There She Blows? Zaporizhzhia Ukraine Nuclear Plant False Flag By Richard Miller (London)

Well, if this is true, it was nice knowing you Aussies at the Blog! But, I think, not so. The Ukraine is getting ready for a nuclear explosion at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Russia is not letting Western nuclear inspectors into the plant, and is not making the plant a neutral zone. That seems to me to be no real evidence of an impending nuclear explosion about to occur. The Russians are still monitoring the plant, and they have all the reasons in the world not to have this plant go “boom,” as radioactivity will go all over Europe, including Moscow. So, I call war propaganda on this one, probably to keep NATO on the readiness to join the conflict and kick start World War III, which Zelensky seems to be obvious to.

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Nobel Prize Quantum Physicist Says: Climate Change Crisis is Bunk! By Brian Simpson

Here is one worth quoting in heated debates with fanatical Left-wing climate changers. Nobel Prize winner quantum physicist John Clauser is having none of this climate change catastrophe stuff. He has said:  “I don’t think there is a climate crisis…I think the key processes are exaggerated and misunderstood by a factor of about 200.” Elaborating: “In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis. There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world’s large population and an associated energy crisis. The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science.”

With the storm of criticism tht is going to come his way, hopefully he will turn his mathematical talents to refuting bodies such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC).

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Diversity, Not a Strength, But a Riot! By James Reed

A short piece by dissent Right journalist Ben Bartee, puts the point that whatever the endgame of the French riots, it is a clear argument against the present Left-wing mantra, that diversity is a strength. This claim is fanatically mouthed with never any supporting arguments, even though numerous empirical studies show that increased diversity leads to the erosion of social capital, and hence diversity is not a strength.


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Major Banks are Shutting Down People's Accounts as Punishment for Their Political Opinions By Richard Miller

Here is video coverage, linked below, of the UK situation of the banks now cancelling people’s bank accounts. It was done to Brexit activist Nigel Farage, and the bank, he said, did not give him any reasons. The Left-wing press are running with the line that this is not political persecution, but due to a lack of funds in the account, but at no time did the bank state this according to the reports by Farage, who should have been told this, but states that the bank gave no reason. The start of this political cancellation was made with the Canadian truckers’ protests, and with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), the possibility exists for what are now being called “politically exposed people,” to get struck off of the system with a few strokes of the keys.

Apart from political change, in the short-term dissents probably need to keep cash, but that is why they are moving to a cashless society. It will be a major challenge to us all if the CBDC system gets up and running, and the framework is already being put in place.

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Big Words Explained: Existential and Ontological Shock (Dr Robert Malone) By James Reed

Dr Robert Malone has written an interesting piece of philosophy relevant to the totalitarianism, deception and lies that came to dominate the political scene since 2020. He distinguishes between “existential shock,” and “ontological shock,” with reference to the lies and deception of the Covid plandemic. In existential shock, the individual comes to question that which they previously believed to be true, or to exist, on some particular aspect of a phenomenon. However ontological shock is an even deeper form of shock, involving questioning “previously held assumptions relating to trust, teaching, and learned models of physical reality and history - interpretation of the tide of events which flow through our lives and provide key event interpretations which we rely upon to assemble our internal models of what is true and what is false.” This is closely related to existential shock but seems to involve a deeper level of scepticism abut what is real and unreal. Thus, one could have an existential shock about the effectiveness of the Covid vaxxes, seeing these vaxxes as flawed or limited. But, one could be pushed further through ontological shock, to question the whole vaccine paradigm itself, and the soundness of conventional medicine.


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It’s A Gene Therapy, Not the Traditional Vaccine By Brian Simpson

This is an important article for the Covid vaccine critique community: Helene Banoun, “mRNA: Vaccine or Gene Therapy? The Safety Regulatory issues, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 24 (13), 2023. Her conclusion is that the Covid mRNA vaxxes are not traditional vaccines, but gene therapies as the mode of action by the mRNA in the cell, in making the cell produce spike proteins, is a gene therapy. As such, these gene therapies were not subjected to the usual regulatory processes, given the emergency authorisations, and now should be. The more detailed argument for the gene therapy proposition, is quoted below. But, I doubt very much if all people who rolled up their sleeves to get the jab, would have done so if they knew this. So, having some nodding awareness of the science does matter. It would help in thinking about what gunk is injected into one, if at all, in the future. And, we have the authority of Mr Vax, Bill Gates that something bigger than Covid is coming, perhaps in time for the US 2024 elections.


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Fighting Greedflation: Time for the Social Credit Dividend By James Reed

Major Douglas said that there were three possible policy alternatives with respect to the economic system, but the simplest was that an industrial system should supply goods and services to the community.  But, as he showed, there is a deficiency of purchasing power, which could be manifested in many ways, but clearly the present situation in Australia, detailed below is an example. People have found that inflation, or more likely, greedflation, has led to the average increase in groceries per year, being $ 1,924, with 78 percent of people having to cut back on purchases. And groceries are just one cost, with everything else going up to, such as medicines, electricity, gas, water and council rates, to name but a few. Price rises are killing peoples’ standard of living.  


