Food and Mouth Disease; mRNA Biotech vs Traditional African and Indian Agricultural Wisdom By Farmer Bob

Big Agri and Big Pharma, two sides of the same coin really, are moving to fast track mRNA vaccines for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD). In May 2022, an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease was reported in cattle in Indonesia and has since spread to Bali. There is a real fear that this disease could reach Australia, threatening Australian cattle. This has led to a Biosecurity (Foot and Mouth Disease Biosecurity Response Zone) Determination 2022.  That is all good, but the biotech giants are on the way to having mRNA vaxxes for these diseases.


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Sheer Heart Attack: The Vax Until Proven Otherwise By Brian Simpson

Slowly, medical experts are saying what the Covid vax critics have been proclaiming since the vax rollout. Dr Peter McCullough, a cardiologist, has been concerned from the beginning, but the establishment has been shaken by leading British cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra. Shockwaves were caused by him saying that the present epidemic of sudden heart attacks, and cardiovascular events is due to the mRNA vaxxes. He has said that the balance of proof must now be, that the mRNA vaxxes are guilty until proven otherwise. And, that is truly shocking.


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The Covid Death Toll By Chris Knight (Florida)

The mainstream media is not reporting this, but across jurisdictions, funeral directors are seeing an increasing, statistically abnormal number of dead young people. British funeral director, John O’ Looney, has seen this trend in Britain, and believes that the only plausible cause is the vax:


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The Fabian Principle with Drugs; Oppose This! By Mrs Vera West

Some things going on in other states are not known to us until it is too late to oppose the developments. And, a lot of the time, woke things are first tested in Canberra, ACT. Consider that the ACT is the first Australian state to decriminalise personal use, in small quantities of nine different types of drugs, including cocaine, speed and MDMA. These are the sorts of drugs, that the young elites like to use at their parties, with cocaine being popular.


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Covid Vaxxes and Children; The Tragedy Unfolds By Mrs Vera West

The big debate in the US, at least among the Covid vax critics, is that the US CDC has approved the mRNA vaxxes for children, unlike the position of even the UK which does not do it. Australia has Covid vaccines recommended for everyone aged 5 years and over, but recommended for children aged 6 months to under 5 years, “who are severely immunocompromised, or have disability, as well as those who have complex and/or multiple health conditions that increase their risk of severe COVID-19.”


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Australia’s CCP Inspired Digital ID System By James Reed

The case has been put by John Hartnett, a retired scientist, that Australia’s myGovID, used for federal government services such as taxes, welfare, health, education and social services, will be extended in the future into a compulsory structure. At present, the use of the system is optional, outside of Centrelink uses, but could be made into a “social credit” system like communist China’s. “The digital identity will rapidly lead to a digital dictatorship inside of a digital prison, … People could be controlled through this sort of technology, coupled with the score each person is given. If you don’t behave, your score will be set to such a state that you cannot unlock any services like buying food or travel. Just take a look at China now with their social credit system.” Hartnett sees this as most likely because given one foot in the door, the door is always kicked open, and tyrants who think that they can get more power, act to try and secure it.


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The Death of Doctors By Chris Knight (Florida)


Doctors are dying in Canada, and other jurisdictions at an alarming rate, and this is a recent trend, consistent with the Covid vax rollout. The exact figure to date is 80 dead doctors above the base level, that is the usual death rate. This is so extraordinary that cancer researcher, Dr William Makis has written to the Canadian Medical Association requesting an immediate investigation. But, that is quite unlikely, as any such investigation will need to examine the role of the sacred vax; and it is certain that all of these doctors were multiple vaxxed.

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Time to Shut Down Google! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The internet in the early days was highly libertarian, believing in a free exchange of information. But now we see once more the rise of centralisation and monopolisation, with Google being a prime example. As detailed below, Google has a clear Left bias, and discriminate against conservatives. Trump was right in starting an alternative social media company, Truth Social, and there are now competing search engines to Google, which should be used exclusively. The solution to this problem of political prejudice is for people affected not to take it anymore, and build parallel economies and societies, that will flourish when the rubbish of modernity finally collapses. Shut down Google by economic starvation.


