Fighting Albanese Labor Government’s Digital ID Bill By James Reed

The following is an important message from George Christensen about the dangers to freedom posed by Albanese’s Digital ID Bill. To meet the demands of their globalist masters of the UN, World Economic Forum, World Health organization, and others, the Labor government is introducing this  Bill which will bring in a vast digital identity system to be unleashed upon Australians. This will be far beyond what was intended with the past, failed, Australia Card in 1985, as technology has moved so far ahead now and allows the elites control beyond anything contemplated in the last century.

There are many reasons to oppose the digital ID system, including security issues, privacy violations, but above all, this is going to create a Big Brother dystopia: “The powers that be want to turn us into Communist China, with a social credit system that controls our every move and thought! A digital ID system is always the basis for a social credit system. And if they ever bring in a social credit system, your social credit score will likely determine what services you can access. Under such a system, the government holds you hostage.”

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From the Path of Reason to the Path of Violence By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Jonathan Turley, the Shapiro Chair of Public Interest Law at George Washington University, has described the growing state of anarcho-tyranny seen most clearly in America, but present to varying degree right across the West now. In America, from both the Democrat Left and Republican right, there is a movement to reject the constitution and accept violence as the answer. As Professor Turley says:  “The polls by the University of Virginia Center for Politics shows a nation at war with itself. Fifty-two percent of Biden supporters say Republicans are now a threat to American life while 47 percent of Trump supporters say the same about Democrats. Among Biden supporters, 41 percent now believe violence is justified “to stop [Republicans] from achieving their goals.” An almost identical percentage, 38 percent, of Trump supporters now embrace violence to stop Democrats. Not surprisingly, many of these people have lost faith in democracy. Some 31 percent of Trump supporters believe that the nation should explore alternative forms of government.  Roughly a quarter (24 percent) of Biden supporters also question the viability of democracy.”

None of this should be surprising since it shows that beginning in the 1960s, a great philosophical gulf has developed between the Left and the Right. In general, conservatives have been content to allow the Leftist agenda on all things to dominate society, mainly as the Left instituted a long march through the institutions, such as the universities, to gain control of the nerve centres of society. Now their influence is everywhere from the schools to the law courts, as judges are university brainwashed as well. It is now wave after wave of woke, as Australia’s Voice referendum showed. But here there was a long-awaited fight back.

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Musk: Sleepwalking to World War III? By James Reed

Following on from Musk’s X-ing about gun rights being great, he has warned that the West is sleepwalking into World War III. On this I think he is fundamentally wrong, since all indications are that the power elites in the West, such as the US neo-cons, and Democrats want to have war with Russia, and are not therefore “sleepwalking.”

To defend the most corrupt country in Europe, the Ukraine, where the secrets of the Western elites lie, the West is giving no option to Russia but to fight on. Trump could easily get a peace deal stitched up, but it seems the next step in the Great Reset must involve global war. My guess here is that the elites are presumably human, or if reptilian as some on the internet think, at least of finite intellect, and lacking in magical powers, although demonic/Satanic, they can make mistakes, major ones. And going through the route of world war to achieve their New World Order is the biggest mistake they have made.

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The Greed of Big Pharma By Brian Simpson

If one wants proof of the greed of Big pHARMa, one need only consider the latest development in the Covid scam, as Pfizer has said it will charge US $ 1,400 for a five-day course of its Covid-19 antiviral drug Paxlovid. During the Covid freak-out, the cost to the US government was $ 529. In general, it is about time that governments wake-up to what is going down, but that would involve examining their sources of campaign funding.

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Woke Magic: Now the No in the Voice Referendum Made Indigenous People Disappear! By James Reed

Here is my winner for this week of the James Reed Post-Voice Referendum Freak-Out Award, which has no prize money beyond the mere distinction of winning. A Left-wing Aboriginal activist has said that No voters have denied the existence of indigenous people. “We cannot have reconciliation with people who do not say that we exist in this country, who are not talking about the truth of what has happened.” Naturally the “truth” that she is talking about, which will be pushed down Aussie throats in the state South African-style Truth Commissions, is the blackarm band view of history that is in the Uluru Statement, fully endorsed by our Leftist woke prime minister. You know, Australia was invaded and hence is illegitimate, which would not follow at international law, even if it was true.