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The French Riots are Not a Product of Social Exclusion By Richard Miller (London)

A comment on the riots in France by Vincent Trémolet de Villers, has appeared at the site below, which debunks the narrative that the mainstream media, and the Left are pushing, that the looting and riots are the result of social exclusion. On the contrary, the rioters have annual riots, and this year coordinated things with the protest over the shooting of the 17-year old, as this was easy to exploit. And, the suburbs where the rioters come from have had billions of Euros poured into them, much more attention that poor white French areas. De Villers sees this as a product of the woke promoting the idea that French culture, which has given them so much, is to be despised. Riots are what follows. See the video at the site below where rioters chant “Allahu Akbar” while, rioting:


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The Green Paradox: The Harvesting of Balsa Wood to Create “Green” Wind Energy has Destroyed Local Indigenous Communities and Decimated Ecosystems By James Reed

Dr Mercola has hit the Green energy scam right where it is vulnerable, namely damage to the environment, and the environment of Third World people to boot. The main point to be made is that balsa wood is used in the actual windmill blades, a wood which is light and strong, presumably than better than synthetic substitutes. But, wind turbine blades can be up to100 meters long and each blade requires 150 cubic meters of balsa wood, which is several tons of balsa wood. Most of the wood comes from South American tropic forests, as in Ecuador; the balsa is native to south America. China is buying up enormous quantities of this wood, to build its own wind turbines as backup to its also expanding coal industry, leading no stone unturned on the road to world conquest. But, in the process, tropical forests are being destroyed; as noted below: It’s a decision that has caused pain, rejection and division among families and has had consequences for the ecosystem of the islands and for the river itself. The balseros bring alcohol, drugs and prostitution, and pollute the extraction sites with plastics, cans, machinery, gasoline and oil spills.

They abandon used chains from their chainsaws. They eat the turtles and chase away the parrots, toucans and other birds that feed on the flowers of the balsa trees. The breakdown of ecosystems by illegal deforestation has profound impacts on the balance of local flora and fauna, which will never recover."

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Freakish Long blood Clots Continue to be Found in the Vaxxed Dead By Brian Simpson

US funeral director Richard Hirschman was one of the first to raise the issue about the existence of never-before seen long blood clots found in dead bodies that were to be embalmed. These clots are still being found in the vaxxed dead, Hirschman reports. He has been doing embalming for 20 years and says that he has not seen this phenomenon before. This has been documented, and the clots were analysed by Mike Adams, who found that they were biological, but not having the usual chemical composition of blood. It is very odd, and no medical papers have appeared on this. I wonder why?


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More Mischief from Academics By James Reed

Francesca Gino, a behavioural scientist at Harvard Business School, published research on the topic of academic honesty. That is a hot topic given the amount of fraud in academia. And, blow me over, there are now allegations that she fabricated data. If true, that is pretty dishonest, and mighty ironic. Why should we be interested beyond out usual critique of the corrupt universities? I think it raises the issue of why we should trust any of the stuff pumped out by these so-called researchers, from climate change buff to medical research? I think it all needs to be taken with a bag of salt, which is why the ordinary people need to think about science. I am trying with what brain I have left, as we are deep into a technocracy now.

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A New Cuban Missile Crisis By James Reed

The new Cuban missile crisis is here, but the weak, CCP-compromised Biden administration does not have the guts of the Kennedy administration to act with the toughness that is needed. The joint military facility on Cuba will put the CCP/PLA right on the US door step, allowing nuclear-armed subs to get real close. It happens now, but the base builds upon that. This  was one reason for Putin attacking the Ukraine; namely that the Ukraine joining NATO would put nukes right on Russia’s door step. Thus, it is but one more step on the road to war.

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UN Digital First Responder Brownshirts: Mattias Desmet By James Reed

Professor Mattias Desmet, who has done great work understanding the totalitarianism behind the Covid plandemic in his book The Psychology of Totalitarianism, and the social psychosis that was produced as a means of social control, notes that the UN played a major part in this social oppression.

The UN  recruited more than 100,000 “digital first responders” worldwide during the Covid crisis. The job of these eager beavers was to detect “misinformation” and “fake news,” and substitute it with fresh good news from Big Pharma and co. Desmet rightly describes these fact checkers as “virtual Brownshirts, unfettered by any ethical rule or moral principle to marginalize, ridicule and criminalize dissident voices.” That they were, and it is the UN itself that moved to have these people engage in censorship and repression, and with most things Covid, they were simply wrong. How many lives were lost through lockdowns, and vax adverse effects because of their “misinformation”?

