Just Stop Just Stop Oil! By Richard Miller (London)

Just Stop Oil is just up to its old attention-seeking tricks. It is like happenings from the 1960s, only much darker, and sinister. Blocking roads so that ambulances could not get dying people to emergency medical attention, wrecking private property with spray paint, and attempting to damage art works.

The latest tricks are to disrupt theatre performances, as was recently done in London’s West End. These protests cost tax payers millions. And the protesters, university Leftist types, seem to not be concerned abut legal fees. The reason? It is rumoured that the costs of their adventures are being paid for by a billionaire, not George Soros in this instance. It is hard to get concrete facts on this, so I will not drop the rumoured name. Yet it would seem as good strategy for the authorities having to deal with this civil disobedience to investigate the financiers of this, and see if there is a legal route to closing them down. The same applies to many antifa protests which seem linked to another globalist big money figure.

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China Plans to Make Humanoid Robots as Does Elon Musk By James Reed

China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has said that China is planning to build humanoid smart robots which will "reshape the world." "They are expected to become disruptive products after computers, smartphones, and new energy vehicles." US companies are also at work on this, to create walking robots that will be able to replace humans in manual labour jobs. However, the Chinese are the most ambitious here saying the robots will be up and walking by 2025. While that may be too optimistic, the writing is clearly on the wall of more job elimination, perhaps greater than ever anticipated. 

Musk sees this as a good thing, which will free up people for leisure. That would be a good thing in principle if we had a Douglas social credit economy, but without that people are going to be simply abandoned by corporate capitalism, just as the Aussies now who are made homeless from the Asian-migration fuelled rental crisis, are being abandoned by the heartless political class. It is difficult to see what can be done here by us, using classical grassroots principles, since communist China will do what it wants. That will create an inevitable AI arms race. Consequently, we must evolve strategies to survive the short-term, and wait out this storm of madness.

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Sustainable Development, Agenda 2030 and Technocracy By James Reed

Agenda 2030, based upon a grab-bag of so-called “sustainable development” goals, is a form of strong technocracy, the idea that society needs to be run by those who are elites in science and technology, applying so-called scientific principles to social policy.

Technocracy was given a very public face during the Covid plandemic, where medical authorities dictated public health policies, under the watchful eyes of Big Pharma. There we saw the implications of what a society run by technocrats looked like, as fundamental liberal principles were abandoned in favour of social control and paternalism, as “we are doctors, and we know.” It was not just the higher-level members of the health profession pushing his arrogance, but it came down to the local GP as well, most of whom not only go along for the ride, under the threat of deregistration, but are enthusiastic endorsers of medical technocracy.

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Overcoming Mindless Leftist Conformity of Thought By Brian Simpson

There has been considerable interest among conservatives following the inaugural meeting in London of the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship. The aim of this organisation is to counter the globalism of the World Economic Forum, through a network that will defend nationalism and traditional institutions such as the family. They are definitely opposed to bans on fossil fuels and the dictates of the elites that we eat bugs, and that is a great thing in itself! And one spin-off from the ARC meeting is the question of how to preserve, or indeed, create intellectual diversity of thought in organisations such as the ABC, and especially the universities.

This is a topic which we have been discussing here for years. The answer is, as I see it, that it is at present hopeless and a waste of time to try to reform these organisations. Instead, as US conservative intellectual Dr Steve Turley argues in his YouTube programs, we need to build parallel organisations to slowly replace the decaying woke conventional entities. This is exactly what the purpose of ARC is, and a point missed by the commentary (below) from The Australian.

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For the Elites Our Homelessness is a Lifestyle Choice By Richard Miller (London)

There has been an explosion of controversy here in the UK in the wake of Home Secretary Suella Braverman’s comments that homelessness is a “lifestyle choice.” Homeless charities, such as Crisis, Centrepoint, St Mungo’s and Pathway, strongly criticised the comments that were made on X, and in a letter said: “Sleeping on the street is not a lifestyle choice. Laying blame with people forced to sleep rough will only push people further away from help into poverty, putting them at risk of exploitation. At the extreme end, we will see an increase in deaths and fatalities, which are totally preventable.

“People sleeping rough frequently experience violence and abuse. The impact on their physical and mental health is significant. The average age of death for people experiencing homelessness is just 45 for men and 43 for women. This is not a life people choose.”

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The World Health Organization’s Plan for Total Global Enslavement By Chris Knight (Florida)

The World Health Organization is impatient regarding its International Health Regulations (IHR), including the Pandemic Treaty, planned to be pushed through during the next World Health Assembly (WHA) in May 2024, so that the new IHR will effective without a vote. At the last secret WHO meeting where this was plotted, the public media not being privy to the closed-door meeting, it is rumoured via leaks, that some countries abstained from voting, while other such as Russia, objected. However, without worldwide resistance the treaty will be rammed through without a vote. It will hand over health control of nations to the WHO and UN, who have revised the definition of “health” to define it so broadly that all aspects of society now fall under this concept. That alone will give them world dictatorship powers. For example, the environment and food production are part of health now.


