Aussies Going Hungry By Mrs Vera West

Here is more grim news about the cost-of-living crisis in Australia. We have covered the housing and rental crises, but another issue of concern is food security in what was once the “lucky country.” It has been reported that around 3.7 million Australian households are facing food security issues. The prices of basic food items seem to rise almost every week, and people are faced with decisions about what not to get each week to make ends meet. As well, there have been rising power costs as well, let alone the housing and rental issues.


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Trace Uranium from Seawater By James Reed

Now for some good news on the energy front. A study by Jessica Veliscek-Carolan with the Australian ­Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation and the University of NSW, has led to the development of a special hydroxide powder. When the powder is  placed in seawater, it will adsorb small amounts of uranium in the water. Sea water uranium is a renewable resource, as the uranium in sea water is replenished. And, it is less environmentally harmful.

This could pave the way for a renewable nuclear power industry. Hopefully Australia can keep the technology.

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Problems for a Gaza Ground Assault By Paul Walker

The Israeli Gaza ground assault has begun. It is not going to be an easy battle, even with Israel’s vastly superior weaponry. The Ukraine War is dragging out into sustained battles, but it is spread over a vastly greater area. Gaza is an urban environment, where behind every building there could be a sniper, and booby trap in front of every step. Hamas has a vast tunnel network, far more extensive that used by the Vietcong in the Vietnam War. While the media had reported on poison gas being used in the tunnels, apart from the rules of war, it is probable that some sort of ventilation systems would be in place to deal with this; Hamas certainly had plenty of time to prepare for scenarios like this.

In any case as detailed below, the long-term for Israel to deal with the Gaza problem are challenging. Military occupation will be hugely expensive. Merely eliminating the present Hamas leaders then leaving will kick the can onto the next generation. A fulltime occupying UN peace keeping force, given the failures of such ventures elsewhere, is unlikely too. Thus, the options are all limited, but must be addressed once the present fighting ends, however long that takes. Probably some temporary sub-optimal “solution” will be adopted.

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Dr Peter McCullough on Spikeopathy By Brian Simpson

Why should we still be interested in the Covid issue, for hasn’t things moved on, and there is nothing more to worry about? If one has been vaxxed and are still not suffering from any adverse effects, why care?


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The Adulterated Covid Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

Dr Mary Beth Pfeiffer, “Adulterated’ Covid Vaccines Should Be Pulled from The Market: Experts,” comments on a story, which if we had a fair and honest mainstream media, not ultimately owned by Big Pharma, should have made headlines. The story relates to findings of DNA in vials of the mRNA vaxxes. The DNA contaminants, as foreign genetic material, could enter human cells, producing yet unknown ill-effects. Thus, at the Summit for Truth & Wellness conference Saturday October 21 in Rochester, N.Y., Dr Robert Malone said: “There are grounds for immediate pulling of the product. … Adulteration has always been one of the key parameters that would result in withdrawal of a product from the market.” Ryan Cole said: “It can permanently camp out.” “These little circles of DNA can stay within the nucleus. Every time that cell divides … it’s a problem. They’re adulterated. They’re contaminated.”

Stopping further mRNA Covid vaxxes is a good idea, but the added problem is that the horse has already bolted, and most of humanity has been vaxxed up. Excess deaths are being seen right across the West, and the big question is whether this is the final stages of the adverse effects of the vax, or just the beginning.   

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The Long River of Chinese Money Laundering By James Reed

As Australia becomes increasingly dominated by communist China, not only through economics, but demographic replacement, expect to see more stories like this one, on Chinese organised crime. The details are below, but involve yet another business linked to a Chinese money laundering syndicate. On second thoughts, while I think that in the short-term, we may see more stories like this, in the longer-term, as the crime organisations get fully imbedded into Australia, there will probably be less seen, as they will become part of the institutions, like the Yakuza has in Japan. In Australia, the Mafia has long ago become part of the woodwork, and the authorities do not seem to care about the crims in grass houses as I think crime reporter Bob Bottom once described them. You see, it is all part of the joy of diversity. It is our strength, we are told.

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The Chinese New World Order is Coming Together By James Reed

There is much internet discussion about the coming New World Order, and rightly so, as organisations such as the United Nations, and World Health Organization push on with their centralist globalist agendas. But running parallel to this is the setting up of what I call the Chinese New World order, where the strategy under way is to replace the US dollar. And, in moving to war preparations, Russia and China are forging closer economic ties. Cooperative deals have been signed on things such as agriculture, e-commerce and manufacturing. China is tapping in on the resources that Russia has in abundance, to add to its own technological might. This will be a major challenge to the West; some say the end of Western dominance.


