Time for Some Fair Dinkum Economic Policies. By Ken Grundy

Dear Editor


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Kaurna Country: A Letter to Local Councils By Ken Grundy

Dear All …


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The World We Have Lost By James Reed

If I scratch my head and think a bit, I can remember a world before the internet, social media, and everyone having to have a “smart” phone even to deal with Centrelink; give me a “dumb phone” any day! The following survey relates to the US, where interesting things are investigated, but may be of relevance to us here in OZ. Seventy-seven percent of middle-age Americans (35-54 years old), would prefer living in a time before the internet and social media. Surprisingly enough, 63 percent of people aged 18-34 years also agreed. All groups felt that it was overwhelming trying to keep up with technological developments. And, of course, they are right. And we have not seen anything yet, with general artificial intelligence placing things in a whole new ball game. I will be interested in seeing follow-up results in the years to come, if I remember.


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Woman Sues Hospital for Trans-Surgery …She was Just 13-Years Old By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

This story is doing the rounds, even in the mainstream press. A 13-year old girl had her breasts removed as she thought that she was trans at the time, and the doctors and hospital went along with the operation. Now, as a woman, she is suing the California hospital and four doctors. She now claims that the procedures were “ideological and profit-driven medical abuse.” The case raises the issue, not adequately discussed in the trans debate, about the role of the medical profession and Big Pharma in profits from the transitioning process. Getting the new body can result in a six-figure bill, so it is not hard to see that one motive behind this is …money.


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The People’s Prince By Richard Miller (London)

We do not hear much about the great work the Royal Family does, with the mainstream media focussing upon every piece of “dirt,” whether true or not, that they can get. Scandal is the order of the day to fill the tabloids. However, here is a report of the tremendous work being done by Prince William to address the shocking rate of homelessness in the UK. And, he definitely walks the talk, intending to build public housing on his Cornwall estate, for starters. Clearly, the monarchy is in fine hands.


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The Voice as a Trojan Horse: George Christensen By James Reed

George Christensen, former polly, now freedom movement thinker, gives his take on the agenda behind the Voice referendum. The Voice is being set up by the Albo government, to create by definition, a race-based constitutional body that will become an effective third chamber of parliament, all done under the guise of helping Aborigines, which it will not do, but instead will benefit the controlling elites, the globalist oligarchs who seek final control over Australia’s resources.

Mr Christensen quotes from a UN document which expects 70-80 percent of Australia’s resources to be tied to non-transferable native title, the goal being to do this by 2030. This is precisely the Marxist agenda that former communist, turned freedom movement thinker Geoff Mc Donald detailed based upon his own observations and research in his book, Red Over Black (1982). The Voice fits precisely into this communist agenda, of appropriation of the vast majority of Australia’s resources to native title, and a resulting treaty. From there it is not likely to be used to benefit Aboriginal people, who would become the wealthiest people in Australia if it did, but by the elites behind the Voice, who seek to benefit from the great deception.

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Greedflation By James Reed

I think it was a book by philosopher Mario Bunge (1919-2020), who tried to create a systematic scientific world view, where I saw it, but he had a view of inflation where the cause was not cost push or demand pull, but corporate greed, doing what the market could bear. How else to account for simple price rises like frozen blueberries increasing by a dollar in price over a few days, then another dollar. The blueberries come from Chile or Canada in large containers, and are then distributed at the depots. So, it is not resource shortages, or an increase in transport costs. It can only be coronations trying to squeeze as much money as they can out of shoppers. That theory of inflation is now known as greedflation.


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The AI Control Problem is Unsolvable By Brian Simpson

Roman Yampolskiy, an AI expert gives his view of the worst-case AI scenario. AI researchers tend to accept the unproven assumption that the problem of controlling super-intelligent machines is solvable.  Hover, he notes: “… we don’t know the actual status of the AI control problem. It is possible that some forms of control may be possible in certain situations, but it is also possible that partial control may be insufficient in many cases. Without a better understanding of the nature and feasibility of the AI control problem, it is difficult to determine an appropriate course of action.”


