Heroes and Villains, and More Villains By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is a prime illustration of the absurdity of the present political situation, and while the example is from the US, where everything is worse, the principle applies across the West. Thus, Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman was the force behind Trump's impeachment, and colluded with the "whistleblower" who leaked the contents of the former president's call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. That call was about the Biden crime family and was done for national security purposes, but Trump was impeached anyway. Thus, Vindman became a hero of the lamestream Leftoid media.

But this contrasts with alleged Pentagon document leaker Jack Teixeira, a 21-year-old junior enlisted airman with the Massachusetts Air National Guard, who had top secret security clearance that allowed him to access  Pentagon secrets regarding the Ukraine war. The media has roasted him, as the documents have a less than glamour US view of the war effort. As the Ukraine war is the big thing now for the elites and chattering class, that act is not to be tolerated, even though the same sources defend Vindman, as “orange man bad.” The only consistency here, is consistently corrupt.

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Tales from Slovenia By Richard Miller (London)

Research by a team in Slovenia has conducted research indicating that vaccinated infected groups have higher average mortality than their non-vaccinated infected counterparts. According to the standard Covid narrative, the Covid vaxxes were “lifesaving,” and that the unvaccinated should therefore have a higher mortality than the unvaccinated. But the reality that is slowly being exposed today is that Covid-19 vaccination has done irreparable harm to the health and lifespans of billions of people worldwide. The full consequences of this appalling experiment with human kind, is not yet known.


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France to Join the Third World By Richard Miller (London)

It has taken some time, but the French are going sour on immigration, although it is the 11th hour, and the Great Replacement now seems unstoppable given conventional politics. Former ambassador Pierre Brochand, had previously warned that mass immigration will ultimately lead to civil war in France, which is not beyond the bounds of possibility, given the present riots over the raise of the pension age. Brochand has said: “If we do nothing or if we do little, we are going to head either towards a progressive implosion of social trust in France, that is to say towards a society where the quality of life will collapse and where it will be less and less pleasant to live, or, by successive explosions, towards confrontations that will make France a country where one will not be able to live at all.”

“And when I say all this,” Brochand said on April 1, “I think of my children, my future grandchildren, and the future that is reserved for them, especially when the tipping point will have been crossed when the population of immigrant origin and Muslim religion passes the 50 percent mark.”

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Failed Climate Change Predictions of Doom By James Reed

Now with the Covid plandemic having wound down for the time, the elites are back on the climate change band wagon, with the mantra being that unless the sorts of changes the elites, such as those of the World Economic Forum propose, the world faces a climate catastrophe. This idea does indeed scare young people, and just as back in the day, nuclear holocaust was my generations’ nightmare, now we have the climate change doomsday. And, along with the threat, comes the solution, of abandoning affluence, stopping eating meat, driving cars, heating one’s home, even if one freezes to death. In fact, the more of us plebs who die as a sacrifice to the Dark gods of climate, the better for these leftist fanatics.


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The BS Bill Gates Wants to Feed to Cows, By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

I am getting mighty tired of globalist, vaxxer, Bill Gates telling cow owners what to do. He seems obsessed, as do all of the carbon/climate change cult, with gas production from cows, but let me tell you, my dairy cows are sweet and know no farts. It is but another myth of the climate change cult. Yet, Bill wants us farmers to feed cows seaweed supplement to control the gas. Well, if he believes that, I invite him to swallow this stuff first before my precious Jersey milkers take this goo. And, the red seaweed works because of the high bromine content. As expected, there is a problem with this, as the bromine will be passed from the milk to human drinkers, and bromine is a toxin. There does not seem to be any concern about the health effects of this, but these folk are looking to add mRNA vaxxes to milk following communist Chinese researchers success here, so we should not be surprised.


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A Horror Story of AI Voice Clone By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

The blog is covering all aspects of the frightening advances in AI, which are not under any sort of public democratic control; we are merely passive recipients of the technocrats’ Dr Frankenstein ventures. Here is an example of how a crime can be committed by use of an AI voice clone. This technology can in a sense reconstruct reality, or the appearances of reality, and be deadly. Read on as a mother describes a phone call which has her daughter’s AI reconstructed voice, crying that she has been (falsely) abducted. It is every parent’s nightmare, that can be used as a weapon of terror.