So, in this sense, yes, this is all rejected, as it is based upon historical myths, created by Leftist academics. Second, the claim that No voters, which included a majority of indigenous voters, as the Northern Territory results showed, indicates that her claim is just logically incoherent, as indigenous voters would then not accept their own existence, which is completely contrary to fact.

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Climate Anxiety and the Fall in Births By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

The latest thing being pushed on the youth is the trendy cult of eco-anxiety, anxiety about the so-called environmental crisis. The main version of this is climate anxiety, where youth come to experience anxiety symptoms, often physical such as deep depression, and insomnia. This is largely a phenomena seen in the West, where the alleged effects of the radical climate change scenario is not being played out. The globalist narrative has always been that the West is at fault for this by creating the modern world with is comforts, that keeps the Third World populations  expanding, so the West must pay out to the Third World until the lifestyle of all is equal at the bottom of the globalist wheelie bin.


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The EU in the Grip of the Madness of Neo-Marxism By Richard Miller (London)

In George Orwell’s 1984 the “Ministry of Truth” had three sayings carved on its walls: “War is peace.  Freedom is slavery.  Ignorance is strength.” The EU is now very much duplicating this with its “Peace Facility” transferring billions of dollars worth of artillery and ammunition to Ukraine, and the “Media Freedom Act” giving European bureaucrats the unrestrained power to censor any speech or ideas they dislike.  This situation has been noted by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán who has said: “Brussels is creating an Orwellian world in front of our eyes.  They buy and supply weapons through the European Peace Facility.  They want to control the media through the Media Freedom Act.  We didn’t fight the communists to end up in 1984!”  However, it is here now.


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Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: Too Many “Voices” Not Enough Action By James Reed

There has been yet another tragic, and needless death of an Aboriginal prison in custody, in this case a 16-year-old youth in youth detention in Western Australia. The Western Australian premier said that the government had let the person down, but it was "hamstrung" by infrastructure challenges and staff shortages.


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China Buys Up Passive Oz By James Reed

At a time of a massive housing and rent crisis, China goes in for the coup de grace. While Aussies are homeless, sleeping rough under bridges if they are lucky, or living in cars, those who are lucky enough to still have them, Australian property is now the most popular in the world for Chinese buyers. Our corrupt political class has made Australia into a sucker nation, which is just sold off to whoever has the loot. And who knows what goes on behind the scenes, what deals are done?

The tidal wave of Chinese buy-ups is fuelled by Chinese overseas students who now dominate the Australian universities; visit one today and see the future, for all will be Australian residents, 500,000 plus per year, forever. Their votes will keep the Labor Party in office until a power level is reached and a CCP party takes over Australia. Or, sooner, we go the way of Tibet … remember Tibet?

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Elon Musk Defends Gun Rights; Leftists Go Berserk By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It seems that every week Elon Musk tweets, or is it now, X-es, a new message that sets the Left off. And above all else, nothing upsets the Left more than the ordinary person having guns. In their centralised power world, only their government has guns to tyrannise the population and rule by fear, as all communist regimes have done, for none trust the people, and in fact fear them.  Just remember during the Covid plandemic, how right across the West, including Australia, the police often went on foot patrols, armed, not only with their usual Batman utility kit, with handgun, but also, one of the team had a special sort of assault rifle.

In any case, Musk supported gun rights in the light of the Hamas attack upon unarmed civilians in Israel. "As tragic as the mass shootings are, armed citizens are essential to the defense of democracy," Musk wrote. On this he is spot on, because one can seldom depend upon the authorities to come and protect one from such assaults, and in general there is no legal compulsion of police to come to the aid of civilians. Despite what the gun banners say, as far as self-defence goes, the individual stands alone.

