A Sign of Chaotic Times: People Arming Up By Charles Taylor (Florida)

One of the surest signs that people are scared, is if they are still allowed by the state to buy guns, they go out and buy guns until it hurts. Thus, in the US, polls are showing that for a majority of the population, 52 percent, there is someone in each household owning a gun or guns. And, cutting across the political spectrum, polls also show that 6 in 10 Americans believe owning a gun is a necessary measure to protect against criminals. Further, 55 percent of voters believe that “Woke politicians are to blame for rising crime.” This all runs counter to the Biden administration’s rhetoric that guns cause crime, and that only white racists have an interest in firearms ownership. But 41 percent of Democrats say that they, or someone in their household, owns a gun. And, 42 percent of Democrat voters say that crime is increasing.


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The Covid Mandates: Child Abuse By Mrs Vera West

One of the topics conveniently and deliberately neglected by health authorities in Australia, are the ill-effects of the lockdowns upon school children. Recently the New York Times, of all papers, given its woke pro-vax stance, published a piece entitled The Startling Evidence of Learning Loss Is In.”

The lockdowns had a devasting impact upon education: “The evidence is now in, and it is startling. The school closures that took 50 million children out of classrooms at the start of the pandemic may prove to be the most damaging disruption in the history of American education. It also set student progress in math and reading back by two decades and widened the achievement gap that separates poor and wealthy children.” The effects, as detailed below, include: “the learning loss; the disengagement from education overall; the depression and anxiety and suicidality due to severe isolation (often summarized as “mental health impacts”); the chronic absenteeism that would inevitably come because when you tell kids that their education isn’t important – isn’t a societal priority – well, they will believe you; the dropout rates; the graduating without being able to read; the abuse at home; the loss of community and hope.”

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The IMF and Central Bank Digital Currencies By James Reed

We should not be surprised to hear this one, but it is one more item to show that the globalists are dead serious about pushing in Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDS). It seems if the technology is available then the inevitable tyranny follows, if the evil ones rule, as the money power does.

Thus, Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), has recently said: “CBDCs can replace cash which is costly to distribute in island economies.” “They can offer resilience in more advanced economies. And they can improve financial inclusion where few hold bank accounts.” “CBDCs would offer a safe and low-cost alternative [to cash]. They would also offer a bridge to go between private monies and a yardstick to measure their value, just like cash today which we can withdraw from our banks.”

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More Face Masks; More Covid Infection By Mrs Vera West

As far as the Covid plandemic went, the facemask fetish irritated me greatly, since I knew from my career in nursing, at least until marriage and children, that masks were fragile and failed. There are may reasons for his, but the main one is that masks get contaminated quickly and need to be regularly replaced, which usually they are not done by non-health care professionals. The ordinary people often keep the same one on all day, which comes to concentrate the viruses in the fabric.

It is therefore no surprise to learn that a study by Norwegian researchers found that Covid infections were higher in those wearing facemasks, compared to those seldom or never wearing them, by 40 percent. This questions the adoption now of face masks in hospitals in South Australia and Western Australia, where we can be sure that not all wearers are going to be observing proper procedure, and in any case, other studies have questioned the utility of such masks, such as a major report in the Cochrane Review last year.

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Insecticides Play Havoc with Human Sperm By Mrs Vera West

I have been discussing at the blog over some years now the problem that humanity is going to face in the future from the rapid decline in the quality and quantity of human sperm, with some scientists seeing this factor alone as producing a population crash, as argued by Shanna Swan and Stacy Colino,  in Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race (2021). The focus has been upon hormone-altering chemicals, found all around the modern world, as in plastics and numerus chemicals.


Among these chemicals are insecticides, which recent research has shown decreases the concentration of human sperm. The research examined the existing literature on the topic and concluded, as one author put it; “Based on this meta analysis, we believe insecticide exposure … is impacting overall sperm concentration.”  “The message is we need to reduce insecticide exposure in order to ensure men who are planning a family or want to conceive children are able to do that without interference.”

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The New World Order Religion By Peter West

John Klar, who usually writes on agricultural themes, has made some good points about the Pope’s contribution to helping create a new one world religion that the globalists are going to embrace as part of their will to absolute power. The Pope is onboard with much of the politics of organisations such as the World Economic Forum, and echoes almost all that Klaus Schwab pushes. The Pope likewise joined Schwab in calling for a “new world order,” after the Covid plandemic, and said: “This time of trial can thus become a time of wise and far-sighted choices for the good of humanity, of all humanity.”

Apart from that, the Pope has been one of the best-known public figures advocating open borders immigration to the West, with no limits at all. Not only that but he sees opposition to immigration as immoral, if not sinful. This is part of his Green philosophy, which is based around climate change alarmism, the idea that supposed human-caused climate change is producing an ecological apocalypse, and the West is responsible and thus has an infinite burden to deal with it. Immigration and the surrender of Western culture are just the beginning.

