Did Woke Sink Titanic 2.0? By Brian Simpson

“When I started business… other sub operators [were] out there but they typically [had] gentlemen who are ex-military submariners… a whole bunch of 50-year-old white guys” – Stockton Rush, CEO of Titanic submarine company OceanGate. And diversity it was, choosing the diverse over experience submarine operators, who just happened to be white. Now OceanGate submarine Titan has been found, blown to pieces, and Rush among them. Apparently for the Left, Rush was not woke enough, as various ultra-Leftists figured that Rush making donations to the Republican party merited this fate.


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Turbo Cancers and the Covid Vax By Mrs Vera West

Pathologist Dr Ryan Cole is deeply concerned about the rise of what has been called “turbo cancers,” cancers which suddenly appear, then spread throughout the body like wild fire. Cancer experts, most of whom are not willing to be identified for fear of their jobs, report that since the Covid vax rollout, this phenomenon of turbo cancers, lymphomas, myelomas, leukemias, have erupted, but it was largely unknow before so. According to Dr Cole, this trend is observable even in the establishment’s data, such as CDC. The cancers are arising, he believes because the Covid vaxxes have weakened the immune system: “The shots, both the pseudouridine, the spike it’s making, the patterns that [are] shifting, are causing those little Marines [of the immune system] and the dendritic cells and the macrophages to go back to the barracks, get drunk, and go to sleep. Now you don’t have a defense system [to fight off cancer].”


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No Right to Freedom of Speech in Australia By James Reed

Under the present regime, free speech must always be suppressed in favour of freedom from “hate,” with “hate’ being defined as essentially anything critical of the fundamentals of the regime. Musk, who tried to restore a small amount of free speech to Twitter, faces a “please explain what you are doing” from Australia’s eSafety commissioner, arising from complaints of “hate” from Twitter posts.  There is a maximum fine of $700,000 (US$476,000) per day for “continuing breaches.” Hopefully Musk will plunge straight intro court action to address this challenge.

While this story is important, I noticed a key passage in the report given by the Epoch Times, that Australia has no right to free speech: “Rob Nicholls, an associate professor at the University of New South Wales, said there is no right to freedom of speech in Australia, and there is only an “implied right of political communication.”

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The Trojan Horse Voice By James Reed

Leading Yes Voice campaigner Thomas Mayo, has revealed what many activists are wanting, and it may not be the mere “fair go,” that PM Albo is pushing. As detailed in a terrific article by The Daily Mail.com, these radicals, who are the real force behind the Voice want reparations for the indigenous, “rent” to be paid by those living on Australian land, and the abolition of “harmful colonial institutions.” I saw a tweet which referred to another activist, not the one under discussion here, wanting the Australian constitution abolished, as it was intrinsically “racist” and “colonial.” It kind of defeats the purpose of a referendum then, doesn’t it? In any case, this is a clear indication of what the agenda of many is, or where the Voice will evolve. Notable is the open claim, that no politician will oppose any thing the Voice proposes, for fear of being called a “racist,” which is the white equivalent of facing the bone being pointed at one (kurdaitcha); but perhaps the analogy is wrong, as kurdaitcha made sense in the context of traditional culture, while our woke is simply crazy.


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Obama Pushes for Digital Fingerprints By Chris Knight (Florida)

Are you keeping track? At this date, all of the major globalist organisations, such as the World Economic Forum, UN, World Health Organization, IMF, and EU, are moving to adopt the full globalist digital agenda, from Central Bank digital currencies, to internet surveillance and control. Not to miss out, Obama, who some say is ruling the Biden White House, wants digital fingerprints to control photos and videos. Presumably, like physical banknotes, there will be some sort of “watermark,” that identifies the real thing. That assumes that the marks cannot be faked, and my bet is that in this new techno-arms race, anything put up as uncrackable, will in time be cracked like an egg.


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One Nation’s Malcolm Roberts on the Excess Deaths By Brian Simpson

There is at least one brave and decent Australian politician who is keeping up the rage against the Covid vax tyranny, One Nation’s Malcolm Roberts. He recently tweeted that Australia has 22,000 excess deaths, and none of these are due to Covid itself. So, what is the cause? There is no agreed answer by the health authorities, and the Australian Senate, that was rolling over itself voting for the Voice referendum bill, actually voted against an investigation of these deaths. What does that say about the utter corruption of the politicians, and what they are seeking to hide and protect? If Australians die, it is their duty to get to the bottom of things, and there they failed entirely.