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Big Spending Corporate Universities By James Reed

The blogger Eugyppius reports on the European scene, not only on the Covid plandemic, but the decadence of the universities. However, in a recent informative piece he ventures across the pond to look at the goings on with American public universities. He had spent some time as an academic at top level American universities. He observed, that what the Wall Street Journal had recently reported on as being true: that there is insane spending on building programs, most of which relates to landscaping and do not improve resources for students.

Now that in itself is not of much interest to us in Australia, only something like this does seem to be occurring across this country, and is not yet being examined by critical politicians. I do not want to name names, as my following comments are about a university outside of my state. This unnamed place has a building company that has been active for literally years. While they did some building renovations, that took over a year to complete, some odd things are apparently done. One involved wrecking a structure by a lawn area, outside a historical building and digging up pavement. It remains a sealed off area of rubble, which my sources say has been sitting there as an eye-sore for about two months, or more.

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The Deep State Spies Within the Trump Inner Circle By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is an illustration, right from the top, of how the Deep State will break the law as it sees fit to achieve its nefarious ends. Thus, President Trump’s Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows was an FBI informant, and wore a wire to record every conversation that was conducted with Trump. This is not only criminal, but treason as well, as national security secrets could be known to unauthorised people, which is what the FBI would be. Yet the prosecutor Jack Smith, in his case against Trump has granted immunity to Meadows in an attempt to nail Trump at all costs.

As was said, it shows that the Deep State will ride right over the rule of law to achieve their ends.

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Behind the Freezing of US American-Made Gun Exports By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The US Department of commerce has announced that there will be a 90 day freeze in the approval of exports of American-made firearms. According to a press release by the Department: “The review will be conducted with urgency and will enable the Department to more effectively assess and mitigate risk of firearms being diverted to entities or activities that promote regional instability, violate human rights or fuel criminal activities.” This seems to imply that America-made firearms may be diverted to terrorists in the Middle East.

It is to begin, absurdly hypocritical or the Biden administration to be saying this, after leaving billions of dollars of arms in Afghanistan which are almost certainly now being used in the Middle East battle fields.

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Humza Yousaf, a “Blatant Racist” According to Elon Musk By Richard Miller (London)

The Scottish First Minister and SNP leader Humza Yousaf gave a speech three year’s ago where he expressed dismay that Scotland had “a problem of structural racism,” and in 99 percent of the meetings he attends, he is the only non-white person in the room. Presumably Yousaf would like to see 99 percent of the people not white, or no whites at all. Elon Musk only recently saw the speech which was reposted and tweeted, or is it now X-ed, that Yousaf “openly despises white people.” That may be true, but it is really only the tip of the iceberg, since the entire slab of progressives who now have colonised the nerve centres of Western societies, from the universities to the law courts, pretty much hold to the same idea that whiteness is toxic. There are apparently extra Judas rewards for whites vigorously proclaiming this, and most university positions in the Arts and Humanities would not accept anyone seriously dissenting from the Great White racial Replacement cult.

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Extra Credits for Attending Palestinian March! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Regardless on one’s position on the Israel/Gaza War, and there can be a diversity of views on a complex issue, it is unjustified for an academic to offer extra marks for students to attend an anti-Israel protest or watch an anti-Israel documentary. If that academic has an intellectual case to make, them make it to the students, and open the matter up to debate and rational scrutiny. But, to offer grades for no intellectual work at all, just putting shoes on the ground, is academic fraud and cheating. It discriminates against, for example, people who are politically neutral, let alone pro-Israel. And the amazing thing is that the university has backed the academic. Yes, if the issue was something like attending an anti-immigration protest, what would the reactions be?

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Too Gutless to Oppose the Victorian Treaty By James Reed

Sky News’s Rita Panahi is extremely courageous and relentless in her attack upon the woke that is gripping the political class. She has called out the Victorian Liberals for being out of touch with mainstream voters, in the light of the No result from the Voice referendum, and not opposing the state treaty. The premier is set to move ahead with the treaty, disregarding the referendum results, for the treaty process was linked to the Voice, as stated clearly in the Uluru Statement.

Voters need to strongly make representation to the Victorian Liberals so that they get some backbone on this issue and oppose the treaty, for the time of cringing wokeness is over.

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Real Proof of the Power of Woke By Chris Knight (Florida)

This one needed to be fact checked as it sounded too incredible to be true. While many conservatives are aiming to see Dr Anthony Fauci imprisoned, he just keeps getting more goodies and rewards from the system. The latest is the 2024 Inamori Ethics Prize from the Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence at Case Western Reserve University. Did the selection committee ever read The Real Anthony Fauci (2021) by Robert Kennedy Jr, and if they did, what is their reply to Kennedy’s moral critique?

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The Present Mindless Woke of the Universities By James Reed

Gemma Tognini gives us an outline of how the universities, not the official administration, but many progressive staff and students, have taken on the Palestinian cause. Now in a complex political situation, there should be arguments bounced back and forth to try and get some balanced view. But, here in Melbourne the Left had posters up supporting Palestine the day after the initial massacres. I saw this with the Covid lockdowns, where the international socialists had posters proclaiming that vax protesters were racist, even though many of the leaders were non-white!

