The Conspiracy of the Lawyers By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Alan Dershowitz has confirmed that the lawyer class, at least in the US are part of a grand conspiracy. He knows first hand that a group that calls itself The 65 Project is acting to intimidate any high-level lawyers who may seek to defend President Trump. This group will file bar charges against any such lawyer. Dershowitz says he will defend any individuals who suffer such a fate, all of which is completely illegal, possibly criminal. It should not be too hard to defend, so their bluff should be called. That things like this go on would have been surprising even 12 months ago, but such degeneracy now seems to be part of the course.

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Brave New World Production Line Human Beings? By Mrs Vera West

We need to keep up with what the mad scientists are doing because they are changing our world, and human nature in fundamental ways. For example, now they have created synthetic human embryos, not even needing human eggs and sperm! The cells do not yet form a brain, but do form the basis of the embryo, so it is just a matter of time. The research, as always, is proposed to yield some solution to an allegedly pressing human problem, like miscarriages, but even if that was true, and there are surely other research methods, the possibility of abuse is enormous.  We can imagine the CCP using such a technology to produce on an assembly line, genetically engineered super-soldiers, and it is already moving down that path.

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The Use of Tactical Nukes: Michael Snyder By James Reed

Christian thinker Michael Snyder is one of the few conservatives writing about the razor-edged situation the world is now in. As he documents, neither Russia nor the Ukraine/NATO intend to back down or in anyway deescalate. Putin cannot back down now with the Russian death toll, as it will finish his regime. And the neo-cons and Democrat hawks are intent upon war. The Russians just deployed tactical nukes to Belarus, and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has said that these weapons are “three times more powerful than US atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.” Thus, when tactical nukes are employed, it will be worse than anything humanity experienced in Japan in 1945. And, the West will retaliate, and will not accept the Russian strategy of “escalate to de-escalate.” Then, it is on, and where it ends is anyone’s guess.

We have a problem, alright.

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On the Verge of World War III and Nuclear Abyss By James Reed

The warnings of the coming of World War III continue to be given. Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of Putin's security council has said that the world is on the verge of a global war, which is likely to go nuclear. Putin himself has said the same, and that Russia, now with nukes on the ready, is willing and able to use them to fend off an existential threat. Western leaders have said that the goal is to bring down Putin, but he will not go now without a fight, and they continue to prod the bear with a white-hot rod. And, what a fight, as Russia is putting into place the deadliest weapons the human race has not yet seen, such as nuclear torpedoes that can drown a country like Britain under radioactive water, as detailed  below.,a%20nuclear%20confrontation%20were%20rising

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Women are Now “Non-Men” By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

It is the final stage of deconstruction under the gender agenda. Now the Johns Hopkins University of Maryland has issued a new “inclusive language guide” for the modern era that abandons the concept of women entirely. The guide’s “lesbian” section refers to women as “non-men,” even though men are still called men in the “gay” section. By the same postmodern “reasoning” men could have been referred to as “non-women,” but that is not the way this is being played out here. This is ultimately the endgame of what was started in the 1960s, with its so-called liberation movements, that in the end come full circle. The children of the revolution eat the parents.

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Atheistic World Economic Forum Philosopher Wants to Rewrite the Bible! By James Reed

When we see material from the World Economic forum (WEF), and its key philosopher, Yuval Noah Harari, the senior advisor to the WEF, we can expect something that will be disturbing to us. The latest from Harari, after his previous media high of the AI replacement of humans, is that AI will rewrite religious scripture to make a “new bible,” for globalisation. It is a pretty silly attention-seeking thing to say, since, such a “bible” was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Manifesto of the Communist Party in 1848, and popularised in music by the likes of John Lennon, in his song Imagine (1971). I am sure that ChatGPT would have told him, if he asked.

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More Tales of Vaccine Woes … Straight from Pfizer’s Mouth! By Brian Simpson

This is amazing, and got no coverage, zero, from the Covid vax mad Australian press, surprise, surprise. As part of the court order to release documents, Pfizer has released a new document that gives an explicit account of vaccine injuries that occurred worldwide between the rollout and June 18, 2022. There were 508,351 individual case reports of adverse events containing 1,597,673 events. As detailed below, these cases were then broken down as follows:


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The AI Threat to Democracy By Richard Miller (London)

There is an on-going public policy debate about the potential dangers of general artificial intelligence (AI). To date, political leaders have not made comments, no doubt being in hock to Big Tech. However, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has warned about artificial intelligence turning into a threat to democracy. “Neither the AI nor the companies operating it are democratically elected.” 