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The UN’s iVerify System By James Reed

I have been following these digital tyrannies, but to date had not heard of this one, the UN iVerify. This fact checking system was developed by Big Tech, and the usual Soros organisation funding. “In response to what they brand as “online information pollution”, which they claim is a “global challenge”, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched its iVerify platform to counter alleged disinformation and hate speech online.

The global body’s “automated fact-checking tool”, was developed in partnership with the United Nations International Computing Centre (UNICC), Facebook and Google-funded fact checker Meedan, the Meta-owned CrowdTangle, and the Soros-funded International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN).”

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The Marxist Behind the Voice By James Reed

PM Albo has been going on about the Voice needing to pass or Australia will somehow have failed in acting decently. Well, how about some honest talk about what is going on behind this facade of so-called decency, like neo-Marxism? Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and Fair Australia have released a video showing what one of the neo-Marxists behind the Voice intends for the Voice to go. George Christensen sent out an email alerting us to this, as he details below. Get everyone you know to watch this, for our very basic freedoms, including private property ownership, and what remains of free speech, could be at stake. The email from George, and link to the video:

“Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and Fair Australia have released an advertisement exposing one of the Communist architects of the ‘Indigenous Voice to Parliament’.

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Where Do the Globalists Go from the Top of the Mountain? By James Reed

I came across this Covid critic who goes by the internet name of Ma Mu. He/she speculates about what happens if the globalist elites succeed in beating us, if only in the short term. It is possible since conservatives have lost every battle on core issues since the 1960s, such as the gender agenda, immigration and most other policies. The institutions, such as the universities, are now fully taken over by the Left. What goes as the new normal today, would have been astonishing to people back then, and most of us were there and are still alive, and here we are.


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The Voice: The Great Deception Begins By James Reed

So, it begins. With the same fanfare that greeted the same sex marriage business, the Senate has passed the Voice legislation, patting themselves on the back in moral high grounding. And now the brainwashing for the voice will accelerate. I say “brainwashing,” since the actual details of what the Voice will entail have not been released, and that they admit. The Voice is supposed to address every problem that indigenous communities have, as a magic wand; yet the question needs to be asked, why haven’t the policies to do this been done by parliament before this point in time? If it is so good, why wait until now?

No, Senator Cash is on the money here: “The government did not have the answers … It’s risky, it’s unknown, it’s divisive and it’s permanent. If you don’t know how the voice is going to work, my humble opinion is vote No,” Senator Cash said. “We are opening up a legal can of worms. The proposed model as we know it is not just to the parliament but to all areas of executive government. It gives an unlimited scope.”

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Surgery Could Go the New Zealand Way, if the Voice is Shovelled Through By Bruce Bennett (former Kiwi)

There are all sorts of possible ramifications of the Voice referendum leading to the New Zealand racial mess, if it succeeds, since much of the ideology is modelled upon it. One of the things that may occur, sooner rather than later is differential treatment by law for surgery. In New Zealand a new policy requires surgeons to consider ethnicity as a factor when scheduling surgery, with Maori and Pacific Islander patients given priority consideration to compensate for alleged historic inequality in access to health care.


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Student Vilified for Refusing to Accept that Her Classmate Could Identify as a Cat! By Richard Miller (London)

This one shows just how far woke neo-Marxist ideology has gone in the schools. The basic story is that one grade eight school girl in a class where children could assign their own identity, identified as a literal cat. Another girl, who had no problems with transgenderism, asked the girl how she could identify as a cat, when she was a girl. That sent the Left-wing teacher off, big time. The teacher  told the student she was "despicable" and informed her that if she didn't agree with this gender ideology, she needs "to go to a different school."

An audio of the exchange has been put on line, where the teacher can be heard confronting the student: "How dare you? You just really upset someone, saying things like [you] should be in an asylum."

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The Globalist Agenda is Accelerating By James Reed

Christian anti-globalist thinker Michael Snyder has complied an overview of the digital identification strategies the various globalist groups are working on, such as the digital identity wallet of the EU, Obama’s digital fingerprints, UN digital identification linked to bank accounts, the World Health Organization digital Covid identification system, and numerous global digital tracking systems. While this all seems like a bit of a shotgun approach, in reality, these programs all dovetail together, and when the time is right, and they are up, if we lose opposing them, they will all come into effect. From there, the systems of control will be intensified and streamlined, especially with AI advances, which among other things, have made the present tyranny possible.

There is no better time to oppose this than now, because soon it will be too late.

