Bad Communist Chinese “Social Credit,” Banks and YOUR Carbon Footprint By James Reed

This is something which must be watched. There is apparently, according to the report below, a feature on CBA’s on-line banking platform which links purchases to the carbon footprint of the customer, and there is an option to pay a fee to offset carbon levels. All voluntary now, but this is easily the thin edge of the wedge, and could later become compulsory, with government control over the bank account, as done now in communist China. So, beware!

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Lara Logan Gets Red-Pilled! By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Lara Logan was once part of the establishment media, for CBS news. She was brutally sexually assaulted during the Arab Spring in Cairo in 2011, and since that time has become increasingly critical of the US establishment, especially Covid king Dr Fauci, which led to Fox news dropping her. Now the same has occurred with conservative news network Newsmax, after she said that the globalists of the World Economic Forum have a “satanic” open border agenda and they “dine on the blood of children.” Good on her for saying this, something many of us fully agree with.

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s Letter on the Covid Vax Quandary, Revisited By Brian Simpson

Here is the text of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has released an October 23, 2021 letter he sent to the U.S. Bishops. It is well-worth reading once more, since he was correct on everything. In summary: ““The Catholic Church has the duty before God and all of humanity to denounce this tremendous and horrible crime with the utmost firmness, giving clear directions and taking a stand against those who, in the name of a pseudo-science subservient to the interests of the pharmaceutical companies and the globalist elite, have only intentions of death.”

He previously warned Trump, who went ahead and did the biddings of Big Pharma to his ever-lasting shame. So, one is no correct in saying, Trump did nothing.

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Leading British Cardiologist Speaks Out By Richard Miller (London)

This story has been reported on before at the blog, but here is some more information, giving greater detail of the significance. Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a leading UK cardiologist, earlier had criticised the Covid vaxxes for their ill-effects. Now he seems more red-pilled, saying that Big Pharma is an enemy of democracy. Remember, this is a leading establishment figure, who is likely to be cancelled by the system. But, good for him standing up for the truth.

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The Latest Immigrant Shock, Horror from France By Richard Miller (London)

Some readers may not want to read further as the details are horrendous. But, it is the reality of our culturally enriched Europe today. The moral of the story is to educate kids about the dangers, move from the major cities, and keep a close eye on kids. It would be nice if concealed carry of pistols and knives were permitted, but not so, even though the gangs across Europe have assault rifles and grenades. The mainstream media is now saying, and rightly so, that France is now more dangerous than Mexico.

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Refugees, Moral Obligation and the Good Samaritan Parable: Its Abuse by the Mass Immigration Lobby By Pastor Pete

There was the usual moral wailing on ABC Radio National re refugees and so-called moral obligation, featuring Serena Parekh, author of
No Refuge: Ethics and the Global Refugee Crisis by Serena Parekh (Oxford University Press 2020). One could spend days debunking all of this, but really, it has been done for decades. What I find odd in the extreme is that the endless immigration lobby presses ahead with their moral arguments, even though their colleagues in the cultural studies postmodernism departments have undermined almost all of their fundamental assumptions, from their own position. Those debates, such as how one justifies moral claims at all, get forgotten when the emotional issue of letting them in come up. Also, there is no discussion of whether a country, and I am thinking of Europe, which might get nuked, still has an obligation to take in refugees … is this a moral obligation for  getting them equally irradiated? Really, this entire debate has been based upon the assumed stability of a world which is now about to be shaken to the core, and I predict that a little while down the track, no-one will be much concerned about these issues, if, and when, the big cannon balls fly, and hunger is the norm for ordinary folks. Oh, after the carnage no doubt there will be another big refugee thing, but somehow I think World War III will be different to the white-replacing World War II aftermath, with its massive destruction. They come, not to culturally enrich us, but to better themselves. And, I suppose I would too, if I was in their shoes. But that does not make it “moral.”