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Get Ready for Oil Price Rises By James Reed

Whether the present Israel-Hamas war morphs into World War III or not, one of the main early-term economic consequences of the conflict will be rising oil prices and global inflation. A warning of what is to come has been given to us by Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Governor Michelle Bullock. The terrible causal pathway is that rising oil prices leads to rising fuel costs and this has a cascading effect upon the entire economy, resulting in inflation. Another flow-on effect will be a slowdown in the global economy, outside of the military industrial complex, with impacts upon Australian trade.

This is all bad news at a time of cost-of-living crisis, but it will be worse if World War III erupts, which many are predicting. Best to start stocking up on food, meds, and especially toilet paper, as you never know. There is not much Australians can do to stop this, but we can strive to survive.

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Australia Swamped by Migrants: Why No Street Protests? By James Reed

Australia’s annual immigration intake has already reached a record 500,000 people, fuelled by the international students. The Labor government has said that this is a one of thing, which is clearly false as they are set in pursuing a policy of replacement immigration to meet the demands of the globalists and local Big Australia elites. There is no reason to see Labor turning off the tap now that they have got this going, and I predict that Australia will be taking in first a million migrants in the next annual intake, then the sky’s the limit. At some point the new overlords will just demand open borders, which will suit local Big Business just fine. Until they too are replaced.

Meanwhile ordinary Aussies are feeling the pinch, not only in rents and housing, but for necessities such as food, with one in ten having shoplifted in the last year, which equates to 2.4 million people.

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Making AI Firms Responsible By Brian Simpson

A group of AI and IT experts have issued a warning about the dangers of AI which is speeding ahead in development without concerns for safety. Stuart Russell, professor of computer science at the University of California, Berkeley, said “There are more regulations on sandwich shops than there are on AI companies.” “If we build highly advanced autonomous AI, we risk creating systems that autonomously pursue undesirable goals … we may not be able to keep them in check.” An example is that Chat GPT could be made to produce malicious code by use of WormGPT.  This may in turn destroy databases, steal personal information, and bring down services.

The experts recommend that apart from mandatory safety protocols, AI companies need to be made liable for the harm done by their products. At the moment they have a dream ride, like Big Pharma, and can freely dump technologies onto the market, with no investigation, or concern of the social harms that may come. It is a common thing with technological developments. AI will be hard to control, given that the West is now in a cyber-arms race, so to speak, with Russia and communist China, neither of whom will worry much about the adverse effects of AI development, as power, and world domination, is all that matters.

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Is there Something Odd about Blood Transfusions? By Mrs Vera West

This is one of those health human interest stories, to briefly take out minds off of unending crises. The article extracted below tells of some scientists thinking that blood transfusions, and organ donations may transmit memories from the donors. This could be cognitive memories, normal ones, but also biological memories of disease traits. The evidence is based upon many testimonies of people who had blood and/or organ transplants developing memories they did not previous have. But more of a concern is the biological memory one: “patients who’d received blood from donors who later had recurring brain haemorrhages were more than twice as likely to suffer one themselves.”

Does this mean that one should be careful about blood transfusion? Well the fact is that if one needs a blood transfusion, one really needs one, there is probably not much choice in the matter other than just dying!

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The Universities Need to Pay for International Student Scam By James Reed

Economist, Leith van Onselen has been doing excellent critical work on the intersection of the Australian rental crisis and the massive influx of migrants, and the overwhelming number of foreign students who now dominate the Australian university system. Overseas migration has halved Australia’s rentals, and foreign students are major players here. And the universities have been reaping the profits, while ordinary Aussies face homelessness. Universities do not pay tax, but are operating as corporate entities. Hence tax them on each international cash cow student they milk. This would certainly cause the universities to be less eager in recruit of foreigners over locals. Personally, I advocate closing the places down, with a radical reform of higher education.


