The French Revolution 2.0: Race War By Richard Miller (London, Not France!)

A Leftist social worker friend was not aware of the race rots in France, and when I described what was happening he said: oh, poor people fighting for justice, blah, blah. But, the protests, similar to the 2020 US St George Floyd burn-down America tour, have taken France to the next level. There are, to be sure, the looting of exclusive goods, not the food poor people would take, and the burning down of hundreds of buildings, including the largest public library in the city of Marseille. But gun battles with police have occurred, as with some (uncertain) reports, of white truck drivers being “lynched.” Elon Musk tweeted that France has severe gun restrictions, so where did these guns come from? Some were looted, but the interesting thing is that AK 47 rifles can be seen, the rifle of the Third World revolutionary, which are not part of the French system. These guns have been smuggled into France by jihadists, ready for a moment like this one. So, it is not a revolt of the poor, oppressed people, but something more; jihad. Riots have moved to Belgium and Switzerland, which were not involved in the initial incidence which got this all going.


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RATs Left for the Rats! By Brian Simpson

According to a tweet by Rebekah Barnett, almost all of Western Australia’s RAT Covid test kits, are going free in a dump bin at Mindarie. The cost of this waste? Why, $ 580 million, more than enough to eliminate homelessness in that state. This is a telling illustration of the priorities of our governments.


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French Police Say Hurtful Things about “Peaceful” Diverse Protesters Burning Down France By Richard Miller (London)

The new French Revolution 2.0 rolls on, this time being a diverse racial one. Now, while it is one thing to set this off through a police shooting of a coloured youth, who should never be shot, no matter what he has done (these people are oppressed and therefore above the law), it is quite another thing for the police to say nasty, hurtful words about rioters, just because the are in the process of destroying everything. French police said they were “at war” with “savage hordes of vermin.” The “vermin,” as the police call them, are not going to like that slur, and will no doubt, steal even more guns, burn more buildings, loot more stores, and harm more people. No doubt, the police will be sued at he end of this, if there is an end.

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Let’s Put Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg in an MMA Cage Match! And Toss in Putin, Zelensky and Biden! By John Steele

There is a proposed Mixed martial Arts (MMA) cage fight to be held between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, to settle differences. Musk is overweight, but was involved in street fights as a kid. And Zuckerberg has taken up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and is winning contests. So, this should be interesting. Musk has begun his training; he is smart and will learn quick.


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Are the Super-Rich Globalists Getting a Little Concerned? By James Reed

The Leftist The recently ran a piece alleging that the super-rich might be getting nervous about the vast inequalities they have produced, and soon there may be torches and pitchforks in the street. A recent investment conference in London, Julia Davies, a founding member of Patriotic Millionaires UK, said that there was a  “real risk of actual insurrection” and “civil disruption” if present inequities, seen with exploding cost of living costs continued. “Everyone can say it is somebody else’s responsibility,” Davies said. “But it is the wealthiest in society who are the people who can actually really do something about it.

“Unfortunately, it is the wealthiest in society who are right now advocating to slow down the pace of tackling these huge issues. Maybe they think that they are going to be OK. I don’t honestly believe they are, and I definitely don’t think their kids and their grandkids are going to be OK.”

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Now it is Hemingway’s Turn to be Woke-Cancelled By James Reed

Novelist Ernest Hemingway, author of great literature such as For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940), is the latest white male author to be dealt with by the Leftist forces of woke. The woke have decided that some of Hemmingway’s views are not politically correct, but instead of just banning the books, or changing the text, there will be trigger warnings placed in the books, like appear on cigarette packets. Really though, it is woke which is the real health hazard for Western civilisation, and we need a trigger warning placed upon it.


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Bolsonaro Banned: New World Order Playing Hardball By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Former conservative president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, has been barred from office until 2030 for abuse of power, a court has held. The claims were about alleged electoral fraud about Brazil's voting system ahead of last year's election. There is not much to say about this, except most of the claims of the exact mechanism of fraud were also made by President Trump over the 2020 election, in the American situation. The same approach will no doubt be tried against Trump if the present attempt to imprison him for 40 years fails, or maybe they could add another century to that.


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Tens of Thousands of Muslim Males Head to the Libyan Coast; Next Stop Europe By Richard Miller (London)

This is one which is best viewed to see what immigration has in store, in the Great Replacement, as is working well in France now. Notice that the “refugees” are all young males, military age, not a single female can be viewed. Perhaps they hope to connect with white liberal females and feminists, whose reputation is astonishing. And it should be noted that some Leftist fact checkers say that this is “false news.” But, they would say that wouldn’t they? Anyway, if it is true, it will be known soon enough as Italy’s PM, Giorgia Meloni let’s the world know in no uncertain terms.