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A New Law is About to Kill Free Speech and Democracy in Australia By James Reed

Augusto Zimmermann, Professor and Head of Law at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education in Australia, President of WALTA – Legal Theory Association, and former Law Reform Commissioner with the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia, has a piece at RT.com outlining the extreme danger to free speech and democracy posed by the Labor government’s, The Communications Legislation Amendment (Combating Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023. The Bill proposes that digital platforms will police what the government classifies as “misinformation” and “disinformation.” Otherwise the law proposal provides for the full empowerment of the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) to directly intervene for the purpose of preventing “harm.” “Harm” is defined to mean as well, anything that the Labor government finds “harmful” to its interests and will to power.

If this Bill becomes an Act, Australia will be a full-blooded dictatorship along the lines of communist China, who our Leftist PM admires so much. There needs to be a massive public pushback against this act of treachery by the Labor government.

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Albo’s Dictatorship Fantasies and Realities By James Reed

I think he gives the game away. With the Albo Labor government involved in one of the most draconian internet censorship Bills any Western government has canvassed, it is instructive to see the prime minister’s response to a question of what he would do as a dictator. Quick as a spark he said, ban social media! This is a look into his mind and agenda, since that is effectively what the misinformation Bill will do. Albo is a socialist, and no friend of classical liberalism and its freedoms. But, from the Voice debate, we knew that anyway. He is as a Leftist, no different from the rest of the tribe.


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Left Wing Prime Minister Beijing Albo Goes to Kow Tow to Communist China Dictator Xi By James Reed

Australian prime minister Leftist Albo is in China, doing the typical kow tow that all Left-wing politicians do to their object of worship, China. I do not exaggerate by too much; Breitbart.com has covered the story, and portrays Albo of something of a Xi fanboy, an embarrassment, indeed. And Albo said that it was a special time, being the 50th anniversary of fellow Leftoid Gough Whitlam, who visited China and gushed all over Chairman Mao.


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Optus Goes Down; The Fragility of Cyber-Society By James Reed

For those who are neo-luddites, seeing the limits of a society obsessed with technology, the Optus network outage had it all. As the headline from the Daily Mail put it: “Optus is DOWN as 10 million wake up to internet blackout and transport systems descend into chaos: Cafes close, Uber prices surge and hospitals affected in ‘biggest outage in Australian history.’” And let us not forget even Triple Zero calls were affected from Optus landline phones. “The Sydney Airport, the Australian Tax Office, NRMA and big banks such as Commonwealth and ANZ have also experienced issues, as have eftpos machines linked with Optus in businesses.” At the time of writing, there is no official cause released, it still being under investigation. But the idea of a cyber- attack is being dismissed, even though they don’t know this, but it would scare the sheeple if this was publicised and true.


This is a knockdown argument against going to full Central Bank Digital Currencies. If the events today are not a cyber-attack, they could be tomorrow when the big war gets going. It is one more example of the fragility of the high-tech society.

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The Great Biometric ID System Breach By Brian Simpson

One of the main fears about the use of biometric data in use in biometric ID systems, is what happens when security fails, from various methods such as hacking? The world’s largest biometric ID system, Aadhaar, operated by the Indian government, has 1.3 billion people in its system. But a hacker breached the system and obtained the sensitive personal data of 815 million Indian citizens.  The hacking made use of data from testing for Covid-19 carried out by the Indian Council of Medical Research. The stolen data is now for sale, and may already have been sold, unless the Indian police got to him first.

Bill Gates was in favour of the Aadhaar system when it was first put up, and said that he could see no security or privacy issues arising. Well, he certainly got that one wrong, drastically wrong.

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The Disaster of Mass Palestinian Migration By Chris Knight (Florida)

There is now a growing movement from the Left and other immigration-mad globalists to admit tens of thousands, if not a million refugees from Gaza. It happens with every major conflict, the immigration lobby cannot restrain themselves and begin the usual mantras of, we must save them, they will enrich us, and best of all, they are not white. Various critiques are appearing from conservatives making the case against taking in these refugees, and some material for reference purposes is posted below, which could be adapted to the Australia context, because the same forces will be pushing for refugees in Australia, whose Albo Labor government is perhaps a mini version of the Biden administration, in terms of the Great Replacement. But here it will be impossible to exclude members of Hamas entering the country unless, perhaps only women and children were admitted, but that is not practical.


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Australia’s Rental System, “Broken” By James Reed

This report on the Australian rental system comes from the mainstream Yahoo news, but their conclusion matches other sources such as Macrobusiness.com, that the Australian rental system is deeply flawed. A report by the online settlement platform Pexa and residential property business Longview, has concluded that “From short leases, frequent moving, rising rents, and no long-term security, a new report on Australia's housing crisis has revealed that Australia's current rental system is "broken."” Rental costs have exceeded wage increase for lower income earners, who are most affected anyway. And landlords face problems too, as it is more profitable to invest money in other areas than rental properties, which is one factor leading to less rental premises being available.