And leaving aside the political complexities, Tognini makes a good point about the hypocrisy of the Left and trendy, progressive university students: “Let me tell you one thing I’m willing to bet on. Not one of them would volunteer to go help the cause. Not one of them would give up their Uber eats, days at the pub and total freedom to go live in a place where being gay is an offence punishable by death, fewer than 20 per cent of women are allowed to work and more than 20 per cent of women are married under the age of 17.”

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Here Come the Woke Cultural Police to Investigate Your Farm! By James Reed

The Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council wants the power to allow indigenous cultural investigators to enter private property in Victoria without the owner's or renter's permission. Their aim is to investigate possible violations of indigenous cultural sites or heritage or land. The example offered is if some sacred things, like the remains of a person were in a shed. Rita Panahi, conservative Sky News commentator summed this proposal up well: “This is the left march and it's always the same people, whether it's global warming, whether it's race issues - BLM (Black Lives Matter) marches or invasion day, or whether now you're seeing people taking to the street for the Palestinian cause - it is the same people in almost all the cases. And it's the same group of people pushing this anti-West agenda, this push to say we're not legitimate, this is an evil country.”

The establishment of a cultural police is contrary to everything Australia is and stands for, and as Panahi says, is like something seen in Iran, so the proposal needs to be soundly protested against by us Victorians.

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Senator Gerard Rennick: The Vaxxes are Gene Therapies! By Brian Simpson

The material below has gone viral on the internet, and we should mention it at the blog, too. Our own Senator Gerard Rennick, who has done great work in opposing the Covid tyranny, raised the issue at the Australian Senate Estimates hearings on the 26th October 2023, to the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR): “Why weren’t the mRNA vaccines tested for genotoxicity and why didn’t the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator look at it in terms of a gene technology?” The answer was that as it was  allegedly vaccine, there was thought to be no tests for gene toxicity necessary. But the mRNA vaxxes are arguably gene therapies, and thus should have been tested as such. This matters as Australia currently has an excess death rate of 15 percent which just so happens to neatly correspond to the Covid vax rollout.

The case can be made that if the mRNA vaxxes are gene therapies, then this vitiates the contractual indemnities provided by the government, as fraud and misleading and deceptive conduct in trade and commerce, resulted in coercion of the Australian population to do something that they may not have otherwise have done. That opens the floodgates for litigation against Big Pharma, and the government, and that is a significant development. It will serve as a legally instructive development for other jurisdictions as well, which is why people overseas are watching the present Australian law suit raising these issues.

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Actor James Woods on the Slavery Behind Electric Car Production By James Reed

James Wood, an American actor who probably does not get much work nowadays, is a conservative who makes telling tweets about the absurdities of the woke Left. In one he comments on the vast child labour that is behind cobalt mining in the Congo, extremely hazardous to the children’s health. But that element is necessary for the batteries in the electric vehicles that the Greens and Leftists love. The moral inconsistencies are conveniently ignored by the progressives. For them, out of sight, out of mind. 


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Toxic Spikes in People’s Hearts By Brian Simpson

More bad news about the mRNA vaxxes. German research has indicated, from a study of human and rat heart cells, that within 48 hours after injection of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines, the spike proteins are present in the heart cells. Irregular contractions of the hearts were observed. The researchers concluded that the hearts became functionally abnormal in their contractions. The technicalities are reproduced below for those interested, but the short of the long is that the abnormalities observed could lead to cardiac arrests, heart attacks, which would explain the phenomena of “died suddenly” that is being seen across the world in young people, even athletes, who put their hearts under stress during competitive sport.

The Covid issue is far from over, even if not another person receives the vax.

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Arrest the Covid Criminals; Son of One Co-Founder of World Economic Forum! By Brian Simpson

Pascal Najadi, the son of one of the co-founders of the World Economic Forum (WEF), now a retired Swiss banker, has called for the criminal prosecution of all who were involved in pushing the Covid-19 vaccines, which he calls “bioweapons.” He is appearing with Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger in a new documentary film called Cutting off the Head of the Snake. It puts the case that the Covid plandemic was democide, death by government, which was brutally done under the guise of public health and protecting the public, when the real purpose was exactly the opposite.

Pascal Najadi’s father, Hussain Najadi, who co-founded the World Economic forum, left the organization seeing it as going evil. As Pascal Najadi said, Geneva is the epicentre of globalist evil: “You have WHO [World Health Organization] in Geneva, you have GAVI [Bill Gates' Vaccine Alliance], then you have the WEF, which my father was a co-founder and left Klaus Schwab out of disgust in the early eighties that has diplomatic immunity.” And, he is not far from wrong in that.

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