Anyway, to make things manageable, and within my Christian framework, let us consider the main argument that has been lobbed upon Christian to push mass immigration, the parable of the good Samaritan. So, lets quote the parable, as told in Luke 10:25-37:

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Now They Sue Alex Jones for all the Money in the Universe! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Big Pharma vaccine companies, according to some Covid vax critics may be responsible for millions of deaths and injuries. And, it looks like they will get away with what has been called, “the crime of the century.” And in fact, the mainstream media has produced masses of false news over the Covid issue which has harmed millions, and in many cases led to suicides, through an uncritical acceptance of lockdowns. So, are they going to be made accountable? Well, the precedence now exists, so the decision is a double-edged sword. Claiming an impossible sum of money against Alex Jones, more than any individual, or corporation on Earth has, is just the beginning. Clearly, shock jocks need to be more careful in reporting these stories with possible mass plaintiffs.

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What the Embalmers are Seeing By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a video well worth looking at, as Richard Hirschman, US embalmer reports on the very strange things he and other embalmers are seeing in dead people being prepared for funerals. He has found large clot-like structures, which Mike Adams analysed and found not to be blood, and he does not know what these things are. No-one else at present knows exactly what these are. It is concerning, as it is possible that the phenomenon of people collapsing and dying, such as athletes, could be due to this. It is relevant, since it is not known how long such structures take to develop, and people could be walking time bombs.

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Abandoned by Family and Friends; The Wages of Regime Resistance By Brian Simpson

Here are some reflections on the common occurrence during the Covid tyranny of ordinary people, family and friends abandoning people who were not vaccinated. The shunning was encouraged by the media, but really, at some point surely people can have even a grain of individuality and at least compassion, and at least have listened to those who were not swallowing hook, line and anchor, the government and Big Pharma narrative. It is too much to expect the ordinary punters to do internet research themselves, but most anti-vaxxers did do so, and could present a case against the vax. The hostility and drive to conformity amongst the majority raises major issues for large scale political, let alone economic and financial change. Just imagine how hard the establishment would go against an alternative finance movement if it looked like winning power. Look what was done to the incompetent Trump, who was a talker, and no threat at all. The system is moving to imprison him, one way or another.

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Virologist Geert Vanden Bossche Sees the Vaxxes as Producing a New Wave of More Virulent Covid By Brian Simpson

The views of evolutionary virologist Geert Vanden Bossche are controversial among Covid critics. In general, most critics see Covid in all its wonderous flavours as mild, largely with impacts upon the immune compromised, and the elderly. However, Dr Bossche makes the case that the mass vaccination program, with a “leaky” vaccine that does not halt transmission, is a recipe for disaster, since this created evolutionary pressure for the virus to evolve by natural selection. This does create the perhaps, unintended consequence of kick-starting the mutation factors that could lead to a potentially deadly virus. At present we simply do not know, but if he is right, we can expect the mandates to be rolled out once more, having been well-established upon the population. And, depending on the threat, and we can be sure that whatever it is there will be an over-reaction, things will approach the present CCP lockdowns, discussed at another blog post here today.

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Tyson Illingworth on the Covid Vax Damaged in Australia By Mrs Vera West

Dr Robert Malone, world leading covid vax critic has published a guess post by Australian composer, Tyson Illingworth. Illingworth was a leading member of the Australian music community, but got the vax and was severely injured. He was pro-vax at the time, but after getting the shot, experienced “catastrophic neurological failure.” The doctors told him to get a second vax, which was even worse. He then got Covid, and was hospitalised, and treated with neglect by the hospital, being regarded as a “biohazard.” He survived, but continues to suffer in agony, with little help from the medical profession. If any think that covering Covid vax  issues is not really relevant and that sole attention needs to be given to shop keeping issues, then maybe this sad story may help enlighten one.

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The Tyranny of the Rule of Xi Jinping By James Reed

Under Xi Jinping's rule, every night, thousands of people are being dragged into Covid quarantine camps, and one can see the thugs of Xi in action here:

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The US VAERS is Vastly Under-Reporting Covid Vax Adverse Events By Chris Knight (Florida)

Steve Kirsch has addressed the issue that VAERS, the US vaccine reporting site, over-reports incidences, even though published literature indicates that VAERS vastly under-reports, from a factor of 41 to 100, meaning that Covid vax injuries could be 100 times more than appears in the statistics. Kirsch did a survey himself from his own data base of over 250 health care workers. He found that VAERS under-reports by a factor of 51 times. This means that there are likely to be 51 times more Covid vax injuries than recorded, meaning that the crisis is many times worse than envisaged.