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The Covid Vax Death of Warney By Brian Simpson

The death of Aussie cricket great, Shane Warne, was a shock to all of us cricket fans. His post mortem findings revealed coronary atherosclerosis, but this seems odd, but not of course impossible, but Warne was only 52 years, and in good shape for his age, even given being a smoker. Many of us suspected that it was the vax. Now, cardiologists Dr. Aseem Malhotra and Dr. Chris Neil, who is President of the Australian Medical Professionals Society, believe that the Covid vax may be the primary cause of death. If so, yet another Big Tech tragedy, claiming a great Aussie.


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Eddie Mabo, Communist! By Paul Walker

Tony Thomas, writing at Quadrant.org last year, knocked over the mainstream mythology that Eddie Mabo, whose 1994 case led to Australia’s property law being overturned, in favour of globalist native title, was merely an ordinary bloke, who took on the “racist” system, and won. Regardless of the ideological debates about the Mabo case, which has now led to over 50 percent of Australia’s land mass being under native title, Eddie Mabo was a communist. That will not bother the left, who are commos in all shapes and sizes, but just maybe it might be of value in the present Voice debate, which has a communist agenda to the core.  


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They Shoot Cows, Don’t They? By James Reed

One of the real shockers in climate change madness is the proposal by the Irish government to reduce cow herds by 10 percent over the next three years, all to meet the illusory EU climate change targets. It does not end there as Ireland is committed to a 25 percent reduction in carbon emissions from farming by 2030. However, rather than reducing carbon emissions, culling the land of farm animals is likely to have exactly the opposite effects, with desertification, weed growth, and other degradations, as cows serve the important purposes of:

  • Graze on plants, exposing the plants’ growth points to sunlight, which stimulates growth
  • Trample the soil, which breaks capped earth allowing for aeration
  • Press seeds into the soil with their hooves, thereby increasing the chances of germination and diversity of plants
  • Press down dying and decaying grasses, allowing microorganisms in the soil to go to work to decompose the plant material
  • Fertilize the soil with their waste

Most important of all, these animals supply food to people, at time when the world is facing mounting food shortages. As detailed by Dr Mercola, the issue is not eliminating forming but making it ecologically more sensible and efficient, all of which can be done through numerous reforms, none of which will involve, “killing cows.”

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Sign the Petition to Stop the Immigration-Fuelled Destruction of Australia! By James Reed

Here is a link to a petition at Change.org, raising all the legitimate concerns that the Albo Labor government’s mass immigration program is unleashing. We little people know it well, as medical resources, and even space get pushed to the limits, all for Big Australia’s corporates to inflate land prices and have a supply of cheap labour. There is another dimension not mentioned, the ethno-racial Great Replacement dimension, but this is a great start, and deserves support.

The petition is at this link:

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Clown Science By James Reed

Eugyppius, is apparently a former academic, who recently resigned in disgust from his European university, not being willing to take any more of the woke bs of the academy, makes a brief note on the decline of science, mainstream science since Covid. Covid did bring everything into focus, with the way academic science simply fell in line with what Big Pharma dictated, with, dissenters getting cancelled, or marginalised. But, as he notes, academic science had already put itself in a position which allowed this, with the publish or perish structure eliminating the essential critical rationalism that past science at least had a small grasp upon. Western science then is very much in decline, and will simply collapse in the future if these trends continue.


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Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart Deal for His Crimes By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Hunter Biden, son of the US president, so-called, Joe Biden is facing tax and gun crimes, that would have lobbed anyone else behind bars. But, he only has to plea guilty and will be given a mere slap on the wrist. Hunter, as Tucker Carlson has pointed out, was not charged for influence peddling, such as his alleged role as an international bag man for the Biden family, which included a $10 million payment from Burisma to Hunter and Joe Biden, according to an FBI source. All that seems to be just business as usual under the present regime. It is what one would expect in what is now a Third World dictatorship, within a crumbling first world military-industrial complex.


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The Suicide of the West By James Reed

Brett Stevens, one of the few Dissent Right thinkers to engage in a full-on philosophical critique of the notion of diversity itself being any sort of social good, gives the following overview case of his objections to diversity, mainly ethno-racial. There are a number of academic papers showing that ethno-racial diversity in societies leads to an erosion of social capital, with people hunkering down, as their culture is dismantled. It is seen clearly in numerous reports from the US and especially Europe, which we cover most days. Stevens points out the obvious, that homogenous societies, such as Japan and China, do not have these problems, and can maintain a sense of national strength. But, that has been destroyed in the West, in favour of multiculturalism, which is now working its way through society in terms of white replacement, and the open attack upon all aspects of the West’s traditional culture. And, that will only lead to social chaos, which we now have, followed by collapse, and societal death, which is the Left’s great death wish.


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