Safe and Effective? Surge in Covid Vax UK Claims, By Richard Miller (London)

The safe and effective narrative has come under challenge here in the UK, with the surge in Covid vax compensation claims, made under the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS), so much so that the Health Secretary has ordered a review of the vaccine compensation scheme. Up to April 26, 11,022 claims have been made to the scheme. Running alongside th...

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Australia’s Rental Crisis Gets Ever-Worse, By James Reed

Leith van Onselen, has once more documented the grim reality of Australia's rental crisis, deepening and becoming increasingly worse.It seems now, that almost every week, some research body has new horror figures. Thus, CoreLogic has released its quarterly rental review. Record levels of net migration, rents are going through the literal roof.The m...

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No, the Universities Should Not be Saved! By James Reed

I visited Sir Walter Crocker in South Australia, one of the founders of the Australian National University some time before his death, to speak of the plight of the West. The topic of the universities and their decline, and indeed, their resurgence as places training all the people who oppress us, and refining all the ideologies we oppose, came up....

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World Health Organization Gets it Wrong Again, Corrects Itself, Again, By Brian Simpson

One may recall that during the Covid plandemic, there was a proclamation by the health authorities that Covid could be contracted from contact with surfaces. This led to manic policies, like the use of hand sanitizers everywhere, which in turn had ill-health effects. This idea came from the World Health Organization. But now, a recent report, link ...

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Deflating the Transgender Agenda, By Mrs Vera West

British paediatrician Hillary Cass, OBE, has published her report, "Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People to the National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom." Based upon a comprehensive review of the literature, the report concluded that there is "remarkably weak evidence" on the issues of efficacy and...

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Tried to Infect with Covid, but Failed, Tried Again, Failed Again, Gave Up, By Brian Simpson

This study was published in the leading science journal, Nature, and it perhaps shows more than the researchers conclude. Scientists tried to infect people with Covid, but found that they could not. This failure occurred even with a 10,000-fold increase in the dose, something not observed outside a lab. The trial involved both vaccinated, and peopl...

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The Woke Tyrants Fall (but are Replaced), By Tom North

When we are surrounded by a lot of bad news, we tend to forget the good news. A piece at, reminds us that over the last few years a number of intensely disliked political tyrants have resigned before their time was up. Scotland's SNP's Humza Yousaf, who gave Scotland a ridiculous hate crime law, has recently resigned. He had an approval ...

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Overseas Commentary on Australia’s Move to Internet Censorship, By James Reed

The debate in Australia coming from the internet censorship of social media, in particular Musk' X, of the Sydney knife attacks, has not gone unnoticed overseas. While in Australia, the lobby is focussing on dealing with Islamophobia, not terrorism, overseas social critics have seen the key issue as one being an excuse to clam down on freedom of ex...

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Admission: Jab did Not Prevent Transmission, By Richard Miller (London)

Dan Hannan asked the UK Minister, Lord Markham, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Health, what the UK Government's latest assessment is of the efficacy of the Covid vaccines is. His reply was that the jab reduced the intensity of the disease but "not particularly reduce[d] the transmission." That is hard to deny even in our post-truth society, ...

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Having a Cardiac Arrest in Victoria, By Brian Simpson

I spoke to a guy in the community centre library about vax injuries, and he gave me this link, below, where he in the comments defended the jabs, as he had them, and could not admit a mistake. He was having on-going problems with heart palpitations and rapid heartbeat sessions (tachycardia), where he felt his heart almost jumping out of his chest. ...

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The “New York Times” Breaking the Covid Vax Injury Taboo? By Brian Simpson

It is a start of perhaps the mainstream media recognising the harms done by the Covid vaxxes. Behind a paywall, an article in the New York Times is titled "Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening?" by Apoorva Mandavilli, discusses the forgotten people who have been harmed by the Covid vaxxes. There are some relevant quotes...

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Once a Liberal Leftist, Always a Liberal Leftist? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Robert Kennedy Jr is regarded by some conservatives as a plant to take votes away from Trump. Certainly, he has toned down his climate change alarmist rhetoric over the years, and has defended border control. But is he a conservative? Not likely, as indicated by a video that has him saying that people in Republican states are more likely to murder ...

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UN “Planetary Emergency” and "Pact for the Future": More Globalist Tyranny! By James Reed

This is an important issue which the Australian freedom movement has not covered. The UN will meet in September for its "Summit of the Future" where there will be signing of a "Pact for the Future." The pact will declare that there is a planetary environmental emergency which will accelerate Agenda 2030. Something like this is needed the UN believe...

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George Christensen’s Brisbane Speech Against the Digital ID Bill, By James Reed

Across Australia on Sunday, the weather was great for a fantastic turn out of loyal Aussies opposing the Albo government's misadventure in totalitarian tyranny, the Digital ID Bill. From the video I watched, the same common theme was pursued by speakers, that this Bill is one of the greatest restrictions of free speech seen in modern times and is s...

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States Opposing the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations, By Chris Knight (Florida)

News for the opposition of the World Health Organization international health regulations and pandemic treaties, not only involved Republican members of Congress writing to Joe Biden in opposition to it, but as well the important development of two US states who have passed laws to prevent the World Health Organization over-riding state laws. The s...

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Covid Vaxxes: The Greatest Medical Scandal in History; UK MP Andrew Bridgen, By Richard Miller (London)

British member of the UK parliament Andrew Bridgen declared in a speech to the House of Commons, "We are witnesses to the greatest medical scandal in this country in living memory — and possibly ever.' He was referring to the Covid plandemic, where he said that between 10 and 20 million people have been killed by the experimental gene therapies wor...

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Trump’s Glorious Plan to Deport 20 Million Illegal Invaders, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Despite my doubts about Trump, going back to the beginning, I will still vote for him just to see if something like his mass deportation program can work. Trump has said that if elected he will deport 20 million illegal migrants, a fair estimate of the numbers that the Biden administration has allowed to invade the country. As detailed below, it wi...

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Professor Salvatore Babones: Australia’s International Student Marketing is a “Scam,” By James Reed

I have been saying this for years, and more recently so has, that the international student marketing policy is a "scam," a delusional and deceptive scheme which makes costs into supposed benefits and inflates figures, by double-counting. Professor Salvatore Babones from the University of Sydney has offered his critique of a re...

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Will the Pension Age be Raised to 100 + Years? By James Reed

I noticed the raise of the old age pension age to be 67 years now in Australia for people born in certain years. In Greece, when the proposal to raise the age of their pension was floated, the protests almost tore the place apart, but that is Greece: It struck me that even though pensions are mentione...

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Lab Rats Fight Back! By Brian Simpson

I am not an animal righter, and I love meat. However, I have read of the things done to lab mice in various experiments. Of course, in medicine this needs to be done, but I seriously wonder if a pseudo-science like Psychology really needs to put these white little fellows through all that trauma they get, running mazes, being starved and deprived o...

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