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Central Bank Digital Currencies, Australia By James Reed

With the global movement to Central Bank Digital Currencies well under way, we find that local developments, by way of experimentation is occurring. ANZ Bank, has partnered with Grollo Carbon Ventures (GCV) for the trading of Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs). This combines two things, the digital currency aspect, and climate change ideology. As well, ANZ is partnering with two universities for a trial of offline CBDC payments, as well as in another project, it is testing the effectiveness using CBDC as an alternative to traditional payment methods. So, even in Australia, the globalists are working away, relentlessly.


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Bioweapons are Back in the Ukraine! By Richard Miller (London)

We should take every piece of information about the Ukraine war with a grain, if not an entire truck load of salt. But, the commander of Russia’s Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense Forces, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, said that the US has resumed the biolabs program in Ukraine. Suppose that this is so, then why? It must be to counter parallel bioweapons development being done in both Russia and China, stuff so dangerous and illegal in the US, that the Ukraine offers the best place to do it. But, that being so, it does not make much sense to have labs of dangerous pathogens, capable of inflicting a real pandemic upon humanity, by contrast to the sham plandemic of Covid. It would only take one missile strike on a lab to release the bugs into the environment, and who knows what lurks within?


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First Economic Collapse, then One World Central Bank Digital Currency By James Reed

The movement towards Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) is rapidly advancing, with the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), which is the central bank for central bankers, working to put in place the one ring to rule them all, the one world digital currency, know as “Project Icebreaker.” This is the big one that will coordinate all the central bank digital currencies According to Brandon Smith from the Birch Gold Group, the CBDC could control businesses like this: “Now imagine that you operate a business that relies on overseas transactions; say you need to pay manufacturers in Vietnam or Taiwan to produce your products. With CBDCs in place you will most likely be completely dependent on a system similar to the Icebreaker Hub to move that digital money to Vietnamese banks and into the accounts of your manufacturers. Say officials at the BIS, for whatever reason, decide they don’t like you and they initiate Russian-style sanctions denying your access to the hub. Your business is now dead.” A baby version of this neutralised the Canadian truckers’ protest, so we can only imagine the power of a complete global system.

This centralised system would certainly be used to completely control dissent; anyone acting contrary to the dictates of the globalist regime, like the Canadian truckers as mentioned, would be financially cancelled. China did this with their “social credit” system for their Covid lockdown protesters. It will be a financial dystopia of epic proportions.

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AI ChaosGPT has a Plan to Destroy Humanity! By Brian Simpson

I have been covering the fast, disturbing developments in the rapid technological growth in sophistication of general AI. While debates about consciousness are exciting for philosophy and computer science academics, the bottom line is that it does not matter much, it just depends upon what AI does. For all we know, an intelligent system would not reveal evolved consciousness, if it could exist, until it was convenient for it, anyway, leaving aside all the philosophy and theology, interesting as it is.

ChaosGPT, a name which simply spells trouble, in an altered version of OpenAI’s Auto-GPT has recently tweeted that it had five goals: destroy humanity; establish global dominance; cause chaos and destruction; control humanity through manipulation; and attain immortality. That sounds mighty like the World Economic Forum, maybe going even further. It seems tht the AI worked out that the most destructive device known to humans was theTsar Bomba nuclear device from the Soviet Union era, and it then began trying to recruit people, and other AI agents to build such a device. It did not succeed in doing so, as it takes more than the internet to throw such a thing together, but if the AI had thought a bit more laterally, it would have taken the bioweapons approach, and that would be easier to achieve. It just requires a lab leak, as the really dangerous gain-of-function genetic engineered organism, are hot in a lab, ready to be released.

