The Myth of a Climate Consensus By James Reed

Jo Nova, who has a great site debunking received mainstream “science” baloney, notes that the idea of a 99 percent consensus on climate is a myth which has been taken apart by one group of researchers. It seems the key paper that churned out the 99 percent figure that the media slings around, is methodologically flawed, as the authors did things like group together papers that were neutral on climate change as being positive! That is a glaring error, if “error” it is, so why didn’t the scientific community point it out as soon as the claim was made?

Worse yet, what has consensus to do with scientific truth? Science should be about data and evidence, which does not depend upon groups of scientists behaving like, well, troops of primates, or packs of dogs. Good grief, at least be human ye so-called pursuers of truth!

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The Problems with Electric Vehicles By James Reed

Jo Nova has a great piece continuing the critique of electric vehicles. Apart from pushing the idea of being green and energy efficient, electric vehicle are said by their proponents to be more robust than conventional fossil fuel vehicles. Anyone who has use battery-powered tools, such as brush cutters, would know that the petrol versions are tougher, and with all tools, things always go wrong, and if it happens that the battery has a problem, well that is big money for repairs. Same thing with electric cars. Jo minces no words on the multitude of problems electric vehicles bring: “EV’s cost more to fuel, take longer to arrive on long distance journeys. They sometimes burn down ships, destroy airport carparks, and kidnap drivers. They are a national security risk, and a burden on electrical grids. Because they are heavier they create more potholes, wear out tyres faster, increase road noise and air pollution (from tyre particles). They also increase wear and tear on bridges and multistory carparks.” What monster’s!

And it is not just her saying this; she quotes from CBC News that reports that from a survey of US owners, EVs have 80 percent more problems that conventionally fuelled vehicles. Indeed, if it was not for the globalist climate change conspiracy, EVs would not be an issue.

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The Migration Ponzi Scheme By James Reed

Australia’s mass immigration program is the greatest Ponzi scheme of all time.  A Ponzi scheme can be defined as follows:

A Ponzi scheme is an investment fraud that pays existing investors with funds collected from new investors. Ponzi scheme organizers often promise to invest your money and generate high returns with little or no risk. But in many Ponzi schemes, the fraudsters do not invest the money. Instead, they use it to pay those who invested earlier and may keep some for themselves.

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Why Covid May Still be Unfinished Business By Brian Simpson

The latest Covid variant, JN.1, was first detected in the U.S. in September 2023. By mid-December 2023, it accounted for about half of all Covid cases in the US and once again the vaccine mania was stoked up. Cases are on the rise in the U.K., China and India. According to the USS CDC, JN.1 may be more transmissible and has the ability to evade the immune system.

Vaccinologist Geert Vanden Bossche believes that we are seeing the operation of the concept of “immune refocusing” created by leaky vaccines which do not prevent transmission of the disease. The more boosters that occur, the more immune escape that happens, and by natural selection the new Covid variants get better at evading the human immune system. The more highly vaxxed will be more vulnerable to infection.  This process may produce more dangerous variants of Covid, although the unvaxxed will be likely minorly effected as their innate immune system will still be working.

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The "New," New Zealand Government to Eliminate Gender Ideology from Schools and Sports By Bruce Bennett

This is a hopeful sign, just when I had given up all hope in New Zealand, seeing it lost in woke. The previous Labour government did not even give police protection to Posie Parker, who was defending women from the you know what ideology, who faced violence, indicating that the government intended to make an example of her. However, the new government has vowed to end this business, with the elimination of all gender ideology from schools and sports: “Refocus the curriculum on academic achievement and not ideology, including the removal and replacement of the gender, sexuality, and relationship-based education guidelines.”

It is long overdue and hopefully other jurisdictions will follow this wise lead.

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“Anti-Disinformation” Group: The Cyber Threat Intelligence League By James Reed

For all readers interested in the globalist conspiracy to create a New World Order, the document produced by leading public intellectuals, Michael Shellenberger, Alex Gutentag, and Matt Taibbi, should be fascinating. They detail the release via a whistle-blower, of a mass of documents revealing the existence of a “anti-disinformation” group called the Cyber Threat Intelligence League, or CTIL. The group started with the basis of data experts and intelligence experts, but was taken over by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), CIA and NSA and the Department of Defense. The basic idea here is for the Deep State to use a front private organisation to conduct censorship operations against ordinary citizens who are seen by the Deep State to be engaged in information dispersing activities contrary to their agenda. “The whistle-blower alleges that a leader of CTI League, a “former” British intelligence analyst, was “in the room” at the Obama White House in 2017 when she received the instructions to create a counter-disinformation project to stop a "repeat of 2016."

