Could AI Bootstrap Itself? By Brian Simpson

Geoffrey Hinton, the so-called “Godfather of AI,” says artificial intelligence “might take over” if humans are careless. He sees AI surpassing human intelligence in a mere five more years. When that happens, the AI may begin to write its own programs, which is a kind of machine-based free will. The main problem is that the complex systems are not fully understood, which is known in AI as the “black box problem.” There is a high degree of uncertainty with such emergent systems, where already surprise developments have occurred, with AI systems being smarter than anticipated. Hinton’s concerns, project that.

But while many want a pause in AI development’s, there is no chance of that, as communist China and Russia are in a new arms race to develop the most advanced AI, which Putin has said will lead to control of the world.

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Australia First Choice for International Student Great Replacement By James Reed

With the enthusiastic blessings of the anti-Australian Labor Party, the international students continue to flood in. While there is a crippling rental crisis and record homelessness, Australia is now the top destination for international students, primarily from China. There were around 654,870 student visa holders in Australia in July 2023, and it is forecasted to reach up to 750,000 by the end of the year. As almost all of these students will be taken in a permanent residents, doing the back of the envelope calculations, it will only be a decade or so before whites are a minority in this country, with these expanding rates. Then immigration will really kick over as their members take over the Labor Party, and what was once Australia becomes a formal colony of communist China.

In the shorter term, the Labor Party’s immigration for this year has meant that a population the size of Newcastle, of 400,000, is seeking accommodation and vacancy rates are around 1 percent. This is great for Labor’s buddies in the real estate business, but a disaster for local Aussies, as the streets fill with the homeless. Why people have not yet taken to protest in these streets is a mystery, but hopefully a crushing No vote in the Voice referendum will start to undermine the regime of Albo. Sure, he will be replaced by more of the same, but this will get the ball rolling.

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Henry Kissinger Sees the Light Before Lights Out By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It may have helped the world if Henry Kissinger had his moment of illumination before the ripe old age of 100 years.  He has recently said that it was a bad idea for Western nations to let in so many migrants: “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts because it creates a pressure group inside each country…” This revelation came in the aftermath of the Hamas attack upon Israel. Kissinger however has been in support of the globalist agenda throughout his political career, and his present change of heart will be dismissed by younger globalists as the wayward thoughts of an old mind.

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After the Voice: More Voices! By James Reed

While it seems likely that the Voice referendum will deliver a No result, perhaps even in the swing state of South Australia, we should not relax, and man polling booths in one’s local area on this Saturday. But, what happens when the No side wins?

The Left will throw its usual temper tantrum and white racism will be blamed and all that. But, that is the least of our problems, as both the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition are open to yet another referendum, on just constitutional recognition. That will not be tomorrow, and both of these guys need to be replaced. But be sure that within days there will be legislation to establish everything the Voice would have done, without the constitutional amendment. The constitutional amendment will be some years down the track.

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The Voice: Voice of the Polls By James Reed

Rebekah Barnett rightly notes that the polls are showing a defeat for the Yes in this Saturday’s referendum. “The most recent poll (Newspoll), conducted between 3-6 October, suggests a 58–34 lead for No. With the 8 per cent of undecided voters excluded, No leads by 63–37. Significantly, support for the Voice has dived among the young, university educated and Labor voters, all groups that were previously safe bets for Yes.” That is a  bad sign of them, as the Yes side depended upon support from the university set, yet when I visited my old university today, I noticed only two white women wearing Yes t-shirts, all day. At the time of the same sex marriage, posters were everywhere, but I could see nothing. It was as dead as a woke door nail. That is a sign.

Barnett reflects below on how the Yes campaign lost, due to defects in their campaign. True, but I think the more basic issue is how the prime minister through acting with secrecy, and failing to release details, saying that once they had the power, they would set everything up, made a fundamental mistake. I would hope that no-one would accept just giving him a blank cheque that he would fill-in how he wanted. And, that is exactly what happened. Let us hope that fundamental reason prevails on Saturday.

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Robert Kennedy Jr to Run as Independent By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a part of Robert Kennedy Jr declaration of running as an independent in the 2024 US presidential elections. The thought is that this will hurt the Democrats more than Trump, although team Trump is going to target him, as Kennedy can to Trump over the Covid scam and Trump’s support of Dr Fauci. The vax issue is a clear weakness on the Trump side. In any case this makes matters more interesting as it increases the establishment’s difficulties with election fraud. Here are some extracts from Kennedy’s speech which probably did not get any hearing in the Australian vax-crazed press.

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Killnet Kills the Net By Brian Simpson

I did not see this story in the Australian press, so it is worth noting it. The hacking group Killnet launched a cyber-attack upon the Israeli government. Killnet is thought to be a part of the Russian government, and apparently takes days off when the Russians do, a dead giveaway! This indicates a new level of escalation and involvement, as the sides are lining up for the major game. And, Israel is great on tech, so it shows the level of sophistication of Killnet. There is thought that some sort of hacking operation affected the Israeli missile defence system, the Iron Dome, overwhelming it.

This will be the shape of things to come in World War III.  How ready is Australia to counter these  high-fliers?

