EU Migration Madness By Richard Miller (London)

Even while the EU has a crisis of illegals, the globalist elites are still pushing for mass immigration. The European commission wants a million migrants per annum to keep up the profits of the globalists, according to EU home affairs commissioner Ylva Johansson. The case made is that such numbers are needed to keep the workforce numbers up. Yet, the argument is implausible in the light of evidence that comes in news items almost daily, that skills of the workforce will be redundant in around two years, covered at the blog today in an article that Brian Simpson emailed me, “The Incredible Disappearing Act of Skills.” This is expected to be from the rapid advances in AI. Thus, there is an inevitable clash between the ideology of mass immigration and AI advances.

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The Incredible Disappearing Act of Skills By Brian Simpson

Forbes, the leading financial magazine, has reported on a survey by edX, an online education platform, of 800 executives and 800 employees in the US on the future of work. It was found that the majority surveyed believed that almost half of the skills in today’s workforce will not be relevant in 2025, just next year, due to rapid advances in AI, and that people are quite unprepared for the radical displacement which is now fast rushing up to bowl them off their employment feet. As well, within five years, those surveyed believe that 56 percent of entry-level worker jobs will fall to AI, and soon, any such jobs for humans will cease to exist. But it is not just workers who will face the cut due to AI, for they also believe that the role of executives will be partially, or completely reduced by AI as well.

It is one more piece of evidence of the growing social dislocation that AI is now bringing to the world, and the drive at present seems unstoppable since our culture is addicted to technology.

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Scotland Plans to Ban Conversion Therapy By Richard Miller (London)

We have come to expect the woke of the wokeist would come from England, but Scotland, like Ireland is now going into overdrive to catch up with England, and Sweden. In the latest adventure the SNP government is planning to introduce new laws that would make it illegal for individuals, such as parents, to try to get someone to change their sexual orientation and gender identity through conversion therapy. Conversion therapy aims to turn homosexual and transgender individuals to heterosexual.  The law would operate to prevent parents from stopping their children changing their gender through gender realignment surgery. Parents who try to buck the system will be faced with seven years in jail.


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Green, Maybe, but Powerless and Defenceless By Tom North

Viv Forbes always produces great pieces, full of knowledge of what Australia had achieved in the past, but is sadly failing to achieve at present under the Leftist woke environment. In a piece for The Spectator, he exposes the true cost of the climate change alarmist net zero strategy which the Leftist Albo government is fully committed to. In short, the price of becoming “Green,” will be to become powerless, through lack of energy for industry, and hence defenceless. As history shows, that means that a country with resources will simply be regarded as ripe for conquest by powerful non-Western nations with a mania for world conquest, who have already deconstructed much less powerful countries such as Tibet.

Debunking all aspects of the climate change alarmist position, is a key task for dissents seeking to save Australia from its fate of extinction.

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The Housing Crisis: A Future of Slums By James Reed

The Australian housing crisis, a product largely of mass immigration, as well as problems in getting materials for construction as a legacy of the Covid madness, is producing a new round of tyranny. The ideal of having a home on a quarter acre block for the ordinary Aussie has gone, and now in the world where a cost-of-living crisis is business as usual, having a home to own at all, may soon be put in the same realm as winning the lotto.


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You are the Carbon that They Want to Replace! By James Reed

The UN released a report late 2023, detailing that the ordinary people will need to do to meet their net zero goals before 2050, and these measures have been summarised by critics as a return to huts made from mud and straw. Actually, here in Australia, with the mass immigration replacement program, the housing crisis has led to the modern equivalent of this, as Aussies who are homeless, often with families joining tent cities, or some just sleep rough on the streets. I see this everywhere over Melbourne, as does my brother John Reed in Adelaide.

But, back to the mud and straw hut metaphor, this is actually on the UN and World Economic Forum agenda, as these globalist collectivists have now turned their attention to the construction of traditional homes. A report titled “Building Materials and the Climate: Constructing a New Future” goes into this vision.