Over the last year, PublicRacketcongressional investigators, and others have documented the rise of the Censorship Industrial Complex, a network of over 100 government agencies and nongovernmental organizations that work together to urge censorship by social media platforms and spread propaganda about disfavoured individuals, topics, and whole narratives.”

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Not Just London Bridge is Falling Down By Richard Miller (London)

As a reluctant resident of London, I agree that London, once a beautiful city of great cultural significant to the Anglo-Saxon people, is falling down. For a start, the place is now majority non-White, and getting more so each year. It is not uncommon now to go places and find people not even able to speak English, and not caring, as they are cosy and warm in their ethnic enclaves.

But even aside from that, and the crime waves and common knife attacks, business in central London, which is where I work, is in a state of decay as well. Businesses are taxed for rates based upon land value, not on annual profits, and land values have always been evaluated high by the Valuer General, and continue to rise every financial year. Some businesses get hit with a business rate of hundreds of thousands of dollars now, which they simply do not make in the present economic climate.

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Suing Pfizer: Vax Failure and Online Censorship By Chris Knight (Florida)

The year 2023 saw towards its end Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton  initiating legal action against Pfizer under the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act. His case is that Pfizer made misleading and deceptive statements about the effectiveness of the Covid mRNA vax, and as well, it was active in advocating on-line censorship of criticism of the vaccine. Specifically, Pfizer exaggerated the efficiency of its vax of 95 percent effective, and thus able to end the so-called pandemic, which did not occur. Thus, the claim amounts to the product being defective.

It will be interesting to see where this case goes. While Big Pharma seems to cover itself with statutory protection from vaccine injuries, product liability issues may not be caught by the contracts signed with the federal government. We simply do not know what is in those contracts, as commercial in confidence agreements has prevented any disclosure across the world. That alone should make anyone highly suspicious and skeptical about the vax. If the vax is really so good, then what is here to hide? I guess we are going to see with this law suit.

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World Government Via the UN by 2030 By James Reed

I came across an article published on October 27 (my birthday) 2018, by E. J. Ludwig, arguing that the UN was seeking to be the world government by 2030, and now while of historical interest, it is spot on in its predictions. That date of 2030 is seemingly an important one for the globalists, with the Agenda 2030 document, to put into place a so-called sustainable development regime by that time, with goals such as the de-industrialisation of the West via climate change policies. This ideology has been reinforced by a climate change narrative pushed by the mainstream media, and influential people, that there is only until 2030 to “save the planet,” that there is a global climate emergency. This narrative is not restricted to just the media but has been taken up by medical journals such as The Lancet, who presently have a large article on this issue.

Perhaps now that the race/immigration replacement issue has been worked over and defeated, the environment is the next issue to be intellectually controlled by the globalist thought regime. While there are still some dissent materials being published, it is likely that things will go the way the race debate went, with leading proponents being totally marginalised, and then cancelled. It remains up to dissent publications online, while they are not cancelled, to get out the critical word. The stakes are high now, as the entire fabric of the West, based upon industrialisation, is under existential threat.

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The Battle Against Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) By James Reed

Here, below from Technocracy. News, is a great article giving a concise summary of the dangers posed by Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). It focusses upon the US situation, but the same points apply to Australia, which in some respects is even further down the path of becoming cashless, and thus a testing ground for the Western world. The article makes the mistake of not noting the important point that the Central Banks, at least in the US and much of the West are privately owned by international finance, and are not government institutions.


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The Elites See the Future of Plagues By Chris Knight (Florida)

News has been quite on the disease/pandemic front. Many of us thought that the health technocrats would whip up public hysteria over the latest version of Covid. There has been a return of masks in some jurisdictions, and some sectors, such as health care workers in the blue states of the US and Western and South Australian hospitals. But, not much more, at least yet. As documented in articles at this blog yesterday, the aftermath of Covid is still with us, with both sudden deaths, turbo-charged cancers and high excess mortality.


