merchandise, for two reasons, one being declining demand (well, stock less), the other being that it may offend the lobby against Australia Day, no doubt the main reason. I said that I won't be shopping at that supermarket anymore. And, I am pleased to see that ...

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The Modern University has Never Been a Source of Wisdom, Only Destruction By James Reed

Robert Curry has asked in a recent piece if the universities have ever been a source of political wisdom, based around the US situation. The discussion is below. Robert Curry is the author of Common Sense Nation: Unlocking the Forgotten Power of the American Idea and Reclaiming Common Sense: Finding Truth in a Post-Truth World. Some meta-comments a...

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Not a White Man’s Army as Cultural Collapse Continues By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This issue was discussed at the blog today by Richard Miller "The Dangers of the Cult of Diversity." The problem is the difficulty the British armed forces have in getting recruits, even with the promotion of women and the diverse, and open embrace of all woke ideologies. The discussion, based around an insightful article that appeared a few days a...

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The Dangers of the Cult of Diversity By Richard Miller (London)

Allison Pearson, writing in The Telegraph, behind a pay wall, has an instructive piece entitled: "The Cult of Diversity Is Becoming Dangerous." She is concerned with the plight of Britain, but exactly the same issue exists in the US as well, as another article at the blog today will discuss, "Not a White Man's Army as Cultural Collapse Continues," ...

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The Censorship Industrial Complex By Chris Knight (Florida)

There have been comments by the international freedom movement about the documents received by respected investigative journalists Michael Shellenberger, Alex Gutentag and Matt Taibbi from an anonymous but "highly credible" whistle-blower. The Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL), is part of what is now a vast network of non-governmental agencie...

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The Future is Nuclear By Brian Simpson

Not everything bad came from the climate summit at COP28 in Dubai. Neutral observers have noted that while there were the typical ravings against fossil fuels, cars and meat, there was for the first time a voice given to the nuclear option. After all, the renewable path in the West, with its solar panels and electric vehicles depends upon Chinese m...

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Aussie Professor Fired for Criticising Climate Princess Greta Thunberg By James Reed

Former Deputy Dean of Research and Innovation Andrew Timming was fired from RMIT University in Melbourne, just before Christmas for "exercising [his] workplace rights" to academic freedom, he wrote on his personal website. In an email he explained: "If [students] knew what really happened to 'thought criminals' like me, they would be appalled." "Bu...

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World Economic Forum: Preparing for the Next Plandemic By Brian Simpson

At present, (well yesterday), the World Economic Forum had a session, “Preparing for Disease X.” The meeting was responding to the World Health Organization hysteria that some mysterious new disease could result in 20 times the fatalities as Covid-19.

And what might this new thing be? Well, mad scientists, Dr Frankensteins, are busy working away in biolabs across the world, just as they did with Covid-19. For example, Chinese scientists have performed gain-of-function genetic engineering on a corona virus variant that killed 100 percent of the mice that were infected! Now why would anyone want to do that? And, the same team who got Covid-19 to lungs near you, Dr Peter Daszak, head of the New York based non-profit EcoHealth Alliance, has discovered “a never-before-seen virus with ‘almost’ as much potential to infect humans as Covid.”

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Throwing Children Out of School to be Replaced by Migrants By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is an example for the world of what happens in the advanced stage of the mass migration Great Replacement. New York City Mayor Eric Adams has ordered that students from James Madison High School in the Midwood neighborhood of Brooklyn, be moved out, and nearly 2,000 border crossers and illegal aliens would be moved in.


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Ann Coulter on the Failure of Trump By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Ann Coulter who once published a book championing Trump, soon become disillusioned and now is a fierce critic of him. She lists his failures below, but it is easy to do. He promised much and delivered nothing, except tax cuts to the 1 percenters. He was to build a wall to stop illegals and it could easily have been done. Some state governors are going to build their own walls with shipping containers.

Most of all he set into motion the entire January 6 fiasco, asking supporters to come to the capital, expecting Pence to do something about electoral fraud. What was he thinking? If he was not an obvious plant, this would have to be the greatest act of political stupidity in history, trusting a guy like Pence who is a Rhino, to bite the hands that fed him. And this point is never investigated by critics as to why the January 6 business happened at all. It is the key to Trump.

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Sweden: Too Little, Too Late By Richard Miller (London)

Sweden has been facing a migrant-led crime wave for some time, which some officials believe is a type of civil war. At long last some action is being taken, naturally not to deal with the real source of the problem, immigration, but to tackle the secondary issues, such as increased penalties for crime. Thus, there will be stop and search zones for guns and explosives, and curfews. The government thinks that this will curb murders and revenge killings. Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has said, “If immigration does not decrease, we will never manage integration,” but his government has done nothing to halt immigration.


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Out of Africa By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Camp of the Saints mass migration of the Third World to the West, as exemplified by the immigration invasion of America, is fully under way. Many from the Third World who would have tried their hands at getting into Europe’s social welfare, and now coming to America, given rising anti-immigrant sentiment in Europe, which is about time. The migrants are not refugees as defined by the UN, displaced people with no home, but freely leave Africa, travelling by plane to South America, with their mobile phones and designer shoes, and then going over land to the Mexican border, to join the masses of other illegals pouring in to make the most of Biden’s open border. They will be loyal to the Biden regime and vote Democrat, to continue the dictatorship.

 And, it is now quite a racket: “Migrants heading to the United States share tips and success stories on social media, and smugglers masquerading as travel guides tout their services. Friends and relatives relay that they obtain U.S. work authorization after filing asylum claims. And while the migrants are unlikely to win their cases, it typically takes years for a decision because of a massive backlog in immigration court.”

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The Immigration Invasion of the Anglo-Sphere By James Reed

American Renaissance has a good piece which links the immigration plights of the UK and US. Both countries have an immigration crisis. The US has an open southern border that the whole world is exploiting, from Africans to military age Chinese. Illegal immigrants from the Middle East, and increasingly Africa, are targeting the UK, moving from Italy across Europe to dip into British social welfare. The illegals need to get across the English Channel, and where once the British navy defended the shores of Britain, in this time of decay, they act as a taxi service getting the illegals into the UK, all done on taxpayers’ money. In the case of both the US and the UK, the illegals ditch their ID before entering the respective countries to make deportation extremely difficult.

Once in the respective countries the illegals are not imprisoned for breaking the law, but put on a roll to appear in court, and then simply disappear into their ethnic enclaves, never to be seen again. Over time, if this continues there will be more illegals than native peoples’ which seems to be the case in some parts of the UK and US now. In short then, both countries have a common liberal death wish. Nothing like this occurs in China.

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Radical Indigenous Leaders of Invasion Day Embrace Palestinian Cause By James Reed

There you go, it just shows that no “good” deed goes unpunished by the Left! So, as my Uncle Joe used to say, “whatever you do is wrong,” having Auntie Gertrude in mind.  Read on to discover the hidden meanings, as ideologies of the woke Left, clash.

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