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Mass Migration, Slavery for Modernity By Chris Knight (Florida)

The American Thinker continues its fine series of articles attacking the very philosophical basis of the immigrationist ideology, that immigration is necessary for the functioning of a modern Western country. All former White countries, including those of northern Europe, are regarded by the globalists as unpopulated, since the White people who live there are totally replaceable, by real people, that is non-white migrants. Scandinavian countries which have not had non-Whites in their lands in pre-history, are not exempt, since the same arguments for mass immigration used in the US and Australia are used against the people by their traitorous governments.

As noted below, the White riots in Ireland arose from a protest against migrant crime and the replacement policies of the Irish government. Rather than respond to the legitimate complaints of the locals, the government, with a non-white prime minister immediately moved to tighten laws to control protests and thus control the locals. Meanwhile the migrants who are not unemployed compete with the local working class for what jobs are available.

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The Dispossessed Majority By Charles Taylor (Florida)

For the liberal, former White Western nations are just abstractions, not based around a particular ethno-racial group. Thus, there is thus no problem replacing Whites with migrants from anywhere, as all people are interchangeable. This ideology emerged after a sustained academic war against the concept of race, to discredit the vast amount of empirical evidence that had been accumulated. However, despite this, some brave race researchers have pressed on and still shown that race matters, and hence that vast mass migration of non-Whites will lead to a modern Fall of Rome situation.

Such are the academic studies, but the US will find out first-hand the reality of race differences, as the country is fast becoming majority non-White. The immediate political consequence will be that the Democrats will become a total dictatorship, with no more need to engage in electoral fraud to defeat the likes of Donald Trump. A new report has shown that almost 50 million people now living in the US were born in a different country. No nation has ever held together with such swelling diversity. The fall of America will leave the West, especially Australia, open to total destruction by the same globalist forces acting in other countries throughout the West. Call it the Great Historical Payback for allowing migration in the first place, and going the path of White deracination.

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The Spying Vehicles By Brian Simpson

If you have a late model car, the chances are it spies on you. According to the non-profit Mozilla Foundation, vehicles are “the official worst category of products for privacy” that Mozilla has ever reviewed.” They found that 92 percent of the reviewed automakers provide drivers with little, if any control over their personal data, and 84 percent shared user data with outside agents. “Carmakers have a long list of personal information they say they may track, including employment and purchasing history, education, internet browsing history, location data, music and podcast listening habits, immigration status, religious and philosophical beliefs and health information.” This includes all major car makers such as Ford, Toyota, Volkswagen, BMW, and Tesla. Even Nissan and Kia allow the collection of information regarding a user’s sex life. Now, why would they want to do this?

This is yet another sinister aspect of the surveillance state. It means that one should treat one’s modern car, with all of its high-tech conveniences as potential enemy territory. With stories of people being locked into their cars by the auto-devices, it would be wise to check out that tool for breaking car windows that is advertised on YouTube, and probably on It is supposed to work on breaking windows if cars crash into deep water. And, we are in deep water.

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Australia as a Colony of Communist China By James Reed

Along with Jo Nova, Nation First is doing a superb job tackling the existential threats that Australia faces, and no, climate change is certainly not one of them, as both sites deal with almost daily. As a China critic I was pleased to see the question being posed at Nation First about whether Australia is becoming a colony of China. Their focus was upon the vast land buy ups  by Chinese elites, most of whom would be controlled by he CCP. These Chinese elites have increased their landholdings from 1.5 million hectares to 14.4 million hectares in just one year, all permitted by our pro-China Albo Labor puppet government. Worse still, in an act of historical stupidity or treason, essential ports like the Port of Darwin, are leased to a Chinese company linked to the People’s Liberation Army. How many communist Chinese ports are leased to Australian companies? No prize for guessing the answer.

The even greater danger than the sell-off of land, is the mass colonisation now occurring through the largest immigration intake in Australia’s history, predominantly non-white, and majority Chinese. This has already built up a strong representation within all aspects of the nerve centre of Australian society. While most of the migrants are hardworking, the indiscriminate intake such vast numbers have allowed, most security organisations admit, have let in PLA/CCP operatives as well. This is an even bigger problem with the open borders of the US, where tens of thousands of military age men from China have entered the US and disappeared into the wood work. Only a handful could take down the grid. If there were peaceful relations with the people exporting country, that had no ambitions of world domination, this would not be such a problem, but that is not so; the opposite in fact is true.  