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The UN Owns the Climate Science! By James Reed

If the people are going to be ignorant of science, then science will cease to be part of the intellectual commons, and will be owned by the globalists, such as the UN. Indeed, according to Melissa Fleming, the United Nations’ Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, “we own the science,” referring to the UN and the globalist World Economic Forum. We saw this monopolisation of knowledge occur with Covid, aided by censorship by Big Tech such as Google. Ordinary peole must respond by reclaiming the science, and at least reading, discussing and debating issues, or the globalists will indeed claim it was their exclusive property. We have been warned.


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The Human Mouse Dystopia: Societal Collapse Brings Forth Extinction By James Reed

Covered below are some speculations about the 1962 experiment by psychologist John Calhoun in creating a mouse utopia, where mice got everything they wanted, but ended up degenerating and becoming extinct. Calhoun and others have attempted to apply this idea to human society. But, people are not rats, well, most people. Still, there is something in this as philosophers both East, West and Arabic have observed that strong men create affluent times, affluent times create weak men, weak men pull down society, leading to the cycle of strong men again. That does seem to fit the modern West, and what is happening now.


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The Legal Significance of the Alex Jones Trial: The Dangers of Litigation By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Are civil courts being used to supress Right-wing populist speech, as many dissent sites are saying, with the Alex Jones case being an example? I think so, but here are important qualifications. Jones admits he did make false claims. He should have been more careful, but his brand of shock jock journalism, is based upon high energy fire from the hip action. It is highly entertaining, and Jones is a true patriot. But sometimes things, unfortunately, come unstuck. The almost one billion dollars arises from multiple defamation cases being successful. So, where multiple individuals are involved in some issue covered, extra caution is needed in journalism. I doubt very much that Jones will win on appeal, so I suppose his days are over. He did a good job while he lasted, and we, his admirers, if not fans, will miss him.

There is a lesson here to patriot movements to avoid litigation like the plague. The unexpected can always happen.

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Gain-of-Function Research to Make a Covid Virus with Teeth? Maybe Not By Chris Knight (Florida)

The report by the Daily, has generated considerable anxiety about the possibility of an “accidental” lab release of the new, so-called lethal version of Covid, which killed 80 percent of mice in a study. That sounds very bad, but it cannot be assumed that the same would happen to humans, especially unvaxxed individuals, who have by now been exposed to multiple Covid variants, and suffered through it, fortifying their immune systems. Boston University took a different approach, saying that the media had sensationalised and misrepresented the research, as there was no gain-of-function research, and the strain of mice used were very susceptible to Covid. Agreed; but that being said, this is only the tip of the iceberg of viral research across the world, and the broad issue remains. The solution is greater public awareness, but that is not possible if people put their heads in the sand, and shy away from thinking about these things, even if it might hurt the brain a wee bit.

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When Do the Spike Proteins Stop Spiking? By Brian Simpson

Not so long ago the Covid narrative of the mainstream fanatics was that the mRNA spike proteins stayed in the deltoid muscle injection site. That was shown to be false by biodistribution studies that Pfizer did for the Japanese government. Since that time the literature has acknowledged that the mRNA spike protein collected in organs such as the heart, brain and ovaries, and recently it was shown that the toxic particles pass into breast milk, raising inter-generational problems.  It is important, given this crime of the century, not to have a dumbed down anti-science position, and not want to examine this issue, as it affects human health profoundly.

So, how long are the spike proteins active? As detailed by leading Covid vax critic, pathologist Ryan Cole, we do not yet know. But the spike problem will definitely continue as long as one keeps taking the jabs. When life is at stake, it is worth thinking about a bit less economics, and a bit more bioscience.

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What is the Age-Stratified risk of Covid Death? By Brian Simpson

According to an academic paper, not yet peer reviewed, to two decimal places, the age-stratified risk of death if infected in the first place:

  • 0-19 years = ZERO
  • 20-29 years = ZERO
  • 30-39 years = 0.01%
  • 40-49 years = 0.04%
  • 50-59 years = 0.13%
  • 60-69 years = 0.50%

And, 94% of the global population is aged under 70! So, what was the plandemic and jabs about, other than the great conspiracy?