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Labor’s Climate Change Manic Attack Upon the Aussie Cattle Industry By Farmer Bob

Vikki Campion has put it in plain terms that even your truly, Farmer Bob can understand regarding the trendy angst over climate change. The Albo government, trying to be a Greenie little brother version of the Biden regime, plans to cut methane emissions by 30 percent by 2030. And, guess who is going to feel the heat from this … the meat and dairy industry! And, I just took a break to have a cuppa, and up jumped an article on my news feed about the rising cost of milk, from the editorial of the Left Conversation.

“Remember when milk was $1 a litre? It’s a distant memory these days.

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New Evidence for the Lab Origin of Covid-19 By Brian Simpson

A paper, not yet peer-reviewed, has appeared putting the biological case for a synthetic origin of Covid-19, meaning it was made in a lab. The researchers do not investigate who did it, but we know that! I found an article giving an overview of the argument, and even that was complex, and I was a science teacher; but we do have STEM students drop by the blog, so I think they would require a bit more proof than what say, Farmer Bob would be happy with. In a nutshell for readers who will now move on, the Covid-19 virus has the hallmarks of a lab made virus, having various parts just as if it was produced by genetic engineering, and quite unlike what is found in nature, as to get those structures involves doing activities to the sites which is not likely to occur naturally. The details are complex, but for our purposes we can say that the molecular structure of the virus indicates that it was made, like say finding a brick wall, made of bricks, and concluding that someone made it. In this case I think other evidence points to it coming straight out of the Wuhan lab, a “gift” from the CCP, the first shot, or is it jab, in World War III.

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Pfizer Shows Us the True Meaning of Inflation! By Chris Knight (Florida)

In US dollars, Pfizer used to charge the government $19.50 per dose of their goo, which cost them $1.18 to produce. But now it will charge $ 130 per dose! Good, I say, let them raise it to $ 1,130 per dose and beyond. And let the vax faithful, who were so virtuous during the Covid freak-out, now pay for their vaccine fix, like all good drug addicts have to do. Let the free market decide the day!

Dirty Bomb False Flag? By James Reed

In the Ukrainian War, information, and misinformation are the keys, and there has been plenty of it. The latest claim by the Russians is that the Ukrainians are planning a false flag plot, using a radioactive device, or “dirty bomb.” The claim seems to be that the Ukrainians will nuke themselves, presumably to get World War III up and going. We cannot determine the truth or falsity of this, as it could well be a cover for the Russians, but, who knows, one is dealing here with global psychopaths? I saw an episode of the TV show Burn Notice, where one character had brought together two gangs, and the character, Sam Axe, left the scene, and discharged his pistol. It set off a chain reaction where all parties shot each other.

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Robert Balzola: The Battle for the Intellectual Commons By Professor X

Sydney lawyer Robert Balzola gave a tremendous seminar this year, delivered at the Australian League of Rights National Seminar Adelaide SA Australia 8 October 2022, entitled, “Restoring the Intellectual Commons Our Intellectual, Spiritual and Constitutional Inheritance.” A printed version is here:


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Manacles for Mankind By James Reed

The little book Manacles for Mankind (Britons Publishing Company, 1964) by Mark Ewell, is now up on the site, as should be read by actionists:

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Just a Spoon for a Sugar Makes the Medicine … Eh Varroa Mite Go Down! By Farmer Bob

Varroa mite has been considered the greatest threat to the Australian bee industry. Here in New South Wales, on July 8, 2022, an industry agreed Response Plan was initiated. The goal is to eradicate varroa mite and minimise the impact on the bee industry, which seems reasonable. And, the threat should not be minimised, with on September 23, 100 farms in New South Wales being reported as having hives infected with varroa. The NSW Department of Primary Industries has euthanised more than 10,000 hives as part of this eradication program. Reflecting upon the possibility of my rather small number of hives here, used for pollination of my almond trees, getting infected, I did some research to see if there is some alternative way of dealing with the mites, rather than heavy chemicals, or simply killing the bees. So, when the chores were done, I went into the tool shed, cranked up the old internet and tried to find some alternatives. This is not meant as veterinary information, but for information purposes only, but I found it interesting that powered sugar was one method, to cause the mites to drop off the bees when the bees engage in grooming behaviour. Mites that drop to the ground are themselves vulnerable to predators, and also have a tendency not to try and get back into the hives. That will teach the little blitters a lesson or two!,control%20mites%20in%20brood%20cells

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