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Former Climate Alarmist Refutes Global Warming Crisis By James Reed

I make sure that whenever there is an item about a former climate change alarmist supporter, changing sides, I report it. You see the science is relevant because the climate change alarmist dogma is being used as a political weapon to destroy Western industry and agriculture for, I believe, the New World Order creation of China as a global ruler, under the globalists of course.

The latest climate expert to jump ship is Professor Judith Curry, who first became sceptical when a study that she was involved in on Hurricane Katrina was used  in support of the climate change alarmist ideology. The paper did no such thing. She began to question other aspects of the climate change faith, and now has rejected climate change alarmist in total. Apart for its scientific inadequacies, this cult ignores the real problems that need to be addressed, such as poverty, lifestyle, poor government, poor land use, poor city planning, and many others, an excellent set of reasons to reject the position.

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Will Dr Fauci be Imprisoned? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul, has said that Covid king, Dr Anthony Fauci belongs in prison for his role, among other things, in covering up the Wuhan lab origin of the Covid-19 virus. According to Paul, the evidence is strong, as he has all the emails from Dr Fauci that implicate him. “In public he’s saying, ‘Oh, if you say it came from the lab, you’re a conspiracy theorist, you’re crazy, it’s a fringe theory,’” Paul said. “But in private, he’s saying … ‘We’re very concerned because the virus appears to be manipulated. And we’re also very concerned because we know they’re doing gain of function research in Wuhan.’”

It would be exceedingly difficult to see how Fauci could be taken down, since it would require at least Trump to become president again, but Trump awarded Fauci a “presidential commendation” for his work on Operation Warp Speed, which would implicate Trump  as well. In fact, I have argued that Trump has even more guilt in the Covid vax disaster than Dr Fauci, but he too, will get off the hook.

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The Witchcraft University! By Richard Miller (London)

It seems like the final stage of decadence and degeneracy is being reached in the universities. Woke and political correctness at least could be seen to have a direct political connection to the Left-wing will to power. But now we are seeing the University of Exeter in Devon, England, introducing a course on the history and impact of esotericism, witchcraft, occultism, and magic. Does this conflict with the materialism of neo-Marxism? One can be sure that the sub-text will be how these cultural phenomena directly challenge Western Christian philosophy, and is thus part of the process of decolonisation.

This then actually does fit in with the Left’s cultural deconstruction of the West, only taking a New Age attack, rather than the usual path via cultural relativism. Remember, the means justify the ends for the Left, so if the New Age helps in sinking the West, then New Age it is.

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Rising Power Costs, Putting Concrete Boots on Cement Manufacturing in Australia By James Reed

It is a sign of the woke times, with dire effects upon industry due too rising electricity prices. Boral, Australia’s biggest cement, concrete and asphalt producer temporarily halts manufacturing each day. Its power bill has gone up by 54 percent, and to do something about costs, production is slowed down for a half an hour a day. The company cannot get enough economical renewable energy. As the Boral boss has said: “At a certain point during the day, when the price goes up to a certain level, our manufacturing stops,”

“We’ve worked out economically, it’s actually better to have thousands of people waiting idle for the prices to come down than actually do the work. That’s a real issue we are facing every single day on 300 manufacturing sites across the country.” Sadly, this is the negation of industry.

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The Rise, and Rise of Turbo-Charged Cancers By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola has, at now deleted post, given his usual excellent takes on the disturbing phenomenon of turbo-charged cancers, very aggressive and fast-acting cancers, usually attacking the young, even children, who were once, at least pre-Covid vaxxes, unlikely to get those types of cancers. These cancers are almost always in Covid vaccinated people. Of course, it could be argued that since most people are multi-Covid vaxxed, this would the case, but the cancers are not being seen in statistically significant levels in the unvaxxed, which one would have expected via a random statistical distribution if the cause was not due to the Covid vax.

These cancers are depicted as turbo-charged, as they are usually diagnosed at stages 3 or 4, even though symptoms arise only days or weeks ago, which was not previously seen in these sorts of cancers. The suppression of the immune system due to the mRNA spike protein is one hypothesis advanced to explain this disturbing effect.

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Chinese Organised Crime in Australian Property Market By James Reed

The penetration of Asian Organised Crime into Australia gained momentum with the wave of Japanese investment and economic influence in the late 1980s, early 1990s. Now there is China, the new Asian imperialist, and with Chinese investment comes the influence of organised crime as well. “…there is a dark side to remittance operations. To ultimately settle exchanges via hawala, Chinese underground banks regularly use cash generated by criminal groups through activities such as drug trafficking, cigarette smuggling, organized illegal immigration and human trafficking, according to the NCA (National Crime Authority).” This money ultimately floods into the quest to buy up property in sucker countries such as Australia:

Let Bloomberg detail this one further:

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CEOs Who Just Want to be Replaced by AI! By Brian Simpson

I have often raised the counterargument to AI takeover, that if consistent it will involve the elites themselves being replaced as well. Well, blow me over, a survey by edX of over 1,500 executives and knowledge workers has found that 47 percent of them would be ok with their own replacement by AI! Why is this? “Success in the CEO role hinges on effective leadership, and AI can liberate time for this crucial aspect of their role,” Andy Morgan, Head of edX for Business said about the findings. “CEOs understand that time saved on routine tasks can stimulate innovation, nurture creativity, and facilitate essential upskilling for their teams, fostering both individual and organizational success.”