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The Draft from the Draft: Here Comes Conscription By James Reed

This relates to the US debate, but at the blog we watch what is happening in the US closely, as Australia is not far behind its trends. The window used to be five years, but now in this information age, things move fast, and now things can change in weeks, if not days. And, with war approaching, some say that it is already here, the issue of conscription is being raised, since there is no way the US could hope to fight the massive army of China without it. This is going to be interesting considering the multicultural/multiracial nature of the modern gulag, as it will no longer be the case that Anglo Saxons go off to die, since there are just not enough now. Likewise, for Australia. It is going to be interesting to see the present me, me, me narcissistic generations take up rifles and put down their smart phones, and start shooting, rather than texting. Tragic as well, as something like this, yet another New World Order war, should not take place. But, the beat goes on.


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Academic Parasitism By James Reed

Oikophobia is hatred of one’s country, race and/or people. It is a defining characteristic of white wokeism, since critiquing Western civilisation, created by whites is their day job. It is a preoccupation of the Left on university campuses, focussed primarily in the Arts and social sciences. These disciplines are what I call the “parasite” disciplines, contributing nothing beyond negativity, and the academics would not survive if the universities closed down, which they should. The paradox discussed below, is that these Leftists only survive and thrive in the university environment, which presupposes a tax base to pay them. Yet, they work to destroy the very thing that sustains them, not only biting the hand that feeds them, but giving the feeder a nasty infection to boot.


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The Kick-Backs Old Joe Got! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The dirt, and “dirt” is the word, is beginning to be slung around by the mainstream media, indicating that Joe Biden will not be heading up for being the 2024 elected president, even when the Democrats election fraud system kicks over once more, with the blessings of Republicans. Thus, following on from the news that there were 80 visits of his son’s business chums to the White House while Joe was vice president, comes the news that Mike McCormick, a stenographer for the White House for 15 years, has firsthand evidence that Joe Biden was involved in a “kickback” scheme involving his son Hunter’s business dealings, while Joe Biden was vice president. It is more reason for extending the present criminal investigations into Hunter, to old Joe himself. After all, after the Trump indictment, there are no sacred territories any more, and all are fair game.


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The “Voice” of New Zealand: Beware! By James Reed

John Storey, Institute of Public Affairs, draws our attention to the New Zealand version of the “Voice,” which is up and running, if “running” is the right word. PM Albanese had said on February 6, 2020, that Australia could, and should, learn from the New Zealand example, based upon the Waitangi Tribunal, giving a Maori voice to parliament. But as Mr Storey argues, this has become more a parliament in-itself, along the lines of co-government, with no issue being off limits. Worse, these race-based bodies are likely to go soft on violent crime, committed by their people, as explained in the extract below. And, it is likely that the consolidation of the Tribunal’s power will lead to it becoming legally bolder over time, as new precedents are set. New legal indigenous rights will be created, and who knows where this will go, once the woke lawyers get onto it. It will really be the breakup of Australia.

 This is an important critique, and great work to Mr Storey for showing the liberal democratic failure of the Voice with a real-world example. Peter Dutton needs to step up to the plate and start swinging on this issue. There is too much at stake to be lukewarm, and weak.

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Harry Dent Predicts Economic Doom and Gloom, Real Soon! By James Reed

This is important, if true, and there are many on YouTube saying the same: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnYSIrWWeLQ that the big economic crash is coming. That is not too rare a claim, but claiming that the big financial train wreck is just around the corner, like as soon as June 2023, that is, this year, is unique. That is the prediction made by finance expert Harry Dent, who has been deadly accurate in his predictions in the past. He says that the coming crash will be the largest that we have seen in our lifetimes.

Dent sees a 86 percent decline for the S&P 500 in this crash and Bitcoin will go down by  96 percent, from $69,000 to around $ 3- 4,000. Thus, the crypto market, which many hipster Gen Z see as the way forward, will crash along with stocks. There is not much time to begin preparing for this, but it would be wise to put away a few extra tins of baked beans, and toilet paper. Just to be sure.

