Yet Another Near Miss with Communist Chinese Jet Fighter, By James Reed

The claim by Australia is that its Navy helicopter was in international waters, when a communist Chinese military fighter jet detonated flares close to the chopper. The Australian Defence Department stated: "The PLA-AF aircraft released flares along the flight path of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) helicopter." "This was an unsafe manoeuvre whi...

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More Covid Jabs, More Covid Infections, By Brian Simpson

A study from researchers at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio has revealed that from a population of 47,500 employees with a Covid infection, being vaccinated for two doses increased the risk of a Covid infection with the new kid on the block, JN.1, by 46 percent, 95 percent with three doses and 151 percent with more than three doses, relative to having...

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A Neo-Reactionary Case for Joe Biden? Not Likely! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is a point of view that readers have probably not seen covered before, by Curtis Yarvin, is a neo-reactionary monarchist who is anti-democracy. He is part of the Dissent right, and apparently the so-called "Dark Enlightenment." It is a critique of our type of political orientation, let alone the mainstream. It generates controversy, and "hits"...

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The Population Collapse of East Asia, By Mrs Vera West

While we think of East Asia, especially China as highly populated, that will change. At present, East Asia has entered a phase of rapid depopulation. China's population will fall by eight percent by 2050, South Korea's by 12 percent, and Japan, the worst of the lot, by 18 percent. In the past, radical crashes of population did occur, by war and inv...

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The End of Everything: How Wars Descend into Annihilation: Victor Davis Hanson, By James Reed

Conservative social critic, Victor Davis Hanson, has a new book, The End of Everything: How Wars Descend into Annihilation. The first part of the book, at least conceptually in terms of its argument, focusses upon case studies of people who were defeated in war, and not merely faced conquest, but were totally wiped out. Examples are the Punic cultu...

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Robert Kennedy Jr, Abortion and Trump, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There has been considerable debate coming from both the US Democrat and Republican camps, about the impact that Robert Kennedy Jr's presidential campaign as an independent will have upon both Joe Biden, and Donald Trump. There are points either way, with Kennedy scoring over Trump on the Covid vax issue, Trump doubling down on his support for the v...

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Vic Forbes: The Carbon Capture Con, By James Reed

Another great piece from Aussie Vic Forbes who has been knocking over the myths associated with climate change and so-called renewable/sustainable energy, which it is very far from. This article, reproduced below, takes on carbon capture and underground storage (CCUS), which he shows by clear, common-sense arguments to be stupid ideas. The basic id...

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Musk’s AI/Human Brain Implants Blow a Fuse! By Brian Simpson

The scary first step to transhumanism, after of course making most people on the planet genetically engineered organisms via the Covid mRNA vaxxes, is human/AI implants, putting computer chips in the human brain. Elon Musk's Neuralink did such an experiment, and it appears now that the implant has malfunctioned, reducing the number of effective ele...

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After Free Speech: He Who Asks Questions, Gets Fired! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Patrick Provost (Professor of Microbiology and Immunology), formerly at Canada's Université Laval, Laval University, has been fired. The reason appears to be in relation to the Covid vaccine issues, but there was not a lot of information available. Still, that goes on all the time now at universities, which were once, to some degree, places of free...

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We’re Still Standing as Geomagnetic Storm Passes, By Brian Simpson

On the weekend a level 5 geomagnetic solar storm hit the Earth, mainly impacting upon the northern hemisphere. However, a friend in South Australia from down south, of down south, emailed me to tell of a light show there, with the sky in what was usually a star-filled sky on a cloudless night, being a red colour. There have been power outages acros...

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Great News! The UK Refuses to Sign the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty! By Richard Miller (London)

The World Health Organization pandemic treaty and international health regulations are set to be signed in about two weeks. The good news to report is that the UK has decided not to sign for the given reason that it will be required to give away one fifth of its vaccines to the Third World. As far as I am concerned, the Third World can have the lot...

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US State Attorney Generals Opposing the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty, By Chris Knight (Florida)

At the 11th hour, 22 US state attorneys general have sent a joint letter to Joe Biden urging him not to sign the World Health Organization's (WHO) proposed pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). The reasons are now standard to those opposing this: "if the agreements are approved, the WHO would transform from a...

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BlackRock Fink Celebrates Depopulation and Relentless March of AI, By Brian Simpson

According to the CEO of BlackRock Larry Fink, those nations experiencing the crash of births, which is the West and East Asian societies such as South Korea and China, who have declining populations, have nothing to fear, and much to celebrate. It will not necessarily be mass immigration which solves the day, as these Third Worlders will need to be...

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A Proposal by Academics to Classify Happiness as a Psychiatric Disorder! What!? By James Reed

I have even more grave doubts about the discipline of psychiatry than I have about psychology. Thus, I note the controversial idea of classifying happiness as a psychiatric disorder, made originally in a 1992 article by Richard P Bentall, Journal of Medical Ethics. While this seems absurd, there is a case made from the psychiatric "bible," the DSM ...

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What is Life? By Brian Simpson

       I came across an interesting article which described how a woman was found to have been created by the fusion of her sister, two eggs fertilized by two sperm, fused to develop into one person. Very rare indeed. Her cells had different DNA sequences. According to the biologist Alfonso Martínez Arias, author of The Master B...

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Dealing with the Rent Crisis, By James Reed

While I am normally against restraints upon the free market as much as the next conservative, the Australian rental situation is not based upon normal market freedom, but upon government manipulation to pump up the numbers to genocide levels, deliberately and contrary to public opinion. As well, when one has a situation where Aussies are rendered h...

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Guess Who Benefits the Most from Globalism? (Spoiler Alert, Not Us!) By James Reed

An article has just appeared in the Journal of Economic Inequality, by Dr. Valentin Lang, professor of political economy at the University of Mannheim, and Marina M. Tavares of the International Monetary Fund, weighty authorities on this topic. Their conclusion was that the last 50 years of economic globalisation have disproportionately benefitted ...

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AstraZeneca Vax Sails into a Blood Clot Sunset! By Brian Simpson

It is an amazing coincidence. In a court case, Covid vax manufacturer AstraZeneca admitted that its vax can, in "very rare cases," cause "blood clots and low platelets, a rare but serious condition known as thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TSS)." Previously the company had denied such causation. And now the Big Pharma company has by its o...

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The Collapse of the Mass Immigration Narrative, By James Reed

From the UK, a report from the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) and co-authored by former immigration minister Robert Jenrick, has put the case against the supposed economic benefits of mass immigration. UK immigration has not stimulated the economy, and has had a negative impact upon public services and the housing industry, generating the familiar...

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Robert Kennedy Jr Sums Up the Covid Vax Dangers, By Brian Simpson

Short and bitter, Robert Kennedy Jr, when questioned by Covid vaccine advocate Brian Shapiro on the issue of Covid vax safety, gave a concise list of what in essence is wrong with the Covid vax. Here it is for ready reference: 1.) "We had the highest COVID death rate. We had one of the highest vaccination rates in the world in our country. We had 1...

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