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The Superiority of Natural Immunity Over the Vax By Brian Simpson

In my experience, it is becoming common for GPs to say that natural immunity either does not exist, or is inferior to the vaccines. Thus, my previous doctor said that I needed to get the shingles vax, even though I had had adult chicken pox. He dismissed his. I pointed out that medical textbooks I had read said that the vax is not needed if one had had chicken pox, and anyway, I had ben tested for antibodies for shingles, and had them. He was not convinced so I suppose there must be something behind this one.

As for the Covid vax, a recent study, reported in Nature, showed that people who had had Covid, and recovered, were better protected than those who were vaccinated. The Covid vaxxed were in fact five times as likely as the naturally immune to test positive for Covid for Delta era and 1.1 times as likely to test positive for Covid Omicron.

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Albo in Freefall By James Reed

It could not happen to a “nicer” person, the one who gave us the divisive Voice referendum, and still believes every socialist word of the Uluru Statement, prime minister Albanese. But, with the Voice failure, and a mass immigration Great Replacement program on steroids, the housing crisis and people not being able to afford many of the basics with the cost of living crisis, his popularity is crashing, but not enough as far as I am concerned. However, the wheels are beginning to fall off the Albo government, with a collapse of Labor’s primary vote to 31 percent, which puts the Liberals and Labor neck to neck at the starting gates. Albo’s approval rating has fallen to 40 percent, and dissatisfaction level, 53 percent, and that puts him equal with Peter Dutton. That should worry him.

As I have said, the time is fast approaching for Australians to respond as other nations have to such attempts to undermine their very existence as a people and place.

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You Can Bank on Bank Closures By Paul Walker

One of the things I particularly dislike is going into my bank, the ANZ Bank, to draw out cash for the week, as I am bloody-minded enough to resist card transactions as much as possible. Service has always been, well, slow and painful, with the major city bank I go to always having but one teller. Now I know why, maybe. It has been revealed by whistle-blowers that “several former ANZ staff have backed claims made by a whistleblower that the bank is deliberately pushing customers out of branches and using their absence to justify branch closures.”

The aim, no doubt, is to reduce costs, but perhaps also to fit in with the drive for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), I conjecture. It is certainly consistent with it.

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Race Police Now Targeting Irish National Treasure, Conor McGregor By Patrick O’ Grady (Ireland)

MMA fighter Conor McGregor, much loved here in Ireland, had previously lashed out at the fact that violent immigrants were being imported into Ireland, and the immigration-mad authorities were not deporting them, when they committed crimes. The latest were the stabbings done by an immigrant, that included stabbing a five-year-old. Conor responded with colourful language urging deportation. Now he is under investigation by the police for race hate! Like the English police, they put being race police and controlling the white population over dealing with real crimes like mass grooming rape:


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Will the Deep State Kill Donald Trump? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The radical Left has always had fantasies of killing Donald Trump. But now, with Trump running away from Joe Biden in the polls, their polls, the Democrats and Leftists are panicking. Thus, a number of media personalities have less than subtly said that Trump needs to be “eliminated.” Democrat Dan Goldman said this, and when hit by a backlash said that he had used a poor choice of words, and did not mean use of violence. It is hard to believe that someone in his position could be so linguistically challenged.

And there has been articles, such as one at the Business Insider, considering what happens if Trump dies. Nothing though, for fairness, about the death of Joe Biden, who seems to have many more health concerns than Trump, such as dementia, and is older.

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Living in a New Dark Age By James Reed

Mark Ross, “Meet the New Dark Age,” argues that evidence of the coming Dark Age is all around us. Among other things, Dark Ages are dark because of the lack of genuine knowledge and development. The Dark Age that descended upon Europe after the fall of Ancient Rome, led to much knowledge disappearing, or becoming too difficult to apply.

Today the case can be made that the beginnings of this same process is occurring with the negative ramifications of the Left-wing control of the nervous and knowledge centres of society. Climate Change alarmism, for example, is one of the core illustrations of the corruption of science, with on the basis of little fundamental scientific argument, such as how exactly carbon dioxide is raising global temperature levels, a massive array of social programs, to essentially de-industrialise the West, are rolled out.

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Poisoning the Babies By Mrs Vera West

The US Environmental Working Group (EWG), conducted research into the presence of toxic pesticides in baby food. Alarmingly it found that 40 percent of the baby foods that were analysed contained such toxins in varying quantities, while organic products did not. The level of the toxins posed a health threat to babies, the research team concluded. “Among pesticides it detected were acetamiprid, a neonicotinoid insecticide that harms bees and humans, and captan, which is linked to cancer. Fludioxonil, a product commonly used on fruits, vegetables and cereals, was found in five products and is thought to harm fetal development, cause changes in immune system cells and disrupt hormones.” Babies as developing beings are particularly vulnerate to such toxins, and baby food is the principal way that they are exposed to these chemicals.

This was a US study, but in the light of these results, it would be timely for a similar study to be done on the presence of toxic pesticide residues in the baby food our Australian babies are being fed. And, the conclusion of the US study, to feed babies on organic foods, which are available even in our supermarkets, is sound advice for our mothers.