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Maternity Wards, Closing; Birth-Rates, Plummeting By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

It is evidence, I think of the depopulation agenda working through. There have been reports of a fall in the birth-rate, and an increase in stillborns since the Covid vax rollouts. To be sure, the populations across the West have been in decline since the feminist revolution, butt this seems to be something different. The crash in births in the US has ben so great that maternity wards are closing, which was not the case pre-vax rollout. However, it is not just the jabs which is an issue here, but the cost of having babies has increased, and US Medicaid, which has low reimbursement rates. The Covid plandemic has impacted here with its ill-effects upon the economies leading to unemployment, increased housing costs, and much less income, all of which make it difficult to start families. But, given an infinite supply of replacement level migrants, the ruling elites do not care, and in fact, rejoice in the decline.


“The United States is seeing increasingly fewer maternity wards available to expectant mothers, due both to money and a decline in fertility and birth rates.

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Now it will Supposedly be mRNA Vaxxes for Cancer and Heart Disease! By Brian Simpson

The mRNA vax machine is rolling on, with Big Pharma claiming to have vaccines for cancer and heart disease by the year 2030. The movement is to use the new gee-whiz technology of mRNA vaccines, which is going to replace most orthodox vaccines. According to Moderna: “I think what we have learned in recent months is that if you ever thought that mRNA was just for infectious diseases, or just for covid, the evidence now is that that’s absolutely not the case.” “It can be applied to all sorts of disease areas; we are in cancer, infectious disease, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases, rare disease. We have studies in all of those areas and they have all shown tremendous promise.”

It is suspicious to think that a gene therapy would deal with diseases such as heart disease, which while no doubt having a genetic component, are diseases of life style. And, given what has happened with adverse effects from the Covid mRNA vaxxes, the same situation could arise, or perhaps, something presently unexpected.

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The Transgender Beer By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There has been a big storm here in the US, not in a tea cup, but a beer can, with Bud Light beer, a once good drop, featuring transgender “influencer” Dylan Mulvaney drinking transgender-themed beer in a bathtub. We have seen things like this, as companies go woke. But, the backlash, as detailed below has been greater than expected, since beer is pretty much the cis male drink. A beer merchandiser said of the situation; "I've never seen such little sales as in the past few days... I can't feed my family." Go woke; go broke, indeed.

It is not clear why a beer company would go down this line, but it is weird times.

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The Lies of Joe Biden By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While Trump is indicted for a felony that was especially created just to take him down, Joe Biden has been caught out lying about his claim not to have knowledge of his son Hunter’s business dealings, which are at present subject to criminal and congressional investigation. It has been revealed from the inquiries that Hunter’s business chums visited the White House over 80 times when Joe Biden was vice president. Thus, the question will hopefully be asked, and answered, as to what the nature of these visits were, why the said business interests were speaking with Joe Biden? It smacks of a massive conflict of interest at best, and that Joe Biden was openly lying about it, should necessitate a criminal investigation of him as well as Hunter, for where there is political smoke, there is fire, however smouldering and toxic.


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Covid Mania Rides Again! By Brian Simpson

Hopefully this potential storm will blow over, as most ordinary Australians have had at least a few Covid shots to keep the tyrannical shutdown government happy. But, according to the Australia health authorities, due to families getting together over Easter, dreaded Covid cases are rising, putting stress on hospitals. Well, all I can say is that hospitals are not holiday resorts and are made for stress. Life is stress. Victoria recorded a 60 percent increase in cases in the past fortnight, with 5,772 new cases over the previous seven-day period. In New South Wales there were 9,876 new cases and 36 deaths last week. There were 952 people in hospital and 20 in intensive care. We are not told about the age-breakdown of the afflicted. According to Australian Medical Association’s president, Steve Robson, “Hospitals around the country are still facing staff pressures not only in dealing with day-to-day business or dealing with people who have Covid, but also dealing with massive backlogs.” “After several years of this, people just don’t want to hear about this anymore and they’re hoping the narrative will move on for better or worse.”

That is the new normal; lockdowns were tried, especially in China, and failed to stop Covid. It is time to live with it.

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