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California Dreaming, on Such a Woke Day By Chris Knight (Florida)

Christian thinker Michael Snyder is documenting the decline of America, just as we are documenting the wider decline of the West, in real time. And, the decay is accelerating, happening every day. California is a good example for the United States, as this rogue state leads the way in woke craziness, and political oppression of conservatives, that is, if any conservatives are still left there, as people are moving out. California dreaming, celebrated in the 1965 song by the band the Mamas & the Papas, that dreaming of golden beaches, and muscle men n Venice Beach, has been replaced by the California nightmare, of spiralling crime, drugs, homelessness, and excrement-filled streets, like San Francisco, and so many US cities now. What is disturbing is how fast this sort of social collapse can occur; people are not aware of it, and continue on their daily lives, but the white ants are eating away at the foundations of the house, and suddenly, one day, things just fall apart.


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First German Law Suit Against Big Pharma for Vax Injuries By Richard Miller (London)

It has started. In Germany the first law suit directly against BioNTech (22UAy.DE), the Covid mRNA vax, is being undertaken by a German woman who is alleging vaccine injuries arising from the Covid jab. Her lawyer is undertaking to challenge the view that the BioNTech jab has a positive risk-benefit profile, which is a direct challenge to the claim that the Covid vax is safe and effective. If this succeeds, it will turn the Covid vax narrative upside down. So, we will be flowing the case.


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The End of the Great Holiday: Working from Home By James Reed

Tele-commuting, working from home, became the Big Thing during Covid. It aided the lucky who could merely plug in a laptop and do their largely meaningless work. (A friend told me that after getting through emails, he basically wrote two or so paragraphs a day, from home, with lots of sleep-ins.) But now that dream run has come to an end, and companies are demanding their employees to get back into the offices, so that they can keep an eagle eye on them. Good for the companies, I think. And, what about the multitude of people who could not work from home, and suffered economic ruin? No governmental tears for them.


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The Great Grift: Covid Fraud By Chris Knight (Florida)

One of the lesser discussed aspects of the Covid scamdemic is the amount of Covid fraud that went on, which is being called “the great grift.” In the US $ 4.2 trillion in emergency aid was unloaded in stimulus spending to deal with the economic disaster that the lockdowns were. This was a ripe cherry that was too juicy for crooks to pass by. As one investigative team concluded: “Fraudsters used the Social Security numbers of dead people and federal prisoners to get unemployment checks.”  “Cheaters collected those benefits in multiple states. And federal loan applicants weren’t cross-checked against a Treasury Department database that would have raised red flags about sketchy borrowers. All of it led to the greatest grift in U.S. history, with thieves plundering billions of dollars in federal COVID-19 relief aid intended to combat the worst pandemic in a century and to stabilize an economy in free fall.”

Overall, the crooks got away with $ 280 billion, with $ 123 either misspent or wasted. As appalling as that is, the even greater crime, not yet quantified, are the costs of levelling small businesses through lockdowns, while Big Business, especially Big Tech, made a killing.

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Queen Ann Gets it Wrong on the Trump Indictment By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Following our coverage of the Trump indictment, Ann Coulter, who once wrote a book about trusting Trump, but who now sees him as an utter failure, continues this line here in the indictment discussion. It is carelessness of Trump’s part and so on. She does not go into technicalities, as covered elsewhere today, but does make much of an alleged tape recording where Trump does the perfect: I did not declassify these documents, so just tape me saying this so I can be imprisoned later! I doubt whether this tape exists, or whether the mainstream media account is correct, but if it exists and is authentic, issues of admissibility arise. Further, the tape is mere hearsay evidence about the classification status of the documents; Trump could have been merely trolling.


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The Jurisprudence of the Trump Indictment By Ian Wilson LL.B

I have noticed that the Australian press were approaching the Trump indictment along the lines of some sort of bad boy who got caught stealing cookies. The view was that he should not have had classified documents, because, well, the documents are classified, and that means top secret. But, that is the foolish view of things. Below is material that goes into detail about why this case against Trump is just trumped up, so to speak. The case against Trump is a clause in the Espionage Act that criminalizes a failure to hand over national defence information. However, presidents, as part of the executive, presidents have the power to declassify any documents, as was done by all presidents in the past, and the clauses under the Espionage Act are not applicable.

