The Globalists of the Great Reset Want World War By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Dr Mercola, in a now deleted article, gives his take on the threat of World War III arising from the Middle East conflict. The main concern here is that the globalists behind the Great Reset, see war as a significant method, just like pandemic disease control, for dismantling the existing social order, and building their own version of the New World Order. For example, war destroys supply chains, and the energy sector, such as continuity of oil supplies, which in turn works to collapse national economies. This creates the ideal situation, once the dust of war settles, to rebuild societies the way the globalist elites want them to be built. 


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Tucker Carlson on the Road to Economic Armageddon By Charles Taylor (Florida)


That is not even to consider the possibility of Israel launching nuclear missiles, which will bring Russia and China directly into the chaos.

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How Hearts Get Damaged By Brian Simpson

Dr Peter McCullough has been reporting on the issue of the Covid mRNA vax cardio-vascular issues, particularly heart issues, as evidence indicates that the mRNA spike proteins can lodge in heart tissue. And other evidence suggests that most hearts are damaged in some way from this, which should be of interest to all people who have had the jab. For such people, the science is relevant.


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Covid Vax Neurological Effects: Not So Uncommon By Brian Simpson

Following on from Dr Peter McCullough’s recent claims that there is heart damage, to some degree, in all people getting an mRNA Covid vax, there is another report that approximately a third of all people receiving these vaxxes had neurological complications after the injection. These ill-effects included, sleepiness, vertigo, diplopia (double vision), paresthesia (a feeling of numbness or itching on the skin), taste and smell alterations, and dysphonia (hoarseness or loss of normal voice), headaches, tremors, muscle spasms, insomnia, and tinnitus. Cognitive fog and difficulty in concentrating was also observed.

While the risks here are not as serious as those noted by Dr McCullough, they do indicate that there is something very odd about the vaxxes, even if the neurological effects were the only concerns. Of course, the mRNA spike proteins can also lodge in the brain, so there are the added risks of stokes as well, as the cardio-vascular risks overlap with the neurological risks.

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AI-Created Gene Weapons By Brian Simpson

This is an example of the pot calling the kettle black, or is it yellow? Communist China is complaining that terrorists have accessed AI-created genetic weapons that can target specific races. China’s Ministry of State Security has claimed that these terrorists, which are equated to certain nations, have apparently collected Chinese genetic data. Thus, the Chinese believe that they are targets, and maybe they are. But according to Robert Kennedy, the Chinese have been working on such ethnic bioweapons for some time, and he thinks that Covid-19 was a test run, which did not largely impact upon the Han Chinese. On this he is probably wrong, as there were major impacts in China, perhaps not as severe in the over-vaxxed West. Africa without the vax did fine.


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The Great Replacement is Fact By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Left like to celebrate the on-going demographic replacement of whites in the West, as one of the virtues of multicultural diversity and mass migration. The sub-text is that white people are evil, non-whites, saints, and the sooner whiteness goes the better. This theme is pumped into the brains of white students in university courses, not so bluntly put, but by using the usual sociological bs, such as “whiteness” instead of openly saying whites. But whiteness comes from whites, so the genocide thesis is still being asserted. And if conservatives complain about the Great Replacement genocide of whites, the Left proclaim that that is conspiratorial thought, even though in their articles they say the same thing. It is all propaganda, the lies of the Left, of course.


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The Future Black Planet By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is yet another demographic warning. While there is a baby bust in almost all advanced industrial nations, Africa’s population is projected to double to around 2.5 billion in the next 25 years. Africa has the youngest, fastest growing population on Earth. In 25 years, they will account for one third of all people aged 15 to 24 years. The mainstream media are now pushing the narrative that Africa is undergoing major development (not mentioning the finance from communist China), and that it is set to become the future superpower.


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Not So Smart Home Security Threats By Paul Walker

Here is a warning that we should acknowledge, regarding the so-called Internet of Things, as applied to “smart homes,” regarding security threats. These devices include smartphones, smart TVs, virtual assistants, and CCTV cameras, which are equipped with cameras, microphones, and other sensors that can detect what is happening in your home, which is indeed their very point regarding security. One needs to know if some crook has broken into the home and is now stealing one’s treasures.

