Autism and Gender Dysphoria By Mrs Vera West

Dr Peter McCullough, leading Covid vax critic, has turned his attention for an instant, to the issue of the possible relationship between autism and gender dysphoria, people feeling that they have been born in the wrong sex. Both autism and gender dysphoria have been on the increase in recent years, but is there a link? There has not been much research on this question, but one paper found that

20 percent of people with gender dysphoria also suffered from autism. The question to be investigated is if there is a direct causal link, or some common pathophysiological determinants.

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The Dawning, Not of the Age of Aquarius, but of mRNA Vaxxes for Everything By Brian Simpson

We are covering at the blog, the rise of bird flu, H5N1, as the next big thing for globalist social control is creating the New, New World Order. Already Big Pharma has vaxxes ready to go, and are just waiting for a convenient species jump to humans to occur. Or, more likely, another lab leak. Whatever scam goes down, be sure that mRNA technology, used in the Covid shots, will be used. The annual flu shot will soon be using mRNA technology, and just around the corner are vaccinations for cancers. All vaccines will be re-gigged around the mRNA lines. The bird flu one is likely to be taken up by the population, as bird flu has a fatality rate of up to 50 percent, and if something like this hits, the caution that exists now with the Covid jabs, will vanish in an instance. Lockdowns will be back in style once more.

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“Auntie Fa” (Antifa) and Left-Wing Gun violence By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Left cares not a jot about the deaths of Christians shot by a trans assassin at a Christian elementary school in Nashville Tennessee. Joe Biden began his speech talking about chocolate chip ice cream, then skating over the deaths. It was all about guns, which like Trump: bad. But guns are only bad if they are in the hands of conservatives.


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The Voice: Red over Black By James Reed

Red Over Black: Behind the Aboriginal Land Rights, by Geoff McDonald, Veritas Publishing Company, 1984, is still important reading for or time, to understand the agenda behind the Voice Referendum. Although published in 1984, the same agenda by the Left is present with the current voice Referendum, as occurred previously with the land rights and native title agenda. McDonald, a former communist himself, tells the story of how the Marxist manipulated the Aboriginal land rights movement, to establish an Aboriginal republic, not controlled by Aboriginals, but by communists. McDonald, while working as an industrial officer for the Royal Australian Nursing federation, came to visit Aboriginal reserves in Central and Northern Australia, where he saw Marxist operators advancing Communist strategy.


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Making a Bench Press Example of the Trans Agenda in Women’s Sport By Mrs Vera West

John Steele, our, man of steel, or maybe iron, was going to write this one, but his carrier pigeon which he sends from his bug out location in the Victorian scrub, where he lives in a tent, arrived without the article attached to its leg.  No doubt the pigeon was sick of being abused, and treated like a bird. Anyway, I did not know what a bench press was, but after looking at YouTube, I am now beefed up on it, not that I could even lay on a bench with my arthritic back.

The story: to show the absurdity of the rule, that a biological man could identify as a woman without hormones or surgery, regarding a Canadian powerlifting contest, Team Canada’s power lifting coach, Avi Silverberg entered the contest as a woman, and easily broke the previous bench press record, held by transgender athlete, Anne Andres, who won eight of the last nine competitions she entered.

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Gagging Trump! Good Luck with that One! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Apparently, Trump has not yet been issued with a gag order, but the feeling of commentators is that he soon will be as the case proceeds. Obviously if he obeys it, which as a law and order guy he will do, his election abilities will be vastly reduced, if the order is to make him silent on everything. Probably though such an order would be knocked over on First Amendment grounds by a superior court. But it is likely that  a restricted gag order dealing with just the case will still stand.

Trump will then need to be innovative in the campaign, maybe bringing along to rallies another speaker, and there are plenty. to address the Third World injustices that are being processed. His running mate could do the job. And, beyond even this is the possibility of Trump being imprisoned, and conducting an electoral campaign from prison. It is a whole new world of decay of the rule of law.”

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Trump Faces 136 Years Jail! Now that’s Woke Justice for You! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The big news today is that Donald Trump’s indictment has been unsealed, giving Trump 34 felony counts to address. We await the publication for the general public, but the counts seem to go beyond the issue of the hush payments to Stormy Daniels, and include electoral interference. Everything the Democrats did for decades, which Trump did not do. Victor Davis Hanson, in the extract below goes into detail about the hypocrisy. For example, Hillary Clinton has multiple violations of federal law over her use of a private email sever, posing a national security threat, and … nothing. And the Hunter Biden laptop has shown that Joe Biden was part of the deals his son did with CCP-influenced Chinese. Again, nothing. And, as has been said by multiple sources, the New York AG, who has downgraded many offences, made Trump’s alleged offences into felonies from misdemeanours, just to go after Trump. Even the Left-wing president of Mexico saw this as a ploy to prevent Trump from running. The question is: how much longer will people put up with this?