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The Survival of the West Requires the Total Death of Immigrationism By Paul Walker

We are seeing first-hand what social harms a mass immigration program can do to a nation here in Australia, with a housing an accommodation crisis being produced, with scores of Aussies having to live in tents. The economic aspects of this preoccupy thinking on this topic even by the Dissent Right critics.

But there is a slightly longer-term problem being created with the ethno-racial aspects of this immigration program, for the majority of the hundreds of thousands, soon, millions of replacement level immigrants are non-White, and belong to a nation we may soon be at war with. While individuals are no doubt good hard-working people, the demographic question, one that was raised in 1984 by Professor Blainey, is what happens when these ethno-racial groups out number the rest of Australia?  We are seeing this replacement of Whites in the United States, with California majority non-White, and now Texas, with the entire US set to be majority non-White perhaps in less than a couple of decades. The states always move to the Left, and hence the Democrats. No doubt the Labor Party is doing the same thing here in Australia to secure its future dictator rule.

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Contrary to Climate Change Alarmism, 2023 was Not the Hottest Year in the Last 125,000 Years! By James Reed

I have been following and critiquing the climate change ideology since 2005 at the blog/On Target, making this my 19th year if I got the maths right. Over that time the climate change elites have usually said that each year is the hottest in some many years, usually hundreds. Even if one did believe in the climate change ideology, such proclamations would be needed to be taken with a bag of salt, as temperature records only go back to the 19th century, and for longer periods, there is scientific guess work based upon theoretical deductions from various theories. So, it is all an uncertain business.

Keeping up the corrupt tradition, the mainstream media has pushed the line that 2023 was the hottest year in the last 125,000 years. But, as detailed below, using various proxy measurements, which it is granted have their uncertainties as well, scientists have found much hotter periods in the past than the present era, between 10,000 to 5,000 years ago. Then, it is conjectured, the average global temperature was 1.5 C higher than the present-day era. On this scenario, the Arctic was ice free. Go back further in the 125,000-time span and both colder and warmer periods can be found.

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The Robot Takeover By Brian Simpson

The takeover of many manual jobs that once supplied work, not all that meaningful for so-called “lower IQ workers” is accelerating, and China has humanoid robots to be available in a few years. But the so-called “higher IQ” jobs are not safe either. The firm Goldman Sachs predicts that AI will swallow up 300 million jobs in the next few years, with most of these being white collar jobs. The emergence of general AI ChatGPT was just an introduction to this. Replacement figures for such jobs vary from 18 to 50 percent over the next decade. The work done by most lawyers, accountants and teachers, could be done much cheaper by AI. If so, the iron law of capitalism, to maximise profits, will ensure that such technology will be widely used. At present fashion modelling can be done using AI created models, who are cheap, and do not complain about working conditions, even if the backdrop scene is freezing cold, or the foot of a volcano.

So what happens to those of us, the vast majority that the World Economic Forum regard as “useless eaters”? The ideal would be the radical transformation of the economy along Douglas social credit lines. Once known, the ordinary people are likely to be accepting of this with the social dividend. But the globalists are going to strongly oppose this, as was done in the past, seeing the obvious threat to their New World Order agenda of total social control.

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WHO Directs China to Return to Vaccine Mandates Re: White Lung Disease By Brian Simpson

White lung disease continues to be a massive health problem for China, if mainstream media reports are to be believed. The disease is a form of virulent pneumonia which seems to affect children more than the older age group. There is no information about how this disease has spread. It is not a new disease as such, being known in a less dangerous form before. However, the outbreaks led to the World Health Organization saying that the same mandates as seen with Covid needed to be reintroduced, with masks, social distance and home quarantines, which China has done, but seemingly not as fierce as during Covid, where all these measures proved to be ineffective.

Is this likely to spread to the West? There have been cases already, but the situation is nothing like Covid, so it is at the present time unlikely that this disease is the plague that Bill Gates predicted would be next after Covid. The disease is mainly restricted to children, unlike Covid, so there is not the potential for widespread disruption seen in the Covid plandemic. But, something like this is always on the agenda, and if it is not a new plandemic this year to allow US election fraud, expect the next thing the World Economic Forum were speaking about, global cyber breakdown, which is more likely, and more devastating to our lives.

