Will Globalism Bury Itself? By James Reed

While  globalism seems unbeatable, there is a case that globalism will self-destruct, like all other centralists movements have in human history, due to a type of social entropy, for the organisation has critical diseconomies built into its very conceptual framework. One case, extracted below at International Man.com, is that globalism is based around the US, and its power is beginning to collapse. It is challenged by the BRICS countries, and is likely to be exhausted by endless wars, and collapse, if not from internal chaos.


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The Crash of the Birth Rate a Product of Secular Culture By Mrs Vera West

The drop in birth-rates across the West, and advanced countries in Asia, has been explained by an academic examining French history. The argument of Guillaume Blanc, a researcher with the University of Manchester, is that France was further down the path of secularisation than most other countries in Europe, and there was opposition to the dominance of the Catholic Church who were against birth control. When this dominance collapsed, the people were freer to adopt birth control and hence achieve a lower population level.


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The EU and the Erosion of Privacy By Richard Miller (London)

The EU, under the disguise of protecting children, is introducing laws that will erode the security protections of any encrypted messaging app – WhatsApp, iMessage, Instagram, Telegram, TikTok, and any others, to allegedly deal with people using the same apps for child pornography. The problem is that the net is cast so wide that it will eliminate legitimate uses of encryption apps, but that is the general plan. And, as noted in the exact below, the EU technocrats are opposing opposition to their law by using social media to promote the idea that the laws will not threaten privacy in any way, a blatant lie of course. It is precisely what we have come to expect from these masters of centralised power. 


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Good Riddance to the Voice: Senator Alex Antic By Tom North

Senator Alex Antic is another hero who has done great work in defence of freedom, first in the Covid tyranny, and then the Voice. I got this email from his mail out, which is his goodbye to the Voice. At least, the Voice as a constitutional referendum. But just as in the film of the Two Towers, at the end, the final battle will be one where the prime minister attempts to put through the Voice legislation anyway as just a statute, as has been done in the states. This will require a High Court challenge. Here is the Senator’s email comments:

“As we approach Referendum Day, it’s worth reflecting on what holding this referendum to amend our Constitution has managed to achieve.

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Last Minute Exam Scamming on the Evils of the Voice By James Reed

The hour is getting late, and with this post voting at the polls is in full swing. But, if anyone come by here undecided, let me redirect you to a feast of articles showing that the Voice will destroy Australia as we know it, from George Christensen’s Nation First. Previously this material as not for free, but it is now, so good work George on this fight:


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The Voice and Racial Division By James Reed

Some final thoughts on the Voice referendum, where one of the basic points to be pushed t he final hour before the polls end, is that the Voice is about creating racial divisions. The prime minister engaged in his version of identity politics for political gain, consistent with the socialist ideas from the present-day Labor Party and woke, black arm band history. He said that he fully endorsed The Uluru Statement from the Heart, but said that it was only one page, which would make the document innocence.


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High Court Throws Out Activist’s Attempt to Stop the Voice Referendum By James Reed

This one is interesting; an indigenous activist’s case to halt the Voice referendum, lodged before the High Court of Australia, has been thrown out, being for various reasons, a matter that the Court would not consider. The case made by the activist was tht the Voice was an attack upon Aboriginal sovereignty, and was causing mental harm. That is exactly the opposite of the line pushed by the Yes mob and our prime minister; Yes is supposed to achieve the Uluru Statement from the Heart, which affirms Aboriginal sovereignty. So, who knows what it is supposed to do? Best to follow the line of vote No and let them sort themselves out.

Say, I just finished that paragraph when I noticed a blue-haired socialist girl sitting at the computer next to me. She was working on two fliers. One was about the Voice referendum, with a big heading of RACISM, all these types know. The other was for a pro-Palestinian rally. I looked at the Voice leaflet when she got up to print the other one (yes, I know, a bit nosey), and it was about a meeting to be held next week. So, it looks like our furry socialist “friends” have seen the opinion polls and are working on plan B which is to do a big racism thing. I am so tired of socialists, Leftist and all that tripe, I mean type.

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Why (Some) Women Get Paid Less, and Should By Mrs Vera West

The question of women’s pay came up again this week with the Noble Prize for Economics going to Claudia Goldin for her work on women in the labour market. I raised objections to the philosophy and methodology of the research in an article, and the question of women’s so-called lower pay was addressed.


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Lessons from the Bronze Age Collapse By James Reed

Brandon Smith has presented a thoughtful essay about the present day relevance of the Bronze Age collapse of civilisation. Today, most thinkers concerned with threats to Western civilisation compare the modern West to ancient Rome, which is reasonable. However, the Bronze Age Collapse in the region known as the Levant (now known as the Middle East), in around 1200 BC, represents a greater systems collapse of what at the time was a global society, including the Egyptians, Babylonians, Minoans, Mycenaeans, Hittites, and others.


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Simultaneous Wars with China and Russia By James Reed

I hate to say I said so, but, I said so. The US will be facing the nuclear might of both communist China and Russia. That was my conclusion in many Alor.org blog articles, and I see the confrontation coming soon, especially in the light of the acceleration from the  Middle East conflict. The same conclusion has been reached by The Final Report of the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States, America’s Strategic Posture (October, 2023). The report does not comment on what seems obvious, a cooperation between the two powers, restricting things to the level of coordination. That seems to be a mistake. However, the recommendation for increased defence spending, and more nuclear weapons is welcomed news. The US simply cannot have enough nuclear weapons, and it is a pity so many resources have been wasted on woke rather than spent on weapons.