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Macron Blames Social media, Not Immigration for the Race Riots By Richard Miller

French President Emmanuel Macron was at a music concert when the race riots broke out. But, now he is back on deck, proclaiming that the intense riots, more like a revolution, are due to social media and video games; nothing to do with massive immigration problems. Anyway, he wants social media to censor the videos showing the violence of the diverse rioters; it may encourage more, and worse, could fuel “hatred” towards people destroying the place. Makes sense.


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The Censoring of Liberal Democrat John Ruddick’s Maiden Speech to the New South Wales (NSW) Parliament By James Reed

Liberal Democrat John Ruddick delivered his maiden speech to the New South Wales (NSW) Parliament, last Wednesday 28 June, 2023. But, one needs to search the net to find it, as YouTube removed it from its site as quick as one could say “social media censorship.” So, what did Ruddick do to bring down the YouTube censors? Well, the speech was allegedly in violation of its “medical misinformation policy.” You guessed it, that can only mean a criticism of the sacred Big Pharma vaxxes.

Riddick said that, “NSW Health published weekly data showing, the fewer vaccines you had, the less likely you went to hospital or ICU. The fatality rate was similar for the vaxxed and the unvaxxed.”

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Solving the Housing Crisis by Bringing in a Flood of Migrants By James Reed

At present the Labor government is undertaking the largest migration program in Australia’s recent history. The usual bs is rolled out, like a skills shortage, but there has been a skills shortage since Adam was a migrant. No, it is all about our evil corporates making up for the dollars that might have been lost with the Covid shamdemic. That one was given to Big Pharma, now it is the lower level corporates, especially in the real estate industry, that want their bite of the apple. Naturally, a housing/rental crisis is great for them; supply and demand and all that.


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First the EU, Now Biden Regime Looking into Blocking Out the Sun, What Could Possibly Go Wrong with that? By Chris Knight

The blog reported last week on the EU beginning investigation into blocking out the Sun, in part, to lower global temperatures to deal with  supposed climate crisis. Now, the White House is onto the same thing, with a research paper, “Congressionally-Mandated Report on Solar Radiation Modification,” recommending the process of solar energy modification. There have been objections made in the past that with a complex system such as the world climatic system, there is a vast scope for unexpected things to occur through such modifications, such as altering the monsoons sand rain patterns, that could lead to water shortages and global famine. It is difficult to see how any study could rule out the possibility of catastrophe from climate engineering, given the present lack of understanding of say, the effects of clouds in the warming/cooling mechanics of the planet.       


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The Conspiracy of Catastrophes By Brian Simpson

A thought-provoking essay by John Bruce Leonard at Arktos Journal, puts the case that the globalist New World Orderers are behind many of the converging catastrophes, that French philosopher Guillaume Faye discussed in his book, La congergence des catastrophes., L’Æncre, 2004. English translation: Convergence of Catastrophes, Arktos, 2012. The core evidence for this is the globalist obsession with world depopulation, which sits uneasy with their short-term desire to flood the West with non-whites. But, it is easily explained once one looks at the situation as one as a war the globalists are conducting upon traditional Western societies. All the pieces of the puzzle fit together in this light. Their goal is to destroy, then rebuild the world to suit their own tastes, however alien.

That is not to say that all present disasters are globalist-caused, but those events which are not, will be immediately capitalised and used by them to further their goal of complete world domination, and total control over the individual, because these people, at the ends of the day, are just down right, evil. I believe, demonic:

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632 times Increase in Child Excess Deaths Across Europe By Richard Miller (London)

More horrors of the Covid vaxxes is coming out. reports a 63,060 percent  surge in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 by the twenty-second week of 2023, with the vax for children being rolled out in the European summer of 2021. Once more, the health authorities are throwing up their hands and saying that they are not sure how this is possible. Of course, the only common cause is the vax.

Perhaps just as concerning are statistics from Switzerland, there has been since the Covid vax rollout the highest decline in births for one hundred years. Thousands of births did not happen. It will be important to monitor this situation across the globe. The same decline is seen in Finland, Denmark, Germany. As the following video concludes, this is genocide:

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The Death Toll from Their Own Data By Brian Simpson

While the health authorities and Big Pharma were proclaiming the Covid mRNA vaxxes were safe and effective, Pfizer was keeping documentation that indicated that there was another story. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) obtained the data in 2022. As Natural News summarises: “Dated Aug. 18, 2022, and marked "confidential," the documents show that cumulatively during the clinical trials and post-marketing period between Dec. 19,2021, and June 18, 2022, known as the "PSUR #3 period," a total of 4,964,106 adverse events were recorded. An appendix was also included outlining further specifics about these adverse events.”