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World Government by the World Health Organization By James Reed

Jo Nova has given her usual insightful comments on one of the main tyranny threats coming up fast, with the body of World Health Organization (WHO) regulations, including what was previously called the pandemic treaty. While we have covered this before, she notes some important updates. There has been some criticism that the regulations and treaty will be taking away not just national sovereignty but will effectively put the WHO in the clinic with you and your doctor, constraining his/her treatment options. This is still the case, but the new document, presented in complex legalese, makes it more difficult to work out exactly what powers WHO will have, or where the limits actually are.

Jo does note: “The new proposed amendments strike out the words “non-binding” with respect to WHO advice, so it’s “binding advice” now? They also strike out “with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons” which are apparently out-dated and dangerous terms for public health.  Where the old agreement says “public health risk” that’s now going to become “all risks with a potential to impact public health” which almost certainly includes the risk of climate change, nasty language, and any discussion of the failings of vaccines or the WHO itself. See Article 3.”

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Eco-Fanatics Becoming Eco-Terrorists By Richard Miller (London)

In a surprising turn of events, the British police have suddenly realised that there are other things to do besides arrest people of the Christian Right for silently praying outside of abortion clinics, or posting satirical comments online about the new protected thing, transgenderism. Left wing eco-actionist groups have been moving away from peaceful, legal protests, to protests of disruption, such as damaging artworks, and blocking important roads by sit-in protests.

However, Scotland yard thinks that these eco-fanatics will go to next level, since the fanatics may feel that the government is not listening to their demands of shutting down industrial society to “save the planet.” The new strategies will be straight from the monkey wrench gang, involving perhaps bomb attacks upon fossil fuel corporations, and at a micro-level, attacks upon SUV vehicles of ordinary people. According to the Force Management Statement of the Met: “These people believe the planet will end soon, and if they feel they are not being listened to, then they will resort to extreme measures. They are also the most panic-ridden, neurotic people. So, they could be radicalised to do crazy things.”

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Woollies and Australia Day By James Reed

Woollies supermarkets are dumping their Australia Day merchandise from all stores across this land. The reason is that of supposed declining demand. That would be fair enough if that was the only reason. But the article in The Australian covering this says, quoting a spokesman, that there is another reason involving: “broader discussion” about the January 26 date and “what it means” to different parts of the community.”  Yes, it is the Aboriginal issue. So, there you have it, what I hypothesise is the real reason, given that other supermarkets are still going to sell Australia Day merchandise.

It is all about being woke.  Well, I stopped shopping at Woollies long ago, and prefer the independent supermarkets, and local stores if possible. Just my point of view.

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Shocker of the Day! Covid-19: A Joint US Deep State/Communist China Bioweapon By Chris Knight (Florida)

This item first broke on the alternative internet media, but was soon taken up by some of the legacy media, the story being so huge. In short, the Chinese virologist Shi Zhengli – known as 'Batwoman' – who worked at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, met with the US government regarding a secret project to make corona viruses more lethal. This meeting occurred prior to the Covid-19 outbreak in June 2017.

Research funds from the US were given for gain-of-function research genetically engineering mRNA spike proteins to make corona viruses more infectious to humans. The documents that have been released from Freedom of Information requests have disturbing email revelations: “Using the subject heading: 'Potential visit ... by our Chinese co-investigator', Peter Daszak, the $460,000-a-year head of EcoHealth, writes: 'Zhengli and I will do a double act, and we'll cover the work we're doing ... as well as the broadscale surveillance of bats for novel viruses'. Professor Zhengli became known as 'Batwoman' because of her virus-hunting trips to the bat caves of southern China, hundreds of miles from Wuhan, where her team collected more than 10,000 animal samples.”

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The Decade Long Depression for Australia By James Reed

US political analyst Peter Zeihan has devoted a YouTube video to the coming economic plight of Australia. There is an extract and transcript below, but the short version is that Australia has been mainly a producer or raw resources such as minerals, a hole in the ground, without developing the industries and infrastructure for value-added. It has tied its fortunes to communist China.

Zeihan sees, as I do, conflict, if not war with China in the future, eroding this resource supply relationship. It will mean that the Australian economy will face its greatest crisis, and there will be a need to rebuild industries that have been left to rot in the quest for mass immigration to artificially generate growth. He sees Australia as about forty years behind time, which means our crisis when it hits will be a shocker. The video is well worth viewing.