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Beijing Has Been Operating Police Station in Australia for Almost 4 Years By James Reed

We previously reported on Chinese police stations being operated in various countries, with a notable one being in New York. Now, according to the investigative reporting of The Epoche, these CCP police have been in Australia for almost four years. I think CCP spies have been here much longer, and I encountered one at an anti-CCP rally, where one Chinese thug was trying to intimidate a young Chinese girl protester. I intervened and threatened to ring the police. He responded by photographing us both. Just imagine what it is going to be like down the track. Our local Chinese citizens are going to be threatened, and are now. What should be done re solution? The issue needs to be publicised, and these CCP police deported as threats to national security as their goal seems to be intimidation of Australian Chinese citizens.


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Why the CCP is the Enemy: Dr Robert Malone By James Reed

Dr Robert Malone, leading Covid vax critic turns his attention now to the geopolitical role of the CCP, arguing quite reasonably, that the CCP has declared itself to be the enemy of the West. That is well documented. So, what is the ramifications of this? For a start on the home front, Leftist organisations, which have been communist Chinese sympathisers since the 1960s, need to be fought and their cultural power destroyed. That is no easy task, given the long march through the institutions, such as the universities, which has occurred. Of course, the education system from the ground up, suffers from the same contamination. Still, we are in the business of solving problems, and clearly what is need is more organisation among conservatives to fight this. At a minimum, money needs to be put up for intellectuals to be able to take a stand, and work full time as the Left does. Incredible meanness seems to characterise conservative movements across the West, where everything must be done on a volunteer basis, ignoring the fact that people need money to survive. Soros has no problem spending millions, but no conservative wants to part with his dough. If this does not change, then, defeat it will be.

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Playing Nuclear Chicken … Getting One’s Head Nuked! By James Reed

The American has made the case that we should take Putin’s claims to use nukes if necessary, underspecified conditions, very seriously. It debunks the idea that Russian technology is somehow flawed, a dangerous myth to find out in reality, as there is no walking back from it. But, I have seen these dismissal claims at many sites, Left and right. We cannot predict how this will go, but, as said below, at present a game of nuclear chicken is being played, as young punks in the 1950s did with their cars, only cars have been replaced by nukes. I do not hold to the idea that the elites are of infinite intelligence and never make mistakes. If that is so, they have us beat; no, to that I say! No, mistakes can be made, and there is randomness in the universe, and black swan events as science shows.


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Breaking Point: The Legacy of the Covid Mandates By James Reed

Here is from a recent ABC 4 corners program on the so-called skills shortage. The message that came through clear to me, apart from the usual mantra of more, more, migration to solve all problems (it won’t, this is a global problem), is that the Covid lockdowns have had a profound impact upon people, who got a taste of not needing to do the daily grind to survive. And, who can blame them.If he bosses want workers, then pay them more rather than doing everything on the cheap, as if all is some great charity. People need to be paid a proper amount to create the incentive to work. I can tell you how depressing it is not to be paid one’s worth as  I found working for one organisation years ago.

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Medicare Meltdown a Coming; the Solution is Easy: Prosecute! By James Reed

If this massive scandal of the Medicare system continues, then collapse is certain and our future health, uncertain. This rorting of the system by doctors was exposed on a recent 7.30 Report exposure. The nutshell is that doctors are ripping the system of to the tune of around 8 billion per year, with some billing dead people. The facts are below, but for the solution eager, it is clear that the full measure of the law is needed here. Putting all the corrupt doctors in jail is not practical, but the worse offenders should be made an example of, to scare the local crooks. Make examples of them to scare the rest into doing the right thing.

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If the Nuclear Bombs Go Off, Above All, Don’t Panic! By Richard Miller (London)

The authorities are telling us here in the UK not to panic if Putin fires a nuke on the Ukraine. As I type this an item comes up in the corner of the screen newsfeed, saying that non-nuclear bombs have taken out the power in the Ukraine, so the tactical nuke could happen. Still, as seen by the open response by French tyrant, Macron, there may not be a nucleus response back by NATO. Perhaps they will write Vlad a very stern letter expressing their displeasure though. Followed up by an attack with conventional weapons, no doubt met with more nukes. I hope James Reed is right in his article claiming that nuclear bomb threats are vastly over-rated. We will see, perhaps the hard way.

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