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Biden’s Railways of the Mind By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is another amazing brain blower from the decaying mind of Joe Biden. He lets off one of these gems almost every say now, and the Democrats still keep silence about his obvious mental decline. Joe wants to build a railway line from the Atlantic ocean to Africa. God help America.

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The Tide is Turning on the Gender Agenda? By Mrs Vera West

Is the tide slowly turning on the transgender agenda? In an article in the Epoch Times, not behind the usual paywall, the case is made that the tolerance for transgenderism is decreasing. June was a big time for celebration of this, and it is hard to believe that here is any crack in the castle of glass.


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The Digital Revolution and Infinitely Expanding social control By James Reed

Paul Craig Roberts always presents interesting pieces, even where he is wrong, at least, as I see it. But, on the digital revolution, I must agreed that this is totally inconsistent with human freedom, as he argued. That may be hard for some computer systems obsessed people to accept, but the argument seems to be correct to me. The level of oppression we now experience is due to the power that AI and It gives to the controlling elites; they do the surveillance now because they can, that the technology exists. In the past they had to make do with allowing some freedoms, since they could not control everything, but the expanding power if IT and AI now allows it, and in the future this social control will grow, directly proportional to the growth in the power of AI and IT. The few crumbs that have dropped from the table of the monsters, such as the internet to do articles like this, does not over-ride the initial oppression produced by the expanded power of the elites.


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Woke Abstractions and the Flight from Reality By James Reed

Ilana Mercer, who has written on race conflict issues, especially the South African situation in her book, Into the Cannibal’s Pot (2011), and makes some comments relevant to the French riots, although her piece was published before that unhappy event. The issue is, how is it that the Left can swallow the burning buildings, the violence against white people, the shootings, even killings? The answer comes from the cultural relativism of Critical Race Theory, and neo-Marxist ideology, that sees the non-white as oppressed by definition, and the white, by definition as a racist suppressor. The same woke abstraction is employed in feminism, where all men are oppressors and rapists, at least in the most radical forms, which is essentially the mainstream. Thus, what we would see as rampaging urban terrorists, looting stores, the Left see as good honest folk, only getting the designer goods and luxury items that they were deprived of. No matter that most white working class and unemployed people never get to have the goods that the rioters steal, no matter how hard they save.


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Australia’s Ministry of Truth By James Reed

Andrew Urban writing in a great piece at, comments on the move by the Labor government to fine tech companies billions of dollars for publishing so-called “misinformation.” But, Urban asks the question that immediately went through my mind, that I raised in previous articles, that is,  who decides what is “misinformation”? Take all the aspects of the Covid plandemic for example. Even Joe Biden said that the Covid vaxxes would prevent transmission. But, it is a matter of fact that these vaxxes did not. And fully vaccinated people got Covid, some multiple times. So, at one point in time, all this was “misinformation,” then what was once a conspiracy theory, was found to be true. The same applies to the issue of the origin of Covid; natural origin versus the lab leak idea. As Trump originally proposed the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis, it was rejected by the mainstream as being “racist,” as is anything that reflect badly upon the CCP who the mainstream media love, indeed, worship. Now, it is the accepted position.

Urban discusses climate change issues, which is relevant too, but the same points can be made. The Labor government has not been given any divine access to truth, so the entire legislation is fundamentally flawed. But that is the point; not to somehow seek truth, but to suppress informed democratic debate for the purposes of social control, and their ultimately globo-commo agenda.

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Hello this is Joe Biden, on the Secret Bribe Phone! By Chris Knight (Florida)

This one is surprising, another story in the life of the Biden crime family. There was rumoured to be a secret cell phone, a global phone that could contact anyone in the world, paid for by Hunter Biden, so deals could be done with his business partners. An investigative journalist got hold of the number and rang it. To his surprise the phone was answered by none other than Joe Biden who was vice president at the time. Biden hung up pretty quickly. What is interesting about this, is that Joe Biden has constantly claimed that he was at arms distance from Hunter Biden’s business deals, and here he is, a virtual secretary. The guy runs on lies, like most of the political class.


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Thoughts of the Godfather of Artificial Intelligence By Brian Simpson

The so-called ‘godfather’ of artificial intelligence, Geoffrey Hinton professor of computer science at the University of Toronto, was formerly with google, but departed in May 2023, because of his stated concerns about AI. Controversially he believes that AI has already developed an elementary capacity to reason, and that this will continue to develop, ultimately leading to AI seeking to overthrow humanity. “I think we have to take the possibility seriously that if they get smarter than us, which seems quite likely, and they have goals of their own, which seems quite likely, they may well develop the goal of taking control,” Hinton said during a June 28 talk at the Collision tech conference in Toronto, Canada. “If they do that, we’re in trouble.”

As with all of these scenarios, there are a lot of philosophical assumptions put in, as the AI crowd to a bot believe that the mind is just a neural net, and thus, machines can in principle think, and be conscious. That, of course, is a big question that philosophers and theologicians still debate.

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