"Citizens should be better equipped to scrutinize answers provided by AI, and recognize when artificial intelligence technologies have manipulated images or text. This is important since disinformation can now be generated and spread quickly, triggering confusion among the public," he said.

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Deconstructing the Trump Indictment By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Trump indictment has led to conservatives putting on their legal thinking caps, and writing insightful critiques of the grounds of indictment. From what I have seen of the Australian coverage, it is basically along the lines of Trump taking classified document he had no right to take. This is complete nonsense, but the Australian press ignorant of American law are not solely to blame. The actual indictment has no mention of the Presidential Records Act, executive privilege, or the fact that the president has the original authority to classify or declassify records. The indictment is a cooked up scam to politically smear Trump, and scare the voters. As detailed at American, this is not likely to work, as the legal case is weak. And, it may serve to galvanise support for Trump in the coming 2024 election.

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The World Health Organization: A Branch of the Chinese Communist Party! By Brian Simpson

I have discussed in the past the ultra-close connections between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Communist Party of China. This was made clear during the Covid plandemic, where first, the WHO investigating the origins of the outbreak basically gave communist China a free pass; we don’t have the data as China is not giving it to us, so they must be innocent. Then there were the Covid mandates, and lockdowns, which were modelled directly upon CCP policies. But, as detailed at the Epoch, which is great for critical material on China on the occasion that there is no paywall, they quote Brian O’Shea, former military intelligence officer,  who sees the WHO One Health policy as based upon the CCP’s own ecological civilization policies, which dominate all aspects of Chinese life. WHO defines One Health as an “integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals, and ecosystems,” which O’Shea shows is straight-out of the CCP play list. Frank Gaffney, founder and president of the Center for Security Policy has also concluded: “The World Health Organization, as has become the case with almost every multilateral institution, is a creature of the Chinese Communist Party,” Gaffney said. Through its influence on the leadership or its presence in the bureaucracy, Gaffney said, the CCP has the ability to bend these institutions to its will while using it to dismantle the sovereignty of the United States.

“It’s insidious, ingenious, and it’s, unfortunately, an increasingly effective means of circumventing national governments in favor of the New World Order over which the CCP would be the dominant power,” according to Gaffney.

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World Health Organization and Climate Lockdowns By James Reed

After the Covid lockdowns, dissent thinkers were trying to second guess where the next tyranny of the globalist Dark Lords would come from, and climate change lockdowns seemed the logical next step. This could take the form of creating 15-minute cities, where cars are banned, and people’s movements thus become more restricted. This is done under the guise of saving the climate, which is highly doubtful for what benefit it would have in carbon reduction would be a puff of hot air compared to the massive outputs of communist China, who has been given the green light for world-conquereing industrialisation.


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Expanding the Definition of “White Supremacy” to include Everybody! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is hard for the Left to keep pushing the notion that “white supremacy,” as Joe Biden also says, is the greatest threat in the universe, when there are so few white extremists, who are not Deep State creations/agents out on the street. So, as detailed by Ben Bartee, now people of any race can be classified as “white” supremacists, if they do anything that the regime does not like. Words can be used to do anything, in the Leftist dystopias.

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The Fall of the Academy By Chris Knight

This is how bad things are at American universities, and is the shape of things to come for the West, including Australia, so beware! Woke has moved from the social “sciences” and Arts/Humanities now to STEM, where Leftist ideology is being worked into everything. Thus, as an example, an article which appeared in the leading journal Physics Education Review, claimed that whiteboards “collaborate with white organizational culture, where ideas and experiences gain value (become more central) when written down.” The American Physical Society, immediately defended this absurdity.  There are many other examples of this, discussed below, but also in other articles at the blog today. But, the take home message from this, is that woke Leftism has made its final conquering advance, and has planted its red flag in the once sacred territory of the hard sciences. I suppose we should not have been surprised to see these developments, given how climate science had been totally placed under the black magic ideological spell of Leftism for some time. The Covid plandemic made this even clearer, where we saw, openly, that the health authorities were under the thumb of Big Pharma, and the medical academics, mostly, were too corrupt to supply any critical analysis.


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Changing Demographics By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Great Replacement, the agenda to eliminate white people, people of largely Western European (Nordic) racial stock, is well under way, given policies of open borders migration, favoured by the Left, Democrats and Big Business, who are always looking for cheap labour, and the creation of a reserve army of the unemployed.

