Crime and Facial Recognition, or Lack of Recognition By Brian Simpson

One area where AI has been used, with some disastrous results, is in police use of facial recognition neural net programs. The leading case comes from Detroit in the United States, where a Black man, Robert Williams was arrested for robberies, based upon surveillance footage. It turned out that Williams was innocent, having an alibi. But he was still arrested on the basis of unclear grainy footage. It is known that there are limitations of the programs based upon the training data used for the neural net, which has been largely based upon white faces and creates a racial bias, with Black’s being 100 times more likely to be falsely identified than Whites. At present there is a movement to either ban or restrict the use of these technologies which conduct one-many matches of suspects faces to data banks such as licence face photos.


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Not Stolen: The Truth about European Colonialism By Chris Knight (Florida)

Jeff Fynn-Paul, Not Stolen: The Truth about European Colonialism in the New World, Bombardier Books, 2023, is a useful tool for those concerned about how the indigenous movement is being manipulated for wider nefarious ends. Much of what is experienced in Australia also has analogues in the United States. Thus, the welcome to country grovels, are becoming increasingly common here too, where it is also claimed that the indigenous Amerindians were in America “from the beginning.” Unlike the mantra pushed in Australia of occupation for 40,000 years, now becoming 60,000 years, and no doubt more to come, the Amerindians were not in America for that long, probably 10,000 years. There are contested claims as well, that whites had occupied the lands to some extent as well, but even the well know Viking inhabitation is dismissed by the Left.


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Deadlier by the Day By Brian Simpson

Leading cardiologist, and Covid vax critic, Dr Peter McCullough, has reported on the alarming trend of cardiac problems in people who have been Covid vaxxed. He quotes a study by  Nakahara involving heart scans of people who have had the Covid vax, which shows via medical imaging, a change in the heart’s metabolism for at least six months or longer, of all people who have been vaxxed. The significance of this has yet to be fully examined.

Another paper by. Krauson et al. shows that mRNA spike proteins were present in the hearts of people who had died, from whatever causes. On this Dr Mccullough said: “We can conclude, probably according to quantity of mRNA in the injection, time, and potentially individual susceptibility (athletic heart, cardiomyopathy, etc.) some individuals are walking around with COVID-19 vaccine in their heart muscle. The long-term implications for cardiac arrest, heart failure, and other problems are not known. No matter how much the academic community tries to minimize Krauson et al (and others), this paper is not good news to the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex.”

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An Amazing Confession from the BBC By Richard Miller (London)

The BBC recently published a story with the headline: “Scotland’s Winter Death Toll Worst in More than 30 Years.” There is a hidden contradiction in the headline, as the BBC, just like the ABC in Australia, pushed the idea three years ago, that Covid was something like a new Black Death, and so lockdowns and a draconian mass vaccination program were justified. Yet the story about Scotland betrays all of this, for if the Scottish winter death toll was the worst in more than 30 years, then what happened to the Covid plandemic, which should be the pinnacle of deaths in that period?

It seems that the BBC has forgotten about all that, and is now onto to the next big thing for the public to get anxious about. The same type of agenda of the media, to engage in fear porn to sell their goods, seems to be widespread across the West now.

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Female Perspectives on the Baby Bust By Mrs Vera West

Alex Berenson, who has done great work on the Covid vax exposure, has been writing recently about a problem that Elon Musk, among many, sees as a grave threat to human civilisation, the declining birth rate. This crash in the birth rates of nations seems to occur in all advanced industrial nations, possibly with the exception of Israel. It has been observed in the West for decades, but now is a problem in the advanced industrial East Asian nations, such as Japan, South Korea, and even China. The problem is not solved by immigration, as migrants soon adopt the lifestyles of the host nation in terms of reproduction rates.


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Take that Greenies: Plastic Eating Bacteria! By James Reed

Although I am largely scientific illiterate, I can see the relevance of some new discoveries, and how the technology will have political ramifications. I know just enough to see that we live in a world, hugely influenced by the technocrats. We have shown this at the blog with the Covid plandemic, and also, ongoing with AI. This is mostly negative stuff, but there are some good developments too.


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The WormGPT at the Heart of Cyber Things By Brian Simpson

While there is concern by those who are monitoring developments in artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, and its forthcoming more powerful successors, a new threat has predictably emerged, that of hacking programs to mirror ChatGPT, such as FraudGPT, EvilGPT, DarkBard, WolfGPT, XXXGPT and WormGPT, which are available on the Dark web, a domain of much illegal content, and criminal activity.


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The Universities are Destroying Australia, for a Few Dollars More By James Reed

It is now well recognised that the present rent/housing crisis is fuelled by runaway mass immigration, and the most notable component of this is overseas students, predominantly from Asia. And it is now known as well that most of these students become permanent residents so the international student supermarket, which replaces local Australians from university places, is just an aspect of the Asianisation of Australia, and the Great Replacement.