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Why Should the Opposition Leader’s Questions on the Voice Go Unanswered? Will the Rest of Australia’s? By James Reed

This is how the Voicers are treating those who raise questions about how it all will work. Opposition leader Peter Dutton has asked some questions about how the Voice will actually work. The response from Professor Megan Davis, a leading Voice to Parliament proponent, was that "The 'operating manual' of the Voice is substantially done by the ordinary course of parliament, the referendum unlocks the door for our democratically elected representatives to start the process.”

"There's only so far we can go in terms of those questions, we can't tell you the address or the location of the building of the Voice, or what the business cards will look like."

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The Voice Will Go Everywhere: Have Voice, Will Travel! By James Reed

Our own Ian Wilson LL. B argued  this a few days ago at the blog, that PM Albo’s claim that the Voice to parliament, if successful in the coming referendum, would not be limited to narrow issues traditionally viewed as “Aboriginal.” All issues, including defence, taxation, social security and immigration etc. impact upon Aboriginal people. It seems completely logical. And, the constitutional law expert who help draft the final wording of the constitutional amendment has said that the Voice cannot be “shut up,” and is not limited in scope. That too sounds reasonable, and I imagine, as Ian argued, that the High Court would conclude that going to the extent to have a referendum to change the constitution indicates the Voice should not be limited.

Too bad for Albo if the Voice turns on his mass immigration program, which threatens Aboriginal health and housing as much as the rest of us!

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The Assault on Democracy By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Breitbart was in fine form, hitting the nail on its head, in writing that the indictment of Donald Trump was an assault upon democracy. The points are so clear that even Leftists such as the president of Mexico agreed that the indictment was a political ploy to prevent Trump from running as president in 2024. The charge seems to arise from a specially cooked up law that was designed to target Trump over the alleged hush money payment to porn actress, Stormy Daniels. Trump denies this, the Feds looked at this case and dropped it, but the Soros-sponsored DA is running with it. Just because …orange man bad!

As I see it, a jury of Biden voters will be assembled that would convict Trump regardless of any evidence. And, way before that, Trump will probably have a judge impose a gap order on him, to prevent him campaigning. As Trump said on Truth Social, America descends intro the Third world, and beyond. No country in the West, being in the grip of globalist leftism, is immune to the plunge into the abyss of tyranny.

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Knocking the Wind Out of Wind Power By James Reed

A very good article from the has appeared, not behind a paywall that goes into great detail about why wind power is a failure, and certainly cannot form a basis of an alternative energy system to fossil fuels. The main point is seemingly incontestable, that wind is inherently unreliable; fine when the wind blows, but the wind only blows when it wants to, not when it is needed. Fossil fuels are reliable, and adaptable. According to Professor Emeritus Wade Allison, in a report published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation, “In particular, the generation of electricity by wind tells a disappointing story. The political enthusiasm and the investor hype are not supported by the evidence, even for offshore wind, which can be deployed out of sight of the infamous My Back Yard.” Apart from the enormous space required for the turbines, the energy needed to construct them, and the waste produced when the blades die in about 20 or less years, there are other physical limitations. “Because the power carried by the wind depends on the third power of the wind speed, if the wind drops to half speed, the power available drops by a factor of 8,” he wrote. “Almost worse, if the wind speed doubles, the power delivered goes up 8 times, and as a result the turbine has to be turned off for its own protection.”

Wind, one of the leading components of he so-called renewable energy technology revolution will not fuel any half-decent industrial society. Going down this path, and abandoning fossil fuels is literally digging the grave of the West.

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The Failure of University Degrees By James Reed

I have not seen comparable statistics for Australia, but according to a   Wall Street Journal-NORC poll, 56 percent of Americans believe a four-year university degree is a poor investment, while 42 percent still have confidence in the universities.  The main bunch of scepticism is among the 18-34-year-old cohort, who would be the most likely to be visiting the universities for ritualistic brainwashing. But, it is not just the woke Arts/social science areas that are falling, but it goes across the board, as student debt has made the university experience as sour one. In Australia, some statistics put the overseas component of students at around one quarter, and vice chancellors, well named I always thought, would be happy to transfer these institutions  to 100 percent foreign.

If so, then all local Vice chancellors need to be replaced by special vice chancellors, coming all the way from communist China.

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Pauline Hanson on the Toll of Mass Immigration By James Reed

Here are the latest comments from Pauline Hanson regarding the present largest intake of migrants in Australia’s history. There is nothing here that I have not written about in previous posts, but I am nobody. Hanson points to Australia being in a housing, employment crisis and is bursting at the seams. Yet, as I see it, the elites want to push things over the precipice, in record time, a la Camp of the Saints. Why people are not taking to the streets in the millions, puzzles me. Just what does it take for the Covid-abused people to realise that they are being replaced, and their world being torn down?


