A Planned Invasion By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is all happening in the USA. As is well known the southern border is open, and millions of illegals have poured in under the watch of Joe Biden. But there are complexities to this as well, based upon the type of illegals coming in. A group of former FBI senior officials sent a letter to the House and Senate warning that the open border is a nati...

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A Corrupt Legal System: More on Lawfare Against Donald Trump By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Donald Trump has been found guilty of defamation against E. Jean Carroll, who alleged he sexually assaulted her in the past. Trump denied this and claimed he did not know her, and made a statement about her mental state. And for merely stating his case he was found guilty of defamation, with $ 83.3 million damages! There has been critique of the ca...

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The Darker Side of Environmentalism By James Reed

An academic paper has appeared: H. Zacher, "The Dark Side of Environmental Activism." Personality and Individual Differences, 219 (2024), that confirms much of what I have said about Greenies and environmentalists over the years here at the blog. The Zacher study examined the prevalence of dark triad traits (i.e., Machiavellianism, psychopathy, nar...

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The Lawlessness of the Biden Regime By Charles Taylor (Florida)

 In a revealing statement, Joe Biden has said that he will secure the southern US border only if Congress passes a Bill allowing funds for their wars, of The Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. As well, 150,000 illegals must be allowed in each month to keep up the Great White Replacement. Biden admitted in his rhetoric that the immigration system was ...

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Defending Urban Gardening By Bob Farmer

A study has appeared in the journal Nature Cities, continuing the ideological attack upon decentralised agriculture, in this instance growing vegetables and fruit in one's own back yard. It is alleged that the carbon footprint of home-grown produce is around six times greater than produce coming from Big Agri and insecticide/pesticide, artificial f...

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Extreme Weather is Not Evidence for Climate Change By James Reed

At the moment there are concerns about super-floods devastating the state of California. Is this something previously unheard of? No, these floods have happened in the past, and will happen again. The same thing has been said about the extreme cold now in the US, that this allegedly shows the extreme weather events are indicative of climate change....

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The Religious Freedom Bill, Delayed Again By Mrs Vera West

Over six years ago Labor and the Greens joined to defeat the proposed freedom of religion Bill. Governments since have toyed with a revised version, and at present the Bill under the Albo regime has been delayed once more. At stake is whether faith-based schools have the freedom to employ staff who share parents' beliefs on issues such marriage and...

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It was Known All Along About the Vax Not Staying at Injection Site By Brian Simpson

Behind the narrative of "safe and effective," has been the notion that injected mRNA vax, stays at the injection site in the shoulder. Hence, if this view is correct, there is no chance of the spike proteins migrating around the body. This view was shown very early in the plandemic to be false by biodistribution studies requested by Japan. And as t...

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The Divisiveness of Identity Politics By James Reed

The little journal the Good Sauce News, has a good Christian philosophy, combined with insights into the corrupt politics of the system. Although we have made the same point many times before at the Alor.org blog, it is good to see others confirming our position, on diversity and identity politics. Regarding identity politics, seen acutely in the V...

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mRNA Drug and Vaccine Toxicity By Brian Simpson

Evidence seems to be slowly seeping into the mainstream now about the safety and toxicity issues associated with the Covid-19 vaccines. One recent article "Strategies to Reduce the Risks of mRNA Drug and Vaccine Toxicity" in the prestigious medical journal Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, admits that there are issues of toxicity with the Covid-19 mRN...

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Mind Control Using Nanotechnology By Brian Simpson

I have received emails with links to the substack by Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea, who has been researching the links between the Covid-19 mRNA vaxxes, nanotechnology and other advanced technologies, used for mind control. If I understand her, there are nanobots inside the Covid vaccines, or at least some samples, that can be used for mind control. I have...

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Chinese Covid Scientist Received Loot from the US! By Chris Knight (Florida)

There have been some important revelations regarding the origins of Covid-19, and the lab leak hypothesis. For example, to note but one story, the U.S. House of Representatives Energy & Commerce Committee, as part of an ongoing investigation into the origins of Covid-19, obtained documents showing that Chinese scientist, Dr. Lili Ren, who is af...

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Restoration through Catastrophe By James Reed

While seeking an update on the geo-political situation I came across an intriguing little piece tucked away on ZeroHedge, the financial blog with an apocalyptic flavour to it. The article simply elaborated upon a quote from Frederic Bastiat, from two centuries ago: "When misguided public opinion honors what is despicable and despises what is honora...

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Lawfare Against Donald Trump Continues By Chris Knight (Florida)

Donald Trump has faced a rape trial from a woman who claims he sexually assaulted her at some venue. Trump claimed that he never met the woman before. He made statements in his defence. Then those statements were subjected to defamation litigation, and a New York jury, comprised of Democrat voters we may presume, found Trump guilty of defamation, a...

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The Early Stages of American Civil War 2.0 By Charles Taylor (Florida)

From what I have seen, there is not much coverage in the Oz press of the Mexican stand-off between the state of Texas and the Biden regime over the open borders issue. A few days ago, because of a mistaken woke appointment by Trump of a female, supposedly conservative, but really a liberal, judge with adopted Haitian children, the Supreme Court hel...

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Let Me Count the Ways the Elites Hate Us! By James Reed

It should not be surprising to us, as it is a common theme to this blog, and all blogs and publications of the Dissent Right, that there is a great divide in Western societies between the ordinary working people, and the New Class elites, who are inner city university educated, and work in the knowledge and bs sections of modern society. These elit...

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The Green Energy Illusion By James Reed

There has been much written about the Green energy illusion, that because of a false climate change alarmist fear, countries across the West are turning away from reliable fossil fuels, to embrace a supposed Green energy future of renewables, such as solar and wind. But, with strong evidence this is all going to go pear-shaped, what then? One scena...

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The EU Attack Upon Hungary By Richard Miller (London)

Here is an example of how the globalist elites, such as those of the EU, act. Hungary has been holding out from them on policies such as the trans/ LGBTQ++++ agendas, and open border White Replacement immigration, so the EU has frozen billions in funding, to try and bring the nationalist government undone, or to make them change policies, much has ...

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“The Radicals Will Fall” By James Reed

The 110-year-old Captain Cook statue bronze statue in St Kilda's Catani Gardens was cut from its stone base just before Australia Day, as a message from the radicals. What is important as well is the message left, spray painted on the memorial base: "the colony will fall." The radicals need to think about what this means in the geo-politics of toda...

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Dealing with the Crop Threat of Insecticide-Resistant Bluegreen Aphids By Bob Farmer

I had not heard much about the problem in Australia, of insecticide resistance in field-collected populations of bluegreen aphids, Acyrthosiphon kondo, a pest of pulses and other legume crops, until I did my brush up, like a good dairy farmer, on science developments and cosmology at Phys.org, to keep up to step. I was surprised to be updated at th...

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