What is concerning here regarding the rule of law, is that exactly what Trump did, has presently been done by Joe Biden, who stored his classified documents in his garage, with the door often left open. Of course, no CCP spies would drop by, would they?

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London QR Code to Enter Supermarket By Richard Miller (London)

Supermarkets are now demanding customers download QR codes and an app on their smartphone merely to bypass a barrier and enter the supermarket. With Covid now quiet for the time, it is not clear why the supermarkets are doing this … on second thoughts, it is clear! It is so that people can be controlled by the QR code, and the elites behind that, so if one is acting in any way contrary to the degenerate regime, you can be cancelled and not get food. In short, it is the bad “social credit,” so called in action. It is probably no accident that the elites have used the term “social credit,” as part of an implicit attack upon Douglas social credit.


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The Greatest Works of Western Literature Now Flagged as Racist! By Richard Miller (London)

This process of the cancellation of the literature of the Western canon began in the 1990s under the political correctness (pc) regime, but under woke, pc on steroids, things are accelerating. What has passed now is that the great white men like Shakespeare are all racists, because, well, the Left says that they are, and have the power to break people’s wills, as the radical Left have completed the long march through the institutions. Anything that nationalists might appeal to as affirming cultural value must now be regarded as problematic, and subject to banning, or in the case of the James Bond books, modification. The demographic replacement of white people, is matched by the cultural war upon their traditions, to level everything to dust. The dust of the Left.


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Here are the Real Dangers of the AI/Woke World By Brian Simpson

This story brings together the dangers of Left-wing woke, and Big Tech. An Amazon delivery man, presumably non-white, was delivering a parcel to a home. This man had on his head phones, but still thought he heard a racial slur coming from the home. He reported this, and Amazon locked the account, just on his say so, and the man was locked out of his home. He home owner was not even home at the time. The moral of the story is that diverse folk will be hearing racial slurs even from empty houses, so it is a real danger to have a house so fully connected to the regime’s IT, in the crazy world of woke.  


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World Economic Forum Wants to See the end of Cars for Us, the Peasants By James Reed

The elites who fly to climate change save-the-world talkfests in private jets, are now wanting to reduce car use by the ordinary people by 75 percent from 1.45 billion to 500 million by 2050, as a core part of its “you will own nothing and be happy.” The strategy is to increasingly put on the pressure, with fuel and car costs, so people are squeezed out of using cars, and become like peasants of the Dark Ages, tied to their home locality. It will then really be a techno-feudalistic society, where mobility is something the elites enjoy, even trips to outer space, while we, the plebs, walk.


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Joe Biden’s Corruption on Tape By Chris Knight (Florida)

The mainstream media are not touching this one with the proverbial ten-foot pole, here in America, and I did not see anything about this on the Australian media websites. But, Senator Chuck Grassley has revealed that Ukrainian owner of Burisma, the Ukrainian oil and gas company, allegedly made 17 audio recordings of conversations with the Bidens, and the context is that as vice president, Joe Biden seems to have influenced Burisma of appointing his son Hunter to the board of directors. That sounds like an abuse of office. Add to this are allegations that Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma, had bribed the Bidens to influence policy decisions, paying then-Vice President Biden $5 million and Hunter another $5 million to prompt the firing of a prosecutor looking into corruption of Burisma.

It is really a family of crooks.

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Trump Indicted for Rejecting Neo-con/Democrat War Agenda By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Tucker Carlson has just released his third Twitter program, which is even more gutsy than his time on Fox. He addressed the Trump indictment and said that this was coming from the time that Trump took office in 2016. And now it is here. The Deep State is doing what it is expected to do, and that is destroy anyone who looks like opposing them in any way. “[The] prosecution of Donald Trump is transparently political,” Tucker said. “He’s literally Joe Biden’s main political opponent. He’s pulling over 60 percent among Republican voters right now. So, Joe Biden is doing what no president has ever dared to do. He’s using law enforcement to lock up his chief rival. That’s happening right now. Anyone who denies it’s happening is lying to you.”

This is the first time in the West, but not in places like Africa and South America, where the main political opponent of the ruling regime is sought to be removed.

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