How Liberal Democracies Become Tyrannies, By James Reed

One of my constant themes at the blog, is that our once liberal democratic society has become literary tyrannical. It has been happening at least since the 1960s Leftist revolution, but with Covid there was a quantum jump. Time-honoured principles of medical ethics, such as autonomy and freedom to refuse medical treatment, were side-lined ...

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“Sick Lies”: Finally, an Admission of Gain-of-Function Covid Research at Wuhan, By Chris Knight (Florida)

The claim that the US funded gain-of-function genetic engineering coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, China, was denied by the main US players until now. The claim has been famously championed by Robert Kennedy Jr in two books, and for his pains was classified as a false news conspiracy theorist. But that changes now, as US Nat...

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Supposed Catholic Joe Biden Celebrates Abortions Up to Birth, By Mrs. Abigail Knight (Florida)

The White House denies that Joe Biden supports abortion up until birth. At times, in response to critics, he says so himself, whenever convenient, for consistency is not something the senile like him have. Thus, during the week, May 13-May 18, National Women's Health Week, Biden made a proclamation, for making unlimited abortion available throughou...

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Albo Doubles Tenant’s Rent; Symbol of Big Australia Greed! By James Reed

David Llewellyn-Smith has the story over at PM Albo owns four residential properties, and is moving to kick out a tenant of one, as Albo wants to double the rent. When challenged about this on morning radio, Albo said that the tenant was lucky, as he had been given a cut-rate deal, half he going rate for the property. With his...

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Professor James Allan on the Supposed Limits of Bills of Rights, By Ian Wilson LL. B

James Allan is the Garrick Professor of Law at Queensland University, and his academic published research offers a fundamental challenge to those who have a starry-eyed view of the contemporary legal system. I have in mind freedom types who have gone to court to see if a judge will consider some radical conclusion which was deduced from premises wh...

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Deny the Climate Change Cult, and Get Jailed! By James Reed

It is early days on this issue, but the suggestion has now been put out there that climate "denial" should be a crime. This has been made by members of the chattering class, but we should remember that "hate" crimes were first conceptualised by academics, then pushed by the multicult lobby seeking to use such laws to their advantage. It does not ta...

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Taking the Guns, then Freedom of Speech and Thought, By John Steele

The Western Australian Firearms Bill 2024 deeply worries me because in the context of the federal moves for a firearms data base, and unified gun laws, it will likely mean that the Western Australian gun restrictions will be imposed across Australia. Among other things, the law will restrict the number of guns that a person can own. However, I did ...

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14 Righteous Senators and MPs Urge Rejection of the WHO Pandemic Treaty! By Brian Simpson

It is good to see even at this 11th hour, 14 Australian Senators and MPs (names below), writing to Albo to oppose Australia signing the World Health Organization pandemic treaty. We know that the UK is not going to sign, claiming it is unacceptable to have to give away a large quantity of its vaccines to the Third World. There was something of a fo...

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Wind Turbine Blade, All 44,000 lbs., Wanted to Run Free! By James Reed

Here is something that does not occur with fossil fuels. Sure, pipelines can be blown up, but one does not have a situation where a 44,000-pound chunk of fiberglass/epoxy resin blade just breaks off and falls to earth. The incident happened in Norway, big on woke environmental causes. No-one was harmed in this incident, but faults with wind turbine...

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The (Attempted) Assassination of Robert Fico, By Richard Miller (London)

A socialist, Juraj Cintula, opened fire and injured Slovakia's conservative prime minister, Robert Fico, who is at the time of writing still alive, but in a critical condition. There are various hypotheses being advanced for the shooting, ranging from Fico being supportive of Putin, and wanting the Ukraine war to end by negotiation, to the Covid va...

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Can Trump Overcome His Narcissism on the Covid Vax? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Dr Peter McCullough has made the argument that Trump could get great mileage by coming out as a Covid vax critic, and putting the blame for vax injuries upon Joe Biden, rather than compete with Biden to be the "father of the vax." That sounds initially plausible, but soon collapses under analysis. Trump was responsible for kicking off Operation War...

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The Covid Wuhan Lab Leak Hypothesis is Now Mainstream, By Chris Knight (Florida)

There now seems to be a consensus on the origins of Covid-19: that the virus wasproduced by Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) research into coronaviruses in 2019, that was a spin-off of Ralph Baric's DEFUSE proposal. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has now suspended EcoHealth Alliance from receiving federal funds. Is the story thus...

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Sex Differences are Brain Deep, So What Now for the Gender Agenda? By Mrs. Vera West

This is complex, a bit beyond my old brain, but from what I could throw together. AI was used to identify sex differences at the cellular level between men and women. These brain patterns were not visible to the human eye, but AI picked them up. The differences existed mainly in the white matter of the brain, which processes information, and connec...

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At Least Plumbers and Electricians Will Still Have Jobs! By Brian Simpson

OpenAI's new multimodal model, GTP-4o, is set to use Artificial intelligence to take away even more jobs, given its advances in voice and vision capacities. Any job that has data will be impacted upon by this model, and more is to come. This knocks over the cynical reply given by the technocrats to this unemployment scenario, "just learn coding." M...

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The Fall of the Australian Universities: Impostor Institutions Offering Dodgy Degrees, By James Reed

Before reading the below extract on the Australian immigration university crisis, I read Stephen Sherman, "The Fall of the Universities Began in Vietnam," The article deals with the rise, and victory of the Left in all areas of social policy and sha...

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President of European Central Bank Says the Entire Economy and Financial System Requires Overhauling Due to Climate Change Crisis, By James Reed

Don't blame the elites when the economy crashes and burns, said Christine Lagarde, head of the European Central Bank (ECB). Climate change is what is going to pull the entire tent of civilisation down, and "Floods, droughts and wildfires last year were just a preview of what is to come." At this point we are supposed to be terrified and falling int...

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Australia Now has a Digital ID, By James Reed

While a courageous fight was put up, the Albo government has pushed through the Digital ID Bill in the house of so-called Representatives. The Bill was passed 87 to 56, with the Greens and Teals going with the technocratic, tyrannically evil Labor Party, and the coalition and some independents, and One Nation voting no. The Bill had already passed ...

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The Trump Kangaroo Court, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

As an example of open electoral interference, Trump is being subjected to a trial in New York, on the claim that he misclassified payments to porn star Stormy Daniels, leading to 34 counts, and a life in jail. What is extraordinary that the prosecution has made no attempt to disguise the fact that this is about Trump winning the 2016 election. The ...

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Will it be the Invasion of the Nanobots Next? By Brian Simpson

As if there were not enough treats to alarm us, even drive one to drink, here comes another, perhaps a new one to some of us, not up on our sci fi. Nanobots are extremely small robots, smaller than dust, that work together in a type of "cloud." While it is early days yet, major "progress," if one can call it that, is being made. Thus, the idea is f...

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Incredible Exploding Electric Vehicles, but Aussies Must be Sacrificed for Climate Change Cult! By James Reed

Australian fire and rescue services are concerned about safety issues with electric vehicles. The trouble is with the batteries, which in collisions may catch fire, and/or explode, releasing toxic gasses, but even more dangerously, going into thermal overdrive, and being extremely difficult to put out. Such vehicles can even reignite days after bei...

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