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Stockholm Today; Your City Tomorrow By Richard Miller (London)

Woke things happen fast in manic Sweden. Stockholm, Sweden’s capital, will ban the use of petrol and diesel cars in most areas, beginning in 2025, with a few exceptions. This is just a model for bigger and even more tyrannical plans to achieve the sacred zero net for the cult of climate change alarmism. The push will be on for electric cars, but there is always the likelihood of making a 15-minute city, where the people will take public transport, or simply walk. This sort of thing is gaining momentum here in the UK, especially with non-white London, and it will come to your city, wherever you are in the West, including Australia unless the climate change hysteric can be successfully refuted and politically defanged:


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Controlling Information: World Economic Forum By Richard Miller (London)

You have to hand it to the World Economic Forum (WEF) for bare-faced cheek. First, it moves to destroy free speech, through their tireless attacks upon “misinformation,” meaning anything that the globalists elites, especially Big Pharma, do not like, and now they are setting out to rebuild trust in the media, a media compliant with their ideology. It is Marxist dialectics in action, to create a problem, a thesis, then present the anti-thesis, as a solution, and move to the next part of the endless dialectic of oppression. This seems to be one globalist organisation which knows its Marx and Engels, even if their names are never mentioned, even whispered. Marxism’s fingerprints are all over the WEF.


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Renting Crisis is a Profound Health Crisis By Brian Simpson

A peer-reviewed study in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, with academics from University of Adelaide, and University of Essex, has shown that the health impacts from renting could be greater thn those associated with smoking and unemployment. The study is entitled, “Are housing circumstances associated with faster epigenetic ageing?” In other words, the stresses associated with renting cause more rapid ageing. That may be so, but in the light of Australia’s homelessness and rent crises, caused by replacement level mass migration, surely the real stresses are not having a rental place in the first place and having to sleep rough on the streets, while the political class allow the overseas elites to buy up the country.


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The Voice and Election Fraud By James Reed

The issue of the Voice and electoral fraud has concerned me for some time. The short of the long, as documented by Rebekah Barnett, is that nothing prevents illegal multiple voting, and it looks like the authorities will not do anything about it. In an ultra-close election this could have an impact, as I imagine socialist youths going around doing multiple voting all day. Clearly the hard copy records where one gets one’s name crossed of need to be superseded by computer records, where cheats can be instantly detected. But, this has not happened since the regime is quite happy to turn a blind eye as long as it thinks the illegal votes are going their way.


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The Voice: Universities Offer Tender Loving Care By James Reed

The corporates, who threw tens of millions of dollars into the Voice Yes campaign are not giving up, even when they lose on Saturday, as the polls are indicating. They will be pushing ahead with “reconciliation,” and other woke business. Let them waste even more money; I think the times are changing and people are getting burnt out from white guilt overload:


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How the Raging Bush Fire in the Middle East Becomes a Towering Inferno By James Reed

While Israel has more than adequate capacity to battle Hamas, the wild card is Hezbollah, who is armed to the teeth with missiles, by some estimations, up to 130,000! Most of these missiles are capable of reaching deep inside Israel, so this is indeed an existential threat.  The sheer number of missiles would overwhelm Israel’s missile defence shield. And, a retaliation against Damascus would draw Syria into the war. With Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria in the war, Iran is likely to join as well. The US would probably have actively entered the war around the time of a possible Hezbollah attack, and Hezbollah has already threatened terrorist attacks against the US for involvement. The IDF alleges that the Syrian Arab Army has fired mortar shells into Israel’s Golan Heights. Israel returned fire.


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Nuclear Attacks on Hama? Not Likely By Richard Miller (London)

Revital "Tally" Gotliv, an Israeli lawyer and member of the Knesset for the Likud, is advocating that Israel use nuclear weapons against Hamas. This in interesting for at least two reasons. First, Israel does not officially admit to having nuclear weapons, but everyone knows that they do, so this is something of an indirect admission. Second, it would be a disaster letting off a nuclear bomb in one’s own back yard. Gotliv does not seem to have considered the fallout factor. It is just like the idea of a nuclear hand grenade; the problem is that one would never throw it far enough to prevent being blown up by it too!


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A Day of “Jihad” Perhaps, Perhaps Not By Richard Miller (London)

Australians are already into Friday the 13th of October, a day where Khaled Mashal, the former leader of Hamas has called for protests across the world against Israel. The internet has numerous sites speculating that the real meaning of the request is for acts of terrorism. I do not think that this will occur, at least not yet, and there is no news of anything happening yet. Perhaps it may. Still, if this war does develop into essentially a West versus the Islamic world situation, then all bets are off. We will need to monitor each day as it comes.


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The First Casualty of War is Truth; What is (the) Truth? By Paul Walker

There is now considerable debate on various internet sites about some of the claims made regarding the nature and extent of the Hamas massacres, such as the claims relating to the beheaded babies and the babies burnt to death. While the mainstream media has not shown these photos because of the graphic content, I have seen them, and the photos look authentic to me, and I see no evidence to doubt their authenticity, but that is just my opinion and I am nobody:


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Nails Driven through the Heart of Aussie Industry By James Reed

Australia has made a foolish mistake in allowing its manufacturing basis to decline, to pursue illusory service economy pursuits, such as accommodating masses of migrants, the Great White Replacement and international students. This was seen during the Covid lockdowns, where the economy was harmed when the sources of so-called wealth were closed off. Some universities, totally dependent upon largely Chinese students, had to close down buildings for periods in cost saving. No half decent nation should allow itself to be at the mercy of globalism like this.

Australia’s manufacturing value added as a proportion of GDP has fallen from 14 percent in 1990 to 5 percent in 2022. Australia, with its vast energy resources should be a manufacturing giant, but a combination of commitment to globalist free trade, and woke Green energy ideologies, has destroyed this. Thus, when war comes, and the rug is pulled out from under our feet, the nation will fall flat on its face.

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