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What the Woke Kids are Up to Now By James Reed

Having a political opinion is fine, but can the Australian children who walked out of school to protest against Israel - and I am not denying anyone’s right to protest, or taking a side in this comment - but just for interest, how many of the protesters could locate Israel and Palestine accurately on a world map? How much of this protest energy is the product of social conformity and teacher influence, rather than free, independent, individual research into the Middle East political situation? It reminds me of the school strikes for climate.


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Microsoft; Macro-Hard on Woke By Brian Simpson

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, is well know to anti-globalist activists and intellectuals for his woke activities, from promoting vaccines, the depopulation agenda, climate change alarmism, and the end of meat, to be replaced by the likes of Bill’s artificial “meat,” or just eating bugs. What is not discussed as much are the activities of Microsoft itself, which as our favourite Russian, Igor Chudov documents, is also considerably woke.  As Chudov says, Microsoft is actively doing the following:

Deeply involves itself with elections in various countries, emphasizing what it calls “election integrity”.

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Not-So-Smart Cities By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Mercola, at a now deleted piece, discusses the plans by the Biden administration to convert commercial buildings into climate change friendly zero net dwellings. This is not only being done as part of the World Economic Forum Great Reset, to meet the climate change agenda of the globalist elites, but serves the dual purpose of supplying cheap housing to the masses of migrants that the South American drug cartels are pushing into the country. This is done by the cartels so that border control resources are tired up, and thus the cartels can move drugs and engage in kidnappings and human smuggling, easier. The Biden administration, in an act of mass treason, is allowing this, as the migrants are non-White, and thus aid the Great White Replacement, and secondly are taken to be sure Democrat voters, keeping a virtual dictatorship going.

The housing developments will be an attempt to put into place so called sustainable development ideals of Agenda 2030, creating alleged “smart cities,” which will be ecologically sustainable, to use the buzz word. Never mind that the entire process is set up to take the intakes of illegals from an open border which should have been closed in the first place. It is Marxist dialectics in motion, to create a problem, then produce the issue needing a “solution,” then supply the “solution,” which was intended in the first place.

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The Times are A-Changing By Richard Miller (London)

Will there be a charismatic figure to arise in Britain, and even Australia, to deal with our immigration crisis, and assault by the globalists? There was first the election of Javier Milei as president of Argentina, someone who has raged against the Left and socialism in the most colourful ways. Then more reserved, we have Geert Wilder in Holland being swept into office on sentiment opposed to the immigration weapon of mass destruction. Looking around Europe we have the AfD in Germany, Giorgia Meloni in Italy, and Marine Le Pen. In the UK, there is no major figure to lead the revolt of the masses.

Looking to Australia, as an informed outsider, there is the potential of Malcom Roberts from One Nation continuing to do great things. But the issue is that circumstances need to get really bad for the type of leaders we are seeking to rise to the occasion. Things are bad in both the UK and Australia, but seemingly have not reached this critical mass yet. But recent developments, a mentioned above, give hope that the tide is turning against the globo commo.

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Pneumonia in China: What Significance, If Any? By Brian Simpson

There is not much information on this, but it seems that there is an outbreak of pneumonia, which so far is only in children, in China, and has led to thousands being hospitalised. The infection seems to be treatable with existing antibiotics, so it is not a super-bug type of infection. There have been reports that this type of pneumonia was somewhat different to standard pneumonia, and it could be a new variant, but not one of major concern, at least for the West. Internet claims that this could be the start of the next type of plandemic, seem misplaced, since the next plandemic will surely be scheduled in time for the 2024 US elections given that Donald Trump is so far ahead in the polls.


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Pfizer Sues Poland: It’s the Money! By Richard Miller (London)

Unlike highly Covid vaxxed countries like the UK and Australia, Poland had a relatively lower vax rate of 57 percent. And, even now, after Poles witnessing Covid vaccinated people get infected by Covid multiple times, demand for the vaxxes has crashed. A similar story is occurring across the West, and Big Pharma is alarmed at the fall in profits, after reaping the greatest profits from any vaccine in history. Greed has no limits.

Polish health minister Adam Niedzielski has said that Poland is refusing to pay for the present round of vaccines; the value up to the end of 2023 was worth over 6 billion zlotys ($1.4 billion), with over 2 billion zlotys of that for supply in 2022. However, Poland cannot cancel the contract, as the secret contract was between the European Commission and Big Pharma. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla and EU’s Ursula von der Leyen, negotiated the contract in secret, and Poland does not even know the full details of the contract.

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Ireland, Stabbings, Riots By Patrick O’Grady (Ireland)

Here in Dublin, Ireland, there were riots, after an immigrant went on a stabbing rampage, attacking five people near a school, including three children, one of whom was a five-year-old girl. The knife attacker was stopped by another immigrant, a white guy from Brazil, who got off his motor bike and laid into the attacker with his bike helmet! The attacker went down and the police eventually arrive; they were probably occupied keeping an eye on racism on the internet and social medias. But the people had had enough and mass protests in Dublin broke out, that unfortunately got out of control and led to property damage. These mass protests usually do, as the Left-wing and Black protests did, 2020 being a prime example.


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