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AI Big Sister is Watching By Brian Simpson

The Left-wing Guardian has detailed how at present AI is being used to make workplaces even more miserable than usual. Staff may be fired without human intervention, solely by the action of algorithms; toilet breaks are monitored; performances are monitored, recorded and graded, and overall, the workplaces are being transformed into something out of 1984. Amanda Ballantyne, director of the AFL-CIO’s technology institute, has noted: “In sectors where performance monitoring and algorithmic management are present, you can have a lot of negative impact.” “If you dive into a sector like Amazon, many workers wear wearables that track every movement their body makes, everywhere they go, how fast they complete tasks, how long they’re off task, how long they take in the bathroom. It’s [scientific management] on steroids.”

Unions in Europe are fighting to oppose the dire consequences of such technology, which can lead to unfair pay cuts and firings, but less progress has been made in the US and Australia. This is fair enough, but it is all a thin edge of a very thick wedge, since the aim of the technocrats will be replacement of as many jobs as possible by advanced AI, even for humble things like the fast food industry. See extract number two below about the development of robots that can look and learn human jobs, then replace the humans.

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The Decline and Fall of the Universities By James Reed

Their ABC has reported on the present state of the Australian universities, facing hard times, or so they say. The article says that the tertiary sectors disillusionment with the Liberals helped get the Albanese government into power, who undertook a review of the Australian  universities, in the Australian University Accord. And according to the article: “The Accord panel, led by Professor Mary O’Kane, was tasked by the Minister of Education, Jason Clare, to prioritise participation by disadvantaged groups. It focused on First Nations People, lower socio-economic groups, people with disability, and those from rural, remote, and outer suburban communities.” Yes, just the things to compete with communist China, or is that the plan, to surrender to politically correct ideology?

So, in short it is all about woke and how to get woker. What we need is something much more radical and rational, since the universities have been the engine for mass international student numbers that have helped create a national housing crisis. These citadels of evil need to be closed down and education rethought in national interests, not to serve the Great Replacement of traditional Australia. The universities are a curse upon the land, whose time has long passed in the information age.

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Australian Doctors Issue Warning on Gender Agenda By Mrs Vera West

The Age has reported that a group of 120 medical professionals have sent a letter to the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), on the gender agenda issue. They warned that “blurring the lines between biological sex and gender identity on medical forms and in research threatens” their ability to collect accurate data and “can lead to serious medical errors.”’ Cases from the US are cited where medical care has had disastrous results because people presented as being of a sex which they were not. One such case is a person who self-presented as male to emergency, and who was treated for various causes related to male issues of abdominal pain and high blood pressure, but who was pregnant, and ultimately had to have the foetus removed as it had died during the mistaken procedures.

Now, while it seems like a good idea to inform the NHMRC of these problems, that government organisation is concerned with medical research and grants:

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A New AI Threat By Brian Simpson

Nation First has made an interesting point worth noting here about the AI threat. While it can be argued that AI has not surpassed human intelligence just yet researchers are attempting to make AI using human brain tissue. Work on this Dr Frankenstein idea is occurring in Australia with complete disregard of the moral consequences, as seems to be the standard now with AI research. The justification is that we are in a new type of  arms race with China and Russia, who do not care a jot abut morality, so unless the West does this research, it will be done by the enemies, who will use it against the West.

I call this the AI very slippery slope. It seems a real and present danger with no easy solution since it is a fact that communist China and Russia will not be constrained by moral or theological considerations. This situation is known as the parable of the tribes:

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Australia in the Crosshairs of Terrorism By Paul Walker

A former senior intelligence analyst at the Office of National Assessments, Dr David Wright-Neville, has said in a radio interview that the threat of terrorism, which for a time was decreasing, is now increasing. “I really think we’re on the cusp of some very unpredictable and dangerous events in the world.” Where is the threat coming from? A variety of sources he thinks, ranging from Islamic extremists, to extremist right-wing groups, Christian fundamentalist groups, extremist environmental groups, and the like. There is a list of terrorist attacks in Australia in the extract below, and as I read it, most of the terrorists are, well, multicultural.


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