Yes Campaigner Labels Australia a ‘Nation Without a Soul’ and Believes Australia Day Should Be Abolished By Paul Walker

Sydney lawyer Teela Reid is a member of the Voice Referendum Engagement Group for advising the federal government on the issue of “building community understanding, awareness and support.”

She sees Australia as racist to the core, and with no “soul.” And, Australia Day should be abolished. Reparations should be paid to indigenous Australians. All that is early days for the real agenda behind the Voice. I wonder what will pushed in 20 year’s time if this thing gets in?

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In a Nutshell: The Limits of Vaccine Culture By Brian Simpson

A Midwestern Doctor, at his popular, well-researched blog, gives a concise, non-technical account of why vaccines do not live up to the hype that the medical profession associates with them. Vaccines are often ill-suited to treat the diseases tht they are supposed to. This has now been well-established with the Covid vaxxes, where despite health authorities still proclaiming the mantra of “safe and effective,” data sets show that vaccination campaigns were correlated with an increase in death, and this mortality was also shown to be directly associated with being vaccinated.

Yet, this is not surprising given the widespread vaccine mythology that has come to dominate Big Pharma-controlled Western medicine. The basic philosophy of allopathic/biomedicine, is that disease can be best treated using surgery, drugs, and other aspects of technology. Central to this program is vaccines, which have come to be seen, by the relentless promotion by Big Pharma as magic bullets, generating an easy cure. Yet, the entire picture is incorrect, as studies have shown that diseases such as Smallpox, as the Midwestern doctor has discussed at length, were conquered by improvements in sanitation and nutrition. For Covid, not even much else would have been required beyond protecting vulnerable populations, who would be vulnerable to any flu. But, the opportunity for Big Pharma to produce Big Profits was irresistible. And governments went along for the ride, being under the thumb of Big Pharma and its power.

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Transgenderism Depicted as Scientifically Baseless By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Dr. Roy Eappen, a leading endocrinologist, was critical of the US  Endocrine Society’s standards for gender-confused kids, writing that it  rested on “flimsy evidence” and wrote that they are being used to push a “scientifically baseless movement.” The claims were made in the Wall Street Journal so this attracted some attention to say the least. The society’s full-throated endorsement of gender-affirming care implied condemnation of anyone who holds differing views,” the op-ed stated. “Medical professionals are being cowed into silence and coerced into providing treatments they know are dangerous to children.”

There was naturally intense backlash against this critique, but Dr Eapen has stood his ground and defended his claims, as brave medical researchers should.  He said: “states have no choice but to pass laws to protect children from well-intended but harmful practices,” a sentiment that appears to also been recently expressed by Twitter’s Elon Musk.

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Accelerating Disability Claims By Chris Knight (Florida)

Ed Dowd, a former Blackrock financial manager, has been using his team of researchers at Phinance Technologies, to examine Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), relating to workplace attendance and the Covid vax rollout. In March 2023, the team reported that the Covid-19 vaccine resulted in $147 billion in economic damage between disabilities and excess deaths in the US alone. However, the economic costs will be greater; where disability data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates a high of 34.15 million, after rising by 857,000 claims in June 2023. Naturally, this has been ignored by the mainstream media. But it has caught the attention of presidential candidate, Robert Kennedy who tweeted: "Prediction; Fear that the COVID vaccine is the culprit will keep NIH from honestly investigating the cause(s) of this shocking trend.””

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“Science” Says that Covid Vaxxes Can Cause Long Covid By Brian Simpson

An article has appeared in the leading journal Science which has stated that although “rare,” the Covid vaxxes are causing people to develop “long vax,” which is the term now used to describe the grab bag of autoimmune-related health conditions, such as small fibre neuropathy and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, also known as POTS. I don’t know exactly what these tings are, but there are bad nerve and heart conditions.

This was previously denied by the health care cartels, but now the cat is out of the bag, officially. While the study in the article says that these effects are rare, the point to be made for our purposes is that even if they say the conditions are rare, the Covid vax has now been recognised as causing those conditions. It does technically refute the idea that the vaxxes are “safe” without qualification.

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Climate Change Alarmists Face the Rising Tide of Colour By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The globalist, New World Order entity, the United Nations, has expressed alarm at the world population reaching 10 billion before the end of the 21st century. The issue is that the world population surge is in the non-white regions of Africa and India, which normally the UN would salivate over. It is not just population numbers that concern the UN, but that they would adopt Western levels of carbon production, which according to their paradigm, is, well, very bad. This would throw a very large spanner into the UN’s plan to control the climate of the world. However, my feeling is that the climate change agenda is secondary to the need to create chaos, especially for mass immigration to the West, and its planned destruction.