Naturally the data was kept confidential at the time, not to scare people into becoming timid in having billions of spike proteins, circulating in their bodies, their brains, hearts and ovaries.

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English Language Claimed to be “White Supremacist” By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This sort of stuff goes on frequently at the universities, all Leftist dominated, across the West. A professor had to attend a professional development training session at Pennsylvania State University, and was told that the English language is racist, presumably said  in English itself! As well, he was subjected to the usual onslaught of whites all being white supremacists, and he “was individually singled out for ridicule and humiliation because of the color of his skin.” Rather than passively taking this the professor did the right thing, and got a good lawyer to sue the university. If thousands of people did this, the universities may stop and reconsider the costs of being woke, and of anti-white racism.


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Dirty Deeds, but Not Done Dirt Cheap By James Reed

So, it is not just the US which is crackling with corruption. The ABC program Four Corners, which still does some fine investigative journalism, presented a program, “Dirty Deeds,” about the biggest tax fraud in Australia’s history, the Plutus payroll scheme.  The facts are somewhat difficult to concisely summarise, so it is worth watching the presentation which is on-line at the link given; I merely draw this to the reader’s attention. One of the guys in the scheme is the son of the deputy commissioner at the Australian Taxation Office, at the time. Irony of ironies.,and%20ABC%20iview.

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The Internet and Grid Apocalypse By Brian Simpson

The internet, being an electronic creation is vulnerable to solar storms, which have the capacity to bring down the entire electrical grid, as well as the internet, producing what has been called an “intent apocalypse.” This is detailed below. But it is worse than that, as a powerful solar storm narrowly missed the Earth on March 12, 2023. Here is what would have happened if it had hit:

“What happened on March 12 was similar to the 1859 outburst – only worse. Early estimates suggest that this explosion was ten to a hundred times more powerful than the one of 1859. Such events – if not quite so extreme -- are not uncommon. One serious difference from 1859 was that explosion took place on the side of the sun facing away from earth. If it had been facing in our direction, if the earth had borne the full brunt of that blast, we can scarcely imagine the results. It’s likely that all operating electrical systems would have been immediately destroyed, the same as the telegraph systems in 1859. Any active electronic instruments – and possibly even those that happened to be shut down – would have been fried, transformed into useless hunks of plastic, metal, and silicon. The electrical and electronic networks (e.g., the Net) that form the framework of Third Millennial civilization would have been annihilated. Once they were destroyed, all power would vanish. Industry would grind to a halt. Massive amounts of data, including almost all financial data, would simply disappear. All methods of communication beyond voice range would no longer exist. It wouldn’t be a matter of waiting to be rescued by a government of any sort. Government would have shrunk to little more than a notion. The very tools on which relief, and even recovery, depend would simply have vanished. The consequences beggar the imagination. A new Dark Age would have been the best option to expect.”

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Heavy Electric Vehicles Tear Up Roads! By James Reed

Here is yet another problem with electric vehicles, especially the heavy versions such as trucks. It is not decisive, but is yet another point against them. A study from the UK has shown that the average electric car puts 2.24 times more stress on roads than a similar petrol vehicle, and 1.95 more than a diesel. Larger electric vehicles such as trucks can cause up to 2.32 times more damage to roads. This stress on the roads leads to pot holes forming. It is not an earth moving bit of news, only one that moves asphalt.


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The Fallacious Immigration Invasion Argument: If We Don’t Fill the Country Others Will Invade! By James Reed

Back in the day, notably the 1980s when the mass immigration madness was starting to go manic, the claim was often made by Big Australia supporters that Australia must populate or perish. The idea was that the populated Asian countries to the north would not permit Australia to have a small population and vast resources. Unless the corporate agenda was met, they would invade us, and finish us off; the ultimate blackmail.

I always hoped to be at a public venue to nail a chatterer putting this argument. First, what does it say about the countries to the north, so willing to invade? Second, if that was so, why would they worry about Australians filling up the country, when, they were willing to invade, they could fill the place up with their own kind? But this argument has served its day, and the chattering class have moved on and do not see any need to justify mass immigration at all now; it just is done because it can be done to a weak and passive country, with no resistance.

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