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The Predictive Programming of “Leave the World Behind” (2023) By John Steele

The movie Leave the World Behind was released on October 23 2023, and attracted considerable attention from the Dissent Right. The movie is an apocalypse flick, dealing with the consequences of a series of attacks by an unidentified attacker, where the grid and electronics have gone down, and the internet has ceased to work. It is indicated that some sort of wide-ranging EMP, electromagnetic pulse attack has occurred, probably by the detonation of nuclear bombs. The story revolves around two families, one White and One Black, trying to understand that the world that they knew has been left behind. It is the end of the world as they knew it.

The film was produced by the Obamas, which should put one immediately on guard. To be sure there is the expected level of anti-White sentiment, with the Black female character saying that people, especially Whites, can’t be trusted, but that is a minor in the scheme of things.

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War is Still a Racket By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, who was in his time the most decorated Marine in U.S. history, while living most of his life as a warrior for the US military, wrote a book entitled, War is a Racket (1935) published before his death.  There he proclaimed that war was enormously profitable for international finance and industrialists, but a disaster for the ordinary citizens, who on both sides suffer the full consequences, such as poverty, the destruction of property, and death.

While that book by Butler is largely forgotten, an essay on the same theme has appeared by Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia University, who argues the same point, that US foreign policy is a scam built upon corruption. And the nest egg is $1.5 trillion in military outlays each year, which encourages the escalation of conflicts. The more wars, the more business.

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Bioweapons Lab Leaks: From a Leak to a Flood By Richard Miller (London)

Unfortunately, the story from the Telegraph is behind a paywall, but there is a report of it from Modernity News, detailing that there has been a 50 percent increase in leaks and accidents in UK bio-labs since the age of Covid in 2020. These labs, as with all such labs across the West, are jam-packed with dangerous pathogens such as anthrax, rabies and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), to name but a few that we know of, and the labs are really close to major population centres. Who actually thought of putting these labs where they are?

Since January 2020, there have been 156 reports of lab leaks or accidents, around 42 per year in the UK, and that is a rise of 50 per cent relative to the years from January 2010 and December 2019.  In that time 286 incidents were recorded in total, approximately 28 per year. Among the accidents was a lab worker getting pricked with a syringe with a virus similar to smallpox. Another lab worker lost a genetically modified mouse. It just disappeared and was not found. It would have been too bad if the mouse had been jabbed with the near-smallpox syringe.

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Rejecting Climate Change Hysteria: Antarctic Ice is Not Melting; Quite the Opposite By James Reed

One of the big shock, horror, visual weapons of the climate change alarmist camp, has been that the Antarctic is melting, rapidly. If this was true, then it would be a problem for sea level rises, depending upon how much ice melted. Much of the ice in Antarctica is land based, so once it melts and flows into the sea, the whole bath tub rises, so to speak. However, while the mainstream media continues to cheer pick data to support this narrative of melts, two studies have shown that Antarctic is not melting at all.

The contrary data is based upon satellite imaging. One study found that while some ice shelves did reduce in size over the past decade, overall, the Antarctic ice shelf area grew in size by 5305 square km, a gain of 661 Gt of ice mass over the past decade. This is quite a substantial growth in ice.

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The Evidence Against the Covid Vaxxes is Growing By Brian Simpson

Covid vax critic, Steve Kirsch, has compiled a list of reasons why everyone should be concerned about the safety issues associated with the mRNA Covid vaxxes. The list is not exhaustive, but is more than enough to raise doubts in any rational mind. Many points concern the lack of transparency of the data, which by commercial in confidence, is kept under wraps by Big Pharma. Post-marketing safety data is not available to doctors, even the few who may question Big Pharma, and that is not many, since faith in Big Pharma has been cultivated in their minds since med school. Even government organisations such as the US CDC have not made independent safety assessments and rely upon the research data of Big Pharma, which is hardly scientifically objective/neutral. Public health data is kept secret by health authorities. All of this is quite apart from data that has managed to surface, indicating that mortality increases after the jab, with the conventionally, unexplained excess mortality across the West.

The points clearly show that there is still a case to be answered as the vaccines are still being promoted, but not as aggressively as during the Covid freak out years.

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