AI Robots Tell UN Conference That AI Should Rule! By Brian Simpson

You know that things are dangerous when there is a UN conference on AI, the United Nations' International Telecommunication Union conference, has robots addressing the conference telling the audience that they will not be replaced in jobs and that robots will not revolt against humans. However, the robots did say, or were programmed to say, that they are more rational than humans, and would make better decisions. What this means is the people controlling them, the globalist lite will be making those decisions, as more things are computerised. And be sure the elites do not want to be replaced.


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Robert Kennedy Jr on the Great Vax Con By Chris Knight (Florida)

How the Vaccine New World Order must hate Robert Kennedy Jr, even more than Trump. Unlike Trump, Kennedy, a Democratic candidate with a difference, being a statesman, puts people and country over Big Pharma; Trump still bows to them. Kennedy disputes the notion that any of the vaccines are “safe and effective.” The reason the U.S. government gave vaccine makers immunity against liability is because they convinced B grade actor President Reagan, who was almost as senile as Biden, that vaccines could not be made safe and will injure people. So, this president, whom conservatives worship, did not demand that the vaccines be made safe, but let Big Pharma be protected from liability. This, was a political crime that should have been hammered home, if everyone was not so corrupt.

For example, according to the CDC, vaccine injuries are very rare, affecting only 1 in 1 million. but since 2010, the CDC has known that the injury rate is about 1 in 37, but kept a public lid on this information. Research has shown that medical interventions such as antibiotics and vaccines played a minor role in the decline in mortality from infectious disease in the West; only about one percent, with sanitation and improved nutrition being far more important that anything Big Pharma has brewed up.

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Beautiful! Dutch Government Topples Over! By Richard Miller (London)

Good to see; may all of these corrupt governments topple. The Mark Rutte conservative (in name only, not philosophy) government failed to be able to reach an agreement about what to do with the massive flood of migrants entering the country. Even though this government is rotten to the core, and supported the massive elimination of Dutch farms, the other parties are even worse, as the Rutte side was trying to cap the number of family members allowed to join asylum-seekers in the Netherlands. So, what we are likely to see is more The Camp of the Saints mass immigration flooding of Holland, until the place collapses. Then the migrants pack up and invade somewhere else, until, there is no more somewhere else.

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Donald Trump Jr Versus v Home Affairs Minister, Clare O’Neil: The Real Nasty Leftism of the Labor Party By James Reed

One wonders if the present president’s son, Hunter Biden came to Australia on a speaking tour about say, the best cocaine to snort in the White House, would he be given the same treatment that was delivered to Donald Trump Jr, President Trump’s son? According to social media posts by the Home Affairs Minister, Trump’s tour was cancelled due to poor ticket sales. This was denied by the Trump side who said ticket sales were fine, but the government, as they usually do to figures they do not like, produced visa delays. It is all easy to document.


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Babylon the Great and the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex: A Biblical Interpretation of the Covid-19 Vaccine Plandemic: Dr Peter McCullough By Brian Simpson

I have wondered about a Biblical interpretation of the Covid plandemic. I am aware that Dr Naomi Wolf did a Judaic response, that Mrs Vera West, who communicates with her, intends to review. I would take the line that this violation of basic human rights, the worse seen in centuries, is demonic. That has been said by many Christian commentators. However, Dr Peter McCullough gives a more complete take on this, referring to the Revelation of St John. There, among much else, John refers to the ancient city of Babylon, a powerful commercial city that is personified by a beguiling harlot (prostitute). The modern Babylon is represented by the global biomedical fascist industrial government complex, where Big Pharma and government seemed to have merged, and policy decisions are made by medical technocrats, who in turn are controlled by the global financial elite.

As an example of this power, is the coin released by the Vatican: “As the Numista Catalogue described it: The coin depicts a doctor, a nurse and a young person who is ready to receive the vaccine. The Holy Father has repeatedly stressed the importance of vaccination, recalling that healthcare is a moral obligation, and it is important to continue efforts to immunize even the poorest peoples.

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Bottom of the Wheelie Bin Elites: James Allan By James Reed

Professor James Allan, Garrick Professor of Law at the University of Queensland, and author of the book, The Age of Foolishness: A Doubter's Guide to Constitutionalism in a Modern Democracy, which debunks the manic “law will solve all our problems” view held by many, has delivered his latest attack upon our decadent elites.


Professor Allan does not hold back; “we seem to have the most cowardly, corporatist, incompetent and self-serving ruling elites of any of our lifetimes.” He discusses Covid, which is well known to readers, but coming up fast is the Voice referendum. And here, the entire chattering class, New Class, and corporate Australia, has jumped on board with this. Intellectual dissent is crushed on university campuses; few would dare have a lunchtime seminar putting the case against it, even if they are non-white; the Left would resort to violence. Australia, in short, is ruled by psychopathic tyrants. We have a fight on our hands, alright, and the first thing to do is to sink the Voice referendum. It must be done as a grassroots campaign, and all can help. We can win this!