But, can one trust the IT firms, and indeed, the IT itself, and who can access the data, and is there any potential for abuse? The study referenced below indicates that there is such a threat: “Analyzing the data collected by IoT Inspector, we found evidence of IoT devices inadvertently exposing at least one PII (Personally Identifiable Information), like unique hardware address (MAC), UUID, or unique device names, in thousands of real-world smart homes,” “Any single PII is useful for identifying a household, but combining all three of them together makes a house very unique and easily identifiable. For comparison, if a person is fingerprinted using the simplest browser fingerprinting technique, they are as unique as one in 1,500 people. If a smart home with all three types of identifiers is fingerprinted, it is as unique as one in 1.12 million smart homes.”

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Wind Energy … The Answer is Not Blowing in the Wind! By James Reed

This story is from the US, but it gives a lesson to Australia, where our woke Labor government is fully onboard with the climate change agenda of net zero. While the Left does not explicitly say that we should “abandon affluence,” this lurks in the background of their thought. Up front the idea is that our present industrial society, what remains of it, can be maintained through renewable energy, mainly wind and solar. But, there are major problems with all aspects of this agenda.


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A ‘Major Surprise’ Nature Study Finds Phasing Out Fossil Fuels Will Lead To Decades Of Warming … Greenies Get Eco-Anxiety! By James Reed

This story should have been covered in every mainstream media outlet in Australia, but as far as I am aware, it was only addressed on some internet sites. A peer reviewed paper published in the leading generalist science journal, Nature, using data obtained from the lockdown period in South Asia, examined what happened when the production of greenhouse gasses fell, and aerosol pollution decreased. The decrease in aerosol pollution had the result of increasing alleged warming, as aerosol emissions reflected radiation back into space. Renewable energy, the Greens tell us is great because of a reduction in aerosol pollution, but the results of this will be exactly the opposite of what the environmentalists are expecting, as less pollution means clearer skies, and more supposed heating.


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Aussies Go for Meat Over Climate Change Fanaticism By James Reed

I am pleased to report that Aussies, truly great meat eaters, have doubled down on resistance to things like the World Economic Forum quest for us ordinary people to abandon meat and eat insects, all for the sake of supposedly saving the planet from climate change. A La Trobe University survey of 700 Facebook account users from Australia, showed that people would rather do other things to “save the planet” than abandon meat. In general, it was felt that meat elimination was an ineffective method of dealing with climate change.


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Is World War III Inevitable? By James Reed

The Socrates program has been concerned with making predictions in the business cycles over history, and they are not the only such organisation or persons saying this, as it is common in “war cycle” theory. World War III is likely to occur this year, if it already has not yet started, they claim. Wars are the common answer to the problems generated by usury-based fiat money systems when they run into inevitable troubles. As well, there is from the globalist’s perspective, the “Mother Courage” issue of making vast sums of money from the military industrial complex. According to a report by Martin Armstrong, based upon the Socrates program, “We are headed into World War III, as the computer has forecast, starting here in 2023 because all the old tensions in the world between people and nations will tear the world apart.”


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Australian Cities Less Liveable for Indigenous and Non-Binaries By James Reed

This is truly shocking; Australia’s capital cities, even Adelaide, seem to be terrible places for indigenous people, women and the non-binary, according to the State of Place report by Place Score. The same report showed that liveability for many Australians also decreased, but let’s not worry about that. Many indigenous people are living in lower socio-economic suburbs; it is understandable that they would feel less than happy about life. I emphasise, being at the bottom too. But I puzzle as to why women are lobbed in this category, since their group straddles all economic classes. And I have no idea why the non-binary are not doing well. I thought that they would be dancing on sunshine, but there you go. It is a great mystery.


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The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship: Counter to the World Economic Forum By James Reed

Rebekah Barnett has returned from the inaugural London meeting of the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC). This new organisation has been set up by psychologist Jordan Peterson, think-tanker Baroness Philippa Stroud, and former Australian Deputy Prime Minister, John Anderson. Its aim is nothing other than the counter the World Economic Forum in philosophy. As she reports, ARC is pro-traditional values, such as the family, pro-free enterprise, pro-freedom and liberty, and generally anti-globalist. She considers the argument that this is a mere set-up, and will be just another version of the World Economic Forum. From what she has seen, this seems unlikely; after all, why bother when globalist organisations are already as common as weeds in your garden?

Overall, she seems optimistic about ARC putting up resistance to the globalists, and in my opinion, that can only be good.