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Just Blame White Men for Everything! By Bruce Bennett (Former Kiwi)

Here is more on how the mind of the woke work. The Greens co-leader and Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence, can be seen on video clearly saying with glee, “I am a prevention violence minister and I know who causes violence in the world, it is white cis men. That is white cis men who cause violence in the world.” Surprisingly, that caused a storm, with numerous complaints to New Zealand’s Human Rights Commission. Then came the qualifications, but the best was: “She had been hit by a motorcycle and she gets leeway. She has clarified her comments. It is a regrettable situation. She would almost certainly not been at her best.”

Agreed, getting hit by a motor bike make one say mean things about white cis males.  But the question needs to be asked if it was a white cis man riding the motor bike?

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Communist Chinese Scientists to Make Super Soldiers By Brian Simpson

The communist Chinese are not leaving a stone unturned in their quest for world domination. Thus, researchers have been interested in how a tiny organism called a Tardigrade, or water bear, which can survive in boiling water, in the depth of the ocean, and even outer space. This research led the communist Chinese  researchers who “inserted a gene from the microscopic water bear into human embryonic stem cells and significantly increased these cells’ resistance to radiation.”

Why do this? The main objective was for human genetic engineering to create super soldiers, highly resistant to nuclear radiation, which would be useful in the nuclear holocaust of World War III.  It shows what we are up against confronting communist China. But, confrontation is inevitable.

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A Look into the Leftoid Mind on the Rule of Law By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This item is of interest, as it shows how the mind of a leading Leftoid works. According to the influential Democrat, Nancy Pelosi, commenting on the indictment of Donald Trump: “No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence.” The point here is that Pelosi reverses the principle of how the evidential principle of works, where the person does not have to prove their innocence, but rather the state needs to prove guilt. It is no slip, and it reveals the nature of the Leftist mind, which has no real concern for anything beyond ends-means rationality to achieve their objectives of social control. Hence opponents do not need to be treated fairly; witness in the past how Pelosi stood behind Trump, and tore up his speech. We are set to see this with the trial of Trump, with a jury composed of Biden voters, and no doubt a gag order being put on him to destroy the campaign.

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Laughter at Denial of Male/Female Skeleton Differences By Brian Simpson

Time for a laugh at the woke, and that is what exactly occurred in this story. According to Professor Gabby Yearwood, of the University of Pittsburgh anthropology, there is no difference between male and female bone structures as revealed in archaeological digs. One cannot tell the difference. The class burst out laughing, and the good professor got upset, as Yearwood had a PhD, which he proclaimed.

Never mind that the claim is completely false, and police forensics relies upon differences in bone structure to identify the sex of deceased victims. Female pelvic structures are different to males, as these structures are adapted for carrying children. That is a biological fact the woke cannot take on board. But, it is real, while the Leftist ideology that sex differences are a social construction, is not.

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IQ in Black and White By Brian Simpson

I have written much at the blog, before turning my attention to the Covid plandemic, about human biodiversity and IQ. Although IQ is worshipped by most Dissent Right sites,  and I have written on that as well. My position is that the measures are flawed, for the concept of intelligence is too conceptually vague and multi-dimensionally  slippery to capture by a single number. But, be that as it may, here is an update for those interested on some of the latest research which once more runs contrary to the equality dogma of the Left. While I am sceptical of the ultimate cohere of IQ as a one-number measure, I reject the more absurd Leftist idea of equality, which would be a miracle, as few things in nature are “equal.” Thus, even in terms of probability, the equality idea is most unlikely. The following review is written by a Black person, which is interesting.


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Unsafe at Any Site By Chris Knight (Florida)

Not much has been published recently regarding the toxic chemical release from the toxic train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. The authorities said that residents had no problems moving back and drinking water. After all, bleeding from every orifice can’t be a problem, if one is a white Trump voter, that the present regime has already declared war on. However, investigators from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who went to the area, experienced sore throats, headaches, coughing and nausea, things the locals had. But, fortunately for them, they were only in the contaminated area for a little while, so symptoms subsided. The local residents, who live in the toxic waste dump, are not so lucky.


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The Twilight of the US Dollar By James Reed

All is set for the creation of a new world currency coming from the anti-West BRICS alliance. The alternative will be hammered out at the BRICS summit in August 2023. The currency will no doubt be fully integrated into Central Bank Digital currencies. It will spell the end of the US dollar. That, as Mike Adams over at Natural has argued in many articles, will also spell the end of the US, as the free ride on debt tht having the US dollar as world currency will end, and the whole castle of cards, collapses. Nothing much has been written about the effects upon Australia, but common sense would indicate, given high levels of US investment here, that Australia will face a day of reckoning as well.


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