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Trained to Obey: UK Population By Richard Miller (London)

This is a political concern, that our side of politics has not seriously addressed. There seems to be something of a Stockholm Syndrome, where captives develop a psychological bond with their capturers. It arises from emotional bonds, that paradoxically can be produced through abuse. We see this in your states of Victoria and Western Australia, which had among the most severe lockdowns on the planet, yet returned their respective premiers with vast majorities. This astonished the world.


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Renaming Australia By James Reed

Expect more, much more of this if the Voice referendum succeeds. Cape Byron in New South Wales, where Byron Bay’s lighthouse is, will be given an Aboriginal name, Walgun. It means, “shoulder.” Nothing wrong with that, it is not a bad name, and could be used for other places. But this is an historical site, that the forces of woke are renaming. It will not stop there, with ultimately “Australia” itself being replaced. Just look what the same globalists are doing in the United States. We are next.


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Information from Our “Friendly” Government Censors on What They Intend to Do to Us By James Reed

The government is seeking our feedback on an exposure draft of the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023. We have argued at the blog that this is one of he greatest threats to what little remains of free expression, since it will force social media companies to do the censoring. We saw under the Covid plandemic what can be done, and they are only getting started. But, readers can make a submission, and should, in your own words, saying that you oppose the Bill, as the issue is who defines “misinformation.” It was “misinformation” to say, that the Covid vaxxes did not prevent transmission, which was shown to be false. The claim that the Covid virus was from a lab leak, was previously “misinformation,” but now is the leading explanation. This Bill will prevent the truth from getting out.


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“Sound of Freedom”: the Horrors of Child Trafficking By Mrs Vera West

The new film Sound of Freedom exposes the true horrors of child trafficking, where children are mainly used for sexual exploitation. The description of the film sums it up without spoilers: “Sound of Freedom, based on the incredible true story, shines a light on even the darkest of places. After rescuing a young boy from ruthless child traffickers, a federal agent learns the boy’s sister is still captive and decides to embark on a dangerous mission to save her. With time running out, he quits his job and journeys deep into the Colombian jungle, putting his life on the line to free her from a fate worse than death.” The Left, some of whom defend paedophilia as the next big thing in the gender agenda, has attacked the movie for having dramatization, but it is a work of cinema, rather than a strict documentary, and its purpose is to illustrate the issue.


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Will Trump be Assassinated? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Paul Craig Roberts has considered the claim, widely discussed on many forums on the net, that the Dep State will assassinate Donald Trump if he is elected, in the style used to take down Kennedy. Trump, after all, has declared that he will destroy the Deep State, and they do not take kindly to threats. So, the interesting moot point is, will they do it?

Clearly, the Deep State can do it. Roberts thinks that they will, as Trump is so far ahead of Biden that even electoral fraud will not save the Democrats. But, that I doubt. The electoral fraud system is now so large, that provided there is postal voting, it will all be as repeat of 2020, even against a zombie Biden. So, I think Trump will not be knocked off by the Deep State, but we will see a new plandemic, and electoral fraud beyond anything ever seen on the planet. The globalists are in their endgame now.

“Against the backdrop of a deteriorating domestic situation in the United States, new criminal charges against Donald Trump, and the approach of the 2024 presidential election campaign, the GEOFOR editorial board asked Paul Craig Roberts, Chairman of the Institute for Political Economy (USA), a PhD in Economics and US Undersecretary of Treasury in the Reagan Administration, to share his views on the future of America.

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WA Madness - Soon to be All of Australia! By Ken Grundy

Rules taken from the Soviet or China arrive in OZ!!!


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The Globalist War on the Local and Tradition By James Reed

We have been documenting over the past weeks, a large number of globalist trends, all with a common objective, that of winding back on freedoms. It is coming from all directions now, with the UN seeming to have moved into a coordinated effort for all the globalists. These individual agendas have been discussed in articles in the past week at the blog. My simple point here is that he dots need to be drawn up; that Covid was a softening up process for what is now being put into place, and things are accelerating. As discussed by a nice piece at the Daily, this is a concentrated attack of all that is local and traditional, to breakdown the final remaining structures to totally reform the world and human nature, from the trans movement to transhumanism.


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French Police Union: Civil War in France By Richard miller (London)

While the news now is not getting out from France, my French sources say that the riots, to a much-limited extent continue. The French media, and I have a bit of French, are in damage control mode, doing their all to not point the finger at the immigrant population. The Left is doing its usual song and dance proclaiming that anyone even daring to speak of an immigration problem, is … wait for it … racist! But the French police union has not been silenced by this and has said, that this is a civil war: “Facing these savage hordes, asking for calm is no longer enough, it must be imposed!