The 2020 census, has been analysed, and it has been found that Latino children numbers grew by over one million in the last ten years. Now, a quarter of all children in the US are Latino, and with the open southern border, the goal is to make this 100 percent, as soon as possible. But, why not just give the county to Mexico now, and save the rush? I suppose the elites get vast enjoyment about seeing one of the few things of value in the known universe, as I see it, get cancelled. … slowly.

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The Political Poison of Woke By James Reed

A lady asked me about supplying a simple definition of “woke.” If one goes on-line you will find in the first Google entries, only positive accounts, that it is a movement opposing racial discrimination. But, even from their own Leftist paradigm, that cannot be right, since gender issues are taking central focus now, such as transgenderism, and much more. Of course, opposing any aspect of the trans ideology is provoking the same response of “racism” in the past, and now race vilification laws are being extended to include trans.


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The Grim Realities of the Lockdowns … because It Will Happen Again! By Brian Simpson

Brownstone Institute has been superb in presenting scholarly, but readable, critical material about the Covid plandemic madness. At present it seems to have moved to a reflective mode, detailing the lessons learned, and what we can expect for the future from the bio-security medical fascist state, which is: more of he same, if not a doubling down. What the past three years has shown is: the all-pervasive surveillance and censorship by Big Tech; the power and influence of Big Pharma; government propaganda, in favour of Big Pharma; the corruption of public health and the cowardice, if not treason of the intellectuals. Nothing today has changed. All of these issues have been covered over the last three years at the blog, perhaps in more detail than anywhere else in Australia. But, for those who have awoken late, there is a good summary of everything below, to show what we are up against, especially for those seeking economic and cultural/political reform.

We very much are living under a tyrannical occupation far greater than in wartimes of the past. What should be our own government is indeed in the hands of the globalist elites of the New World Order. This must be the starting point for politics from our side. It will impact upon how we view all of the political and cultural issues, such as the Voice referendum.  This theme of occupation is seen clearly in our coverage of American politics, the present attempt to weaponise law to “get Trump.” It may not be as open here in Australia as in the US, but as the Covid plandemic showed, the same forces are at work in Australia too. The present voice referendum is very much in passive aggressive mode, where the public are deliberately starved of details.

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Stone Age Herbalist: The Rise of Archaeologists Anonymous By Brian Simpson

The march of Leftism through the academic institutions is now nearly completion. Conservative academics across the West have been driven out, sacked, cancelled. Any that exist now cannot openly oppose replacement migration, and the ruling positions on race and gender. We have covered stories here at the blog of even academic feminists, who took a stand against transgenders in women’s sport, getting harassed by fanatical Leftist students, then sacked.

And, the madness goes on in academic research and teaching itself, which now has the implicit, if not explicit goal of destroying “whiteness,” which logically amounts to destroying white people and heir culture, a task usually done by race traitor, globalist whites, who do very well out of the genocidal system, getting their 30 pieces of Judas silver, thank you kind Dark Lords of the New World Order!

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According to Cambridge University, Anglo-Saxons are Not Real! By Brian Simpson

Yet another good reason to close down the universities, when established realities are “overthrown,” for clearly stated woke ideological purposes. Cambridge is preaching that Anglo-Saxons are not real, to fight nationalism.  The “University aims to ‘dismantle the myths' around British and English identities as it seeks to make its teaching more 'anti-racist.' Cambridge is teaching students that Anglo-Saxons did not exist as a distinct ethnic group as part of efforts to undermine “myths of nationalism.”


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Tell the Geneticists that Anglo-Saxons Do Not Exist! By Brian Simpson

This piece supports my previous article on Cambridge maintaining, that for the sake of anti-racism and anti-nationalism, Anglo-Saxons do not exist. A recent paper: J. Gretzinger (et al.), “The Anglo-Saxon Migration and the Formation of the Early English Gene Pool,” Nature volume 610, 2022, pages112–119, based upon DNA evidence, shows that there was “a substantial increase of continental northern European ancestry in early medieval England, which is closely related to the early medieval and present-day inhabitants of Germany and Denmark, implying large-scale substantial migration across the North Sea into Britain during the Early Middle Ages.” This is consistent with history before woke Leftism, that held that the Germanic invaders made a major contribution to the Anglo-Saxon gene pool, which was itself, derived from Germanic sources. Will this evidence get discussed at Cambridge?

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Diabetes and Vitamin K2 By Mrs Vera West

We are not offering medical advice here, only material for education and discussion purposes. I was interested to read Dr Mercola’s take on vitamin K2 and diabetes. Research from Canada is apparently indicating that vitamin K2 can have a protective role against diabetes, although previous research had thought that this vitamin had a part to play in the development of the disease. That’s science, always turning itself on its head.


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