Canada’s Hate Speech Goes Where No Tyrants Have Gone Before! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

An Orwellian new law called the Online Harms Bill C-63 has been introduced by the Trudeau regime. This will give the police the power to retrospectively search the internet for examples of so-called hate speech, and to prosecute people, who made various claims even before the law was in place. This is completely contrary to the Western legal tradit...

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Canadian MP Rachael Thomas on the Online Hate Bill, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

As mentioned in my article dealing with Canada's online hate Bill, one critic wrote to every Canadian MP, and only one replied, stating her opposition, Rachael Thomas. Her letter, arguing that this Bill is one of the greatest abuses of human rights to be seen in a long while, is below:

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FBI Agents Tampered with Trump Case Evidence, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It has now come out, that during the raid on president trump's residence at Mar-a-Lago, the invading FBI agents tampered with the evidence by placing "cover sheets" over the alleged classified documents. This was done to inflate the importance of the documents. Thus, evidence planting occurred. If the rule of law was operating, this should result i...

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Addition to Dr. Abigail Knight on Doctor Kickbacks: It is Happening in Australia as Well! By Mrs Vera West

I met blogger, former Aussie, now US citizen Chris Knight some years ago, and his wife Dr Abigail Knight before they left to live in Florida, where she was born. Recently she, as a GP, has been expressing outrage at the kickbacks and bribery that her US colleagues have received from Big Pharma. She discussed the US situation. However, for ...

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The Albanese “Violence Against Women” Smokescreen, By Mrs Vera West

"Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times." This is an all-time classic quotation which rings true today of Australia. We are in the phase of the weak men, and for that matter, women too, creating hard times. According to the PM, Albo: "I will walk with women across Austr...

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The Covid Vax Victory? By Chris Knight (Florida)

There has been a Covid victory, of sorts. As argued below by social critic Kyle Becker, we have gone to a situation where people were terrified by media hysteria, to be locked down until vaxxed to the hilt, to an attitude of general scepticism. And as time went by it was found that it was the vaccinated who were getting new Covid infections. As Bec...

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More on Doctor Kickbacks and Big Pharma Bribes, By Mrs (Dr.) Abigail Knight (Florida)

Yesterday at the blog I had a brief article on the kickbacks, if not bribes, that paediatricians get for ensuring that every child gets vaccinated. I did not come up with a final figure, with bonuses and all, for the US. But today I have seen a post by Dr Peter McCullough, leading Covid vax critic, who has said that a typical doctor can ge...

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Are You a Terrorist? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

According to US government documents, produced during the Obama and Biden regimes, "terrorists" are not primarily Islamic jihadists, but are from the conservative right. The list comprises gun owners, Christians, libertarians, and people opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the United Nations or the New World Order. There...

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What if Trump Just Walked Out of the Manhattan Kangaroo Court? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Social critic Alex Berenson, who has a major free speech court case against the Biden regime for censorship of his blog, has addressed the question of whether Trump should continue to play the game in a kangaroo court trial in New York, which is so unfair, and contrary to the rule of law, that higher courts will likely quash any decision against hi...

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Nature Strikes Back Against Solar! By James Reed

At the link below one can see the spectacle of a floating solar plant at Madhya Pradesh's Omkareshwar dam, India, face a storm, not a particularly big one. Solar panels are destroyed, polluting the water and surrounding environment. As detailed in the extract below, solar panels when broken emit a number of toxic chemicals that are dangerous in the...

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Climate Change, Driven by the Sun, Not Carbon Emissions, By Brian Simpson

Berkely Earth has set out the scientific case that climate change, if it occurs at all, is a product of the sun, and not carbon dioxide emissions, as is assumed now by most Western governments, who are pursuing radical "Green" agendas, such as eliminating much farming, and fossil fuels. The plague of wind turbines across fertile farmland is a symbo...

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The World Health Pandemic Treaty Falters, By Brian Simpson

Here is more good news. The World Health Organization pandemic treaty has run into something of a wall, as there at present is no agreed text. So, there will be further debate about what actually goes into it. There is still a chance that a treaty could be supported in a revised form for a vote on May 27 2024, but some express doubts that a documen...

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The Covid Conspiracy Behind the Main Conspiracy, By Chris Knight (Florida)

The story about what went on during the Covid years is slowly coming out. We have seen a reversal of the origins hypotheses, with the natural origin story being replaced by the lab leak one, but there has not been a follow-through due to the US being involved in funding that got the whole dreadful mess off the ground. Robert Kennedy has been good a...

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The Evidence for Pandemic Urgency of the Globalists, is a Sham, By Brian Simpson

An academic article has appeared in the journal Global Policy, which is somewhat surprising. The title is "Urgent Pandemic Messaging of WHO, World Bank, and G20 is Inconsistent with their Evidence Base." The abstract is below, and the article can be accessed from normal internet without a special log in, which is now quite uncommon. The contents ar...

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The Australian Universities Get a Smack! By James Reed

International student numbers are said to be falling, but these numbers were at absurd levels, and even given the small numbers of restrictions to clamp down on scamming, there is a big problem as detailed in other blog pieces today. But here, I note that even with small reasonable restrictions, the universities are screaming. Even eliminating the ...

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Albo: Making Australia a Colony of India! By James Reed

 But won't China be jealous as India colonises what remains of Oz? Or, as part of the Asian New World Order and Great White Replacement, do they just divide the place up, in the end? Here is the "part of Asia" that the academics dreamed about in their books and articles in the 1980s, here right now. One part of this is the migration deals sign...

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Sleeping in the Streets of Australia because of Immigration, By James Reed

 You know things are bad in Australia when the international media take up local issues. The Epoch Times has waded in on the Australian accommodation crisis, caused by historically appalling levels of Great Replacement level immigration. The immigrant link is not a mere product of my mind but is now the accepted explanation. The pro-immigratio...

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The Covid Vaxxes and Cancer, By Brian Simpson

 My GP, who I have now dropped, was still pushing on the Covid vax with winter coming. I put the cancer connection to him, and he denied it. However I came across this very comprehensive substack, which has got together a number of peer-reviewed mainstream articles from respectable medical journals documenting a cancer connection. Obviously, t...

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The Big Pharma Kickbacks to Paediatricians, By Mrs. (Dr.) Abigail Knight (Florida)

I have certainly never got any kickback from Big Pharma, perhaps because they keep away from me. But as documented by Children's Health Dense, it goes on, big time here in America. For other jurisdictions, I am not sure, but my guess would be, yes, but not as bad as reported here. So, for Australian readers, this is suggestive and a motivation for ...

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Too Late to Avert Armageddon? Paul Craig Roberts, By James Reed

Social critic Paul Craig Roberts has noted that the world is sliding into possible nuclear confrontation. Thus, Dmitry Medvedev, former President of Russia and currently deputy director of the Russian Security Council, has made repeated threats of Russia launching nuclear strikes upon the West, given recent provocations. Flash points include Americ...

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