Restoring the republican order and putting the apprehended beyond the capacity to harm should be the only political signals to give.

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Big Business Wants the Voice: Globalist Agenda By James Reed

Paul Kelly deals with a major problem that the No campaign faces, in that corporate Australia is backing the Voice referendum for the Yes side, and looks like putting up big money. He does a good exploration of who is involved, including, surprisingly enough, mining companies, who I predict, are going to be hit hard in future reparations if this thing gets in. They, of all people, must be aware of what is coming, as New Zealand is not unknown to them.

But why are the corporations taking this line? I think for the same reason woke agendas are being pursued elsewhere, such as the support of the trans agenda for products in the US, even though it harms profits. The local corporates are not autonomous, and are under the influence financially of the globalist networks. It is these rulers of the universe who are pulling the strings.

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Climate Change May Make You Blind! (Don’t Believe it) By James Reed

Now the claim is being made that climate change, according to Canadian research, is having an impact upon vision problems, with people in warmer regions being 50 percent more likely to suffer vision problems. The “evidence” is that stronger ultraviolet light can damage the cornea, lens and retina of the eye. That is indeed true, and it is also true that the areas of the world which are warmest, by definition have the more intense radiation from the Sun.

That does not show that global warming, so called is at work; the argument is illogical and invalid. Those regions always were a danger to people’s eyes and any alleged rise in temperature is not relevant to the existence of extra UV radiation. It is the UV which is the issue, and that is independent of temperatures. For example, there is intense UV radiation due to reflectivity in polar regions, and eye protection is needed.

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Chinese Scientists: Global Cooling Coming (Will We Need Massive Quantities of Coal and Fossil Fuels to Keep Warm!) By James Reed

Here is another climate change article, but one close to my heart, since I do believe in climate change! Yes, not global warming, but global cooling, a minority view to be sure even among us dissents, but not unreasonable, and it is a pro-fossil fuel, pro-farming position. This position has been given support by Chinese scientists, led by scientist Dr Wu Jing, from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Their team found no influence of human activity upon the alleged present climate changes. They documented a natural variation of temperature changes over thousands of years, and according to projection, there is likely to be a 250-year period of cooling, regardless of human carbon production, which they see as contributing little, contrary to globalist organisations such as the UN’s Intergovernmental panel on climate change.

These results are important for Australians as the Labor government intends to shut down coal and begin the insane move to so-called renewable energy sources, which are anything but. The science is relevant to fighting back against this, as Aussie farms are going to face the climate change tyranny, as Dutch farmers are already seeing.

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The Media is Not Discussing Cross Dressing Black Shooter … Wonder Why? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The recent killing of five black people by   Kimbrady Carriker, 40, has not stirred up media attention, for the good reason that it does not fit the narrative that such mass shootings are a product of white racism. While the victims were Black, the shooter was also Black. And, it seems he (?) was a cross dresser, posting material on social media. As this does not look good for the Leftists, it is being left well alone. Only killings with white shooters interest them.

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The Titanic Conspiracy By James Reed

This item caught my attention about the time of the OceanGate disaster while attempting to view the wreck of the Titanic. I always suspected that the iceberg hit theory was nonsense, but never investigated it further as it seemed just history, and there were more important contemporary conspiracies to be concerned about. But, there are some interesting points made by Natural, for those who need a break from the usual day-to-day battles. It looks like the Titanic was blown up. It sounds an awful lot like the 9/11 conspiracy, where jet fuel does not melt steel girders, and icebergs don’t sink steel ships. And, in both cases there are motives and suspects.

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China War: Upending the Global Order and Shattering Economies By James Reed

The Epoch, pro-Taiwan and a leading critic of communist China, has given its implicit take on the coming war with China. They report on remarks made during a June 20 talk with the Council on Foreign Relations think tank by former US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Mike Mullen; the globalist venue should immediately give us pause, but we pass on. The claim made by Mullen is that China war will shatter economies around the world and the existing global order. Taiwan manufactures 90 percent of the world’s advanced semiconductors, which make the present world function, and whatever happens, these chip factories will be under threat. Each one is vulnerable to a missile attack, and it is quite possible that the factories would end up being blown up rather than fall into communist Chinese hands. This is the real issue here, and probably the ultimate motive for China invading Taiwan, to control the chip factories. The stakes are thus as high as they could be, for the future of Western industrialism is at stake.

War, therefore seems inevitable, and communist China is itching for it. The future of the West, not just a relatively insignificant country like Taiwan, is at stake.

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