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Treaty Watch: LNP Puts Pin in Queensland State Treaty! By James Reed

As we have been documenting, after the defeat of the Voice referendum, the focus of the elites has shifted to state treaties and South African style Truth Commissions, which will be black arm band woke inquisitions against whites. However, the path to tyranny is never smooth and I am pleased to see that Queensland’s Liberal National Party has withdrawn support for state Indigenous treaty laws. These are the same laws that it helped pass earlier in the year, no doubt when they thought that the Voice referendum would have succeeded.

 Despite what the elites say, The notes that the state treaty alone would have not only produced the Truth Commission, but would have led to hundreds of millions of dollars in reparations. All this at a time of social crisis with numerous homeless, and many people struggling to even get enough to eat now.

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Albo Blames White People for Voice Defeat, Maybe Himself as Well? By James Reed

One can hear this for oneself on YouTube the ever-woke prime minister, Anthony Albanese in his lamentation to parliament over the resounding No vote in the referendum, clearly says, in speaking of respecting indigenous people after the vote, the sentence “regardless of what white people voted.” When there was backlash his office issued a statement saying that what he said was “...what WAY people voted.” But, that is just not true; the voice of Albo can be slowed down, and it is distinct that he is saying the word “white,” although it was probably a Freudian slip, and he did not intend to give the game away. But, he did. It is just one more piece of misinformation to continue what was done in the Voice referendum

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China’s Intellectual Property Thief of Australia Continues By James Reed

The Aussie spy organisation, ASIO, claims to have foiled a plot by the intelligence services of communist China to infiltrate an Australian research institution. According to ASIO chief, Mike Burgess, China engaged in “the most sustained, scaled and sophisticated theft of intellectual property and expertise in human history.” “It is unprecedented and unacceptable.” It was “a ruthless business model aimed at seizing commercial advantage.”

As I see it, the infiltration that the ASIO chief claims they have stopped, is probably a drip in the ocean of China’s penetration into IT in the West, and Australia. The so-called non-discriminatory immigration policy, really an anti-white policy, has led to untold thousands of podetial spies entering all western countries. How would the intelligence agencies know until it as too late? The way immigration is going there could be more such spies in Australia than there are whites!

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Cyber and Intelligence Expert: World War III Could Happen at Any Time By James Reed

Intelligence and cyber security expert Guy Golan, has joined up the present geo-political dots and concluded that World War III could start at any time. The war will be multi-regional, involving UkraineTaiwan, Israel, and South Africa, which vastly increases the probability of a spark occurring which sets off the fuse of war. He sees an inevitable conflict between Iran and Israel, that will happen when Hezbollah joins the attack upon Israel with its 150,000 missiles, and the US actively engages. China will be the next main player, and is likely to invade Taiwan when America’s resources are further deleted. China has considerable expertise in cyber-warfare, and it will be certain that the West will be subjected to crippling cyber-attacks, the likes of which it has never before seen.

Australia will not escape this, since the Pine Gap installation will be central for the US gathering information about the war in Asia, so it will be a target as well, perhaps for a nuclear missile:

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The Mark of the “Beast” Plan from the Globalist Elite By Brian Simpson

This has been discussed on the internet for some time; the idea of micro-chipping the population, and it has been done in limited spheres already. However, the present concern is mass social microchipping in the context of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). The World Economic Forum advocates have been championing this, according to former WEF “Global Leader for Tomorrow” turned whistleblower Richard Werner. He has confirmed tht the globalist elite are dead-set on people getting a microchip implant, about the size of a grain of rice in their wrist.

This sign of he “beast” will be sold to the sheeple under the guise of, well, at least you will not lose it or misplace it, look how convenient this all is! If that is not enough, the carrot of having a Universal Basic Income could be used. Or, if all else fails, there is the stick response, used so effectively for social control in the Covid plandemic lockdowns, if you do not get this, you will have no access to finance and banking. Take the chip, or starve!

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