But, apparently, the herd of elephants in the room, mass migration pressure is not discussed, or at least, not reported by the mainstream. But at least they are admitting the obvious, that there is a rental crisis. So, we get to first base.

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China’s Great IT Robbery By James Reed

Our leading trading partner, communist China, according to ASIO director-general Mike Burgess, has engaged in the “most sustained and sophisticated” theft of intellectual property in history, with local Australian tech companies being targeted. The theft is “behaviour that goes beyond traditional espionage,” Burgess also said. He made the remarks at a meeting of the Five Eyes intelligence partners, Australia, US, United Kingdom, New Zealand and Canada, in California recently.

FBI director Christopher Wray said “The FBI have, over the last several years, had about a 1,300 per cent increase in investigations that are, in one way or another, related to attempts to steal intellectual property or other secrets by some form of the Chinese government, or some arm of the Chinese government.”

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Elon Musk: Environmentalism as a Death Cult By James Reed

Elon Musk has made another comment to enrage the Leftists, this time saying in an interview with Joe Rogan, that he bought Twitter because he wanted to counter the death cult of extinctionism, most notably seen in environmentalism, and propagated as a mind virus on social media such as Google and Facebook. He said: “I’m pro-environment but if you take environmentalism to an extreme, you start to view humanity as a plague on the surface of the earth, like a mould or something… The environmental movement – and I’m an environmentalist – has gone too far. They’ve gone way too far. If you start thinking that humans are bad then the natural conclusion is that humans should die out.”


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Young Muslims in Germany and Belgium Say They Will Become the Majority, Abolish the Constitution and Institute Sharia Law By Richard Miller (London)

Young Muslims in Germany say they will become the majority in Germany, abolish the German Constitution and introduce Sharia law. But, something like this was always the agenda behind mass immigration to the West, and behind all of the talk of diversity and multiculturalism. It will be interesting to see how feminism and the trans agenda, and other aspects of Leftism go in such a world. Swimmingly, the Left is proclaiming.


A Transgender Anti-White, Anti-Christian Killer’s Manifesto By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There has been a leak of the manifesto, or at least three pages of it, of the transgender killer Audrey Hale, who carried out a fatal shooting at Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, in March. The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department (MNPD) had kept a tight lid on the manifesto, unlike in cases where a white supremacist killed non-white people. The idea is to get out the narrative that white nationalism in all its forms leads to this. It fits with the Biden regimes’ war upon MAGA Trump types.


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Electric Vehicles: Next Big Flop By James Reed

Stephen Moore, who was once a senior economic adviser in the Trump administration, has predicted that electric vehicles (EVs) in America will be the “next big flop” in the markets. He compared EVs to the1950s Ford Edsel sedan, which was a market disaster because the public simply did not want it, although Ford was confident that it would sell faster than hot cakes. Instead, it was a lemon, marketwise.


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Treaty Watch: Queensland By James Reed

Some good news on the treaty issue. It seems that the Liberal National Party has now abandoned support for a state treaty, and previously supported it before the resounding No from the Voice referendum. The Path to Treaty Act 2023, was passed the Queensland parliament in May with bipartisan support. At the time The Liberal National party leader, David Crisafulli, voted for the legislation, as did all members of his party. The Act would establish “a three-year “truth-telling and healing inquiry,” a framework for treaty negotiations and a body called First Nations Treaty Institute.”

Of course, the Liberal Nations have now dropped this like a hot potato, but we should be very sceptical about a party that went for this ultra-woke idea in the first place, thinking that the Yes side of the Voice would win the day. The short of the long, is we should hardly trust them, which is a good principle to told for all pollies.

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Zero Net: Will Cost the World By Richard Miller (London)

Across the West, governments are pursuing the Agenda 2030, UN-inspired goal of net zero carbon emissions, to supposedly deal with some imagined climate change emergency … you know, ten years to save the planet. This agenda has taken some radical forms, with the closing down of farms, as in the Netherlands, shutting down coal-fired power stations (but not in communist China of course), and even the end of meat scenario, and eating bugs. So, what are the economic costs of reaching this nirvana state of zero net?

The UK National Infrastructure Commission study has concluded that reaching the 2050 zero net target will be around double the amount of money spent on infrastructure over the next 27 years to £2 trillion, which is an additional £1 trillion spent on the climate change agenda. This added astronomical cost comes from replacing all the components of our existing society based around fossil fuels, such as going from fossil-fuel-powered cars to electric cars, changing home heating and cooling systems, and of course, the generation of electricity in the first place, by solar and wind. But, none of these developments will actually improve the quality of life for the ordinary people, and if anything may decrease it given the insecurities of so-called renewable energy, when the wind does not blow, and the sun does not shine.

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