They seem to be forgetting that if AI can get that far, it can go the next mile too, and swallow up this so-called “effective leadership.” And if everything is going the way of AI, who needs leadership in the first place?

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The Massacres in Israel Show Conclusively that the Gun Banners are Wrong! By John Steele

The social media footage of the murders of innocent Israeli is truly shocking, and encompasses more than just the rapes, tortures and murder of old folks and women. The latest horror is that scores of Israelis babies have been found, beheaded. I am not concerned with the wider politics of the dispute which is under debate across the West. What interests me as a former soldier is that it seems that the Israelis were caught unawares by the sheer magnitude of the attack. Of course, there is a conspiracy line being played out that this is a 9/11 event, but I think on the balance of evidence that this situation occurred because of likely strategic planning by Iran, combined with gaps in defence due to the immense areas to cover. I could be totally wrong about this, but time will tell.

Whatever the geopolitics, it is clear that Israelis on the ground were unprepared, and hence gunless, could not put a defence. But, here is story counter to this, where Inbar Lieberman, the security coordinator of Kibbutz Nir Am, became aware that an attack was about to occur, organised a counter-attack, and saved the day. This is an excellent example of how guns can save people when the authorities simply cannot be there in time.

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Now, A Nobel Prize for Feminism! By Mrs Vera West

First, it was the Nobel Prize in medicine for the mRNA tech, that is having enormous health impacts for many people. Now the Nobel Committee has given the prize for Economics to Claudia Goldin, who has done research about the glass ceiling for women, as I understand it. Yes, that mythology, a feminist version of climate change extremism, is still being pushed and rewarded.


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US Land Surrender: Beware of the Voice Aftermath By Chris Knight (Florida)

Aussies need to be aware that the Voice referendum, if successful, will lead to reparation demands, and a turbo-charged native title movement, worse than the existing one that has put around 60 percent, and rising of eligible land into indigenous hands. Here in the US, even without your Native Title Act, there is still a movement gaining momentum of giving land back to the American Indians. It does not have the same legal power as exists in Australia, but it can still gain momentum. Thus, be aware of the existential dangers of a successful Voice vote.

 And, even then if the Voice is defeated, as I understand it, the Labor Party and the Left will not give up lightly. The so-called Leader of the Opposition, Dutton, has spoken of another referendum for recognition, so be sure that there will be a movement to put the Voice into operations by federal legislation, as has already occurred with several states. You will then be in the same situation as some Democrat states here in the US, like California. Get ready for this my Aussie brothers!

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The Rent and Homelessness Crises of Australia By James Reed, has been giving very good coverage of the rent and homelessness crises in Australia, which seems to be spiralling out of control, fuelled by mass immigration. The Labor Party has engaged in the largest population increase in Australia’s history, of 626,000 in the 2022-23 financial year, with a record net overseas migration of around 500,000. I would add to this myself, as a personal view, that there is a racial Great Replacement aspect to this, with the vast majority of these immigrants being Han Chinese. The local elites used to crow about this as “Asianisation”; call it now Sinification. Go to any university, and see the future.  The international student programme is really just a branch of immigration.

The result of this demographic swamping is Australia’s worse rental and homelessness crises in its history. Clearly, if the country is to survive, the immigration issue must be taken on, head on.  Put it on the agenda after the Voice referendum.

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Decolonisation for the Left Means that the End Justifies the Means By James Reed

Leaving aside the politics of the Middle East, the Hamas massacre of Israelis, and the response by Leftist New Class elites in the West, raises deep philosophical questions in itself about the morality of Leftist politics, who in general praise all acts of “decolonisation.”

An insightful post by Peter Savodnik, senior editor at the Free press, assembles information about what we would expect from the Left. Raping, murdering and beheading babies is justified in the name of decolonisation, because one cannot make decolonised omelettes without breaking eggs (and legs), in this case, hundreds of eggs, if not  entire poultry farms. A viral post on X by   Najma Sharif, a writer for Soho House magazine and Teen Vogue, summed it up “What did y’all think decolonization meant? vibes? papers? essays? losers.” Obviously, all that and much more. 

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Elon Musk’s Neuralink, Blows Monkey’s Brain, So it’s Ready for Humans! By Brian Simpson

Elon Musk, supposed champion of free speech, also has a World Economic Forum transhuman agenda. While proclaiming that AI poses an existential threat to humanity, his own Neuralink is charging ahead with a Terminator project, that involves chip implants into the human brain. This is supposed to do all matter of wonderous things, like make the blind see again … turn water into wine, well, not quite.

However, it seems that one implant of the dark tech into a macaque monkey led to rupture of the poor thing’s brain. Yet, Musk insists that human trials must now go on. How many brains must be ruptured on the path to AI domination of the world?

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