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The Climate Change Alarmist War on Nitrogen and Impending global Famine By Brian Simpson

Across the West, there is a move by the climate change hysterics to cancel farming, with notable examples being the Netherlands and Ireland. The concern of the elitist cranks is nitrogen, which is a greenhouse gas. Increased farming, to feed a world with a growing non-white population, produces increased nitrogen. But, the present attack upon nitrogen production by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s “war on nitrous oxide,” according to a recent scientific paper, will lead to the collapse of the global food supply. The conclusion of the paper is: “It is not possible to maintain highly productive agriculture without nitrogen fertilizer.” That seems obvious to anyone who has the slightest knowledge of farming. So, what is the agenda?

As I see it, the agenda here really is one of provoking a global food crisis, and ultimately famine. In short, as with the Covid plandemic, it is a depopulation agenda. The big question then, is why do that? I think it is part of the transhuman agenda, to destroy the world and humanity, to remark it in their own Satanic image.

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The Collapse of France: Professor Guy Millière By Richard Miller (London)

Dr. Guy Millière, a professor at the University of Paris, has given his take on the chaos in France. He notes that since the 1970s France has taken in massive numbers of Muslims, many of whom have not assimilated into French society, and indeed, stand opposed to it, as the present riots show. “The riots grew bigger. Schools and theaters were destroyed.... churches were burned to the ground; graffiti in red paint on a church in Marseilles declared: "Mohammed was the last prophet". Bank branches were ransacked and ATMs opened with chainsaws. Slogans were shouted: "death to the police", "death to France.”

The Left had presented the framework for the undermining of France, and the riots have put that ideology into p[ractice. "The violence is increasing day by day... those who run our country must imperatively find the courage necessary to eradicate the dangers." — Open letter by 20 retired French army generals to the French government and Macron, April 26, 2023. “On June 30, in a lengthy interview, Zemmour described the situation as the "precursor symptom of a civil war", stressed that "civil war is almost here" and that it may well destroy the country. What is happening, he said, is "an ethnic uprising" resulting from "crazy immigration.... Macron has abandoned the police and chosen submission". At present, Zemmour concluded, it would take "ferocious, firm and ruthless repression" to restore calm, but "there is no one among those in power ready to act in a determined way and make the necessary decisions."

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Will There Be, a Long Last a Backlash Against Immigration? By James Reed

David Leonhardt, New York Times, July 11, 2023, thinks that there is a backlash against immigration. Bear in mind that the New York Times is a massively pro-immigration media. He notes that the natives are worried about the sheer mass of foreigners, who are changing the culture, and for the working class, offering cheap labour to replace them. The message made is that while there are “racists” who object to racial replacement, wanting lower immigration is not necessarily evil. Well, I guess that is something, a small concession from a generally pro-immigration source.

The real challenge is going to come with the impending economic collapse, coming on many fronts. This will dissolve the last remaining softness, that came from post-World War II affluence, which allowed all of this replacement migration to get into full-swing anyway. 

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Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, Was Too Good to be True, and Shows Her Colours as a Typical Globalist By Richard Miller (London)

The Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni, who was elected on a nationalist control immigration platform, has done the predictable and obeyed the globalists, if she was sincere from the beginning, much like our fork-tongued British conservative politicians. She plans to import hundreds of thousands of non-Europeans to fill so-called “gaps in the labour market.” This is done even while Italy has a crippling youth unemployment rate of around 30 percent. And, the news of the riots which are destroying France apparently has not registered with her. No wonder people are cynical about politics.

The Voice Agenda: Every Aboriginal Elder Should Be Living Rent Free! By James Reed

According to a  senior advisor to the Labor Government on the Voice to Parliament,  reparations and land is required for indigenous Australians. That Voice advocate wants every Aboriginal elder in New South Wales to be living rent free. That needs to be viewed in the context that native title has already given Aboriginals over 50 percent of the land mass of Australia. One can only guess where the elites, and that includes the globalist corporate elites, will take this. It will be the total dispossession of Australians.

The Daily Mail article needs to be circulated in your life-or-death campaign for No.

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White Powder (Cocaine) at the Once, White House By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There was a mysterious white powder found at the White House. Then the powder was found to be cocaine. And, Hunter Biden, a known cocaine user, whose use has been published by the Russian media, was there at the time visiting dad. In fact, he is one video where it looks like he was snorting coke behind dad and mom. And, the secret service now say that they cannot see who left the little bag of cocaine. Yes, the cameras mysterious recorded, nothing.

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Joe Biden’s Minions, and the Itch for War By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I think Richard Miller, my brother from London has dealt with the alarming development of cluster bombs being sent to the Ukraine to use against Russian soldiers. These bombs are what they sound like, masses of small bombs that saturate an area, like having mines dropped upon one. Along with the sending of depleted uranium rounds to destroy Russian tanks, the US is creating a massive environmental problem in the Ukraine, the food basket of Europe with the radioactive pollution that will come, as has happened in Iraq, in many areas. Michael Snyder is right that there is a concentrated neocon push for war, with all hope of negotiation falling away. NATO is assuming that Russia will ultimately be run to ground, but there is no reason to believe that. And, Putin has made it clear, that this is a war Russia does not intend to lose, even if nukes must be used. In fact, present polices will make tht dire consequence ever more likely.

