A very good article from the Epochtimes.com has appeared, not behind a paywall that goes into great detail about why wind power is a failure, and certainly cannot form a basis of an alternative energy system to fossil fuels. The main point is seemingly incontestable, that wind is inherently unreliable; fine when the wind blows, but the wind only blows when it wants to, not when it is needed. Fossil fuels are reliable, and adaptable. According to Professor Emeritus Wade Allison, in a report published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation, “In particular, the generation of electricity by wind tells a disappointing story. The political enthusiasm and the investor hype are not supported by the evidence, even for offshore wind, which can be deployed out of sight of the infamous My Back Yard.” Apart from the enormous space required for the turbines, the energy needed to construct them, and the waste produced when the blades die in about 20 or less years, there are other physical limitations. “Because the power carried by the wind depends on the third power of the wind speed, if the wind drops to half speed, the power available drops by a factor of 8,” he wrote. “Almost worse, if the wind speed doubles, the power delivered goes up 8 times, and as a result the turbine has to be turned off for its own protection.”
Wind, one of the leading components of he so-called renewable energy technology revolution will not fuel any half-decent industrial society. Going down this path, and abandoning fossil fuels is literally digging the grave of the West.