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The Slow Death of Australia’s Middle Class By James Reed

Australian wages, as have shown, have fallen way behind both rents and CPI inflation. Record mass immigration and rent inflation is hammering Australian renters, if they are lucky enough to get a place to rent at all and are not sleeping rough in their cars. According to this source: “The rapid rate of migration to Australia is exacerbating competition for rentals, with the majority of arrivals not owning property”.

“Construction remains a challenge, with high build costs, limited labour availability and decade-high financing costs resulting in dwelling approvals and commencements sitting at their lowest level in a decade”.

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The Salt of the Earth By Bob Farmer

While the environmentalists get anxiety about trendy theoretical things like climate change, which is something deduced largely from computer models that run “hot,” real environmental concerns that impact upon agriculture often are downgraded or ignored. Soil erosion is a big issue, as is the problem of salt. It seems that human activities are making the soil and freshwater saltier. The main activities doing this are mining and land development. The natural salt cycles are being disrupted, and their effects upon drinking water is to diminished quality, especially for animals on farms. Human-caused salinization affected approximately 2.5 billion acres of soil around the world, affecting productivity. It is difficult to remove salt from soils once it is there.


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China, Lithium and Tibet By James Reed

Does anyone remember Tibet, which as annexed by communist China in 1951? Since that time, it has been administered by the communist regime. It is said that cultural genocide has occurred, where the traditional people are being replaced. I read that husbands are often given to Tibetan women of Han Chinese men:

Now the Tibetan plateau is under ecological threat as China seeks the vast reserves of lithium there for its electric car industry. It is well known that lithium mining is highly polluting of the local environments and water courses. Tibetans have no say in this, as the lithium is absolutely needed for the car industry and there is no possible compromise, any more than there was any compromise since 1951. Tibet should be a lesson for what is to come with Taiwan. It is hard to see communist China as anything else but an imperialist.

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Crushed by the Cost of Living Increases By James Reed

If one thought that inflation was bad, then think again, as the cost of living for Australian workers is rising even faster. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics living costs for workers increased by 2 per cent for the September quarter, while the inflation increase was 1.2 percent for the same period. Many workers had to face the rollover of some expired fixed-rate to higher-rate variable mortgages, along with increased petrol prices and higher insurance premiums. And Australians who are on the Centrelink system, which at best is mere imposed poverty, especially with New Start, are being crushed. People are missing meals just to get by. The health consequences of this will be disastrous in the longer term. The social consequences are an ever-present disaster, now.

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The Unspoken Death Toll of Covid Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

The US survey organ, Rasmussen Reports, has recently published the results of a poll which has the startling statistic that 24 percent of people in the sample say that they know someone who died of the Covid vaxxes. And 42 percent of the sample said that they would be willing to become plaintiffs in a class-action lawsuit against Big Pharma.

We do not have any parallel statistics for Australia, but the US one indicates that at least for that population, the Covid vax death rate is right off the charts, and is not being given an official recognition, but is likely to be covered up by the medical authorities. Today they are in self-protection mode, but much like toxic torts litigation, hopefully at some point the protection and veil of deception will be broken.

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The Decline of Democracy By James Reed

We used to, back not so long ago, lament the lack of real democracy that the system offered, that for the individual the vote is almost useless when the party system produces blind obedience of elected members, regardless of what the constituents think.

But now, even that shadow of democracy has been placed under threat, according to the annual report of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA). It found that   85 out of 173 countries surveyed had "suffered a decline in at least one key indicator of democratic performance in the past five years." The indicators are substantial and include, flawed elections and election fraud, to curtailed rights, including the freedom of expression and right to assembly, representation, participation and threats to the rule of law. This decline is observed in America, Europe and Asia.

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An Even Darker Side to the Immigration/Asianisation Mania By James Reed

George Christensen has raised the issue of human trafficking, which is being done on an industrial scale in Australia, fuelled by holes in border security and our out-of-control mass immigration system, or is it scam? This has led to Asian women and children being subject to slave-like conditions, often for sex exploitation. Asian Organised Crime is behind this, and profits from this human misery. Crime bosses harvest millions which are then launder through the real estate industry making Aussies unable to get homes due to exploding prices.

As Christensen says: “The government might be complicit in these crimes as this trafficking network relies on ‘visa fixers’ — criminally connected migration agents licensed by the federal government, leading to an exploited underclass in various industries.”

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The Great Liberal Death Wish By Peter West

In 1970 the English writer and Christian Malcolm Muggeridge wrote an essay, “The Great liberal Death Wish.” His piece is as relevant today as it was then, as the destructive forces leading to the suicide of he West were getting started then, and are now in the endgame stage. He saw liberalism becoming perverted, being pushed beyond classical bounds, mainly under the influence of the Left’s neo-Marxism, to produce a highly toxic doctrine systematically “depreciating and deprecating” of “every aspect of our Western way of life.” This regime, what we would now call woke progressives, had thrown out God and past traditions, all aspects of the traditional West.