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Cluster Munitions: Not a War Crime if NATO Supplies Them! By Richard Miller (London)

The US had previously condemned Russia use cluster bombs in the Ukraine. The comments were made by Jen Psaki, then the White House press secretary at the beginning of the Ukraine war. Now, the moral tables have turned, President Joe Biden has moved to provide Ukraine with the kind of cluster munitions Psaki denounced. The idea is to kill Russians who are dug in. This is the sort of moral double standard that characterise the present war, and pushes it closer each day to a direct NATO versus Russia conflict.

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This is How the Media Cook the Books By Richard Miller (London)

One of the best examples of the media pre-empting events and cooking the books was the 2016 election where stories were written about Hilary Clinton winning the US election. Then at the last moment the stories had to be pulled, as Donald Trump won. They did not get the memo. Now, the same cooking of the books has occurred with reports of major British media outlets having stories ready to go, claiming that Russia was responsible for a dirty nuclear bomb incident. Only, no such incident occurred. British journalist and Daily Mail correspondent Martin Jay called these journalists "morally bankrupt cretins," who will not miss the opportunity to immediately attribute an attack against the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant to Russia. "They have been preparing their readers for this, as long back as the Nova Kakhovka dam attack just weeks ago, where they wove into the call center journalism, copy warnings that there would soon be an attack on a nuclear power plant by the Russians," wrote Jay.

The British press seem to forget that Russia has already threaten to reduce the UK to radioactive rubble, or bury it under a tsunami of radioactive water.

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Ben and Jerry Should Stick to Ice-cream By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is one which like a tasty ice-cream, can be enjoyed by everyone across jurisdictions. The woke ice-cream company Ben & Jerry tweeted on American Independence Day, that the entire US country should be returned to native Americans! Then, as quick as a flash, native Americans said that their ice-cream factories were on their sacred land, and they will take their land back, thank you very much. And, surprise, surprise, not a pip from Ben and Jerry, and certainly no land surrender. And, not even a free ice-cream!

It is all hypocrisy and high moral groundism, which collapses when put to the acid test, like all of Leftism, but tht does not make it less dangerous.

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Republicans Thinking Hard about Communist China’s Organ Harvesting By Chris Knight (Florida)

There is no doubt that the US Republicans will do nothing about the disgraceful industrial scale organ harvesting of communist China, as they have done nothing about the even more disastrous leak, or more likely deliberate release, of the Covid virus from the Wuhan Institute of virology. However, at least the issue of organ harvesting has been raised by Rep. Michelle Steel, a California Republican whose parents fled communist North Korea and raised her in Japan. And it is a bit harder for woke white liberals, who are really just CCP agents and lackies, to dismiss her claims as, gasp, racist, as she is racially Asian.

It seems that America has trained many of these Chinese transplant doctors and Steel wants this practice to stop, and rightly so. Up to 100,000 forced organ transplants occur every year, mainly for the Chinese upper class. It is utterly amazing that this does not produce more concern in the West about what communist China has in store for the world.

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Labor Party: Multicultural Quotas! By James Reed

Paul Sakkal and James Massola, Sydney Morning Herald, July 2, 2023, detail the multicultural madness that the Labor Party is about to embrace; race quotas for candidates. The idea is to get masses more of indigenous and non-white members of parliament. Now I have no problem with seeing indigenous Australians getting up, but from what I have been of many such other candidates, there will be a push for a Leftist deconstruction of traditional Australian cultural institutions, and almost certainly an adoption of even more mass migration, and woke ideologies.

The Liberal Party must not adopt such a policy, which even the US Democrats have not yet embraced, and they are a woke as can be. The election of candidates should be on merit, not based upon gender or race. There needs to be a voice for the dispossessed majority of Anglo Australia that the disgraceful woke Labor Party, in betrayal of its origins, now eschews. This party needs to be crushed at the elections.

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The Tale of Diversity in New York: Vibrant Crime Statistics By Charles Taylor (Florida)

New statistics on racial crime have just been released for New York City. For a start the racial breakdown of New York City is Blacks represent 24.3 percent of population, Hispanics 29.1 percent, and Asians 14.1 percent and Whites are 32.1 percent of the city’s population. For known homicide suspects, 96.1 percent were Black, Hispanic, or Asian in New York City for 2022. Interracial murder is primarily non-white on white. However, none of this gets discussed anywhere in New York city; it is  the proverbial herd of elephants in the room.

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The French Riots Go Country Now By Richard Miller (London)

The French riots are continuing with the rioters moving from urban areas to attempt to devastate the rural. There is now civil unrest in over 50 cities, villages and towns. It is not as violent as that seen in Paris, but the areas are not strictly migrant areas, which indicates that there is a cancer-like spread of revolutionary dissident. The problem is that this revolution will be one fermented by the Left, and if it continues will be more destructive than the French Revolution 1.0. This one is racial, a working through of the disastrous immigration policies that France has adopted.

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