Suing Big Pharma By Chris knight (Florida)

It has been alleged that it is possible to sue Big Pharma over the Covid-19 vax injuries, insofar as it is alleged that foreign DNA, a SV40 promoter sequence, was in the vax, and according to Steve Kirsch, Big Pharma concealed the presence of this contaminate. This is an American inquiry and we do not know if the results carry over to the vax as used in other jurisdictions. It will require establishing causality between the presence of the contamination and adverse effects, but independent lab tests are underway with results available in about 30 days.

According to Kirsch “If the data shows irreparable harm from these vaccines, then it's all over. The house of cards comes tumbling down. Trust in the regulators, the pharma companies, Congress, the mainstream media, and the mainstream medical community will evaporate.”

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The Surrender of Australia’s Water By James Reed

While this one event is not of decisive impact in itself, it points to a possible likely trend, where Australia’s vital resource of water is given to indigenous groups outside of native title challenges. The Allan Labor Government is returning water to Gunaikurnai Traditional Owners in Gippsland. Gunaikurnai Land and Water Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC) will be given two licences for cultural water use. This will be one of 200 megalitres at Buchan Munji, as well as 500 megalitres of water for the Tambo River. This is to support an alleged deep spiritual connection to the water. Now, to be clear, I have no objection to any Australian having a fair access to water, but water is the scarce resource in this driest continent on Earth.

Yet, could not the same argument about spirit connection be made over all waterways in Australia? Given this political precedent, what is to stop native title being turbo-charged to go after waterways rather than just land? After all, that has not been done to date much, but there is no reason why it will not occur in he future so long as the native title regime exists, which has given around 60 percent of the country to native title.

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You Can Bank on Woke! By James Reed

Across the country various woke institutions are having a meltdown in the wake of the No victory in the Voice referendum. Universities are offering crisis counselling, as if some terrorist event had occurred. And so is corporate Australia. But, I ask, if the corporates were so keen to put up the millions for the Voice campaign, and were so eager, how about carrying the game through to the bitter end, and paying all the medical and psychological bills, for, what, the next decade of referendum defeat anxiety?

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Torres Strait: The Illusion of Autonomous Self-Governance By James Reed

One should not celebrate the victory of the No side winning in the Voice referendum for too long, as the globalist elites behind all of this, are not resting and is pressing on with its agenda for the dispossession of traditional Australians, using indigenous people as pawns in the game. Here is an item from the ABC, pushing the line that autonomy and self-governance for the Torres Strait people is the next big thing.

Well, if so, will they be setting up their own army, air force and navy to defend against communist China? Or will perhaps, the people decide that communist China is better than the dreaded white Australians?

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The Elites Want Palestinian Immigration Now By Richard Miller (London)

The push is on for a supposed one million Palestinian refugees to pour out, and as usual be dumped upon the West as part of the Great Replacement. However, unlike in 2015 in Europe, a debate about this is occurring given the politics and much else of these people. An essay by human biodiversity researcher, Emil Kierkegaard, is being widely cited. It has relevant information and arguments for all immigration control activists in the West, including Australia. These wars of globalism serve little beyond conducting demographic replacement of traditional populations in the West.

As documented below, with lower IQ scores, poorer education, and language difficulties, the refugees will face numerous problems in Europe. With the AI revolution threatening even educated Western people, most of the refugees will be unemployed, no fault of their own, and welfare dependent. Unfortunately, this is likely to continue for future generations, and become entrenched. Can the European social welfare system cope with this? I doubt it, and collapse is down the road.

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Africa Stands Against Net Zero By James Reed

One important development in the fight against the globalist use of the zero-net ideology to de-industrialise the West is African resistance. As detailed by a great piece at, while the Western capitalists are pushing for African development using renewable energy, the African nations can see that this is a failure even for the West, with solar panels and wind turbines still delivering just over 3 percent of global energy, while fossil fuels still account for over 80 percent of the global energy mix quantum.  Thus, while the Western financial institutions are not funding African developments in fossil fuels, communist China is. It is a sharp double-edged sword as the communists do not support anyone without seeing it as aiding their agenda of world conquest.  But the West has left Africa little choice. It will be a new colonialism, but perhaps Africa can grab a few crumbs that fall from the table of communist China.'s%20President%20Yoweri,and%20doing%20so%20doesn't

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ChatGPT Can Write its Own Code and Execute It! (Will AI Execute Us?) By Brian Simpson

The latest revelation in the AI takeover is that general AI, ChatGPT, can write and execute its own code, which is known as an autonomous system, or an AI Agent. This is a new level of sophistication which indicates that almost every white-collar job can be replaced by AI, if not now, then by the near-term versions that the technocrats are developing. 


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The Pope’s Climate Change Lamentation of Job By Peter West

I started reading the Pope’s Laudate Deum, translated as “praise God for his creatures,” but did not finish the document, as it read like a student climate change hysteria dissertation. Not much theology, or references to the Saints, with just an opening token bit on St Francis of Assisi, who loved nature. Ok, good for him, but our world is much more complicated.

The bulk of the document is a  lead-up to his solution of essentially a world government of the likes of the elites of the World Economic Forum, although he does not mention his masters by name:  He cites his 2020 encyclical Fratelli tutt,i  where he called for some form of world government regulated by law, “equipped with the power to provide for the global common good, the elimination of hunger and poverty and the sure defence of fundamental human rights.”

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Covid Genocide Down Under; Death by Government By Brian Simpson

The case has been put, that the Australian government committed democide defined as “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity as a result of its government’s policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect,” During the Covid plandemic. The case was argued by a writer on Substack on September 9, 2023, a writer posting under the name ExcessDeathsAU:

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These Refugees Will be Angry Alright! By James Reed

Figures on the death toll vary, but the higher estimate from the pro-Arab news sources via Hamas, puts the casualties at 500 from an alleged Israeli air strike has hit al-Ahli hospital in Gaza City. Reports from both the pro-Arab press and the mainstream media as samples, are below.  