And there were the shock troops to back up this deconstruction, and destruction of values, “a Praetorian Guard of ribald students, maintained at the public expense,” who were “ready at the drop of a hat to go into action, not only against their own weak-kneed bemused academic authorities, but also against any institution or organ for the maintenance of law and order still capable of functioning, especially the police.” In the 1970s, these Leftist still had a narrative that capitalist mega-corporations were engaging in “imperialism,” and critiques of Big Pharma in the Third World were offered. However, as seen during the Covid mandates, the Left liked the authoritarianism that was imposed upon the hapless population, as it foreshadowed what they intended to do if they got supreme power. Thus, they supported the globalists and condemned anti-vaxxers as “racists.”

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The West’s Danger of Falling into Communism, Following the CCP Lead By James Reed

Xi Van Fleet has a new book, Mao’s America (Center Street, October 30, 2023), which documents how America, and by implication much of the West as well, being highly influenced by American culture and politics, has fallen into communism. She draws comparisons between Mao’s cultural revolution and the present-day cultural revolution of woke cultural Marxism. Fleet experienced the terror of the Maoist regime’s cultural revolution as a school girl. She managed to escape communist China to get to freedom in America. But she has found that the so-called progressive Left are now attempting to recreate most aspects of Mao’s cultural revolution. As the book blurb says this has been done via these tactics:

  • Use Marxist tactics of division, indoctrination, deception, coercion, cancelation, subversion and violence.
  • Aim to destroy the foundation of the traditional culture to replace it with Marxist ideologies.
  • Weaponize youth, using them as their means to an end.
  • Share the same goal of achieving absolute power at the expense of the people.
  • Lead to the same ending: loss of freedom and totalitarian rule.


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The Dangers of the Cashless Economy By James Reed

Patrick Barron, over at the libertarian economic site, has a nice simple piece on why defenders of freedom and liberty should be deeply concerned about movements to a cashless economy, which are well advanced in Australia. Banks are already working deceptively to eliminate cash, so that in the end, the public will have this sprung upon them. Barron points out that there are many practical reasons for retaining cash, all along the lines of not putting all one’s eggs in the one basket. Thus, if electronic systems go down cash could still be used in a dual system, to the existing limits of cash.

However, the main argument for retaining cash is that it decentralises power. The fully electronic system puts a tremendous amount of power in the government’s hands, as recent debanking events, such as the Canadian truckers’ cancellation, and the debanking of Nigel Farage show with just existing power. Giving the elites absolute power is always a bad idea in principle as corruption and abuse is inevitable. As Lord Acton observed: “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.”

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One Rule for Us; Another for the Political Class By James Reed

After the failure of the Voice referendum, Anthony Albanese administration's next big thing is the so-called misinformation law, which is supposed to deal with “false” content on social media platforms, but which, as previous blog posts here have shown, is all about supressing free speech in the course of controlling the narrative the way this tyrannical government wants. Thus, the laws would control posts that as we saw during the Covid plandemic, were put as an alternative to the Big Pharma narrative that the Australian government and health authorities also pushed. Indeed, ideas that the Covid vaxxes would not prevent transmission were said to be a conspiracy at the time of the plandemic by the health authorities, even though people who were fully vaxxed came to get Covid. Issues about adverse effects were treated in the same way. The excess mortality that Australia, along with most Western countries now is experiencing, also got this brush-off. Now, these modes of suppression will be backed by the elite’s law, if they get this legislation in.

To add to this misery, the misinformation control regime will not apply to the government itself, as recently exposed by Senator David Pocock. This double standard was defended by the government, saying that it was to prevent emergency messages being removed. But that begs the question, because assuming that the emergency messages are not misinformation, why should it get removed in the first place? Clearly this is all about propaganda, the government wanting its rubbish to be uncensored, while suppressing anything else that challenges its narrative.

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The Great White Replacement: Views of an Indian Conservative! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Jay Bhandari, a non-white conservative Canadian writer, has commented upon the issue of the Great Replacement in Canada. This is of interest to conservative whites in other jurisdictions, since the Left globally are pushing the idea that the Great Replacement thesis is a white racist ideology; a non-white putting the case that this genocide of the white race, which fits the UN definition by the way, undermines the Left’s argument.

Indeed, as Bhandari points out, 26 percent of Canadians are first-generation immigrants, 18 percent are second-generation, and 32 percent of children under fifteen in 2021 were second-generation immigrants. Most of the migrants, since Canada adopted so-called non-discriminatory immigration are non-whites from the Third World. As Bhandari says: “Canadians have put Canada on a path to inevitable destruction.

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