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Woke and the Undermining of Basic Learning By James Reed

This is largely an American phenomenon, but it is coming to the Australian education system soon, no doubt, as all of the elements are here. Regarding maths teaching, and learning, it seems that vast inroads are being made by cultural Marxism and cultural relativism to maths teaching. Thus, different races and ethnicities have their own type of vibe regarding maths, and it is “racist’ to force coloured students to conform to the requirements of the syllabus of classical mathematics which is largely a creation of white European males. Naturally, anything created by dead white males is going to set off the Left, and this field is thus the latest, and perhaps final thing to fall under the black magic of the sociology of knowledge.

Thus, rather than encourage say, Black students, who may have some difficulties with maths, to study hard and give them help, their present limitations are taken as defining their identity. That in itself seems highly racist to me, much like the idea that white guys can’t jump. Brett Stevens has an interesting essay on this theme as well:

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Australia Government Health Authorities Puzzled by Excess Mortality By Brian Simpson

In a tweet, Malcolm Roberts points out that the Australian government health authorities do not have an explanation of Australia’s excess deaths, which have occurred since the Covid vax rollout, but which are not due to Covid, as they admit. This is 10,000 more Australians dying, greater than average. As Roberts says, the simplest explanation that accounts for all the facts, is that it is the Covid vaxxes which are responsible.

As such, Roberts has given the commitment to pursue this issue until justice is achieved. It would be nice if parliament was filled with guys like this, instead of the usual ones we have.

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Transhumanism and Christianity By Brian Simpson

James Spencer, “Transhumanism and the Human Condition,” points out that the transhumanist agenda, to transcend human limitations by creating new beings that are trans-human, and beyond human abilities, fusing biology and AI, has the inherent contradiction, which “assumes finite, vulnerable beings can, through their own creations, transcend their own finitude and frailty.” It though, is a common assumption in all humanist and atheistic philosophies, such as existentialism, that humans are alone in the universe, that God does not exist, and they have the freedom therefore to exercise their will to power, however they see fit.


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George Christensen on Immigration Problems By James Reed

George Christensen has made a comment in the context of the present escalations of massive protests stretching across the world. The protests have been larger than anything seen in human history and have spanned the globe. For example, protesters tried to storm the White House, chanted slogans such as “Allahu Akbar” while calling for the destruction of Israel for a Palestinian state. They shouted, “Guilty,” waving signs portraying President Joe Biden as a clown with the words “Genocide Joe,” and other signs calling Biden a “child murderer.” The  desecration and vandalization  war memorials in the vicinity of the White House  occurred as well.

And in Australia, as detailed by Christensen, radical Islamists have called for jihad, for Australian Muslims to fight overseas. As he points out, the mass immigration of vast numbers of people with loyalty to another flag, as his preacher example shows, could in the present explosive situation lead to many of the problems of the Middle East being waged in Australia. That seems to be the inevitable outcome of creating a multicultural society, where no thought was given to the possible negative consequences, but instead a religious devotion to the cult of diversity was adopted. If it replaced traditional Western culture, defined as evil by definition by the Left, then it must be good. Well, we are going to find out.

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Sam Bankman-Fried of Failed FTX Fame, Once Planned the Ultimate Doomsday Prep By John Steele

Sam Bankman Fried, the crypto king whose firm FTX went bankrupt last year, now faces over a century in prison from fraud and money laundering. What is even more interesting is that as revealed by a Delaware bankruptcy court, that FTX planned to purchase the island state of Nauru in the Pacific to create a fortified apocalypse bunker state.  They were preparing for an “event where 50%-99.99% of people die.” And they intended to have a genetics lab to create humans with genetic enhancement.


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Blackrock, Woke Rulers of the World By James Reed

Blackrock is the world’s leading financial asset management firm, with almost $10 trillion under management. For such a financial giant, it is surprising that so little information is available about them. I knew that they were a force behind Big Pharma. However, there is much more to the story beyond the vast amounts they make from collecting royalties for their financial management services.

Blackrock also controls the stock of the public companies and can install the directors it wants, and push the companies in the directions it chooses. Unfortunately Blackrock are big on ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) and DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity), so achieving woke ideologies has become part of the modern business practices, even over and above profit maximisation, with some $ 500 billion  the ESG woke way. The present ideology is that this is necessary to save the world from various “threats” such as climate change, as investors are going along with this to keep the so-called high moral ground.

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