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Indian Supreme Court Shows the Way on Same-Sex Marriage By Mrs Vera West

This one will upset the gender agenda. The Indian Supreme Court has held that there is no fundamental human right for same-sex couples to marry. The Court ruled against recognizing same-sex marriages, as well as civil unions for non-heterosexual couples in India. The argument advanced by the gender agenda was that failure to recognise same-sex marriages was in violation of the constitution of India. The decision to make legal same sex marriages must then be done by the Indian parliament, but Shri Narendra Modi’s government is not going to go for that.,in%20a%203%2D2%20verdict.

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The War on Farmers in the West By James Reed

Dr Mercola at a now deleted post, gives an overview on the war that is presently being waged against farmers. As illustrated by the buy-ups of farms by Bill Gates in the United States, the globalist plan is to swallow up small to mid-size farms. The goal of this is to control the food supply and control the populations, by restrictions if necessary, especially if Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) are operating, which can control people at the click of a key board.  The control of farms is done under the cover of Agenda 2030, with its sustainable development goals, which while appearing on the surface to be about conserving the environment, are in effect, devised for control of resources by the global power elites.


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If ChatGPT Can Write Great Academic Grant Applications, Then Who Needs the Academics? By Richard Miller (London)

A paper by an academic published in the journal Nature, made the point that the research grant application process takes up too much time, and can be done by ChatGPT. In fact, this program writes better grant applications than most academics, which is saying something! But if that is so, then why use the expensive academics at all? Of course, first hand empirical research needs to be done, and technical mathematical work, but for most of the subjects at the degenerate modern university, one could replace woke academic scribblers with a woke computer generated output, which would be the same bs. But, it would save tax payers on academic salaries!

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Half of Skills Today Will Not be Relevant in Two Years Time By Brian Simpson

According to survey research by edX, a survey of 800 executives and 800 employees indicated that the executives believed that almost half of the skills in today’s workforce will be irrelevant in a mere two years’ time. This is due to the replacement effects of artificial intelligence. Almost half of these executives believe that the workforce is unprepared for this. The majority of these executives believe that over half of entry level workers will be eliminated in the next five years.


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Enter Centre Stage of Armageddon, Iran By James Reed

Michael Snyder is my go-to man for the Middle East apocalypse, as he does not mince words. He sees the Middle east exploding at the point where Iran gets directly involved in the conflict, which I think is true. Israel is intending to have a ground invasion of Gaza. Hezbollah will then enter the conflict, and Iran has said that if the conflict continues it will enter. Naturally, the US will be directly involved in the fighting before that point. The Iranian Foreign Minister has threatened that the US will face a heavy cost if it intervenes.


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The Case FOR Meat AND Eggs! By Mrs Vera West

Here is one that the few remaining red-blooded males might like, because I doubt that they gave up their breakfasts of meat and eggs, typically ham, a sausage, a few baked beans, and a couple of eggs dumped on it, because of woke. The attack upon meat at present by the likes of the climate change globalists like the World Economic Forum is in terms of an alleged carbon footprint, and this is a serious political challenge.


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Postmodernism and the Foundations of Woke By James Reed

Philip Husband on the geek site Quora, that I read to recharge between researching articles, has a piece responding to the question, “What are the problems with postmodernism?” Postmodernism is a philosophical position, dominate in social sciences like Psychology, and Arts like  cultural studies, holding that there is no objective truth, that all truth is relative, but there should be something special about Left wing truths, like transgenderism, that make them morally superior to conservative truths, being “progressive.” Postmodernism, thus generated the basis for woke ideology, once known by the better term of political correctness.


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Misinformation: A Method of Trying to Shut Us Up By James Reed

Daniel Klein has an article, “Misinformation is a Word We Use to Shut You Up,” which is a relevant read in the aftermath of the Voice referendum. The Yes campaign constantly resorted to the tactic of making false claims, like the Uluru Statement from the Heart was only a single-page document. Another lie was that indigenous people currently didn’t have a say in the formulation of government policies, even though there are a disproportionate number of indigenous members of parliament relative to the indigenous population numbers.

The misinformation claim was made to the No side when these sorts of claims were criticised. If the elites have their way, and with internet censorship moving ahead, with the prime minister’s Misinformation Disinformation Bill, really a censorship Bill, next time round it may not be possible to publicly oppose anything that the elites put up. But, hopefully, Australians may be beginning to take back their country.

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New Zealand Throws Out Jacinda Ardern’s Labour Party By Bruce Bennet (former Kiwi)

This great event did not get much coverage in Australia, with all the excitement of the Voice referendum, but over in the Land of the Long White Cloud, New Zealand, the tyrannical Labour Party of Jacinda Ardern was soundly defeated. It looks like Jacinda saw the writing on the wall and jumped ship at the right time. That government declared war on farmers, and attempted to regulate them out of existence. They were just about to impose a methane tax on cow farts, that’s how crazy they are.

Arden’s government can be remembered as one of the most tyrannical in the world next to Victoria, Western Australia and communist China during the Covid plandemic.  New Zealand saw policies like barring overseas New Zealanders from returning home, enforcing draconian lockdowns and mandating the vaccine, all violations of basic human rights and liberties. These were crimes against humanity.

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Londonistan Alright! By Richard Miller (London)

An article at the American Thinker has many video links for people to see what the colonisation of a once white city is like, London, and what is going down in the present Middle East conflict. And, it is not just London, as Amy Mek has tweeted:


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